Top 5 Xbox One Steering Wheels.
This time we are digging for the best Xbox One Steering wheel. It’s not really an easy question because the sheer number of xbox one racing wheel options available is overwhelming .
You’d be thinking that choices are more easy on a gaming console than on PC. But Fanatec as well as Thrustmaster, while manufacturing a high quality racing steering wheel for xbox one, sometime have some confusing marketing. Logitech does a better job here at marketing their lineup of racing controllers (in my opinion).
By the way, if you are also a PS4 user, you may want to read on the best steering wheels and pedals for PS4. For an Xbox One racing wheel, just keep reep on reading.
If instead of looking for a steering wheel for xbox one, you are looking for a PC steeromg wheel, this article is good to go for you. All wheels mentioned in this article are also available for PC. Logitec even have two compatible PC racing wheels. The G920 is compatible to Xbox One and PC, whereas Logitech G29 is compatible to PC, PS3 and PS4.
German Readers! There is a translation of this article at
Originally published Dec 12, 2015 : Corrected some Fact-Sheet and Spelling errors.
Updated Dec 18, 2015 : Corrected some Fact-Sheet and Spelling errors.
Updated Sep 3, 2016 : Corrected some Fact-Sheet and Spelling errors.
Updated Sep 28, 2016: Add note regarding clutch/shifter in Fanatec option.
Updated Oct 11, 2016: Spelling.
Updated Feb 27, 2017: Pricing Updates.
Updated Feb 28, 2017: Added Fanatec CSL Elite to the mix.
Xbox One Steering Wheel Review.
First and foremost, when looking for an xbox one steering wheel, it makes sense to invest into the $300+ magnitude of racing wheels. There are cheaper options, but you get what you pay for.
I consider the cheap wheels nice for a very first look or as a party widget. But if you are a real race fan like me, prefer to pay a bit more; a good steering wheel for xbox one pays back on track .
Logitech makes for an easy choice: They simply don’t have a modular system like Fanatec and Thrustmaster. This can be great, depending on whether you look for a one time xbox one racing wheel investment which gets you going quickly. Or whether you prefer to have an upgrade path for the future.
We compiled 5 options in total.
If you are looking for a xbox one steering wheel with clutch, then, in my humble opinion, only Fanatec ClubSports are an option, as it is the only combo featuring a degressive clutch.
So let’s start with our journey, from awesome (Fanatec Club Sport) to decent price/value (G920). Thrustmaster is a good compromise option when it comes to steering wheel controllers.
Note that we do not include cheaper xbox one wheel options: As the title of this site suggests, performance driving is our main motivation. And as such, Logitech is really on the low end of what enables you podiums.
If you’re really eager, here’s the summary table:
Fanatec Club Sport.
Fanatec CSL Elite.
(starts €509.85)[available as bundle with a €9.90 discount]
ClubSport Pedals V3 ClubSport WheelBase V2 Universal Hub for Xbox One wheel of your choice, e.g. by Fanatec.
CSL Elite Pedals CSL Elite Wheel Base CSL Steering Wheel P1 steering wheel for xbox one.
TX Racing Wheel Servo Base VG T3PA-PRO Pedal Add-On any Thrustmaster Wheel, e.g. GT Style or Ferrari Formula 1.
I) Fanatec Club Sport: Clear Winner.
The Fanatec Club Sport Lineup is the premium option in this comparison, and easily the most expensive. Personally, I am huge fan and user of Fanatec Club Sport (Wheel Base as well as Pedals). The wheel base alone, upon unpacking, its sheer weight and size, casts shadows over every competition below its own price class. To me, this is indeed the best xbox one racing wheel available at the time of writing.
If you compare Logitech G920 and Fanatec Club Sport Wheel Base V2 force feedback, the difference is frightening. If Logitech or Thrustmaster makes you think “yeah, a rotating wheel may hurt my finger”, it becomes “break my finger” for the Fanatec. In all seriousness, keep your 0-14 years children away from it!
Fanatec’s new Clubsport Pedals: Don’t the look sweet?
There is a separate review for the Pedals. But let me summarize: The Fanatec Club Sport Pedals V3 are the only one in this test that come with a load cell and (Fanatec himself have since introduced the only other Load Cell Competitor, CSL Elite. See below /edited 2017 Mar, 01) a hydraulic brake, as well as a real, multi part degressive clutch mechanism.
It is fully made of metal, no plastic (except cables). The really only contra I see is that the throttle travel distance could be a bit longer or adjustable. But that’s just a luxury nitpick; upon driving, you don’t recognize the short travel.
Our first Fanatec option goes with the Univesal Hub for Xbox One, which enables the whole Fanatec range of wheels for Xbox One. Furthermore, you can mount many other wheels on the Universal Hub, like “real” racing wheels from Momo. Fanatec has combined most of their wheels in a single package with the Hub, but not all. Upon ordering a Wheel, take a double squint on whether it includes the Universal Hub for Xbox One or not.
If you are looking for an Xbox One racing wheel with clutch, note that you may want to buy a separate shifter (unless you want to paddle-shift with a clutch, which sounds unnatural to me).
By the way, inverted Club Sport pedals are available now, too.
– Wheel+Base / Number of Buttons: Depends on wheel.
– Wheel+Base / Special Buttons: Depends on wheel.
– Wheel+Base / Shifter: Most wheels have paddles. But see also this.
– Many Rigs have builtin mounting options for this (but fewer than for Logitech)
– Progressive Brake, Hydraulic, Load-Cell.
– Degressive, Mechanical Clutch.
– Full Metal Housing.
– Strongest FFB in this review.
– Multiple hardware settings per Wheel.
– Many wheels can be mounted on Universal Hub.
– No FFB overheating (Wheel Base has active cooling)
– Most expensive xbox one wheel option in this review.
– Throttle Travel Distance could be a little bit longer.
As a steering wheel for xbox one, you won’t be able to find anything better in terms of raw quality.
(*) This is the price for the steering wheel for xbox one in a Hub+Wheel-Combo-Package. Make sure to not buy a standalone hub and a standalone wheel if you want to maximize value/price.
II) Fanatec CSL Elite: Price Conscious but not Cheap Steering Wheel for Xbox One.
Apart from Fanatec’s premium Club Sport line, they have brought a new contender into the market which clearly aims the 500 bucks magnitude. If you haven’t already, make sure to read our comprehensive CSL Elite review.
While some racers have mistaken the black pedals for cheap plastic pedals, they are (in best Fanatec manner) pure aluminium, blackened pedals. Once you get beyond that plastic misconception, they look stylish and are definitely a nice looking asset in your racing room.
With respect to this xbox one racing wheel review, Fanatec CSL Elite provide probably the biggest magnitude in upgradability. For example:
Buy pure CSL Elite, without Load Cell Later, buy a Formula CSW, which is compatible with the CSL Elite Wheel Base Later, buy the Load Cell Kit Later, buy a Club Sport Wheel Base V2 Later, buy Club Sport Pedals V3 Later, tune the Club Sport Pedals with the Brake Performance Kit Later, buy an original Momo or Sparco wheel.
You can basically start with an affordable $500 setup, and then scale all the way up into the $2000 magnitude over time. A hardware setup which grows with your racing career.
Well, what should I say apart from what has been said in the full review already. Let’s keep it short here:
In the $500-magnitude, Fanatec CSL Elite beats the other xbox one wheel setups by light years. For less than $600, it’s the only set with a Load Cell (provided you actually order the Load Cell Kit variant). The Thrustmaster and Logitech Pedals come with so-called brake mods, but not with real load cells. Brake mods are better than linear brakes, like in Fanatec CSL w/out the Kit or Logitech G27 (the predecessor of the current model). But a load cell is better than brake mods.
To make it short: All in all I found the Fanatec CSL Elite xbox one steering wheel set significantly better than the previous Club Sport versions. Given that even the previous Club Sport versions are better than the competition, you get the whole picture:
Club Sport V3 > CSL Elite > Club Sport V2 > Thrustmaster > Logitech.
That’s it. The ranking in mathematical terms 🙂 CSL Elite is truly a compromise of an xbox one wheel that most definitely leans towards the top class racing hardware.
III) Thrustmaster Option 1.
XboxOne Racing Wheel: Thrustmaster VG-TX Racing Wheel Leather Edition Complete.
This package comes complete and ready to go. The wheel base is a bit bigger than the Logitech one and the FFB is more solid. It features a brushless motor and has active cooling, which is activated once the system detects that heat is becoming an issue. The wheel has 32 bit precision, making for about 65,000 values (32k to the left, 32k to the right).
However: The pedal-set is a 1/3 cheaper variant of the Thrustmaster T3PA-Pro Pedals: It has no builtin option to be mounted upside down, and it lacks the metal plate of the pro-variant. However, it still comes with the progressive-brake-mod and the pedal-adjustability of the T3PA-Pro, so if you are not interested in upside-down mounting, it basically does not matter (except for the visual appeal).
Ranked between top class and introductory class, this steering wheel for xbox one is not a bad investment at all.
– Wheel+Base / Number of Buttons: Depends on wheel.
– Wheel+Base / Special Buttons: Depends on wheel.
– Wheel+Base / Shifter: Depends on wheel.
– Pedals / Progressive Brake : no, but comes with mod (mod not as good as real progressive/hydraulic brake, though)
Update 2015-Dec-18: Add Fact-Sheet.
IV) Thrustmaster Option 2.
XboxOne Racing Wheel: Thrustmaster Servo, Wheel, T3PA-Pro.
This is basically the premium Thrustmaster variant of their steering wheel for xbox one; currently not available as a complete paackage. Like the cheaper Thrustmaster option above, this variant is an xbox one racing wheel definitely worth your consideration.
(*) You can also buy the T3PA (without “PRO“) pedals as included in the complete xbox one wheel pack, but I recommend to pay the extra $50 for the increased robustness and the option for upside-down mounting (more metal = more good).
V) Logitech G920 Xbox One Racing Wheel.
XboxOne Racing Wheel: Logitech G920 (XboxOne Version of Logitech G29)
Without denying, the Logitech G920 is good hardware, and not without reason among the best racing wheels for XboxOne. It’s Logitech’s Xbox One version of their G29. Our [Logitech G29 review] carried the catchy question “Is it a scam?“, which is because it feels and looks pretty identical to the Logitech G27, but costs significantly more.
However, within this Xbox One Steering Wheel review, it is the cheapest option, and as I wrote in my Logitech G27 Review, it was worth a number of winner certificates in iRacing. So if you want to start Simracing at good price/value, the G920 is a valid option, even though Logitech should be able to reduce the price significantly.
– Wheel / Degrees of Rotation: 900°
– Wheel / Number of Buttons:
– Wheel / Special Buttons:
– Wheel / Shifter: yes.
– Pedals / Degressive Clutch: no (Mod available)
– Pedals / Progressive Brake: no (Mod available)
– Cheapestxbox one steering wheel option among quality above $200 (there are cheaper ones, but I usually don’t advise on usim them).
– Many Rigs have builtin mounting options for this.
– Linear brake pedal and clutch. This can be modded using for example the Nixim- or GTEYE-Mods.
– A lot of plastic.
– FFB can fade if the wheel gets hot.
– FFB is weaker than on Thrustmaster or Fanatec.
As a steering wheel for xbox one, the Logitech G920 is an almost duplicate variant of the LogitechG29. The only real differences are: G920 is for Xbox One and PC, G29 is for PS3, PS4 and for PC.
Conclusion – So what’s the Best Xbox One Steering Wheel?!
In my opinion, all of these steering wheel for Xbox One are suited to competitive racing .
And, in my opinion as a Simracer , they all make sense and are among the best racing wheel for xbox one. None of the reviewed wheels is a failure, really.
But: the more you pay, the higher the quality; I truly recommend to go all Fanatec, it’s also the most flexible xbox one racing wheel solution. However, it’s (undoubtly!) pretty expensive, so it’s more a matter of how much you are willing to invest.
Logitech is good quality, but not a customizable steering wheel for xbox one (just moddable); but in any case a good start into Simracing.
The Thrustmaster xbox one racing wheel is a great compromise and has superb bang for the buck. Note: If you go Thrustmaster, I recommend to buy the components separately, because the complete package comes with the cheaper variant of their pedals.
Fanatec Club Sport.
Fanatec CSL Elite.
[available as bundle with a €9.90 discount]
ClubSport Pedals V3 ClubSport WheelBase V2 Universal Hub for Xbox One wheel of your choice, e.g. by Fanatec.
CSL Elite Pedals CSL Elite Wheel Base CSL Steering Wheel P1 steering wheel for xbox one.
Logitech G920 Driving Force Race Wheel – steering wheel for xbox one and PC.
TX Racing Wheel Servo Base VG T3PA-PRO Pedal Add-On any Thrustmaster Wheel, e.g. GT Style or Ferrari Formula 1.
Would you like some more? Shifter Options.
As a super quick rating, the best xbox one steering wheel shifter you can get is this one. Other shifter options for your xbox one racing wheel are available, but not as ultimately great 🙂
Sebastian Mach.
Latest posts by Sebastian Mach (see all)
News (Oct 4, 2017): Gran Turismo Sport – Free Demo! - 3. October 2017 Fanatec shows Podium Series – Their First Direct Drive Wheel Base - 18. September 2017 Fanatec Announcement: CSL Elite (PS4, PC) now available in USA and Canada - 15. September 2017.
Related Posts.
Fanatec Club Sport – Complete Review.
Logitech G27 – Racing Wheel, Shifter & Pedals.
Fanatec ClubSport Pedals V3.
About The Author.
Simracing for more than five years. iRacing, rFactor, but sometimes arcade racing just for fun.Typically Top 2%-5% racer. Tries to not be slow.
Latest Comments.
Nice writeup. Agree 100% on the Fanatec Clubsport package. You should add, this is the only solution which works on both the Xbox One and PS4 (as well as PC, of course). Given this cross-compatibility (and my addiction to both Project Cars and the forthcoming GT7 on PS4 and XBOne for Forza), it really does bring the cost of this setup down compared to separate rigs for each console. I’d only add, pickup an RSeat RS1 for the very best in racing chairs, which fit the Fanatec stuff perfectly, and I’m in console sim-racing heaven.
Thanks a lot for this valuable feedback. I will definitely take this into account during the next editing round and is definitely a great point if you are a regular multiple console user.
Great blog. I am actually on an opposing view point. Speaking on behalf of someone who only races on an Xbox, the price of the fanatec takes most Xbox or plasystation console racers right out of the market. In my experience people want a n Xbox One Racing Wheel that is both functional and affordable. I totally agree from a functionality standpoint, fanatec is the way to go, but the price you pay for the wheel alone shouldnt be more than the console itself.
Thanks a lot for taking a visit.
IMHO, that’s a perfectly valid opinion and nothing to add from my side 🙂
If it’s construction is worth more than the console, why shouldn’t it cost more?
Strangely, you left out what may be the best cost-effective option for most people: the Thrustmaster TMX. It’s about half the price of the Logitech 920 and Thrustmaster TX packages, but still delivers top-notch force feedback. It’s pedals leave a lot to be desired, but they can be upgraded later with any of the Thrustmaster pedals mentioned here.
To be honest, if I find Fanatec marketing slightly confusing, Thrustmaster’s is very, very 🙂 Thanks for your comment, Jean!
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Fanatec CSL Elite Review (PS4, PC, XboxOne(*)) Unboxing As typical.
Best Racing Wheels for Xbox One of 2018.
When it comes to console racing, the Xbox One X is very well equipped with the best titles around. Whether you're a Forza fan or prefer Project Cars 2 or F! 2017, Xbox is the place to be for racing on the console.
If you're getting serious about your virtual racing, you'll probably be interested in moving away from a controller and up to a wheel. And if you're looking for the best, check out this little lot.
Logitech G920.
The Logitech G920 is one of the best all-rounders, in part because it's often available at a discount thanks to being on the market for a while at this point.
The G920 is an exceptionally well-built product with built-in vibration motors, a 900-degree rotation, leather grip and a full three pedal setup. This means you can use the optional gearshift with it if you prefer those over the paddles, though it's not included.
Logitech has a history of making great wheels, and the G920 is just the latest in that lineup. It's priced around $280 right now, but that's a sharp decrease from its original asking price. And it's well worth it.
Thrustmaster TS-XW.
Thrustmaster's newest, possibly highest-spec wheel to date is the TS-XW. Modelled on a real-life steering wheel through a partnership with Sparco, the TS-XW is a 1:1 replica of the company's P310 competition wheel.
It has a brushless motor and force-feedback system and a whopping 1080 degrees of turning in each direction with a dual belt-pulley system and metal ball-bearing axle. The build quality is phenomenal.
It comes with a three-pedal setup, but the stick shift is sold separately, as are different style wheels that fit the servo base. This wheel has 14 action buttons and is certified for Xbox One and Windows 10. And the external "turbo" ensures you get a constant power supply for ultra-fast response to instructions from the game.
This wheel is one of the most impressive you'll find right now, which is important because it costs around $700.
Fanatec CSL Elite Multiplatform.
There's serious, and then there's serious . Fanatec wheels are some of the most expensive you'll find, but not without reason. If you want the ultimate, you probably want a Fanatec.
The core is the CSL Elite wheelbase which houses all the electronics and the motors. You'll get 1080 degrees of rotation, advanced force feedback and even rev lights on the top of the unit. Fanatec has a complete system at its disposal, too, with shifters, improved pedals and more. It's as close to the real thing as you'll find.
The Fanatec CSL Elite also allows you to swap out the wheel itself, which in this case allows you to add a specific Xbox One compatible one or one for a PS4 if you're a multi-platform racer. Clip it on, sit back, and hit the tarmac! Be prepared to pay a high price, though, with this bundle coming in close to $800.
Thrustmaster TMX.
If your budget is a little tighter, then you might consider the TMX from Thrustmaster. At around $200 it's the cheapest here while still offering much of the same experience.
You're still getting a sleek design, leather trim and 900-degree rotation with paddle shift. The pedals on the TMX are plastic, not metal, which is one of the areas the price has been trimmed.
The force feedback is still on point, and the pedals can actually be adjusted so you can get as comfortable as possible behind the wheel.
What video game racing wheels do you use? Are there any that you think should be included in this list? Hit the comments.
Updated December 28, 2017: The Fanatec multiplatform makes an appearance in our list in place of an older wheel from the same company.
Xbox 360 Wireless Speed Wheel.
How to set it up and how to use it.
The Xbox 360 Wireless Speed Wheel lets you experience realistic, accurate steering, and feel every bump in the road with rumble feedback. The wireless speed wheel puts you in control with intuitive buttons and triggers:
Intuitive steering with motion sensors Trigger buttons for accelerating and braking Buttons for game-specific functions:
Wireless speed wheel.
Watch the video “Wireless speed wheel features and setup.” Note This video is available in English only .
Step 1: Install the Wireless Speed Wheel software.
The easiest way to install the Xbox 360 Wireless Speed Wheel software drivers is to connect to Xbox Live. If your console is connected to Xbox Live, then you’re ready for Step 2.
If your console is not connected to Xbox Live, do one of the following:
Insert the Software Driver disc or the game disc included with the Xbox 360 Wireless Speed Wheel. When you’re prompted to update your console, choose to update the software (if you aren’t prompted, the software is up to date). Once updated, go to step 2. Update your console software. Once updated, you’re ready for step 2. Step 2: Insert batteries.
Insert AA alkaline (included with the wheel) or fully charged Nickel Metal Hydride (NiMH) rechargeable batteries into the wireless speed wheel. Here’s how:
Turn the speed wheel upside down. Press the battery release button to open the battery door. Insert two new AA (LR6) batteries with their positive (+) and negative (–) ends positioned as shown on the battery compartment. For best performance, AA rechargeable batteries are not recommended. Replace the battery door and push to lock in place.
Note The wireless speed wheel doesn’t charge rechargeable batteries. You must recharge batteries in a charging device.
Step 3: Connect the speed wheel to your console.
To connect your speed wheel and console:
Turn on your console. Press and hold the Start or Guide button on the wheel until lights flash. Press and release the connect button on the console.
Within 20 seconds, press and release the connect button on the wireless speed wheel.
The light on the wheel’s right handle will flash while it connects to your console. Once the wheel is connected to your console, one segment on the wheel’s center ring of light is illuminated (this can take up to 10 seconds).
The Xbox 360 Wireless Speed Wheel has buttons, lights, and triggers, on the handle bars and in the center of the speed wheel.
The controls in the center of the speed wheel include the Start, Back, and the Guide button. A light ring surrounds the Guide button. When you connect the speed wheel to your console, a section on the ring of light illuminates. Each subsequent speed wheel or controller that is connected to the console (up to four) is assigned a section on the ring of light.
Start and Back button behavior is the same as on your Xbox controller.
Press the Guide button to turn your console on. Once on, pressing the Guide button displays the Xbox Guide. To turn off your console, press and hold the Guide button for three seconds and confirm your selection.
Handle bar controls.
The controls on the handle bar include the accelerator trigger, the brake trigger, and the A, B, X, and Y buttons.
Squeezing the accelerator trigger on the right handle bar makes your vehicle go faster. Squeezing the brake trigger on the left handle bar makes your vehicle slow down. The A, B, X, and Y buttons behave the same as on your Xbox controller. The directional pad behaves the same as on your Xbox controller.
Start and use your speed wheel.
When you use your speed wheel with driving games, it acts like a steering wheel and ignores unwanted motion. The speed wheel supports pitch, yaw, and roll, but not all games supports these actions. Refer to the game’s manual to find out what actions are supported by the game.
To start your speed wheel:
Press and hold the Start or Guide button on the wheel until lights flash. Wait for the wheel to be assigned a section on the ring of light.
The wheel is ready to play.
If lights continue to flash around the Guide button, see the Setup or Troubleshoot speed wheel problems topics on this page.
Watch the video “Using the speed wheel with racing games.” Note This video is available in English only.
The Xbox 360 Wireless Speed Wheel is designed to work with most Xbox racing games. Because the wheel does not have shoulder buttons, some functionality may be limited in some game titles that use shoulder buttons. Refer to the game’s manual for information about shoulder button functionality, or to see if the game allows remapping of controller functions.
Watch the video “Playing Forza 4 with the speed wheel.” Note This video is available in English only.
Make sure the batteries are new AA alkaline or fully charged Nickel Metal Hydride (NiMH) rechargeable batteries. See Setup for more information.
Four lights keep flashing on the wheel.
When four lights around the Guide button flash followed by alternating flashing, this means the wheel is not connected to the console.
If this is your first time connecting the wheel to your console, refer to the Setup information above.
If you previously connected the wheel to your console, do the following:
Press and hold the Start or Guide button on the wheel until lights flash. The wheel should stop flashing and be assigned a section on the ring of light.
If the lights flash longer than 15 seconds, try the following:
Move the speed wheel closer to the console. Make sure the console and speed wheel are at least three feet away from large metal objects, such as file cabinets and refrigerators. Metallic decorations or stickers on the console or speed wheel can interfere with performance. Remove decorations and try connecting again. Make sure the front of the console is positioned in the direction of the racing wheel, and not toward a nearby wall. Cordless phones (2.4 GHz), wireless LANs, wireless video transmitters, microwave ovens, and some cell phones can interfere with the operation of the speed wheel. Try turning these wireless devices off or unplugging them, to see if the wheel will then successfully connect to your console.
Get the Best Xbox One Steering Wheel for Racing Games.
Are you still playing racing titles with a controller instead of a steering wheel?
This site is dedicated to turning your love for speed into a gaming addiction. Thought you couldn't afford a steering system or simulator setup. think again!
This site will show you all the options within your budget to create an immersive sim racing experience for Xbox One racing games.
If you are ready to take your need for speed to the next level, there are still a few details to figure out before you purchase an X box One Steering Wheel for Racing or any of its accessories. The information on this website can help you put together a solid plan to design the type of simulator setup you need. Whether you are looking for a high end brand like Fanatec or low end like Hori, we review all the products.
Before Buying a Racing Steering Wheel Setup on an Xbox One Console.
Will your setup be permanently left out for access or does it need to be put away/folded up? Do you want to mount it on a sim rig, stand, or desk? Will you be looking to add more pieces like upgraded pedals, a shifter, or an F1 rim? Do you have an old Logitech G27 looking to make it compatible with an adapter? Is a Fanatec Clubsport setup worth the price?. This blog will help you answer all of those tough questions and figure out whats best for you.
Fanatec, Logitech, or Thrustmaster Xbox One Steering Wheels.
If you are not sure which brand is for you, I think the best place to look is racing wheels and find one with force feedback within your budget. Generally Fantatec is on the high end while Logitech and Thrustmaster are mid priced. Find whats best and then move into sim racing cockpits or wheelstands if you plan to hard mount (as opposed to table clamp), and finally use add-on's/mods to take your setup to the next level. I find that's the logical order if you are new to purchasing any sim driving setup.
All of my reviews contain critical details like product specs, comparisons, and ratings based on whether or not I think it's a good value compared to the price point.
Questions About Xbox One Steering Wheels for Racing?
Don't forget I am here to help. I'm a Forza Motorsport, Project Cars, and DiRT Rally addict so you are in the company of a fellow driver who uses these sim products competitively day in and day out. Leave comments, shoot me an email, and ask questions. I respond to every single comment and email on this blog.
I love driving games and I look forward to sharing that passion with you!
Xbox One Steering Wheel for Racing Buyers Guide.
The core of any simulated driving setup is the wheel and pedals. Rim size, rotation degrees, and force feedback, are just a few things to consider when choosing a product.
Use the guide below to understand how to choose driving accessories and pedals. You’ll learn about key terms such as degrees of rotation, force feedback, and wheel weight.
About Xbox One Steering Wheels and Pedal Sets for Racing.
Driving Wheel Rim Size and Weight.
Ideally you want a something with enough size so that it feels like a real cars steering accessory in your hands. Typically sim wheel rims are 7/10 scale which usually measure around 11 inches wide in diameter, but their are rims that are 8/10 scale (12 inches).
The weight of the rim matters, usually the lighter the better as it translates more inertia and transference of force feedback and vibration. Rims that have a steel hoop perform better than plastic even though plastic accessories are lighter in weight, the steel hoop provides a more realistic touch.
Driving Wheel Degrees of Rotation.
For degrees of rotation (DOR) brands vary between 270 and 900 degrees. Some offer just those two settings while others offer every single degree in between as well as the ability change DOR on the fly.
Having options in the rotation degree will allow you to customize your driving experience to the car you are using in the game. For example if you like driving F1 cars then you want to set your DOR to 330 degrees.
Force Feedback.
Quality force feedback creates a strong and smooth pulling sensation when you are turning or skidding. It is designed to feel like your car is fighting you to unwind and return back to a centered position.
The force feedback quality is determined by the motor in the base that the steering accessory rim is attached to. For the most part brushless motors with belt driven force feedback mechanisms tend to be quieter and stronger than helical gearing or bungee cord systems. Direct drive mechanisms would offer the best force feedback, but currently there are no direct drive accessory on the market for the Xbox console.
There are a few different brands licensed for the X box One. They vary in price and quality and doing your research is super important . The risk of using non-licensed Microsoft products is that they can put out system updates that would make these non licensed products work incorrectly. If a products is NOT compatible natively with Xbox, I will call that out particularly in my review. Some might work with the assistance of adapters, but there are functionality issues like missing force feedback and/or vibration.
Most of the brands that are made for the consoles also work on the PC so its a dual benefit. If you are considering playing on both X box and PC, then this will need to be a consideration for your purchase.
Driving Wheel Scalability.
Some products offer a customizable experience like changing the rim to a GTE or F1 model, adding a clutch and progressive brake, or adding a shifter. These options add to the immersive experience of your gaming setup. Not all brands have add on components and you should consider this if you are looking to buy a basic sim setup now and then add more components in the future.
Driving Wheel Mounting Options.
Most products come with a clamp for mounting on furniture ( picture on right ). Usually this is easy to setup, by just clamping your accessory base to a table or desk.
The challenge often with these setups is that the pedals aren’t mounted or clamped to anything. When the pedals are not secured and placed on a carpet or wood floor they tend to slide around particularly when you brake.
If you are buying a stand or cockpit you need to make sure that it contains pre-drilled holes for the model you plan on purchasing. There are some stands that are built to take table clamps and you should check to see the the specifics about mounting.
If you are looking for a better game immersion experience, mounting your steering accessory on a cockpit or at least a stand is a must. The advantage that you get is that it puts you in a driving position and simulates your body’s natural sitting position behind a car steering circle and pedals. They also fix the pedals into place so that they don’t move around while your jamming on the brakes. My best recommendation is the Playseat Evolution.
Xbox 1 Steering Wheel and Pedal Sets.
Not all brands come standard with a pedal set, but 90% of them do. Typically you get an accelerator and a brake pedal standard and there are some like the G920 or the TX Leather Edition that come with 3 pedals; throttle, brake, and clutch.
For me the two most important parts of a pedal set are the bit resolution and whether or not the brake pedal offers progressive resistance. For pedal resolution aim for 10 bits or more. The pedal resolution indicates how accurate the sensitivity is. Progressive resistance is what makes a brake feel like a real car. The further you push the brake down, the harder the pedal is to push.
Popular Brands of Steering Wheels for Xbox One Racing.
There are a handful of popular manufacturers who make racing peripherals for the consoles. On the super high-end you have Fanatec, in the mid priced range there’s Thrustmaster, Logitech, and Mad Catz, and on the low end Hori. There’s something for a racer on any budget.
Fanatec is known for making pristine beautifully manufactured simulation driving peripherals that replicate the true realism of a race car. This is the highest grade of simulation products you can get for your X Box console and they are only available through their website. Fanatec has been making wheels and pedals compatible with the Xbox since 2011 and are marketed towards serious sim racers with serious budgets.
Logitech is most popular for making computer peripherals, but in 2008 they made one of most highly regarded sim products the G27. This mid-priced accessory came standard with 3 pedal sets and a shifter, but only worked on PC and PS2/PS3. After taking a 6 year hiatus from race accessories Logitech returned with their first XboxOne option in 2014 the G920. This is option is very similar in look and feel to the G27 except the shifter is sold separately. This is considered a mid-priced option for serious console racers.
Thrustmaster is known for making race and flying simulation peripherals since 1990. They manufacturer the widest array of options for the consoles with several race options in both the low and mid-price range. What makes these products notable is the eco-system that allows you to swap rims, change out pedals, and add a 7-speed shifter to most of their products. With the various options there is something in their product catalog for both casual and serious sim racers.
Mad Catz makes a wide range of affordable accessories for consoles. Most notably they made a popular inexpensive wireless driving system for the Xbox 360 and now they have returned with mid-priced force feedback option for the XB1. When this product first hit the market the reception was mixed and it has since been buried by the other choices at the mid-level price point. This is considered a mid-range option for sim drivers.
Hori makes affordable computer and console accessories like fighting sticks, controllers and steering-wheels. They focus on delivering experiences that aren’t going to brake you in the bank and their driving system is no exception. While it is not comparable in quality and performance to the previous brands it is however the perfect choice for a young child or teen who wants to try to get more immersed in a race.
MegaDream makes inexpensive computer and gaming console accessories like controller chargers, chatpads, and headphones They primarily focus on keeping costs low and delivering serviceable products. The Megadream driving system is there first race game peripheral for the XB1 and is not upto the standards of the competition at the same price point.
Best Xbox One Racing and Steering Wheel isn’t a Fanatec.
My best recommendation is the Thrustmaster TX Bundle. It is our highest rated package and offers the best feel for the price point.
It comes with a 3 pedal set, a base that delivers outstanding force feedback, a shifter and a premium leather rim. It also has multiple additional rims add-ons sold separately, the Ferrari GTE ,the Ferrari F1, and the Ferrari 599XX EVO. The TX bundle is the only package for the X-Box 1 that comes with everything you need to get your sim driving career started.
The picture below shows everything it comes with: TH8A Shifter, TX Wheelbase, 28 GT Leather Rim, and T3PA Pro Pedals.
“This package is by far the most comprehensive for all mid-priced products”
Is The Thrustmaster TX Better Than Fanatec Clubsport or Logitech G920?
Alot of people will tell you the Fanatec is better than the TX and while that is true from a performance perspective their Forza bundle costs almost $800 more and its not worth it if you are a console sim racer. They do have a more affordable wheel called the CSL Elite which is more on par with the TX price and performance. I also think the TX out performs Logitech’s G920 which doesn’t offer the same scalability options or have as strong of force feedback.
The TX simply offers the best scalability on the market for mid-priced options and that is simply what makes it the best choice. Overall the TX is pretty much the standard for the Xbox driving game community for it’s quality, durability, and reasonable price.
You can even get the TX in different smaller sized options like buying the servo base by itself the 458 Italia Edition which comes with a simpler rim and a two pedal set, or the TX Leather Edition which has a 3 pedal set and leather rim. My best advice to save a few bucks is getting the full TX bundle which comes with everything you need including the shifter.
A Good Xbox 1 Driving Wheel To Get Started.
If you are just looking for a driving accessory to get started the Thrustmaster TMX is a solid choice especially for only $200 bucks.
It is not powered by the same force feedback motor as the the TX, but it does offer 270 to 900 degrees of rotation in addition to the ability to upgrade the pedals and add a shifter.
The TMX Outperforms the Logitech G920.
A lot of people with smaller budgets have picked up the TMX wheel for it’s Thrustmaster technology and affordable price. This is a great entry level driving accessory and in my opinion even out performs the Mad Catz One and Logitech G920 which are mid-priced competitors.
While the TMX is table mount only because does not have pre-drilled holes for a sim cockpit, there are some great stands that the TMX fits on nicely.
The TMX with a stand, and an upgraded pedal set would be a great place to start for someone new or a casual racer.
Which Xbox One Racing Steering Wheel to Choose?
If you are a bit overwhelmed and don’t know what to get, start by reading reviews from the racing wheel page. Find one within your budget and then expand your search into the other components. Choosing your steering accessory first is a good step.
Xbox One Steering Wheels For Racing at Amazon.
I am also here to help…I love this stuff and want to see you get maximum enjoyment from sim driving. You may notice that the prices of these simulation accessories may fluctuate from time to time which is common in this industry. While I would never encourage you to overspend, I also would tell you don’t pass up on a deal when you see one.
If you have any questions about these products (or even products I don’t have pictured), let me know on my contact page or in the comments section on one of my reviews. You can also checkout my sim setup to get some ideas.
The Xbox Racing Blog.
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F1 2016 Steering Wheel and Force Feedback Settings for the Thrustmaster TX, TMX, T300, and T150.
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2017's Top Sellers.
Thrustmaster TX Racing Wheel Leather Edition Xbox One Review | $470.
Logitech G920 Driving Force Racing Wheel Xbox One Review | $350.
Openwheeler Advanced Racing Seat Review | $450.
Playseat Evolution Racing Game Seat Review | $400.
Wheel Stand Pro Review | $179.
Thrustmaster T3PA Pro Pedal Set Review | $150.
Thrustmaster VG TH8A Add-On Gearbox Shifter Review | $150.
Thrustmaster TMX Xbox One Racing Wheel Review | $200.
Top 10 Best Xbox One & PS4 Racing Wheels.
Published Jun 12, 2015 at 3:38pm.
Just like the wealth of arcade sticks out there, there’s a ton of incredible racing wheels ready to be placed next to your Xbox One and PS4. Current-gen racers such as Forza Motorsport 5 , Forza Horizon 2 , Project CARS and more need to be experienced the right way. And by the right way, we mean copping a high-end racing wheel and replicating the 1:1 feel of driving on the open road. We’ve found 10 of the best racing wheels available across the Xbox One and PS4. Choose wisely and make the best of your lap to lap gaming experience.
1. ThrustMaster Ferrari 458 Spider Racing Wheel – Xbox One.
ThrustMaster is a household name when it comes to producing the finest racing wheels for every type of gaming console. This racing game peripheral is exclusive to users of the Xbox One. The Ferrari 458 Spider Racing Wheel comes outfitted with some legit features. The two red textured rubber grips on both sides allow for maximum comfort while you play. Another standout feature for this wheel is the wheelbase that comes with ThrustMaster’s official Bungee Cord mechanism, which does a great job of offering you more control over your ride.
2. HORI Racing Wheel One for Xbox One.
Hori’s known for not only producing the best arcade sticks around, but they also release some of the finest racing wheels you can buy. While it may not offer forced feedback, its other features make up for this missing component. The paddle shifters and rubber grips are fine tuned to giving you the best 1:1 racing experience. The analog foot pedals come with a wide base that gives you enough space and stability. And the rubber grip on the wheel definitely feels efficient. This is one of the finer wired racing wheels out right now for the Xbox One.
3. ThrustMaster TX Racing Wheel Ferrari 458 Italia Edition.
Here’s another official Xbox One racing wheel that you’ll want to place in your gaming mancave. Microsoft worked exclusively with ThrustMaster to get this fine racing wheel into your lap or onto your table. The ThrustMaster TX Ferrari 458 Italia Edition has a perfect 7:10 scale replica to the real wheel its inspired by. It comes with metal gas and brake pedals, gear sequential paddle shifters and a Force Feedback base that makes this wheel super responsive and smooth. PC gamers should also take a look at this wheel since it works for Windows computer devices.
4. Mad Catz Pro Racing Force Feedback Wheel and Pedals for Xbox One – Xbox One.
Mad Catz’s racing wheel for the Xbox One comes in the form of this sweet model. This racing wheel allows for extra comfortability thanks to its inclusions of lap rests, plus its mounting hardware makes it easier to secure it to a stable platform. The current-gen force feedback on this wheel comes with dual motors and helical gears, plus its 2-way switch allows your wheel to go in 270 or 900-degrees of rotation. This wheel goes pretty well with any of Playseat’s racing gaming seats, by the way.
5. ThrustMaster VG TM Leather 28 GT Wheel Add-On – Windows, Xbox One, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 3.
ThrustMaster not only makes racing wheels, they also develop racing wheel add-on’s that can be swapped in for other Thrust Master models. The VG TM Leather 28 GT feels great thanks to its hand-stitched leather exterior. It’s total weight comes in at only 2-pounds, which makes this wheel one of the best if you’re concerned with proper Force Feedback. The overall structure of this racing wheel has been fine-tuned to current automotive standards, so it feels as realistic as possible. This racing wheel add-on is compatible with the following ThrustMaster models – the T300 RS, T300 Ferrari GTE, T500 RS, Ferrari F1 Wheel Integral T500 and TX Racing Wheel Ferrari 458 Italia Edition.
6. ThrustMaster T80 RS PS4/PS3 Officially Licensed Racing Wheel.
This model stands as the 1st official licensed racing wheel for the PS4. The official embedded firmware programmed within this racing wheel makes it easily recognizable for both the PS3 and PS4. The rubber coating casing on this wheel feels amazing and it also arrives with two-on-wheel shift paddles that are extra responsive. The pedal seat comes in at a great width, the wheel base offers linear resistance with its “Bungee Cord” feature and the Central Clamping system makes the wheel form fitted for all desk/table types.
7. ThrustMaster VG T300RS Officially Licensed PS4/PS3 Force Feedback Racing Wheel.
The VG T300RS racing wheel model is compatible with not only the PS4, but it also works with the PS3. It’s most noteworthy features include the following – a Force Feedback wheel base with an industrial-class brushless motor, an adjustable wheel that’s capable of rotating from 270 to 1080-degrees and fully adjustable metal pedals. The brake pedal also allows for proper resistance. This model is compatible with a huge variety of other ThrustMaster racing wheels – the Ferrari F1 Add-on, Ferrari GTE Add-on and T500 RS GT Wheel. When it comes to compatible pedal sets, this model works with the T3PA and T500 RS. And when looking for compatible gearboxes, you can hook up the TH8A and TH8RS to this model.
8. HORI Racing Wheel 4 for PlayStation 3 and 4.
This Hori developed and manufactured racing wheel is grade-A material for the PS4. This officially licensed Sony Computer Entertainment America model works right out of the box for the PS3 and PS4. This wheel mimics the controls of the PS4 controller, so you can a have a bit of ridiculous fun and use it with non-racing games. For gearhead gamers, the vibration feedback, rubber wheel grips, super stable foot pedals and programmable buttons should ultimately do the trick. One of the best features for this PlayStation racing wheel is its special Steering Mode, which offers a top of the line feel for any racer you play.
9. ThrustMaster Ferrari F1 Wheel Add-On for PS3/PS4/PC/Xbox One.
So you’re more into the look and aesthetic of a racing wheel, huh? Of course you want a racing wheel that feels great and is responsive to everything you do, but you’ll also want one that looks amazing in your hands. ThrustMaster has created a racing wheel add-on that’s a complete replica of the Formula 1 Ferrari 2011 racing wheel. The rubber grips placed on this wheel make it feel as form fitting as possible in your hands, plus the heavier feel to it makes it super stable. This racing wheel Ferrari replica works with the Thrustmaster T300RS and TX Wheel.
10. ThrustMaster VG TH8A Add-On Gearbox Shifter for PC, PS3, PS4 and Xbox One.
Our final pick on this list is geared (pun intended) specifically to racing gamers who want to pick up a stick shift add-on. The ThrustMaster VG TH8A feels and looks as realistic as the real automobile gear shifters floating out there. Its metal makeup can be seen on the gear stick itself, plus it’s outfitted to the shifter’s internal mechanism and clamping system. One of its most memorable specialties is its “H.E.A.R.T. (Hall Effect AccuRate Technology).” This feature keeps this stick’s motions precise at all times. This gear shifter works flawlessly with the following racing wheels – the T500RS, Ferrari F1 Wheel Integral T500, T300RS and TX Racing Wheel.
Read More From Heavy.
Top 5 Best Racing Seats & Simulators.
Heavy, Inc. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by linking to Amazon. Our product recommendations are guided solely by our editors. We have no relationship with manufacturers.
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Not a single one of these looks suitable for use on your lap for a more casual gamer even though they suggest they are the force feed back will twist the centre console on your lap. I was looking for something more like the following which worked excellently:-
Xbox 360 Wireless Wheel (Xbox 360)
Thats because if you’re serious about racing and you want the best simulation experience you wont be sitting on a couch,you need the wheel to be fixed to a desk and pedals below (layout like a car) if you want a wheel that you hold in the air you might as well be using a wii remote.
Why can’t you buy a tx with the f1 wheel on it. And will it last longer then 3 months?
Thrustmaster Ferrari 458 Spider Racing Wheel for Xbox One.
Drive with greater precision with this fully adjustable wheel for Ferrari GT-inspired racing.
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Drive with greater precision with this fully adjustable wheel for Ferrari GT-inspired racing.
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Thrustmaster Ferrari 458 Spider Racing Wheel for Xbox One.
The thrill of Ferrari driving.
Take control with this 7/10 replica of the Ferrari 458 Spider racing wheel. You'll be ready to race in any situation, with two paddle shifters, nine action buttons, one Manettino, one D-Pad, one Xbox Guide button, and a pairing detection LED for Kinect. It features a rubber-textured grip and adjustable wheel sensitivity, with four included presets, for more precise driving in all your racing games. Optimized with a Bungee Cord mechanism, it delivers linear resistance, regardless of the rotation angle, ensuring ergonomic and intuitive control. Plus, it has a wide, individually adjustable pedal set, with the brake pedal offering progressive resistance, giving you the control to get past the checkered flag and into the winner's circle.
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Love This Wheel.
I Just Got This Today, Very Simple Setup I Must Say, Only Thing I Would Add Are LED Lights In The Buttons For Night Gaming.
One person found this helpful.
It's really good.
it will work with an xbox one s also.
I love it. I just wish it had the clutch pedal.
Stopped Working.
I used my wheel for Forza Horizon 2 and within about a month it just stopped working with no clear reason as to why.
Best beginner xbox one racing wheel!
I have had this racing wheel for about a year and three months now, and I have had no trouble from it at all since I bought it. One of my favorite things about this wheel is the paddle shifters, which make a very satisfying 'click' when pressed. The wheel also feels very good in your hands, as the red rubber grips keep your hands down very well. The bungee cord used in this wheel is a very good substitute for force feedback, and I was pleasantly surprised as to how much resistance it was capable of giving. This wheel works seamlessly with forza motorsport 5, forza motorsport 6, forza horizon 2, and F1 2015. Although I do not own project cars, I believe that that game supports the wheel as well.
I love it and I saved up just for that I have it sitting in my room and I love it but I want force feed back.
Love and hate relationships.
I like be this wheel when I'm playing on my Xbox one forza!! Unfortunately I hate that I bought a alpha core Alienware gaming system and also purchased euro truck sim just to use this wheel with it and it doesnt even recognize it. I'm furious. Plz someone tell me if there's a fix for this.
i just bought it and it is amazing it feels like a real driving wheel.
Great handling racing wheel!
I love this wheel! Easy to adjust sensitivity while driving, handles great on Forza 5 and Forza Horizon 2. Works good with The Crew also. Need for Speed doesn't support it though. Can't go back to using a controller after using this wheel. Only thing I'd change is that there is no connection for a headset.
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The Top-Rated Racing Wheels Available on Amazon.
The Top-Rated Racing Wheels Available on Amazon.
From Forza Motorsport, to Gran Turismo, to Need for Speed, there are plenty of great driving games. But driving a vehicle around with just a controller in hand can take you out of the experience. So companies both big and small make racing-wheel accessories that feature everything from steering wheels to pedals. Their goal is simple: to make your driving experience as authentic as possible.
Hori Racing Wheel Apex (PC, PS4)
The Hori Racing Wheel Apex is an affordable option that includes both a steering wheel and pedals. The Apex is compatible only with the PlayStation 4 and PC, however, so if you're a Forza fan, move on. The full-size wheel has a 270-degree turning radius, and its pedals are "optimized for authentic racing simulation." A mount clamp attached to the steering wheel can be used to keep it sturdy during use.
Thrustmaster TMX Force Feedback (PC, Xbox One)
Accessories maker Thrustmaster's TMX Force Feedback is designed for Xbox One and Windows users. The steering wheel, which also comes with pedals, is 11 inches in diameter and is automatically recognized by the Xbox One when you turn it on. The pedal inclination can be adjusted, and the brake pedal offers progressive resistance. Additionally, the racing wheel comes with force feedback support that makes it feel even more like the real thing.
Logitech G920 Dual-Motor Feedback (PC/PS4/Xbox One)
If you don't mind spending about the cost of a console for a racing wheel, the $274 Logitech G920 might be for you. The racing wheel has force feedback support and can be purchased in either an Xbox One/PC version or a PlayStation 4 version. With the three-pedal setup, you can accelerate, brake and shift gears. Logitech says it designed its G920 to be durable; the steering wheel is leather, and the pedals are stainless steel.
Thrustmaster Ferrari Vibration GT Cockpit 458 Italia Edition (PCs)
The Thrustmaster Ferrari Vibration GT Cockpit 458 Italia Edition is a single metal structure that features a steering wheel at the top and pedals at the bottom. The stand’s height can be adjusted to accommodate your height when sitting. While the Cockpit 458 isn't compatible with the latest-generation consoles, it's still a fine option for PC users who want a single, sturdy unit.
Fakespot Rating: No rating.
Thrustmaster VG T300 Ferrari Alcantara (PC, PS4)
If you don't mind spending nearly $500 for a racing wheel, the Thrustmaster VG T300 Ferrari Alcantara is worth a look. It's compatible with PlayStation 4 and PC, and can be detached from the base and pedals for more comfortable use. The wheel itself is actually a replica of the Ferrari 599XX Evo, and its wrapping was imported from Italy. In other words, it's all luxury. The wheel comes with an attachment system and built-in screws so you can mount it on a desk or table. If you want to get really serious, consider picking up the optional TH8A shifter to really put yourself in a Ferrari cockpit.
Fanatec Forza Motorsport (PC, Xbox One)
The top-of-the-line racing wheel on the market right now is the Fanatec Forza Motorsport Racing Wheel. The device, which costs a whopping $1,300, is the official racing wheel for Forza Motorsport on the Xbox One and PC. It includes three pedals and a racing-inspired wheel. The wheel and pedals are made from high-quality materials, and you can place buttons all around. You can also add shifter paddles. If you want one of the most authentic racing-wheel experiences out there, the Fanatec Forza Motorsport might be for you.
Racing Wheels Compatible with Xbox One S.
I have been getting a TON of email regarding the Xbox One Slim and whether or not particular racing wheels are compatible with the console. So Today I will address the concerns and list out all the steering wheels compatible with the Xbox One S.
For starters what you really need to know is that as long as your racing wheel worked with the original console than it will also work with the new white slim version of the console. This is primarily because it utilizes the USB port and the XB1 S has 3 USB ports just like the original, with one small difference…
The only difference is that Microsoft moved one of the USB ports around to the front of the console which will make plugging in your racing wheel much easier.
Racing Wheels Compatible with Xbox One Slim.
The list was compiled in July of 2016. Products released after this date may not be on this list. If you are interested in learning more about these sim racing products than you can click on them to read an in-depth review.
It’s worth noting that all of the pedals sets and shifters that can be added to the products listed above will continue to work. So for example if you have a Thrustmaster TX or TMX the T3PA pedals and the TH8A shifter will also work and the driving force shifter will work with the G920.
Best Steering Wheel for Xbox One S.
While you can see above you have multiple options at varying price points for the X box One Slim. These 4 choices are the most popular items ordered through this website. I have listed them from left to right in popularity order.
I personally think the best value is the Thrustmaster TX leather edition, while it doesn’t pack the same quality punch as the Fanatec wheel it is costs about $900 less and it still offers a high quality simulated racing experience.
How to Hook Up a Racing Wheel To Your Xbox Slim Console.
All the steering wheels above use a USB connection to work with your slim console. Now that there is a USB port located directly on the front of the console connecting your racing peripherals is easier than ever.
For other peripherals like shifters and pedals you will be plugging them into your wheelbase so you don’t need to worry about them taking up resources on the other two USB ports on the console.
Not all racing wheels with a USB cord are compatible, you still need one made for Xbox One. In other words you still can’t connect an Xbox360 or a PlayStation driving wheel up to it. If you stick to the list I have above you can rest assured that your peripheral will work.
Will There be Performance Differences in Racing.
I don’t anticipate any increased or decreased performance from these products with the upgraded console. The console while 40% smaller and had a slight bump in processing power is still more or less the same unit from a hardware perspective. The driving systems will work exactly the same and you will see virtually no difference in your racing games from the standard console to the slim version.
Xbox 1 Slim at Amazon.
What is your favorite feature of the Xbox-One S? Let me know in the comments below.
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2017's Top Sellers.
Thrustmaster TX Racing Wheel Leather Edition Xbox One Review | $470.
Logitech G920 Driving Force Racing Wheel Xbox One Review | $350.
Openwheeler Advanced Racing Seat Review | $450.
Playseat Evolution Racing Game Seat Review | $400.
Wheel Stand Pro Review | $179.
Thrustmaster T3PA Pro Pedal Set Review | $150.
Thrustmaster VG TH8A Add-On Gearbox Shifter Review | $150.
Thrustmaster TMX Xbox One Racing Wheel Review | $200.
Thrustmaster TMX Force Feedback Racing Wheel for Xbox One and PCs.
Feel every bump, crash, and slam of the brakes with this official racing simulator for Xbox One and PCs. It features a 900-degree force feedback base and a realistic wheel design perfectly adapted for most racing games. Large pedal set included. Compatible with Xbox One and PC (Windows 10/8/7/Vista). PC drivers may be required.
Free shipping. Free returns.
Feel every bump, crash, and slam of the brakes with this official racing simulator for Xbox One and PCs. It features a 900-degree force feedback base and a realistic wheel design perfectly adapted for most racing games. Large pedal set included. Compatible with Xbox One and PC (Windows 10/8/7/Vista). PC drivers may be required.
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Thrustmaster TMX Force Feedback Racing Wheel for Xbox One and PCs.
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Quilty and priced rite.
Really great product . Combined with t3pa pro pedal add on and shifter.
3 out of 3 people found this helpful.
Great product.
Excellent features. Feels real. Racing wheel has kept up with technology since my younger days.
2 out of 2 people found this helpful.
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Get the Best Xbox One Steering Wheel for Racing Games.
Are you still playing racing titles with a controller instead of a steering wheel?
This site is dedicated to turning your love for speed into a gaming addiction. Thought you couldn't afford a steering system or simulator setup. think again!
This site will show you all the options within your budget to create an immersive sim racing experience for Xbox One racing games.
If you are ready to take your need for speed to the next level, there are still a few details to figure out before you purchase an X box One Steering Wheel for Racing or any of its accessories. The information on this website can help you put together a solid plan to design the type of simulator setup you need. Whether you are looking for a high end brand like Fanatec or low end like Hori, we review all the products.
Before Buying a Racing Steering Wheel Setup on an Xbox One Console.
Will your setup be permanently left out for access or does it need to be put away/folded up? Do you want to mount it on a sim rig, stand, or desk? Will you be looking to add more pieces like upgraded pedals, a shifter, or an F1 rim? Do you have an old Logitech G27 looking to make it compatible with an adapter? Is a Fanatec Clubsport setup worth the price?. This blog will help you answer all of those tough questions and figure out whats best for you.
Fanatec, Logitech, or Thrustmaster Xbox One Steering Wheels.
If you are not sure which brand is for you, I think the best place to look is racing wheels and find one with force feedback within your budget. Generally Fantatec is on the high end while Logitech and Thrustmaster are mid priced. Find whats best and then move into sim racing cockpits or wheelstands if you plan to hard mount (as opposed to table clamp), and finally use add-on's/mods to take your setup to the next level. I find that's the logical order if you are new to purchasing any sim driving setup.
All of my reviews contain critical details like product specs, comparisons, and ratings based on whether or not I think it's a good value compared to the price point.
Questions About Xbox One Steering Wheels for Racing?
Don't forget I am here to help. I'm a Forza Motorsport, Project Cars, and DiRT Rally addict so you are in the company of a fellow driver who uses these sim products competitively day in and day out. Leave comments, shoot me an email, and ask questions. I respond to every single comment and email on this blog.
I love driving games and I look forward to sharing that passion with you!
Xbox One Steering Wheel for Racing Buyers Guide.
The core of any simulated driving setup is the wheel and pedals. Rim size, rotation degrees, and force feedback, are just a few things to consider when choosing a product.
Use the guide below to understand how to choose driving accessories and pedals. You’ll learn about key terms such as degrees of rotation, force feedback, and wheel weight.
About Xbox One Steering Wheels and Pedal Sets for Racing.
Driving Wheel Rim Size and Weight.
Ideally you want a something with enough size so that it feels like a real cars steering accessory in your hands. Typically sim wheel rims are 7/10 scale which usually measure around 11 inches wide in diameter, but their are rims that are 8/10 scale (12 inches).
The weight of the rim matters, usually the lighter the better as it translates more inertia and transference of force feedback and vibration. Rims that have a steel hoop perform better than plastic even though plastic accessories are lighter in weight, the steel hoop provides a more realistic touch.
Driving Wheel Degrees of Rotation.
For degrees of rotation (DOR) brands vary between 270 and 900 degrees. Some offer just those two settings while others offer every single degree in between as well as the ability change DOR on the fly.
Having options in the rotation degree will allow you to customize your driving experience to the car you are using in the game. For example if you like driving F1 cars then you want to set your DOR to 330 degrees.
Force Feedback.
Quality force feedback creates a strong and smooth pulling sensation when you are turning or skidding. It is designed to feel like your car is fighting you to unwind and return back to a centered position.
The force feedback quality is determined by the motor in the base that the steering accessory rim is attached to. For the most part brushless motors with belt driven force feedback mechanisms tend to be quieter and stronger than helical gearing or bungee cord systems. Direct drive mechanisms would offer the best force feedback, but currently there are no direct drive accessory on the market for the Xbox console.
There are a few different brands licensed for the X box One. They vary in price and quality and doing your research is super important . The risk of using non-licensed Microsoft products is that they can put out system updates that would make these non licensed products work incorrectly. If a products is NOT compatible natively with Xbox, I will call that out particularly in my review. Some might work with the assistance of adapters, but there are functionality issues like missing force feedback and/or vibration.
Most of the brands that are made for the consoles also work on the PC so its a dual benefit. If you are considering playing on both X box and PC, then this will need to be a consideration for your purchase.
Driving Wheel Scalability.
Some products offer a customizable experience like changing the rim to a GTE or F1 model, adding a clutch and progressive brake, or adding a shifter. These options add to the immersive experience of your gaming setup. Not all brands have add on components and you should consider this if you are looking to buy a basic sim setup now and then add more components in the future.
Driving Wheel Mounting Options.
Most products come with a clamp for mounting on furniture ( picture on right ). Usually this is easy to setup, by just clamping your accessory base to a table or desk.
The challenge often with these setups is that the pedals aren’t mounted or clamped to anything. When the pedals are not secured and placed on a carpet or wood floor they tend to slide around particularly when you brake.
If you are buying a stand or cockpit you need to make sure that it contains pre-drilled holes for the model you plan on purchasing. There are some stands that are built to take table clamps and you should check to see the the specifics about mounting.
If you are looking for a better game immersion experience, mounting your steering accessory on a cockpit or at least a stand is a must. The advantage that you get is that it puts you in a driving position and simulates your body’s natural sitting position behind a car steering circle and pedals. They also fix the pedals into place so that they don’t move around while your jamming on the brakes. My best recommendation is the Playseat Evolution.
Xbox 1 Steering Wheel and Pedal Sets.
Not all brands come standard with a pedal set, but 90% of them do. Typically you get an accelerator and a brake pedal standard and there are some like the G920 or the TX Leather Edition that come with 3 pedals; throttle, brake, and clutch.
For me the two most important parts of a pedal set are the bit resolution and whether or not the brake pedal offers progressive resistance. For pedal resolution aim for 10 bits or more. The pedal resolution indicates how accurate the sensitivity is. Progressive resistance is what makes a brake feel like a real car. The further you push the brake down, the harder the pedal is to push.
Popular Brands of Steering Wheels for Xbox One Racing.
There are a handful of popular manufacturers who make racing peripherals for the consoles. On the super high-end you have Fanatec, in the mid priced range there’s Thrustmaster, Logitech, and Mad Catz, and on the low end Hori. There’s something for a racer on any budget.
Fanatec is known for making pristine beautifully manufactured simulation driving peripherals that replicate the true realism of a race car. This is the highest grade of simulation products you can get for your X Box console and they are only available through their website. Fanatec has been making wheels and pedals compatible with the Xbox since 2011 and are marketed towards serious sim racers with serious budgets.
Logitech is most popular for making computer peripherals, but in 2008 they made one of most highly regarded sim products the G27. This mid-priced accessory came standard with 3 pedal sets and a shifter, but only worked on PC and PS2/PS3. After taking a 6 year hiatus from race accessories Logitech returned with their first XboxOne option in 2014 the G920. This is option is very similar in look and feel to the G27 except the shifter is sold separately. This is considered a mid-priced option for serious console racers.
Thrustmaster is known for making race and flying simulation peripherals since 1990. They manufacturer the widest array of options for the consoles with several race options in both the low and mid-price range. What makes these products notable is the eco-system that allows you to swap rims, change out pedals, and add a 7-speed shifter to most of their products. With the various options there is something in their product catalog for both casual and serious sim racers.
Mad Catz makes a wide range of affordable accessories for consoles. Most notably they made a popular inexpensive wireless driving system for the Xbox 360 and now they have returned with mid-priced force feedback option for the XB1. When this product first hit the market the reception was mixed and it has since been buried by the other choices at the mid-level price point. This is considered a mid-range option for sim drivers.
Hori makes affordable computer and console accessories like fighting sticks, controllers and steering-wheels. They focus on delivering experiences that aren’t going to brake you in the bank and their driving system is no exception. While it is not comparable in quality and performance to the previous brands it is however the perfect choice for a young child or teen who wants to try to get more immersed in a race.
MegaDream makes inexpensive computer and gaming console accessories like controller chargers, chatpads, and headphones They primarily focus on keeping costs low and delivering serviceable products. The Megadream driving system is there first race game peripheral for the XB1 and is not upto the standards of the competition at the same price point.
Best Xbox One Racing and Steering Wheel isn’t a Fanatec.
My best recommendation is the Thrustmaster TX Bundle. It is our highest rated package and offers the best feel for the price point.
It comes with a 3 pedal set, a base that delivers outstanding force feedback, a shifter and a premium leather rim. It also has multiple additional rims add-ons sold separately, the Ferrari GTE ,the Ferrari F1, and the Ferrari 599XX EVO. The TX bundle is the only package for the X-Box 1 that comes with everything you need to get your sim driving career started.
The picture below shows everything it comes with: TH8A Shifter, TX Wheelbase, 28 GT Leather Rim, and T3PA Pro Pedals.
“This package is by far the most comprehensive for all mid-priced products”
Is The Thrustmaster TX Better Than Fanatec Clubsport or Logitech G920?
Alot of people will tell you the Fanatec is better than the TX and while that is true from a performance perspective their Forza bundle costs almost $800 more and its not worth it if you are a console sim racer. They do have a more affordable wheel called the CSL Elite which is more on par with the TX price and performance. I also think the TX out performs Logitech’s G920 which doesn’t offer the same scalability options or have as strong of force feedback.
The TX simply offers the best scalability on the market for mid-priced options and that is simply what makes it the best choice. Overall the TX is pretty much the standard for the Xbox driving game community for it’s quality, durability, and reasonable price.
You can even get the TX in different smaller sized options like buying the servo base by itself the 458 Italia Edition which comes with a simpler rim and a two pedal set, or the TX Leather Edition which has a 3 pedal set and leather rim. My best advice to save a few bucks is getting the full TX bundle which comes with everything you need including the shifter.
A Good Xbox 1 Driving Wheel To Get Started.
If you are just looking for a driving accessory to get started the Thrustmaster TMX is a solid choice especially for only $200 bucks.
It is not powered by the same force feedback motor as the the TX, but it does offer 270 to 900 degrees of rotation in addition to the ability to upgrade the pedals and add a shifter.
The TMX Outperforms the Logitech G920.
A lot of people with smaller budgets have picked up the TMX wheel for it’s Thrustmaster technology and affordable price. This is a great entry level driving accessory and in my opinion even out performs the Mad Catz One and Logitech G920 which are mid-priced competitors.
While the TMX is table mount only because does not have pre-drilled holes for a sim cockpit, there are some great stands that the TMX fits on nicely.
The TMX with a stand, and an upgraded pedal set would be a great place to start for someone new or a casual racer.
Which Xbox One Racing Steering Wheel to Choose?
If you are a bit overwhelmed and don’t know what to get, start by reading reviews from the racing wheel page. Find one within your budget and then expand your search into the other components. Choosing your steering accessory first is a good step.
Xbox One Steering Wheels For Racing at Amazon.
I am also here to help…I love this stuff and want to see you get maximum enjoyment from sim driving. You may notice that the prices of these simulation accessories may fluctuate from time to time which is common in this industry. While I would never encourage you to overspend, I also would tell you don’t pass up on a deal when you see one.
If you have any questions about these products (or even products I don’t have pictured), let me know on my contact page or in the comments section on one of my reviews. You can also checkout my sim setup to get some ideas.
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