среда, 11 июля 2018 г.


Videospiele Neuerscheinungen in KW 43. 18. Oktober 2015 von Jean Pierre B. Wir zeigen euch alle Neuerscheinungen in der 43. Kalenderwoche 2015. Playstation Plus Mitglieder können sich unter anderem Broken Age herunterladen und Gold Mitglieder auf der Xbox können Valiant Hearts: The Great War kostenlos spielen. Zu allen Spielen haben wir Guides, Lösungen und News für euch. Schaut einfach mal in unsere Übersicht nach, gleich hier. Neue Spiele im Einzelhandel: Adventure Time: Finn and Jake Investigations (PS4, Xbox One, Wii U, PS3, Xbox 360, 3DS) Assassin’s Creed Syndicate (PS4, Xbox One) Code: Realize Guardian of Rebirth (PS Vita) Dragon Ball Z: Extreme Butoden (3DS) Fatal Frame: Maiden of Black Water Gravity Falls: Legend of the Gnome Gemulets (3DS) Guitar Hero Live (Xbox One, PS4, Wii U, PS3, Xbox 360) Hasbro Family Fun Pack (PS4, Xbox One) Just Dance 2016 (Wii, PS4, Xbox One, Wii U, PS3, Xbox 360) Just Dance Disney Party 2 (Wii, Wii U, Xbox One, Xbox 360) Let’s Sing 2016 (Wii, PS4) Overlord: Fellowship of Evil (PC) Tales of Zestiria (PS4, PS3) The Legend of Zelda: TriForce Heroes (3DS) — Note: Friday release. Neu im PlayStation Store: PS+ kostenlose Spiele im Oktober: Broken Age (PS4 and PS Vita), Super Meat Boy (PS4 and PS Vita), Unmechanical Extended (PS4 and PS3), Chariot (PS3), Kung Fu Rabbit (PS Vita and PS3), Kickbeat (PS Vita and PS3). PS4: Primal Carnage: Extinction. PS4 Retail Downloads: Assassin’s Creed Syndicate (Friday), Tales of Zestiria, Guitar Hero Live, Just Dance 2016, Let’s Sing 2016, Hasbro Family Fun Pack, Adventure Time: Finn and Jake Investigations. PS4 Add-Ons: Life Is Strange – Episode 5: Polarized, Tales From The Borderlands – Episode 5: The Vault of the Traveler. PS3: Noch nichts bekannt PS3 Retail Downloads: Tales of Zestiria, Guitar Hero Live, Just Dance 2016, Adventure Time: Finn and Jake Investigations. PS3 Add-Ons: Life Is Strange – Episode 5: Polarized, Tales From The Borderlands – Episode 5: The Vault of the Traveler. PS Vita: Noch nichts bekannt PS Vita Retail Downloads: Code: Realize Guardian of Rebirth. Neu auf dem Xbox Live Marktplatz: Xbox One Kostenlose Spiele mit Gold im Oktober: Valiant Hearts: The Great War, ab dem 15. The Walking Dead: The Complete First Season. Xbox One: Overlord: Fellowship of Evil, Forced. Xbox One Retail Downloads: Assassin’s Creed Syndicate (Friday), Guitar Hero Live, Just Dance 2016, Just Dance Disney Party 2, Hasbro Family Fun Pack, Adventure Time: Finn and Jake Investigations. Xbox One Add-Ons: Life Is Strange – Episode 5: Polarized, Tales From The Borderlands – Episode 5: The Vault of the Traveler. Xbox 360 Free Games with Gold in October: Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes until the 15th and from the 16th you also get The Walking Dead: The Complete First Season, Back to the Future: 30th Anniversary Edition. Xbox Live Arcade: Noch nichts bekannt Games On Demand: Guitar Hero Live, Just Dance 2016, Just Dance Disney Party 2, Adventure Time: Finn and Jake Investigations. Xbox Marketplace: Life Is Strange – Episode 5: Polarized, Tales From The Borderlands – Episode 5: The Vault of the Traveler. iPad/iPhone/iPod Touch: Guitar Hero Live (also on Android), Tales From The Borderlands – Episode 5: The Vault of the Traveler (also on Android). Facebook. Seite liken um aktuelle Informationen zu… Xbox One Fanpage. Für die Xbox One ist ein neues Update verfügbar. Dies enthält u. a. den neuen Mediaplayer, leider jedoch noch nicht mit DNLA-Unterstütz ung und auch Formate wie z.b. MKV fehlen noch. Die fehlenden Funktionen sollen noch dieses Jahr nachgereicht werden. Xbox One Fanpage. 5 News müsst ihr sein: 1. Rise of the Tomb Raider wird Ende 2015 (vorerst?) nur für die Xbox One erscheinen. 2. Der offene Beta-Test des Multiplayer-Sho oters Evolve beginnt im Januar 2015 exklusiv auf der Xbox One. 3. Erstes Gameplay Video zu Quantum Break: 4. In Zukunft wird die Xbox One u.a. einen neuen Mediaplayer erhalten, der Dateien von externen USB- und Netzwerk-Speich ern abspielen kann. Die Netzwerkspeiche r müssen… Xbox One Fanpage. Die Xbox One mit Kinect ist momentan bei Amazon für 439 EUR zu haben. Damit liegt der Preis knapp 61 EUR unter der UVP. Xbox One Fanpage. Der Xbox One Digital TV Tuner wird im Oktober für 29,99 EUR verfügbar sein. Dieser unterstützt DVB-T, DVB-T2 and DVB-C. Der Wechsel von Kanälen oder die Navigation in der Programmübersic ht ist per Sprache möglich, Kinect vorausgesetzt. Außerdem können Sendungen pausiert werden usw. Videospiele Neuerscheinungen: 9 Kalenderwoche 2016. 29. Februar 2016 von Jean Pierre B. Wir zeigen euch alle Neuerscheinungen in der 9. Kalenderwoche 2016. Playstation Plus Mitglieder können sich unter anderem Broforce für die PS4 herunterladen. Zu allen Spielen haben wir Guides, Lösungen und News für euch. Schaut einfach mal in unsere Übersicht nach, gleich hier. Neue Spiele im Einzelhandel: Alekhine’s Gun (PS4, Xbox One) Bus Simulator 16 (PC/Mac) Darksiders 2 Latex Death Mask (Zubehör) Darksiders Replica Chaoseater Sword (Zubehör) Deponia Doomsday (PC/Mac) Giana Sisters Twisted Dreams: Directors Cut (PS4) Heavy Rain and Beyond: Two Souls Collection (PS4) Mega Man Legacy Collection: Special Edition including Mega Man Statue & E-Tank (PS4, Xbox One) Mortal Kombat XL (PS4, Xbox One) Return to PopoloCrois: A STORY OF SEASONS Fairytale (3DS) The Last Tinker City of Colors (PS4) The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess HD bundle inklusive Wolf Link / Midna amiibo (Wii U). The Witch and the Hundred Knight: Revival Edition (PS4)) Neu im PlayStation Store: PS Plus Spiele im März: Broforce (PS4), Galak-Z (PS4), Super Stardust HD (PS3), The Last Guy (PS3), Flame Over (PS Vita), Reality Fighters (PS Vita). PS4: Broforce, Screencheat, Square Heroes, Gunscape, Ironcast, McDroid. PS4 Retail Downloads: Mortal Kombat XL, Heavy Rain and Beyond: Two Souls Collection, The Witch and the Hundred Knight: Revival Edition, Alekhine’s Gun, Giana Sisters Twisted Dreams: Directors Cut, The Last Tinker City of Colors. PS4 Add-Ons: Mortal Kombat X – Characters Pack 2 DLC. PS Vita: Croixleur Sigma (Cross-Buy), Pirate Solitaire, Royal Defense: Invisible Threat. Neu auf dem Xbox Live Marktplatz: Xbox One Kostenlose Spiele mit Gold im März: Noch nichts bekannt Xbox One: Screencheat, TRON: RUN/r, Gunscape, Ironcast. Xbox One Retail Downloads: Mortal Kombat XL, Alekhine’s Gun. Xbox One Add-Ons: Mortal Kombat X – Characters Pack 2 DLC. Xbox 360 Free Games with Gold in März: Noch nichts bekannt Xbox Live Arcade: Noch nichts bekannt. iPad/iPhone/iPod Touch:Bandai Namco’s Slashy Souls, Adult Swim’s Peter Panic, The Light Inside Us, I Love My Circle. Wie können wir dir helfen? Hilfethemen. Konto und Zahlungen. Spotify nutzen. Überall Musik hören. Suchergebnisse. Wie können wir dir helfen? Konto und Zahlungen. Spotify nutzen. Überall Musik hören. Das ultimative Spotify-Erlebnis. Hast Du Fragen, Antworten oder Ideen zu Spotify? Werde Teil unserer Community oder stelle dort einfach Deine Fragen. Hilfe auf Twitter oder Facebook: Spotify auf der Xbox One. Hör Spotify auf deiner Xbox One-Konsole! Zu den Features gehören: Musikwiedergabe im Hintergrund, während du spielst. Durchsuche Playlists aus unterschiedlichen Genres und für verschiedene Stimmungen. Oder durchstöbere Neuerscheinungen. Spiele deine eigenen Playlists oder Songs aus Deine Musik ab. Suche nach Songs, Alben oder Playlists. Steuere über Spotify Connect die Musik von deinem Mobilgerät aus. Du findest Spotify im Menü Unterhaltung deiner Xbox One unter Alle Apps . Tipp: Du hast noch kein Spotify Konto? Dann öffne einfach die Spotify App auf der Xbox One und wähle REGISTRIEREN aus, um ein Konto zu erstellen! Spotify Connect ist die einfachste Möglichkeit, dich auf der Xbox One bei deinem Spotify Konto anzumelden: Dein Smartphone oder Tablet muss mit demselben WLAN verbunden sein wie die Xbox One. Öffne die Spotify App auf dem Smartphone oder Tablet und melde dich darin an. Starte die Spotify App auf der Xbox One. Wähle ANMELDEN aus. Befolge die Anweisungen auf dem Bildschirm. Das war's! Jetzt kannst du dein Mobilgerät als Fernbedienung verwenden, um die Musik auf der Xbox One zu steuern. Mit dem Benutzernamen und Kennwort von Spotify anmelden. Wähle ANMELDEN aus. Wähle ANDERE ANMELDEMETHODEN aus. Wähle Passwort aus. Gib deinen Benutzernamen und dein Passwort ein und klicke auf ANMELDEN . Hinweis: Falls du dein Konto über Facebook erstellt hast, kannst du dich nicht auf diese Weise anmelden. Wähle auf der Xbox in der Spotify App das Profilbild rechts oben auf dem Bildschirm aus. Wähle Abmelden aus. Du kannst mithilfe der Richtungstasten oder mit der Taste L3 in der App navigieren. Drücke A , um Features auszuwählen. Scrolle mithilfe der Richtungstasten durch die Bildschirme, um auf andere Bereiche der App zuzugreifen. Nach Musik suchen. Markiere mithilfe der Richtungstasten das Suchsymbol rechts oben. Drück dann die Taste A . Gib mithilfe der Richtungstasten ein, wonach du suchst. Wähle Fertig aus, um die Suche zu starten. Markiere mithilfe der Richtungstasten ein Suchergebnis und drück auf A , um zu spielen. Wenn du möchtest, kannst du die Musik stattdessen auch mit Spotify Connect über dein Smartphone steuern. Drück die Xbox-Taste auf dem Controller, um das Xbox-Menü aufzurufen. Wähle den Eintrag für Spotify aus, um Musik auszuwählen und abzuspielen. Wenn du jetzt über das Xbox-Menü zum Spiel zurückwechselst, wird die Musikwiedergabe nicht unterbrochen. Mithilfe der Wiedergabeleiste unten im Xbox-Menü kannst du Songs überspringen, die Wiedergabe starten und pausieren sowie die Lautstärke anpassen. Wenn du möchtest, kannst du die Musik stattdessen auch mit Spotify Connect über dein Smartphone steuern. Tipp: Bei manchen Spielen kannst du den Soundtrack des Spiels ausschalten, um Spotify in vollen Zügen zu genießen. Brauchst du Hilfe? Weitere Unterstützung bekommst du beim Xbox-Support. All the JRPGs Coming Out in 2016. Nerd heaven! Created by Alexa Ray Corriea on December 13, 2015. If you're a fan of Japanese role-playing games, prepare yourself for an embarrassment of riches waiting for you in 2016. With remasters of classics such as Odin Sphere and Valkyria Chronicles, and new titles from beloved franchises like Final Fantasy and Persona, not a month goes by when something new isn't coming your way. We have pieced together every JRPG currently slated to launch worldwide in 2016. Click on the next image button to take a visual tour of each! Bravely Second: End Layer. Developer: Square Enix, Silicon Studio. In 2013, Square Enix and Silicon Studio launched Bravely Default on the 3DS to critical acclaim. Although its sequel was released in Japan in spring 2015, Nintendo and Square were quiet about official localization plans until November's Nintendo Direct. Bravely Second picks up two and a half years after the events of the first game. Familiar faces and new friends join forces to rescue Agnes--now leader of the world's new religion--and bring order once again to a world tossed into chaos. Like Bravely Default, Bravely Second features the Brave and Default combat system, in which players can take extra turns in battles or bank their attacks for later. It also uses the job class system, and features a handful of brand new jobs including the Fencer, Bishop, Exorcist, Kitsune, and the Astrologian. Dark Souls III. Release date: March 24 for Japan, April 12 internationally. Announced during Microsoft's E3 press conference, Dark Souls III will be the third game from From Software in as many years, following 2014's Dark Souls II and 2015's PlayStation 4 exclusive Bloodborne. Like in Souls game prior, players will take up a shield and weapon of choice, as well as a healthy smattering of magical abilities, against gruesome creatures and battle their way across a mysterious fantasy land. And like its predecessors, Dark Souls III is promising the same kind of punishing difficulty and uphill challenges that are the series' hallmarks. Dark Souls III will also feature several new elements, including "Ready Stance" abilities that deal more damage to enemies. Player movement has also been sped up, allowing for more fluid combat. According to From Software director Hidetaka Miyazaki, Dark Souls III is a "turning point" for the franchise, and notably is the last Souls game to enter production prior to Miyazaki's ascension to studio head. Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen. Dragon's Dogma initially launched in May 2012 for PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360, with its expansion Dark Arisen shipping the following April. Neither main game or add-on were released for PC. Now, nearly three and a half years after its initial release, Dragon's Dogma bundled with its Dark Arisen content will finally be available for Windows, complete with Steam achievements and gamepad support for both Xbox 360 and Xbox One controllers. Dragon's Dogma is an open-world action RPG in a fantasy setting, and includes both survival horror and hack and slash elements. Movement in Dragon's Dogma has been compared to that of Dark Souls, and its environments are comparable to that of games such as Skyrim and Monster Hunter. Players control a person referred to as an Arisen, a chosen warrior destined to hunt down great monsters and prevent them from destroying the world. Dragon Quest VII: Fragments of the Forgotten Past. Developer: Heartbeat, ArtePiazza. Dragon Quest VII launched as "Dragon Warrior VII" for PlayStation in North America in 2001--back when Enix was still a separate company-- but when the game was ported to 3DS in 2013, it remained exclusive to Japan. International territories will finally get the 3DS version after nearly three years of anxious clamoring from fans, disappointed year after year without localizations of the newer Dragon Quest games. Fragments of the Forgotten Past follows the hero character and his ragtag band of friends as they unravel the secrets of their homeland. A gateway among ancient ruins allows them to travel back in time to defeat enemies of the past. The game also uses a class system similar to that in Dragon Quest VI, in which players assign specific combat roles to characters and develop their abilities in an effort to master the job. Dragon Quest VIII: Journey of the Cursed King. Another Dragon Quest title left for years without international localization--unless you count an iOS and Android port launched in late spring of 2014. Dragon Quest VIII was the first title in the franchise to have 3D environments and character models, and remains one of the most popular entries in the series to this day. Journey of the Cursed King follows another silent protagonist on a quest with his friends, this time to defeat a wicked king. The hero and friends must reverse the king's curse and restore order to the kingdom he destroyed. To level up, players earn skill points through combat and distribute them into different attribute categories, including stat boosts for three different weapons and unique character-specific abilities. The game also introduced the "Tension System," in which players can forfeit a turn in combat in order to execute a more powerful attack during a later turn. Final Fantasy Explorers. Release date: January 26 in North America, January 29 in Europe. Final Fantasy's take on Monster Hunter launched in Japan in late 2014 and we've been hungering for it ever since. In Final Fantasy Explorers, players can form a team of up to four and play together online. As a group, they face down monsters heralding from games across the Final Fantasy series. They can also eventually recruit these monsters to fight beside them against other creatures, which is how players will get by playing solo. Explorers' major feature is its use of the classic Final Fantasy job class system. The game stresses that each player should choose their job carefully when playing with others. A well-balanced team with jobs that complement each other--like healing-focused white mages and meleeing warriors--stands a better chance of winning the fight. A love letter of sorts to the Final Fantasy franchise's bestiary, Explorers also features cameos from popular characters, including Cloud Strife and Lightning Farron. Final Fantasy XV. First announced in 2006 as Final Fantasy Versus XIII, Final Fantasy XV's troubled and lengthy development cycle is finally coming to a close. Next year we get the game we've all been waiting for, a sprawling adventure with thematic connections to our real world--including the use of cellphones and the fondness for taking selfies with friends. Final Fantasy XV follows renegade Prince Noctis on a quest to save his country from an enemy nation. With his three best friends by his side, Noctis travels the globe in his swanky luxury car, collecting what he needs to save his people. This latest Final Fantasy includes some new, unique mechanics, including collecting edible resources from fallen enemies and the environment to cook meals that replenish health and grant status buffs. The game has been a long time coming, and Square Enix plans to announce the release date at a special event in March. Fire Emblem Fates. Developer: Intelligent Systems. The latest Fire Emblem game launched in Japan earlier this year as Fire Emblem If, but North America will finally get its hands on the game next year. What makes Fire Emblem Fates interesting is that it's not your typical Fire Emblem game: there are two different versions that will tell entirely different stories, subtitled Birthright and Conquest respectively. There is also a third narrative option that falls between the first two stories' extreme outcomes, called Revelation. Fates also introduces some elements new to the franchise, including the My Castle feature, which allows the player character to build a home base and get to know other Fire Emblem characters outside of battle. And for the first time in the series, players will be able to romance characters of the same sex. Genei Ibun Roku #FE. When Nintendo announced a Fire Emblem and Shin Megami Tensei crossover during E3 2013, fans of both series went nuts. Things went dark on the project for nearly two years, when it resurfaced again as Genei Ibun Roku # FE in April 2015. The game takes place in modern day, with a host of pop idols and wannabes as protagonists. The Fire Emblem characters are used in much the same way as Personas are in the Shin Megami Tensei spin-off Persona series; players summon these characters, called Mirages, to aid them in battle. Characters such as Chrom and Tharja from Fire Emblem Awakening have been made over to look darker and more mysterious. While Japan will get the game in time for Christmas, North America won't see a localization until next year. Ikenie to Yuki no Setsuna. Developer: Tokyo RPG Factory. Release date: Feb 18 in Japan; TBD international. At E3 earlier this year, Square Enix announced it had opened a new studio called Tokyo RPG Factory and dedicated it to the production of classic-style JRPGs. The studio's first project, Setsuna, will use a combat system similar to early Final Fantasy titles and Chrono Trigger, and be more akin to an SNES game in length without all the bloat of extra content present in today's RPGs. At Tokyo Game Show, Square Enix revealed the game's full title, translated as Setsuna of Sacrifice and Snow, as well as launch plans. The game will take place on a snowy island haunted by demons that require the sacrifice of a maiden to appease them. A girl named Setsuna is chosen, and she with a small party set out to the edges of the world to complete her sacrifice. Kingdom Hearts 2.8 Final Chapter Prologue. We've been waiting for Kingdom Hearts III since 2005, but before we get it, there's more story to be told within the Kingdom Hearts universe. Square Enix announced Kingdom Hearts 2.8 during Tokyo Game Show, and it will provide the last piece of backstory for Kingdom Hearts III and detail events surrounding certain characters that will feature prominently in the series' final chapter. Additionally, Final Chapter Prologue contains Kingdom Hearts X (Chi) Back Cover, a story that takes place before the events of the original Kingdom Hearts, and a full HD remake of 3DS game Kingdom Hearts: Dream Drop Distance. Nier: Automata. Nier is an odd game. It was polarizing, a unique story and world wrapped around some truly confusing and often tedious mechanics. The game borrowed from nearly every genre, featuring everything from third-person action sequences to scenes featuring bullet hell and text adventure mechanics. It was a weird game, but for that it has gained status as a cult classic. Now, six years after the original, we're getting a sequel. Helmed by original director Taro Yoko and in development with Platinum Games, Nier: Automata will pick up the story hundreds of years after one of the original Nier's many endings. Players control 2B, an android built to defend humanity from invading aliens. Yoko has promised fans of the original game that there will be some connections and special easter eggs in Automata. Nights of Azure. Release date: March 29 in North America, April 1 in Europe. Gust, the studio behind the Atelier series, announced its latest standalone game early last year. It launched in Japan in October, and only recently was announced for international localization. Nights of Azure follows two young women traveling through a land where no one sleeps at night; this is because of a demon's curse that transforms people into monsters. Playable heroine Arnas is half human, half monster, and possesses powerful abilities. She accompanies her best friend, Lyuritis, on her journey to seal away the most evil demon for good. Odin Sphere Leifthrasir. Release date: January 14 in Japan, TBD internationally. Odin Sphere was initially published for PlayStation 2 in 2008. Lauded as one of the most popular JRPGs of all time, it wasn't too surprising that publisher Atlus announced an HD remake for PlayStation 4, slated to launch in early 2016. Odin Sphere: Leifthrasir is more than a simple HD upgrade, however. In addition to redone graphics, the re-release will feature not only redrawn art and animations, but upgrades to its combat mechanics. Leifthrasir will also feature new content, such as additional enemy monsters and more fully-voiced cutscenes. Announced in 2013 with an initial winter 2014 release window, Persona 5 has been a while coming. The game has been delayed twice, but in that time has also been bumped from being a PlayStation 3-only game to including a PlayStation 4 version. Persona 5 marks a departure for the series in terms of setting: Persona games have taken place in small, out of the way towns, but Persona 5 will take place in Tokyo--specifically, Shibuya. The protagonist and four friends--along with a talking, shape-shifting cat--become the Phantom Thieves of Hearts, a group of costumed burglars who carry out heists and steal the hearts of the corrupt with help from their Personas. Scalebound. Publisher: Microsoft Studios. Platinum Games' first dedicated role-playing game will launch exclusively on Xbox One next year. Scalebound is the brainchild of veteran game designer Hideki Kamiya, and according to its director represents the dream game he has wanted to make for some time. In Scalebound, players control Drew, a sassy young man who fights alongside a dragon and can summon dragon scale armor for himself. The game retains the same flavor of combat Platinum has become synonymous with: frenetic, quick-moving action with fluid, epic movements. The game was first announced in 2014 during Microsoft's E3 press conference, and has been a hot-ticket game every since. Shin Megami Tensei IV: Final. Release date: February 10 in Japan, TBD internationally. Shin Megami Tensei IV: Final isn't an add-on to the original Shin Megami Tensei IV, but an entirely new experience set in the first game's universe. Taking place 25 years after the events of the first game, Final begins by killing its protagonist and resurrecting them as a "God Killer" in a holy war. Interestingly, Final will not follow the previous game's moral alignment system. Instead, rather than presenting a story with multiple endings that could belong to either Law or Chaos--good or bad, that is--all endings will be neutral in nature, making Final seem like a story in the gray area between good and evil. Star Ocean: Integrity and Faithlessness. Release date: March 31 in Japan, TBD internationally. Star Ocean: Integrity and Faithlessness was teased earlier this year before being announced in an April issue of Famitsu. It's been seven years since Tri-Ace's last installment, so the announcement came as somewhat of a surprise. The title will borrow heavily from Star Ocean: Til the End, and the events of Integrity and Faithlessness are set between Star Ocean: The Second Story and Til the End of Time. Set on a planet 6000 light years away from earth, Integrity and Faithlessness follows protagonists Fidel and Miki, childhood friends, and the amnesiac Relia. In combat, players will control one character of the available seven, but will be able to switch between them on the fly. Valkyria: Azure Revolution. Release date: Q4 in Japan, TBD internationally. The last Valkyria Chronicles title, Valkyria Chronicles III, launched in Japan in 2011. But the last Valkyria game North America got was Valkyria Chronicles II in 2010. To the surprise and delight of dejected fans, a fourth Valkyria game was announced this fall. Valkyria: Azure Revolution does not share a setting or characters as the previous Valkyria games, but it will include strategy and role-playing elements. You play as Amleth, the commanding officer of an elite military force of Jutland. Jutland is under the rule of the Rus empire, which uses a mysterious magical mineral known as Ragnite to hold its people down. Amleth, along with Jutland's princess Ophelia, leads the charge against Rus and the godlike Valkyria, Brynhildr. Valkyria Chronicles HD. Release date: February 10 in Japan, TBD internationally. Originally released for PS3 in 2008, critically acclaimed Valkyria Chronicles is getting an HD upgrade for PS4 early next year. Set in Europa--based off of Europe in World War II's early years--the game tells a tale of countries at war over limited resources. Ragnite is the world's greatest energy source, and after fighting with the Atlantic Federation, a small country called Gallia is attacked by the larger Eastern European Imperial Alliance. Players control a unit of the country's military set on fighting back the invading forces. World of Final Fantasy. World of Final Fantasy was first revealed at E3 2015. The game is a love letter to Final Fantasy fans much in the same was as Final Fantasy Explorers. In the game, a sister and brother duo travel through the many worlds of the Final Fantasy series, battling and befriending creaturing and famous characters such as the Warrior of Light and Cloud Strife. The game introduces a new mechanic which allows players to stack playable monsters in combat in order to combine their attacks into a more powerful one. The Top 5 Free-to-Play Games for Xbox One. If you’ve just spent hundreds of dollars on an Xbox One and are feeling a little financially tapped out, don’t worry: the console has a growing list of free-to-play games that are worth checking out. For years, free-to-play games have been relegated to the PC and mobile side of gaming, but some stand-out examples are finally making their way to consoles. Below, we take a look at the five best free-to-play games available on Xbox One. As for our methodology, we surveyed all of the free-to-play games listed on Metacritic with exceptional praise all around, creating a composite score including both critic and user ratings (e.g. a game with a 95 critic score and 9.3 user score would receive a 94 composite score). This should gives us the clearest picture of how well the games were received overall between the time of release and now. 5. Killer Instinct. The classic fighting game from the ’90s is back in an all-new Xbox One exclusive, with much better graphics and more intense gameplay than before. With a heavy focus on combos, this game lets you string together a series of moves into a torrent of pain for your opponent. The only catch is that the person you’re pummeling is always on the lookout for combo-busting opportunities that can quickly turn the tide of the match. The free-to-play model lets you try out the game with a limited character set for free, but asks you to open your wallet to buy new fighters either individually or in groups. Developer Rare is constantly working on updates and puts out bundles of new fighters regularly. 4. World of Tanks. World of Tanks is an intricate online war game that focuses — as you can probably tell from the title — on tank battles. You and your fellow tank drivers roll into the fray against an army of enemy tanks. From there it’s a slower experience than you’ll get with shooters like Call of Duty or Battlefield , thanks to the lumbering size and power of the vehicles you’re piloting. Despite the gradual pace of the game, there’s plenty of fun to be had and strategy to uncover. Many of the complaints about the game revolve around its unfriendliness to newcomers, as there’s a big difference between the skill level and tank hardware of new and veteran players. But if you stick it out, you’ll find a rock-solid vehicular shooter that keeps you coming back with a breadcrumb trail of upgrades. 3. Project Spark. Project Spark is a game that lets you make other games. If you take the time to learn how to use the tools provided, you’ll have a great deal of power at your fingertips to make whatever kind of game you want. The problem is that figuring it out can be tedious and frustrating. But don’t let that stop you from trying. Whether you’ve always thought you had a good game in you or you’re seriously considering a career in the field, Project Spark gives you the tools to get a game out of your head and onto the screen. It may not be a traditional game like the others on this list, but it’s free and it’s certainly worth a look. Smite is a multiplayer online battle arena game (MOBA for short). This growing genre has caught on big time on PC, with games like League of Legends , Dota 2 , and Heroes of the Storm attracting millions of players, but it hasn’t made much of a splash on consoles yet. That said, Smite is a great first step toward introducing console gamers to MOBAs. The game puts you in the shoes of a Greek, Mayan, Chinese, or Norse god and has you team up with other players to fight against an equally powerful team of gods. But unlike most MOBAs, there’s no auto-attack option here. You have to personally aim and land each attack, which brings a more hands-on feel to the action than other similar games. If you’ve ever wanted to give a MOBA a shot, Smite is a fine place to start. 1. Pinball FX2. Pinball games don’t appeal to everyone, but many people find something irresistible in the sounds, flashing lights, and split-second reflexes required to keep the ball moving on a well-made pinball table. The core game is free, so you can try it out before plunking down cash to buy additional tables. There are loads of licensed tables to choose from, based on franchises like Star Wars , Street Fighter , Marvel and more. If pinball is your game, there’s no reason not to give this one a shot. Xbox One und Xbox 360 Sonderangebote KW03 2018. Die neue Deals with Gold Woche ist angebrochen und ab sofort könnt ihr bei zahlreichen Xbox One und Xbox 360 Sonderangeboten sparen. Mit einem Xbox LIVE Gold Account könnt ihr ab sofort im Microsoft Store zu vergünstigten Preisen einkaufen. Auch in dieser Deals with Gold Woche warten wieder einige Xbox One und Xbox 360 Angebote auf euch. Auf Xboxdynasty.de findet ihr wie gewohnt jeden Dienstag die komplette Übersicht aller Sonderangebote. Xbox One – Deals with Gold – 16. Januar bis 22. Januar 2018. Sortierfunktion: Spalte anklicken. Xbox 360 – Deals with Gold – 16. Januar bis 22. Januar 2018. Xbox 360 Spiele, die mit der Xbox One kompatibel sind, haben wir euch entsprechend markiert. (AK) Sortierfunktion: Spalte anklicken. 39 Kommentare Added. Beim Spotlight Sale sidn ja diesmal auch echt viele Spiele dabei, darunter auch einige gute. 🙂 Adventure Sale?! Jo mei is denn scho Weihnachten ?? Ihr wollt unbedingt mein Geld? DA, NIMM ES. 😀 Wowo, top angebote, das hier hol ich sicher: Broken Age (endlich im Sale), Firewatch (endlich!!), N.E.R.O. , Nevermind, Octodad. Zusätzlich in Überlegung: Chaos on Deponia, RiME, Sexy Brutale und Town of light 🙂 Wers sich überlegt: Kann Knee Deep und Demetrios ebenfalls nur empfehlen!! P.S.: Vergessen hab ich natürlich Another World, für den Preis ab in den Warenkorb. Oddworld: New ’n‘ Tasty – Deluxe Edition LOHNT SICH LEUTE , ZUSCHLAGEN WERS NOCH NICHT HAT . I hab doch noch so viel zu zocken….. Aber da sind einige dabei die mi interessieren würden. Damn… Die machets uns sparsame Schwoabe net leicht, gell 🙂 Leider auch für mich zuviel dabei, da Adventure genau mein Genre. So viele gute Spiele im Angebot! Für mich werden’s diesmal Deponia und Stories of Bethem. Vielleicht aber auch noch Nevermind. Und Firewatch. Und Oceanhorn. Und verdammt warum gibt’s das alles auf einmal im Angbot?! Ach ja und: Kauft Thimbleweed Park! Wow, hatte die Liste heute Nacht schon gesehen gehabt und da war irgendwie nichts für mich dabei, aber nun.. Holla die Waldfee, da kann man bei etlichen Sachen schwach werden.. Rime werde ich mir definitiv holen. Ansonsten lachen mich noch the sexy Brutale, Oceanhorn, N.E.R.O., Thimbleweed Park und What Remains of Edith Finch an. Desweiteren sehen Her Majesty’s Spiffing, Poi, AER und Masquerada interessant aus – da schaue ich mir aber erst einmal Gameplay zu an. Edith Finch und T.Park absolut zu empfehlen!! Ähnliche Liste 😀 Auf der Konsole werden aber nicht alle angezeigt die hier auf der Liste zu finden sind. 🤔 Na doch, eigentlich schon. Alle bei Angebote, nur nicht alle in einer Rubrik. Ein paar finden sich auch nur auf dem US-Marktplatz. Hab alle bei GWG gesucht. Mit etwas mehr Zeit bin ich auch fündig geworden 😂😁 Oddworld, Nevermind, Oceanhorn und Town of Light sind gekauft. 😣 Oceanhorn steht auch noch auf meiner Liste, wird aber etwas knapp, da ich mir doch noch Die Säulen der Erde geholt habe. Town of Light fand ich ganz gut, sehr Emotional. Man muss aber über die offensichtlichen technischen Mängel hinwegsehen können. Achte mal auf die Synchronstimmen bzw. auf den Abspann. So FC Classic und FC2 gekauft *-* Awa, @ab1311 du bisch au a Schwob? Schee. Hier gbore, aber an neigschmeckter 😀 Apropos schee………..heute morgen ging shopping tour weiter, Decay und Broken Age geholt 🙂 Hinterlasse eine Antwort Antworten abbrechen. Du musst eingeloggt sein, um einen Kommentar hinterlassen zu können. One more step. Please complete the security check to access www.pcgames.de. Why do I have to complete a CAPTCHA? Completing the CAPTCHA proves you are a human and gives you temporary access to the web property. What can I do to prevent this in the future? If you are on a personal connection, like at home, you can run an anti-virus scan on your device to make sure it is not infected with malware. If you are at an office or shared network, you can ask the network administrator to run a scan across the network looking for misconfigured or infected devices. Cloudflare Ray ID: 3e5c7dd161238da7 • Your IP : • Performance & security by Cloudflare. Alpha Update 1802.180119-1917 mit neuem Xbox Game Pass Feature. Ab sofort ist das Alpha Update 1802.180119-1917 mit einem neuen Xbox Game Pass Feature für alle Xbox Insider im Alpha Ring verfügbar. Gleichzeitig wurde ein neues Feature im Xbox Insider Programm für alle Alpha Tester veröffentlicht. Hierbei wird unter „Meine Spiele & Apps“ ein neuer Punkt „Xbox Game Pass“ angezeigt. Wer ein Abonnement hat, bekommt diesen Menüpunkt zu sehen und kann dort ebenfalls seine Spielauswahl treffen. • NOTE: Once the update is available to you, you can manually begin the update by launching the Guide and navigating to All Settings > System > Updates. • If your console hasn’t downloaded and installed the update by 1:00 AM PST 1/24/2018 (9:00AM GMT 24/1), you will be prompted to do so at that time. • This update has a shorter than usual amount of time before it becomes mandatory. OS version released: rs3_release_xbox_dev_1802.180119-1917. Available: 2:00PM PST 1/23/18 (10:00PM GMT 23/1) • My Games and Apps Collection – Game Pass. We have enabled a new feature to show an “Xbox Game Pass” tab within “My games & apps” for users on Preview Alpha with an active Game Pass subscription. If someone has an active Game Pass subscription, they will see this tab appear in “My games & apps” and be able to quickly install available games from Game Pass. It works just like ‘Ready to install’ but for Game Pass. For users in Preview Alpha who do not have Game Pass, they will see the updated left navigation—section dividers added and Memberships tab has moved. Fixed an issue which caused the incorrect profile color to display after powering on the console. Resolved an issue which sometimes caused the console to get stuck at a loading screen (with a loading spinner only) when downloading a system update. Resolved an issue which sometimes caused party chat to crash in the Guide. You may be unable to add/remove/edit content blocks by pressing Y. • System Setup – Kinect. When setting up a Kinect during the initial console set-up experience, the setup fails when tuning audio. The network transfer fails when initiated from a console on 1802 (this update). Workaround: You can perform a network transfer using an 1802 console as the source and initiating the network transfer from a 1711 console on the same network. You may notice strange characters which replace normal translated text on the dashboard, Guide, and other areas. Please use Report a problem when you encounter these issues. Games that are installed fail to launch. Workaround: If the games are installed to an external drive please copy the game to the internal drive or attempt to delete the title and redownload to fix the launch error. We are investigating the inaccurate RGB colors that have been reported when displaying in 4K HDR mode when playing a UHD disc. • The left and right navigation for selecting date and time during Tournament creation is currently reversed when the console language is set to Arabic or Hebrew. • Left and right navigation in Tournament twists is reversed when the console language is set to Arabic or Hebrew. • Left and right navigation in the bracket view of Tournaments is reversed when the console language is set to Arabic or Hebrew. • Avatars on Home. Users wishing to represent themselves as an avatar can do so by changing their settings under My profile > Customize profile > Show my avatar. 11 Kommentare Added. Die sollen lieber mal dieses (sorry) zerfickte „bereit zum install…“ fixen. Auf englisch ist alles wunderbar ausgeschrieben aber auf deutsch ist es einfach optisch eine Katastrophe. Klar, kein großes Ding aber nerven tut es brutal. So ist’s definitiv besser, habe mich schon gewundert wo die ganzen Gamepass Spiele sind nachdem ich den pass ausprobiert hatte. Dass man die sich im unübersichtlichen Shop erst zusammensuchen musste war eher nervig. Ich bin gespannt wie lange die neuen Games im GamePass verweilen. Dauerhaft oder nur 2 Wochen. Cool das sea of … ist auch schon drin mit der Bezeichnung bald verfügbar. Seit dem es dem Gamepass gibt wird es unter Meine Spiele und Apps „Mitgliedschaften“ angezeigt! Zumindestens diejenigen in der Preview. Das ist hier aber nicht gemeint. Neu ist ein komplett eigener Tab, wo man Spiele aus dem GamePass direkt installieren kann, ohne wie vorher erst in den Store geleitet zu werden. Hab das Update erst heute bekommen. Naja es erleichtert einem schon das suchen, sofern alle Spiele angezeigt werden. Bei mir werden nur 134 von 163 Spiele angezeigt. Und es wäre hilfreich wenn noch eine Zusatzmarkierung am Cover abgebildet wäre das man weiß ob man das Spiel bereits besitzt oder nicht. Mit der Zeit könnte das verwirrend werden zu unterscheiden welche Spiel man gekauft, welche man mit GWG und welche Spiele man durch GP erworben hat. Jetzt fehlt nur noch ein eigener bereich für EA Access und GWG Spiele. Ist das nicht irgendwie redundant? Im Guide ist doch auch schon seit Ewigkeiten ein Schnellzugriff auf GwG und GamePass. redundant?……Ich muss two & half men mal wieder schauen 🙂 Sorry für den Spam. So und wo ist nun dieser neue Games PAss Tab? ich hab seit gestern bereits die alpha preview drauf, aber meine spiele und apss ap sieht aus wie die letzten monate. games pass wird nur unter den abos weiterhin angezeigt und ich hab noch ein aktives abo bis mitte februar derzeit. oder gibt es das nur für US kunden? Das neue Game Pass Feature klingt sehr funktionell. Finde es gut, dass die Spiele separat ausgewiesen werden. Hinterlasse eine Antwort Antworten abbrechen. Du musst eingeloggt sein, um einen Kommentar hinterlassen zu können. TOP 10 KOMMENDE SPIELE 2017/2018 | PC, XBOX ONE & PS4. Produkte von Amazon.de. Willst du mich unterstützen ? 2. 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TOP 10 Upcoming Games in October 2017 ( PC / XBOX / PS4 ) TOP 10 JOGOS 2017 LANÇADOS ATÉ AGORA I JOGOS PARA PC / PS4 / XBOX ONE / NINTENDO SWITCH. 5 Kommentare. What’s name song plz. Assassin creed origins looks good. das schaffen wir schon 😉 Antworten Antworten abbrechen. Neueste Beiträge. Neueste Kommentare. Samyak Shakya bei How to download and install EA SPORTS CRICKET 2017 game for pc deez ez zparta bei Top 10 Open World Low End PC Games 2017 ( 1gb ram pc games ) Dennix Bro bei Top 5 High Graphics Games For Low End PC 2017(Open-World) app spice bei Top Soccer Games PC 2017 app spice bei Top Soccer Games PC 2017. Kategorien. Copyright © 2018 | WordPress Theme von MH Themes. Durch die weitere Nutzung der Seite stimmst du der Verwendung von Cookies zu. Weitere Informationen Akzeptieren. Die Cookie-Einstellungen auf dieser Website sind auf "Cookies zulassen" eingestellt, um das beste Surferlebnis zu ermöglichen. 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