Wii Chip einbauen - Wasabi Chip - Nintendo Wii Umbau- Wii umbauen - Wii Modchips - Wii Konsole - Wii Wasabi Modchip - Wii Konsole umbauen.
Neuigkeiten aus der Wii Szene.
Amazon Fire TV STICK Neu mit untethered Jailbreak inkl. aller Apps!
Mit dem HDMIKey sind Sie ohne aufschrauben der Wii Konsole in der Lage, die Wii Konsole via Plug & Play mit einem vollwertigen HDMI Port nachzurьsten.
30 Kabelbьndel, 120mm lang, bereits abisoliert und vorverzinnt. Sehr zeitsparend beim Einbau von Modchips.
Der Wiikey Modchip fьr den Nintendo Wii spielt alle Wii und Gamecube Importe und Homebrew fьr den Gamecube und Wii ab. Der Chip ist via DVD-R Medium updatefдhig und zeichnet sich durch den.
Der Wiikey Fusion vom bekannten Wiikey Team lдuft auf allen Konsolen inkl. den ganz neuen Konsolen mit D3-2 Laufwerken. Spielen Sie von DVD Laufwerk UND SD Karten! Plug and Play Einbau.
LG 8164b DVD-ROM Laufwerk fьr die Wii.
Das Video-Komponentsensignal Kabel fьr Nintendo Wii ermцglicht die Ausgabe eines Progressive Scan Signals mit 480 Vollzeilen. Kein Zeilenflimmern, vцllig flimmerfreies Bild.
Der Wii Homebrew Channel bietet Ihnen die Mцglichkeit selbstgeschriebene Programme, sogenannte Homebrew Applikationen auf Ihrer Wii zu starten, mit dem USB Loader kцnnen Sie z.B. iso und wbfs Dateien von externen USB Festplatte direkt abspielen.
Wii Unbrick Service fьr Wii Konsolen, die bis Mitte 2008 auf den Markt gekommen sind. Dies sind Nintendo Wii Konsolen mit den Seriennummern von LEH100 - LEH206xxxxx.
Mit dem Spezialschraubendreher von Konsolentuner kцnnen Sie Ihre Wii Konsole bequem цffnen.
Der Wiikey Fusion Modchip Umbau fьr alle Wii Konsolen inkl. den neuen Konsolen mit D3 Laufwerken ohne Laufwerkstausch. Spielen Sie von DVD und SD Karte.
Spielen Sie mit dem Wode Jukebox Modchip Ihre Orginale direkt von externen Speichermedien wie USB Festplatten, SD Karten usw. ab. Der High End Modchip hat ein integriertes Display und wird Plug and Play installiert.
Spielen Sie mit dem Wode Jukebox Modchip Umbau Ihre Orginale direkt von externen Speichermedien wie USB Festplatten, SD Karten ab. Der High End Modchip Umbau mit integriertem Display.
Wode Standfuss fьr den Wode Jukebox Modchip nun in verschiedenen Farben lieferbar. So haben zum Beispiel Besitzer einer schwarzen Nintendo Wii Konsole endlich die Option den Wode Vertical Stand in schwarz passend zur Konsole zu erwerben.
Der Wode Wifi Dongle erlaubt die zuдtzliche Nutzung der Netzwerkfдhigkeit mit dem Wode Modchip.
Terminals Are Sexy.
A curated list of Terminal frameworks, plugins & resources for CLI lovers.
Check out my blog and follow me on Twitter.
Sexy frameworks, plugins and resources for your sexy shell.
Base Shells bash - GNU Project's shell (Bourne Again SHell). zsh - Powerful shell with scripting language. fish - Smart and user-friendly command line shell. xonsh - Python-ish, BASHwards-looking shell language and command prompt. PowerShell - Automation and configuration tool/framework that is optimized for dealing with structured data. Ammonite-Shell - An object shell with a Scala-like scripting language. ZSH oh-my-zsh - Delightful community-driven framework for managing your zsh configuration. prezto - Configuration framework for Zsh. zsh-syntax-highlighting - Fish shell like syntax highlighting for Zsh. antigen - Plugin manager for zsh, inspired by oh-my-zsh and vundle. slimzsh - Small, usable configuration for ZSH. antibody - Faster and simpler antigen written in Golang. pure - Pretty, minimal and fast ZSH prompt. powerlevel9k - Super flexible awesome powerline ZSH theme. liquidprompt - Full-featured & carefully designed adaptive prompt for Bash & Zsh. dotzsh - Community driven framework for zsh. zgen - Lightweight and simple plugin manager for ZSH. zplug - Next-generation plugin manager for zsh. zunit - Powerful unit testing framework for ZSH. zshdb - ZSH debugger. zsh-quickstart-kit - Simple zsh quickstart for using zsh and zgen. zsh-autosuggestions - Fish-like autosuggestions for zsh. alf - Out of this world super fast and configurable framework for zsh. ant-zsh - Tiny and lightweight ZSH configuration environment for special customization needs. pumice - Lightweight plugin manager for zsh. zeesh - Cross-platform Zsh framework. zilsh - Zsh config system that aims to appeal more to power-users and follow the simplistic approach of vim-pathogen. zim - Zsh configuration framework with blazing speed and modular extensions. zoppo - Crippled configuration framework for Zsh. zpm - Plugin manager for zsh similar to vim-plug. ztanesh - Aims to improve your UNIX command line experience and productivity with the the configuration provided by the ztanesh project. zulu - Total environment manager for ZSH 5+. zsh-pony - Covers customizing ZSH without a framework. Bash bash-sensible - Attempt at saner Bash defaults. bash-powerline - Powerline-style Bash prompt in pure Bash script. bashtrap - Quick way to spruce up OSX terminal. liquidprompt - Full-featured & carefully designed adaptive prompt for Bash & Zsh. hstr - Bash History Suggest Box. aliases - Contextual, dynamic, organized aliases for the bash shell. bash-it - Collection of community Bash commands and scripts. Git git-prompt - Bash prompt with Git, SVN and HG modules. gittify - Colorful Bash prompt + customized Git aliases. oh-my-git - Opinionated git prompt for bash and zsh. bash-git-prompt - Informative and fancy Bash prompt for Git users. sexy-bash-prompt - Bash prompt with colors, Git statuses, and Git branches. git-sh - Customized Bash environment suitable for Git work. git-radar - Heads up display for git git-extra-commands - Collection of useful extra commands for git Fish Fisherman - Concurrent plugin manager for fish. oh-my-fish - The Fishshell Framework.
Terminal Emulation Applications.
Sexy 3rd party terminal emulation applications.
iTerm2 - Terminal emulator for macOS that does amazing things. ConEmu - Customizable Windows terminal with tabs, splits, quake-style and more. PuTTY - SSH and telnet client, developed originally by Simon Tatham for the Windows platform. KiTTY - Fork from version 0.67 of PuTTY, the best telnet / SSH client in the world. Terminator - The robot future of terminals. Konsole - Terminal emulator for the K Desktop Environment. MacTerm - Powerful replacement for macOS Terminal. xterm - Terminal emulator for the X Window System. Hyper - Terminal built on web technologies. ZOC - SSH/Telnet Client and Terminal Emulator for macOS and Windows. Upterm - Terminal emulator for the 21st century. TotalTerminal - System-wide terminal available on a hot-key. Go2Shell - Opens a terminal window to the current directory in Finder. Cathode - Vintage terminal for macOS. Alacritty - Cross-platform, GPU-accelerated terminal emulator. Termite - Keyboard-centric terminal, aimed at use within a tiling window manager. Cmder - Lovely console emulator package for Windows. ConsoleZ - Windows console window enhancement. It is a fork of Console project. Mosh - Remote terminal application that allows roaming and supports intermittent connectivity. Tilix - Advanced GTK3 tiling terminal emulator that follows the Gnome Human Interface Guidelines.
Package Managers.
Sexy package managers for your macOS, Linux & Windows CLIs.
Universal guix - Functional package manager for installed software packages and versions. nix - Powerful package manager for Linux and other Unix systems that makes package management reliable and reproducible. pip - Package management system used to install and manage software packages written in Python. npmjs - Package manager for JavaScript. bower - Package manager for the web. duo - Next-generation package manager for the front-end. basher - Package manager for shell scripts. bpkg - JavaScript has npm, Ruby has Gems, Python has pip and now Shell has bpkg. rubygems - The Ruby community’s gem hosting service. composer - Composer is a package manager for PHP. yarn - New package and dependency manager for javascript. macOS homebrew - Missing package manager for macOS. fink - Wants to bring the full world of Unix Open Source software to Darwin and macOS. macports - Package managemer that simplifies the installation of software on the macOS and Darwin operating systems. Linux linuxbrew - The Homebrew package manager for Linux. pkgin - Aimed at being an apt / yum like tool for managing pkgsrc binary packages. FreeBSD pkg - Package management tool for FreeBSD. Windows oneget - PackageManagement (aka OneGet) is a package manager for Windows. chocolatey - Package manager for Windows. cygwin - Linux-like environment for Windows making it possible to port software running on POSIX systems to Windows. ninite - Install and Update All Your Programs at Once. ruckzuck - Software Package Manager for Windows, a quick way to install and update Software. wpkg - Automated software deployment, upgrade and removal program for Windows. scoop - Package manager for Windows. babun - Preconfigured cygwin with an advance package manager - pact.
Text Editors.
Sexy text editors for your Command Line Interface.
vim - Extensively configurable, cross-platform and highly efficient text editor. SpaceVim - Community-driven vim distribution. neovim - Literally the future of vim. emacs - Cross-platform text-editor that has both command-line and graphical user interface. spacemacs - Community-driven emacs distribution. nano - Text editor for Unix-like computing systems or operating environments using a command line interface. micro - Modern and intuitive terminal-based text editor. jed - Freely available text editor for Unix, VMS, MSDOS, OS/2, BeOS, QNX, and win9X/NT platforms. kakoune - Modal editor with multiple selections and orthogonal design. vis - Highly efficient text editor. slap - Sublime-like terminal-based text editor.
Tools and Plugins.
Sexy Applications for your Command Line Interface.
haxor-news - Browse Hacker News like a haxor. reddit terminal viewer - Browse Reddit from your terminal. taskwarrior - Command-line TODO list manager. transfer.sh - Quickly upload and share files from your shell. whereami - Get your geolocation information from the CLI. howdoi - Instant code answers and examples from the command line htop - Cool looking and interactive process viewer 'replacement' for the top command. lolcat - Rainbows and unicorns! ack - Tool like grep, optimized for programmers. the_silver_searcher - Code-searching tool similar to ack, but faster. lunchy - Friendly wrapper for launchctl. bro - Examples for command line programs. tldr - Simplified and community-driven man pages. tmux - Terminal multiplexer. ranger - Console file manager with vi key bindings. googler - Search Google from your terminal. jq.node - Command-line JSON/string processor, JavaScript and Lodash in your shell. screenfetch - Fetches system/theme information in terminal for Linux desktop screenshots. neofetch - Fetches system/theme information in terminal for Linux desktop screenshots. Alternative to screenfetch. jrnl - Simple command line journal application that stores your journal in a plain text file. tig - Text mode interface for git. vifm - Console file manager with vi key bindings and some ideas from mutt. autojump - cd command that learns fzf - Command-line fuzzy finder. wttr.in - The right way to check the weather. getnews.tech - Checking the latest news headlines from various news outlets on the web. hub - Command-line wrapper for git that makes working with GitHub easy. exa - Replacement for 'ls' written in Rust. homebrew-cask - CLI workflow for the administration of macOS applications distributed as binaries. mps-youtube - Terminal based YouTube player and downloader colorls - Beautify the terminal's ls command, with color and font-awesome icons.
Sexy Tools for communicating through the Command Line Interface.
irssi - Self proclaimed client of the future and my favorite IRC client. bitchx - Feature-rich and highly configurable, terminal based IRC client based on ircII. centerim - Terminal based, multi-protocol Instant Messaging client with support for IRC. weechat - Fast, light and extensible chat client. epic - IRC client that has been under active development for 20+ years in 5 generations. slacker - Simple Slack client for the CLI. go-jira - Simple jira command line client in Go.
Join the CLI lover community.
/r/commandline - This is for anything regarding the command line, in any operating system. /r/osxterminal - Tips for using terminal.app in macOS. /r/zsh/ - Everything on zsh. /r/unixporn/ - Everything on unix. #bash - Bash IRC channel on freenode. Stack Overflow - Terminal tagged questions.
Other Sexy Lists.
Here are some more sexy lists.
Awesome awesome-devenv - Curated list of delightful Bash scripts and resources. awesome-sysadmin - Curated list of amazingly awesome open source sysadmin resources. awesome-zsh-plugins - Collection of ZSH frameworks, plugins & themes inspired by the various awesome list collections out there. Misc the-art-of-command-line - Master the command line, in one page. bash-guide - Guide to learn bash.
Your contributions are always welcome! Please take a look at the contribution guidelines first.
Pull requests might be kept open if I haven't decided whether additions are sexy enough.
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What Is "The Shell"?
Simply put, the shell is a program that takes commands from the keyboard and gives them to the operating system to perform. In the old days, it was the only user interface available on a Unix-like system such as Linux. Nowadays, we have graphical user interfaces (GUIs) in addition to command line interfaces (CLIs) such as the shell.
On most Linux systems a program called bash (which stands for Bourne Again SHell, an enhanced version of the original Unix shell program, sh , written by Steve Bourne) acts as the shell program. Besides bash , there are other shell programs that can be installed in a Linux system. These include: ksh , tcsh and zsh .
What's A "Terminal?"
It's a program called a terminal emulator . This is a program that opens a window and lets you interact with the shell. There are a bunch of different terminal emulators you can use. Most Linux distributions supply several, such as: gnome-terminal , konsole , xterm , rxvt , kvt , nxterm , and eterm .
Starting A Terminal.
Your window manager probably has a way to launch a terminal from the menu. Look through the list of programs to see if anything looks like a terminal emulator. If you are a KDE user, the terminal program is called "konsole," in Gnome it's called "gnome-terminal." You can start up as many of these as you want and play with them. While there are a number of different terminal emulators, they all do the same thing. They give you access to a shell session. You will probably develop a preference for one, based on the different bells and whistles each one provides.
Testing The Keyboard.
OK, let's try some typing. Bring up a terminal window. You should see a shell prompt that contains your user name and the name of the machine followed by a dollar sign. Something like this:
Excellent! Now type some nonsense characters and press the enter key.
[me@linuxbox me]$ kdkjflajfks.
If all went well, you should have gotten an error message complaining that it cannot understand you:
[me@linuxbox me]$ kdkjflajfks.
bash: kdkjflajfks: command not found.
Wonderful! Now press the up-arrow key. Watch how our previous command "kdkjflajfks" returns. Yes, we have command history . Press the down-arrow and we get the blank line again.
Recall the "kdkjflajfks" command using the up-arrow key if needed. Now, try the left and right-arrow keys. You can position the text cursor anywhere in the command line. This allows you to easily correct mistakes.
You're not logged in as root, are you?
If the last character of your shell prompt is # rather than $, you are operating as the superuser . This means that you have administrative privileges. This can be potentially dangerous, since you are able to delete or overwrite any file on the system. Unless you absolutely need administrative privileges, do not operate as the superuser.
Using The Mouse.
Even though the shell is a command line interface, the mouse is still handy.
Besides using the mouse to scroll the contents of the terminal window, you can copy text with the mouse. Drag your mouse over some text (for example, "kdkjflajfks" right here on the browser window) while holding down the left button. The text should highlight. Release the left button and move your mouse pointer to the terminal window and press the middle mouse button (alternately, you can press both the left and right buttons at the same time if you are working on a touch pad). The text you highlighted in the browser window should be copied into the command line.
A few words about focus.
When you installed your Linux system and its window manager (most likely Gnome or KDE), it was configured to behave in some ways like that legacy operating system.
In particular, it probably has its focus policy set to "click to focus." This means that in order for a window to gain focus (become active) you have to click in the window. This is contrary to traditional X Window behavior. You should consider setting the focus policy to "focus follows mouse". You may find it strange at first that windows don't raise to the front when they get focus (you have to click on the window to do that), but you will enjoy being able to work on more than one window at once without having the active window obscuring the the other. Try it and give it a fair trial; I think you will like it. You can find this setting in the configuration tools for your window manager.
© 2000-2018, William E. Shotts, Jr. Verbatim copying and distribution of this entire article is permitted in any medium, provided this copyright notice is preserved.
Linux® is a registered trademark of Linus Torvalds.
Retro Games: C64 erscheint als Mini-Konsole mit 64 Spielen.
Retro Games: C64 erscheint als Mini-Konsole mit 64 Spielen.
Der C64 Mini ist nur halb so groß wie die Vorlage. Die Tastatur ist nicht funktionstüchtig.
Retro Games bringt den Brotkasten in geschrumpfter Form und mit 64 vorinstallierten Spielen in den Handel.
Der zwischen 1982 und 1994 produzierte Commodore 64 stellte für viele Menschen den ersten Kontakt mit Computern dar. Speziell in Deutschland war der C64 – umgangssprachlich oft Brotkasten genannt – sehr populär. Ganz im Trend der Neuauflagen SNES Mini oder Ataribox will das britische Unternehmen Retro Games Ltd. den C64 Anfang 2018 erneut in den Handel bringen. Den Vertrieb der THEC64 Mini getauften Neuauflage übernimmt der deutsche Publisher Koch Media.
Viele Klassiker fehlen.
Die Mini-Version des Brotkastens ist offiziell lizenziert und entspricht optisch der Vorlage, ist aber 50 Prozent kleiner. Im Preis von 69,99 Britischen Pfund (umgerechnet etwa 82 Euro) sind 64 vorinstallierte Spiele aus der Ära des C64 enthalten. Darunter finden sich viele Perlen wie beispielsweise Winter Games, Pitstop II, World Games, Paradroid oder Creatures.
Viele Klassiker, an die sich C64-Spieler auch heute noch gern erinnern, fehlen hingegen. So müssen Käufer auf die Adventure-Urgesteine Zak McKracken oder Maniac Mansion verzichten. Auch die Klassiker Pirates! oder Turrican II sind nicht dabei. Im Gegenzug ermöglicht der C64-Nachbau, Spielstände auch in Titeln zu speichern, die dies nie vorsahen.
Der C64 Mini wird zusammen mit einem Joystick ausgeliefert, der an den legendären Competition Pro erinnert, aber über deutlich mehr Tasten verfügt. Leider ist die Tastatur der C64-Neuauflage nicht funktionstüchtig. Wer seine BASIC-Befehle wie in alten Tagen per Tastatur eingeben möchte, kann eine beliebige Tastatur über einen der beiden USB-Anschlüsse anschließen. Damit soll sich der C64 Mini auch zur Programmierung eigener Spiele eignen.
An einen Bildschirm wird THEC64 Mini per HDMI-Kabel angeschlossen. Für zusätzliches Retro-Feeling sorgt ein integrierter Scanline-Emulator, der den Look eines Röhrenmonitors auf den Bildschirm bringt. Updates für den C64-Emulator stellt der Hersteller ebenfalls in Aussicht, diese sollen über einen USB-Stick aufgespielt werden. Ob sich auf diese Weise auch weitere Spiele installieren lassen, ist bislang nicht bekannt. Auf der offiziellen Seite will der Hersteller in Kürze die Handbücher der enthaltenen Spiele anbieten. Unter dem Menüpunkt Games finden sich schon jetzt Screenshots und kurze Beschreibungstexte zu den vorinstallierten Spielen. Der C64 Mini soll demnächst vorbestellbar sein.
Etliche der mitgelieferten Titel finden sich auch in der c't-Liste mit den 30 besten C64-Spielen wieder.
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Popular Topics.
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Here’s the cold, hard truth about Linux: the terminal is not going to become obsolete anytime soon, no matter how much you dislike it.
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If you’re ready to take that step, Konsole is a good starter tool. It’s the default terminal emulator on KDE and ships with every KDE distribution, but you can install it anywhere if you don’t mind the dependencies.
Konsole is a well-balanced application that lets users customize it through dialogs and menus. This is great for beginners who don’t want to edit configuration files just to change the text color, as is necessary with other, usually lightweight terminal emulators. At the same time, advanced users won’t feel slighted when using Konsole because nearly every aspect of the application can be controlled and modified. This guide will showcase the features that make Konsole powerful and teach you how to adapt them to your needs.
A Bit of Motivation.
Before we get acquainted with Konsole, I’d like to motivate those who are still not sold on the idea of using the terminal.
Yes, I understand it might feel intimidating How to Get Over Your Fear of Failing at Linux How to Get Over Your Fear of Failing at Linux Do you have questions about switching to the world of Linux? If you read this from start to finish, you'll have plenty of answers and tips to succeed at Linux. Read More if you’ve never used anything like it before. We’ve all been beginners at some point. Besides, the risk of breaking your Linux system with commands 9 Lethal Linux Commands You Should Never Run 9 Lethal Linux Commands You Should Never Run You should never run a Linux command unless you know exactly what it does. Here are some of the deadliest Linux commands that you'll, for the most part, want to avoid. Read More is real, especially if you use them without knowing what they do.
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Yes, the terminal might seem redundant and old-fashioned at first. Yes, you could probably use Linux for the rest of your life without ever touching it. Still, consider these points:
the terminal is indispensable for troubleshooting. Run a misbehaving application in the terminal and in most cases you’ll get an output that will point to the problem if you’re seeking help on a discussion board, the text-only output of a command is faster to share and parse than a bunch of screenshots the basic set of command-line utilities is more-or-less the same on every Linux distribution, so it doesn’t matter if you’re using elementaryOSElementary OS Freya: The Next Major Update To A Rising Linux DistroElementary OS Freya: The Next Major Update To A Rising Linux Distro Now, we're getting a glimpse at the first beta of the next released, codenamed "Freya". What's new in Freya, and is it worth upgrading or switching to it from other distributions? Read More and the person who’s helping you has Arch Linux. They can ask for the output of hardware listing commands without worrying whether you have them on your system you can run any application from the terminal, and some apps have special options like safe mode which are hard (or impossible) to access from the regular graphical interface running applications with elevated privileges is sometimes necessary, and it’s easier to do from the terminal actions that require multiple clicks and trudging through confirmation dialogs in an application can often be automated via scripts5 Beginner Linux Setup Ideas For Cron Jobs & Shell Scripts5 Beginner Linux Setup Ideas For Cron Jobs & Shell Scripts With bash scripting, you can do a complex series of tasks in one quick go so it's great for elaborate and repetitive needs. It's also a great way to get to know terminal. Read More or simple one-liners in the terminal. That way you can speed up your workflow and “make the computer work for you” it gets even better when you create aliasesHow to Define Command Line Aliases on Any Operating SystemHow to Define Command Line Aliases on Any Operating System We've talked about, and recommended getting to grips with your computer's command line terminal numerous times in the past. Tina wrote a good primer for Windows users with A Beginner's Guide To The Windows Command. Read More : you don’t have to remember commands or switches, only the word you choose as an alias if you want to feel like a hacker or impress your friends with your “mad skillz”, it’s more useful to actually know what you’re doing in the terminal than to just pretend you’re typingIdleKeyboard: Fake Keyboard Typing Sounds While You Surf The WebIdleKeyboard: Fake Keyboard Typing Sounds While You Surf The WebRead More commands.
Convinced? Great. Let’s find out how to customize Konsole. Note that the screenshots and descriptions refer to the latest stable version of Konsole for KDE 4.1x. The application has been ported to Plasma 5 The Current State Of the New Linux Desktop Environment, Plasma 5 The Current State Of the New Linux Desktop Environment, Plasma 5 After years of polishing the 4.x series, KDE is once again leading the innovation race among Linux desktop environments with its latest product: Plasma 5. Read More , but it’s still plagued by annoying bugs, so I opted for the older version.
Profiles and Appearance.
Profiles are Konsole’s most practical feature. They make it possible to set up as many separate configurations as you want and switch between them in one session, or even use more profiles at once, each in its own tab. You can create and edit profiles in the Settings > Manage Profiles dialog.
Every profile can start in a different directory and have a custom window size. Konsole opens the Bash shell by default, but you can run other shells (like zsh or fish) in their own profiles and tabs, or set up any other command or application to start when you load a profile. This configuration dialog contains various settings for Konsole behavior, so you can declare custom keybindings in the Keyboard tab and control mouseclick actions in the Mouse tab. We’ll return to other options in the next few sections.
The most interesting tab is Appearance . Konsole supports color schemes Solarized - A Crisp, Scientifically-Based Color Scheme For Your Apps Solarized - A Crisp, Scientifically-Based Color Scheme For Your Apps If you spend your days in front of a computer monitor, color can be an important tool in the fight against fatigue and eye strain. Just about every text editor supports syntax coloring, and many. Read More , which you can create yourself or download for free. You can tweak background and font colors for optimal contrast, and choose the font type and size (Konsole detects and displays only monospaced fonts installed on your system). If you want, you can even set a background image for your terminal.
Apart from individual profile configuration, Konsole has a general settings dialog under Settings > Configure Konsole . Here you can choose whether to display tabs and where to put them, as well as change the look of Konsole’s window titlebar.
If you’re into meticulous tweaking, you’ll be happy to hear that Konsole lets you load a custom CSS file to modify the font, color, and size of tabs and the tab bar.
Tab Management.
By now it’s obvious that Konsole supports tabs. There’s nothing unusual about it—tabbed browsing The 5 Best Firefox 4 Addons For Tabbed Browsing The 5 Best Firefox 4 Addons For Tabbed Browsing Read More has become a de facto standard for web browsers, and desktop applications like text editors Advanced Linux Text Editors Compared: kate vs gedit Advanced Linux Text Editors Compared: kate vs gedit Any Linux user will tell you that a good text editor is a vital component of a computer system, no matter if you're a new user or a seasoned pro. While using a Terminal text. Read More , file managers, and terminal emulators 5 Cool Apps to Make the Linux Terminal More Productive 5 Cool Apps to Make the Linux Terminal More Productive Read More have followed suit. In Konsole, you can rename and detach every tab if you click on it in the tab bar.
Detaching a tab closes it in the current Konsole window and opens it in a new one. This is helpful when you want to move an active application to another virtual desktop. To copy a tab into the current window, use the File > Clone Tab option. If you want an overview of several tabs at once, Konsole offers the Split View option in the View menu.
Split View will copy all opened tabs in horizontal or vertical containers, essentially creating a windows-within-a-window situation. You can select the same tab in every container, but scroll to different positions in each one, which is handy when you’re reading a long file. It’s important to remember that closing a tab in one view closes it in all active views. Konsole also supports Fullscreen Mode, which will cover the panel and all active windows once you press F11 . It’s a quick way to hide the desktop!
If you often work with the same directories and find yourself opening the same files in Konsole tabs every day, it’s good to know that you can bookmark all opened tabs as a folder and load them all at once the next time you start Konsole. In a way, Konsole bookmarks replace the Save Session functionality How To Make The Most of Firefox's Session Manager How To Make The Most of Firefox's Session Manager Restoring browser sessions was a milestone in browser development. Meanwhile, all browsers offer this feature to some extent. Firefox allows you to restore previous windows and tabs, but it doesn't come with an elaborate session. Read More you might recall from your favorite web browser.
Working With Files and Commands.
Konsole is a great companion to a file manager—particularly to Dolphin, KDE’s default—for several reasons. First, it has an option in the File menu that opens the file manager in the currently active directory. Second, you can drag-and-drop items from the file manager window into the Konsole window and get a context menu with a set of convenient actions to copy, open, and link files and folders.
If you want to monitor changes in a log or any other file, check the View menu and its Monitor for Activity/Silence options. Selecting this will allow Konsole to alert you via desktop notifications when something happens (or stops happening) in the tab for which you enabled the option. If you do your backups in the terminal, you can use this to get notified when they’re completed.
As with any other KDE application, you can choose the type of notifications for Konsole. You’ll find the dialog under Settings > Configure Notifications .
Aside from tracking the output of a command, Konsole can also save it as a text or HTML file, and print it to PDF or paper. Both options are in the File menu. You can control the scope of exported files by adjusting the size of the scrollback. It can be preset for each profile, or modified on-the-fly for every opened tab by right-clicking and choosing Adjust Scrollback from the context menu.
Sometimes Linux commands 9 Quirky Linux Commands You Need to Know (And Will Love) 9 Quirky Linux Commands You Need to Know (And Will Love) Make ASCII art, talk to your computer and play text adventures. Your Linux command line isn't just for work: it can be weirdly entertaining, if you know the right commands. Read More produce huge outputs, flashing several hundred lines of code across the screen before you manage to read them. To give you more control over the contents of your terminal window, Konsole lets you toggle Flow Control —an option to pause the output of a command by pressing a keyboard shortcut. Again, you can configure this feature for each Konsole profile.
More Tweaks, Tricks, and Getting Help.
Konsole’s strength doesn’t end here. There are plenty more features and configuration options, both big and small, that you can use to turn Konsole into a perfectly personalized terminal emulator. If you love keyboard shortcuts, feel free to define your own, or just use the defaults. For example, Ctrl+mouse wheel will activate zoom, and holding Ctrl+Alt while highlighting text will automatically select columns if Konsole detects them in the output. There’s also the Search feature with support for regular expressions and case-sensitive keywords.
Advanced users can start Konsole with the --background-mode switch. It will run, but remain invisible and silent, and you can bring it to front by pressing Ctrl+Shift+F12 . In case there’s a need to manually edit or backup Konsole profiles, they can be found as simple text files in the.
You can discover more about Konsole at your own pace, as you gradually learn Linux commands, or you can just soak up all about it from the official help documentation. There’s an offline version that you can read directly in Konsole, but if you’d prefer a separate PDF file, you can download the Handbook. While preparing this article, I discovered that the Konsole Handbook was missing from the official KDE Documentation website, so I contacted Kurt Hindenburg, the developer of Konsole. He promptly replied and fixed the problem. Kudos to Kurt!
Now when you know that Konsole is maintained by such awesome people, there’s really no reason not to try it. Tell us about your experiences with Konsole in the comments. Already a fan of Konsole? Then feel free to share more tips and tricks with our readers.
7 comments Write a Comment.
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How can I get the time to appear on the command line so I know when I initiated a program - my jobs run for hours and I open several windows - thanks.
use oh my zsh from github.
For ubuntu I use guake. Very fast and handy. I recommend.
A really concise and stupendous article! Hats off to you Ivana! It really helped me in my research. Au Revoir!
Thanks for such an informative article. I use Kubuntu and I had no idea the terminal could be tweaked in such a way. I saved this page to keep as a reference. Thank you.
Thank you so much for the comment, Danny!
My experience is actually similar to yours - I'm not some mad terminal wizard :), and I've also avoided using the terminal for a long time, for various reasons. I'm not using it much these days, either, but when I do, I love it because it's so fast and efficient. Whether it's backup scripts, email checking, or system cleanup and monitoring. you can really do amazing things with simple Bash scripts. And Konsole is a great choice for beginners because you don't have to spend too much time guessing and decyphering how to set it up. Everything is clearly laid out in customization dialogs that look just like any other dialogs in regular KDE apps.
I wish you lots of fun and success in your experiments with the terminal, and I'm really glad you like the article. And remember: you don't have to learn *every* Linux command out there. Just figure out what you want to do and focus on that. Even the basics can get you a long way! :)
Another nice article from you Ivana, very informative. As someone who grew up on DOS 1.0 and still did a lot of command line stuff well into the Windows error ( oops. era. Freudian Slip ? ) I did not get into Linux until a couple of years ago after being on Macs for the last decade. I have usually ignored any process that required me to go into terminal, particularly installing programs. My opinion now is if a programmer is too lazy to include an installer and/or wizard, your program is just not worth my time. I could do it, with some training/retraining in terminal syntax and usage, but my time is more valuable now and is taken up with many other useful things than to be hashing out multi-step install scripts via a terminal. That said, in terms of drilling down into the guts of my machine and to see in more detail the various paths and calls of a script is a useful thing that I should be more adept at. I will give these tips a go. At least it should take some of the discomfort out of using terminal and give me added impetus to become a Linux terminal guru. or close enough for rock and roll. Thanks again !
Ivana Isadora is a freelance writer and translator, Linux lover and KDE fangirl. She supports and promotes free & open source software, and she's always looking for fresh, innovative apps. Find out how to get in touch here.
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