четверг, 5 июля 2018 г.


How to quickly fix 7 common Xbox One and One S problems. Xbox Problems: The Xbox One and Xbox One S are great consoles but they’re not without their share of issues. Our guide explains the most common Xbox annoyances and how to quickly fix them – whatever version of the Xbox you own, everything you need to know and all the solutions you need are right here. Microsoft updated its Xbox One console in 2016, with the Xbox One S now coming with support for 4K Blu-rays, and a much slimmer design. But despite the shiny new update, the console still isn’t without its problems. Here are the main issues with the Xbox One and Xbox One S and how to fix them. 1) Why can’t I play my Xbox 360 games on the Xbox One? When it first launched in 2013, the Xbox One didn’t come with backwards compatibility, meaning your old Xbox 360 games wouldn’t work on the new console. Luckily, Microsoft has since seen the light and added backwards compatibility to the Xbox One. However, not all your 360 games will run on the latest console. When backwards compatibility was added in 2015, there were only 104 Xbox 360 games that would work on the Xbox One. More have been added since, and now that number is up to 309. Of course, that means a lot of older titles still won’t run on the Xbox One, so if you’re finding your copy of Halo 4 isn’t loading, unfortunately you’re out of luck until Microsoft decides to add support. You can check out a list of all backwards compatible titles here. 2) This definitely isn’t Full HD. The Xbox One is a Full HD console, able to play 1080p games with – in theory – relative ease. However, not all games output in this resolution – some are ‘only’ 720p, like the majority of Xbox 360 games, while some run at 900p, and others at Full HD. This does come across as a bit odd when the Xbox One is meant to be a ‘next-gen’ console. However, there are obvious reasons for this. Using a lower resolution or frame rate helps to avoid performance issues that come with large games . Battlefield 4 , for example, runs at 720p, while Need For Speed: Rivals runs at the full 1080p resolution. A quick Google before buying should let you know whether a game will run at the full resolution or not. It’s also worth being aware that games running in Full HD will usually have a lower frame rate. The aforementioned Battlefield 4 has a 60fps rate, while Need For Speed , though it has a higher resolution, runs at only 30fps. 3) The latest update won’t download. If you’re trying to update your console but you’re finding the download is taking far longer than it should – or not even starting – it might be better to try downloading another time. That’s because traffic on the Microsoft server could be at a high while everyone tries to download the latest system update. Sign up for the newsletter. Get news, competitions and special offers direct to your inbox. Of course, the issue could stem from your own internet connection, so the old trick of restarting your router may well fix the problem. Otherwise, head over to the Microsoft Live Status page to see if the company is experiencing problems on its end. If so, again, it’s simply a matter of waiting until the company sorts itself out. You could also try a hard reset on the console, which clears the cache and resets the network card. Simply hold the power button for five seconds until the console shuts down. You can then unplug it, leave it for 30 seconds, and reconnect. Finally, try testing your connection by opening the guide and going to Settings>All Settings>Network. From here you should see “Test network connection” on the far right. If you’re getting a specific error code after running the test, head over to Microsoft’s connection error list page to figure out what’s gone awry. 4) The console isn’t turning on. There’s nothing more worrying than when your console won’t even turn on, and the Xbox One seems particularly prone to causing its owners severe anxiety in this way. But before you hurl your console out the window in despair, there’s a few things you should try. It goes without saying that before anything else, you should check everything is connected properly, and you’ve actually turned the power on. If you’re sure eveything is hooked up correctly, check the light on the Xbox One’s power brick. It should be either orange or white to indicate it’s receiving power. If there’s no light, you’ve just identified the problem. Try a different outlet, and if there’s still no light, it’s time to contact Microsoft for a replacement power brick. If you’ve got power in the brick, and the console power button itself lights up, but there’s no picture on the screen, check you haven’t accidentally plugged the HDMI cable into the ‘HDMI In’ port instead of the ‘HDMI Out’ port. Many a gaming session has been delayed by this simple mistake. 5) That disc drive doesn’t sound right… Even more disconcerting than the ‘no power’ problem is the sound of your console’s disc drive crunching. Some Xbox One users have experienced this problem when inserting a disc, but luckily it doesn’t look like the discs themselves are damaged by this issue. The problem seems to result in an error message that says a particular disc isn’t readable. First of all, if only one disc is causing an issue, it could be the disc itself, so make sure it’s clean and not covered in scratches. If, however, your Xbox One refuses to read any discs, Microsoft has a few solutions for you to try. First of all, it seems using the ‘Instant-On’ power mode can cause problems with some consoles. Microsoft advises you go to Settings>All Settings>Power>Power mode and select Energy saving. Then do a hard reset by holding down the console’s power button for 10 seconds. Once the console has shut down, turn it back on and try the disc again. Still having issues? Time to request a repair from Microsoft, or take the console back to where you got it and cause a fuss until they replace it for you. 6) My Xbox One S won’t play 4K Blu-rays. So you bought the Xbox One S for its 4K Blu-ray capabilities, and who could blame you. Microsoft’s latest version of the console is the cheapest UHD Blu-ray player currently available. Unfortunately, it seems there could be an issue with some early 4K Blu-ray discs. As Microsoft explains on its support pages: “We are aware that a limited number of 4K Ultra HD Blu-ray movie discs manufactured earlier in 2016 may not play on the Xbox One S.” So, what can you do if you’ve bought one of these unusable discs? Well, Microsoft says the issue has “since been corrected,” so only a few users should be affected, and if you’ve updated your console’s software, you should be OK. If, however, you’re having trouble, try the disc in another UHD Blu-ray player if possible, otherwise the usual cleaning the disc and restarting the console steps apply. If none of that works, make sure you’ve installed the Blu-ray player app properly. Microsoft has a page you can visit for a full guide to installing and setting up the relevant app. If all that fails, it’s time to contact Microsoft. 7) Why won’t this game install? With the Xbox One, Microsoft introduced mandatory installs, which means every time you buy a physical copy of a game, you’ll have to wait while the console installs the game files. Usually, you’ll be able to start playing the game before the install completes, so it’s not too much of an inconvenience. However, some users have started an install only to see the progress bar freeze at 0%. If you’ve experienced this problem, the first thing to do is make sure you have the latest patches installed. Check whether your console is online or not, as simply ensuring you have an internet connection is sometimes enough to kick-start an install. Otherwise, connecting to the internet should start any patch downloads. If you’re hooked up to the web, you might find the issue is on Microsoft’s end. You can use the Live Status page to check whether Microsoft is having issues with its online service. Otherwise, try resetting the console using the hard reset method described above. While it might not seem as though an internet connection is required to install a game, often the console will download the latest updates before actually installing the game files from the disc. It’s also worth checking the disc itself. If it’s been scratched or is otherwise compromised, that can stop the game from installing properly. Try cleaning it off before restarting the install process. If none of the above methods prove successful, it’s time to contact Microsoft. WATCH: Xbox One S vs Xbox One. Let us know if you’ve had any specific problems in the comments below. Xbox One Problems. No system launch is without a few hiccups, and that's why we have an entire page dedicated to any and all problems that may spring up during the Xbox One launch. Similair to the PS4, the Xbox One has a slew of problems affecting a very small percentage of people. A few examples people have been saying is wrong with their console is failure for the Kinect to hear their voice, failure of voice commands, and disc drive problems. If you have experienced problems like these or others please feel free to comment below. For Microsoft's official support community, visit Microsoft's website. We highly recommend that you call Microsoft's Xbox support, although you may be stuck in traffic for a period of time. Is Xbox Live Down Previous. How to Appear Offline on Xbox One. © 1996-2018 Ziff Davis, LLC. We have updated our PRIVACY POLICY and encourage you to read it by clicking here. IGN uses cookies and other tracking technologies to customize online advertisements, and for other purposes. IGN supports the Digital Advertising Alliance principles. Learn More. Please Refresh Your Browser Window. Microsoft has recommended a temporary fix. The most recent Xbox One dashboard update adds features to the console that can improve the user experience. But some people are reporting issues with the update: They're seeing a black screen after powering on the console that prevents them from using any of the new features. Microsoft has recommended a temporary fix for this problem, which is to "power cycle" the console by holding the power button for 10 seconds. (We couldn’t replicate the problem on our lab's Xbox One, so we can't comment on the fix's effectiveness.) Here's what you should get with this update: A battery indicator has been added to the lower right corner of the screen, so you’ll now how much life your controller has left. In the My Apps section of the menu, you'll see a clear breakdown of how much hard drive space you’ve used and how much space you have left. The update also includes new organization options for your installed apps, along with a manageable queue for current downloads. And you'll be able to use a USB keyboard for text entry (instead of the controller). Microsoft's next major update for the Xbox One is scheduled for March; it will aim to improve the multiplayer gaming experience. The PlayStation 4 also had a recent update that lets users connect their PlayStation 3 PULSE and PULSE – Elite headsets along with their new Gold Wireless Stereo Headset for PlayStation 4. That update also gives players the ability to mute the PlayStation Camera microphone and improves DVD picture quality. Xbox One Update Problems. Some users are experiencing problems with System Updates and Game Installs on their Xbox One consoles. This page will compile problems and hopefully swift solutions. EditSystem Updates. In at least one reported case, a console refusing to download the update spontaneously begin work, sometimes after hours of waiting. This could be related to back-end network connectivity issues on the Microsoft server side. This issue is likely due to a high increase in update traffic on the Microsoft server due to the Xbox One console launch, similair to the launch of the PS4. A possible work-around would be to attempt to update your console at a more optimal performance time, such as early in the morning (2AM - 10AM), as you are more likely to encounter a receptive updating time with people at school or work. This is a minor issue and should be fixed within a few days after the consoles launch on November 22. EditGame Installs. Inserting a disc and installing it should be an easy task, but things have gone awry for some users. Some of IGN's readers have noted that game installs seem to sputter out around the 97% mark, stalling out indefinitely.  Microsoft has issued some confirmed reports of these issues being fixed via their Xbox One Support forums[1]. The steps involve disconnecting your Xbox One console from the Internet and powering the console off manually with your finger. Attempt to install the game once you boot the console back up, but make sure you're not connected to your Internet provider.  Linking back up to the Internet once the install is complete works just fine, allowing you to update your games accordingly thereafter. Also you may also "Try Again" at least four (4) times before update takes effect. EditFaster Installs. In addition to title updating issues, it is generally considered faster to install discs offline and then connecting to the Xbox Live network.  This is because Xbox Live will first install any title updates which, depending on network status, may cause slowdowns.  Users can install the game from the disc first, and then connect to Live, which will prompt the Xbox One to update. Xbox One Error E100 Code Previous. Xbox One Multiplayer and Chat Connection Issues. © 1996-2018 Ziff Davis, LLC. We have updated our PRIVACY POLICY and encourage you to read it by clicking here. IGN uses cookies and other tracking technologies to customize online advertisements, and for other purposes. IGN supports the Digital Advertising Alliance principles. Learn More. Устранение неполадок при установке игр и приложений на консоли Xbox One. На этой странице описаны действия, которые необходимо совершить, если у вас возникают проблемы при попытке загрузить контент на консоли Xbox One. Примечание. Если вы видите код конкретной ошибки или код состояния, введите его в поле поиска на странице Поиск ошибки или кода состояния, чтобы найти сведения об устранении неисправности. На этой странице. Загрузка не начинается или завершается ошибкой. Попробуйте следующие решения, если загрузка не начинается или завершается с ошибкой. Решение 1. Проверьте состояние службы Xbox Live. Увидев какие-либо предупреждения, дождитесь возобновления работы службы и повторите попытку. Решение 2. Выполните вход в нужный профиль Xbox. Убедитесь, что подключение к службе Xbox Live установлено и выполнен вход в профиль, с помощью которого был приобретен контент. Решение 3. Проверьте наличие свободного места на жестком диске. Просмотрите уведомления на своей консоли Xbox One и убедитесь, что на жестком диске достаточно свободного места для установки контента. Ниже описано, как это сделать. Откройте гид и выберите Уведомления . Примечание. Уведомления можно просмотреть, выбрав пункт Уведомления на главной странице . Убедитесь в отсутствии уведомлений о нехватке или отсутствии свободного места на жестком диске. Xbox One выдаст предупреждение, когда будет обнаружена нехватка свободного места. Если имеется уведомление о нехватке места на жестком диске, удалите ненужный контент или подключите внешний жесткий диск. Сведения об установке внешних запоминающих устройств и управлении ими см. в разделе Управление хранилищем на консоли Xbox One. Удаление элементов с жесткого диска. На главной странице перейдите в раздел Мои игры и приложения . Найдите в списке игры и приложения, которыми вы больше не пользуетесь. Выделите название игры или приложения, которое нужно удалить. Нажмите кнопку Меню на вашем геймпаде. Выберите Управление игрой или Управление приложением . Выберите установку. Например, выберите Внутреннее управление всем . Выберите Удалить все . Повторяйте до тех пор, пока не освободится нужный объем места на жестком диске. Обратите внимание, что игры занимают гораздо больше места, чем приложения. Решение 4. Проверьте наличие обновлений системы. При возникновении проблем с загрузкой игр или приложений для Xbox One может потребоваться обновить консоль. Например, если получено сообщение об ошибке "Загрузка остановлена", то для завершения загрузки может потребоваться установка обновления для консоли. Чтобы проверить доступные обновления, выполните следующие действия. Нажмите кнопку Xbox , чтобы открыть гид. Выберите Система > Настройки . Выберите Система > Сведения о консоли . Доступное обновление будет расположено в нижней части первого столбца, в месте расположения второй кнопки. Если обновлений нет, появится сообщение "Нет доступных обновлений". Загрузка занимает долгое время или не может завершиться. Если игра устанавливается слишком медленно или установка не выполняется, попробуйте применить решения в разделе Устранение проблем, связанных с медленной загрузкой игр и приложений на Xbox One. Похожие проблемы. Помогла ли вам эта статья? Спасибо за отзыв. Спасибо за отзыв! Написать отзыв для этой темы. Ресурсы поддержки. Связаться с нами. Вы хотите обратиться в службу поддержки по поводу проблемы "Устранение неполадок при установке игр и приложений на консоли Xbox One", о которой вы читали, или по поводу другой проблемы? Fortnite Xbox One Probleme. [Dispo] Fortnite : mise à jour 4K Xbox One X et grenades . [Dispo] Fortnite : mise à jour 4K Xbox One X et grenades fumigènes ! - Gearbox et Epic Games ont finalement trouvé le moyen d'attirer et fédérer les joueurs sur . Impossible de jouer à Fortnite Battle Royal Xbox One . Epic Games a mis gratuitement à disposition le mode Battle Royal de Fortnite sur Xbox One. Mais il n'est parfois pas possible de se connecter, voici la solution. [XBOX ONE] Se connecter avec son compte Epic Games ? sur . Bonjour, j'ai installé Fortnite hier, et ils me proposaient de me connecter avec mon compte Epic Games, or ça ne marchait pas ça faisait que buguer donc j'ai mis . Fortnite - Versteckte Features: So geht Cross-Play und . Fortnite - Versteckte Features: So geht Cross-Play und Cross-Buy auf PC, PS4 & Xbox One (Video) Freitag, 28. Juli 2017 um 17:33 Ein paar seiner besten Eigenschaften . Problème au lancement de fortnite battle royale sur le . Bonjour j'ai un problème au lancement de fortnite battle royale la première fois que j'ai installer le jeu tous marcher correctement mais j'ai des installé le jeu . Fortnite: Tipps, News und Infos - alle Infos bei GIGA. Die wichtigsten Fakten zu Fortnite: Release-Datum: 25. Juli 2017 (Early Access), 2018 (Vollversion) Genre: Koop-Sandbox-Survival; Plattformen: PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One. XboxTrackr | Votre curateur Microsoft Xbox 360 / Xbox 720 . Votre curateur Microsoft Xbox 360 / Xbox 720 / Xbox One. GamesRadar+ GamesRadar+ takes you closer to the games, movies and TV you love. PUBG läuft wohl ziemlich mies auf Xbox One und Xbox One X. PUBG fällt durch die ersten Technick-Checks auf Xbox One und Xbox One X. Fortnite's new map update is out NOW! Get all the info here. FORTNITE has just received a HUGE map update which also carries a major visual overhaul. The popular game by Gears of War developer Epic Games is going to get a little busier - here's all you need to know. Is Fortnite getting a new map and what is it like? Fortnite's major new update to its map is out NOW - the game was taken offline at 12pm GMT for the V.2.2.0 patch. Thu, 18 Jan 2018 13:45:00. Fortnite map update COUNTDOWN. Fortnite players are gearing up for a big update that will offer major changes to the Battle Royale map on PS4, Xbox One and PCs. The Fortnite map update was revealed on Monday, with it giving players "more places to land, explore, and fight in". The current Fortnite map has what Epic Games described as ten 'points of interest'. The new, updated Battle Royale map will boost the number of 'points of interest' Tue, 16 Jan 2018 18:32:03. Fortnite waiting in queue error: Battle Royale down for PS4 and Xbox One. UPDATE ONE - Friday 7.39pm GMT: Fortnite fans have again reported issues with the popular online game, with Battle Royale fans seeing waiting in queue errors for the second day in a row. Independent website Down Detector has registered hundreds of reports of Fortnite issues this evening. The server problems have occured after Epic Games set the new Sneaky Silencer Limited Time Mode live. Fans have taken to Twitter to report issues with. Thu, 4 Jan 2018 21:38:58. Fortnite UPDATE: New Battle Royale PS4 and Xbox One Winter patch includes Christmas gear. Epic Games have confirmed that the new Fortnite update is being released on Thursday, December 14, on PS4, Xbox One and PC. This new Winter patch will have the usual bugfixes and tweaks, but will also include some new festive weapons too. A limited-time Snowball Grenade Launcher and festive Battle Bus are coming in the new Fortnite Winter update. There will also be new emotes added to the game, as well as Season. playark. 732 пользователя находятся здесь. МОДЕРАТОРЫ. MisterWoodhouse XBone, Master Builder, Half of Hot Fuzz YT_Killer WildcardTheRightHand Senior Technical and Gameplay Designer AutoModerator wildcardjen Community Manager wildcardpanda Plant WC-Drake Co-Founder, Co-Creative Director, Lead Designer, Lead Programmer ReverbGames WC_Drake Co-Founder, Co-Creative Director, Lead Designer, Lead Programmer delicious_cheese . и ещё 7 » Welcome to Reddit, the front page of the internet. and subscribe to one of thousands of communities. Это архивированный пост. 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Game Companies - A list of all the companies that have developed and published games. Game Credits - A list of all the people and groups credited for all the games we know of. Most Wanted - The Top 100 popular games without full FAQs on GameFAQs. My Games - Build your game collection, track and rate games. Rankings - A list of games ranked by rating, difficulty, and length as chosen by our users. Top 100 - The Top 100 most popular games on GameFAQs today. What's New - New games, FAQs, reviews, and more. © 2018 CBS Interactive Inc. All rights reserved. Call of Duty: WWII GamePacks Released. We are excited to announce not one but FOUR GamePacks for the amazing Call of Duty: WWII. There were just so many mods available for this game that we found it impossible to squeeze them all into one pack, so we created four different areas of expertise – Standard (for casual players), Advanced (for expert players), Sniper (extra features for sniper players) and Aim Assist (a dedicated variant for x22DOT‘s extremely popular Aim Assist feature that is exclusive only to CronusMAX). These awesome GamePacks for Call of Duty: WWII include mods such as Rapid Fire, Burst Fire, Jump Shot, Drop Shot, Side Shot, Auto Sprint, Quick Scope, Auto Scope, Auto Dismount, Sniper Breath and our brand new Recoil Control System – the next generation of Anti-Recoil mods. Also included with the Aim Assist variant is fully adjustable Aim Assist v6 and Aim Correction v6. We spent a great deal of time to fine tune these mods to be as accurate as possible – you won’t find better anywhere on the market! The dedicated support topic for these packs can be found here – be sure to post any feedback including bug reports to help us maintain these packs as much as possible. Remember, we rely on you as part of the CronusMAX community to help us give you what YOU want. A very special thanks to x22DOT for once again spending hours and hours of gameplay to deliver an unbeatable set of MODS for the CronusMAX Community. Now Available in Cronus Pro: Quick Help Videos. A GamePack gives you the functionality of a fully modded controller without the need to install chips or solder wires. Simply load a GamePack onto your CronusMAX PLUS, configure it to your own preferred settings with an easy to use interface and you’re ready to go. This innovative new technology isn’t available anywhere else on the market. With a full selection of MODS at your fingertips, the CronusMAX PLUS is perfect for the gamer looking to add that extra edge. CRONUSMAX PLUS. 10 / 10 here ! 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