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Micro usb cable for xbox one controller

Get via App Store Read this post in our app! Can I use any micro USB cable to connect wireless Xbox One controller to PC? I found that you can't connect your regular Xbox One controller to my PC using the Charge and Play kit since the cable only provides power and no data transfer. So I bought a "wired" Xbox One controller for $60 (regular is $50) and found out it's pretty much the same controller with a standard Micro USB cable. So my question is, next time can I just buy a regular Xbox One controller, which saves me a lot of money, and use my cellphone's micro USB cable to connect it to my PC? Yes, you can. You can use any regular Micro USB cable to connect an Xbox One controller to a PC. My Xbox One controller with the original Play & Charge cable that it came with is the only cable that would work for me on my PC.. Now I know that they take Micro-B cables, so that explains why my long micro-USB cable wouldn't work at all for using my Xbox One controller with my PC. But just make sure you buy a micro-B (has to be B) cable and it will work. IDK why your P&C cable doesn't work, it's the only one I could get to work with mine lol. I had the same problem as you, in my case it was because the rechargeable battery was still attached to the controller. Try removing the battery pack, this fixed it for me. xboxone. 6 216 пользователей находятся здесь. МОДЕРАТОРЫ. Arowin Arowin MikeyJayRaymond Simple Rlight #teamchief _deffer_ deffer delicious_cheese DeliciousCheeze tobiasvl tobiasvl - #teamchief ClassyTurkey Enter Gamertag XboxCountdown XbotOne AutoModerator . и ещё 5 » Welcome to Reddit, the front page of the internet. and subscribe to one of thousands of communities. Это архивированный пост. Вы не можете голосовать или комментировать. Want to add to the discussion? 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The most common causes of this issue are: Using a script or add-on that scans GameFAQs for box and screen images, overloading our search engine Running a "scraper" or "downloader" program that either does not identify itself or uses fake headers to elude detection Using a badly configured (or badly written) browser add-on for blocking content Overusing our search engine with a very large number of searches in a very short amount of time. If you promise to stop (by clicking the Agree button below), we'll unblock your connection for now, but we will immediately re-block it if we detect additional bad behavior. If you do not understand what is causing this behavior, please contact us here. Also on GameFAQs. Help - Answers to the most commonly asked questions about GameFAQs. FAQ Bookmarks - Access and manage the bookmarks you have added to different guides. FAQ Bounty - Write a FAQ for a Most Wanted game, get cash. Game Companies - A list of all the companies that have developed and published games. Game Credits - A list of all the people and groups credited for all the games we know of. Most Wanted - The Top 100 popular games without full FAQs on GameFAQs. My Games - Build your game collection, track and rate games. Rankings - A list of games ranked by rating, difficulty, and length as chosen by our users. Top 100 - The Top 100 most popular games on GameFAQs today. What's New - New games, FAQs, reviews, and more. © 2018 CBS Interactive Inc. All rights reserved. Connect a USB cable to use your Xbox One Wireless Controller without batteries. With a USB cable attached, your wireless controller converts to a wired controller. Your controller should’ve come with a cable, though you can use most USB-certified cables that have a micro-USB connector on one end and a full-size USB connector on the other. The charge cable that comes with the Xbox One Play & Charge Kit is recommended; performance of other cables may vary. The LED on a Play & Charge Kit cable will not be lit, indicating there’s no battery available to charge. Standard alkaline batteries won’t be used to power the controller functions while you’re using your controller as a wired controller. Connect your controller to the console. Plug the micro-USB connector into the controller, and plug the other end into the Xbox One console. Connect a wireless Xbox One controller to your console. Watch the video Connect a wireless controller. Note This video is available in English only. On this page. Turn on your Xbox One. Insert AA batteries (or rechargeable batteries from the Xbox One Play & Charge Kit) into the controller. See Using AA batteries in your Xbox One Wireless Controller. Turn on your controller by pressing and holding the Xbox button . (The Xbox button is located in the middle of the controller near the top.) The Xbox button will flash. When the button stays lit, the controller is connected. Note If the controller doesn't turn on, check the batteries. If you're using rechargeable batteries, make sure they're charged. Press and release the connect button on the Xbox. On Xbox One X and Xbox One S, the connect button is on the front right, below the power button. On original Xbox One, the connect button is a circular button on the side, around the corner from the disc tray. Within 20 seconds, press and hold the controller’s connect button (a circular button on top of the controller as you hold it in your hands) until the controller's Xbox button flashes a few times. That means it's searching for a console. The Xbox button stays lit once it's connected. Repeat this for every additional controller. You can connect up to eight wireless controllers to a console. Controllers are assigned to users based on who is holding the controller. To learn how to assign a controller to your profile, see How to assign an account to an Xbox One Wireless Controller. If you have a micro-USB cable or the Xbox One Play & Charge Kit, you can connect your controller by using the micro-USB cable and do without batteries. For details, see Connect your charge cable to use your Xbox One Wireless Controller without batteries. If you've tried the steps on this page and your controller still won't connect, see Xbox One Wireless Controller disconnects or can't connect. You can connect up to eight wireless controllers, in addition to any wired controllers. Controllers are assigned based on who’s holding a controller. To assign a specific controller to your profile, see How to assign an account to an Xbox One Wireless Controller. PC Gamer. There's a new addition to the "Hardware" section of Microsoft's website. It's the " Xbox One Controller + Cable for Windows ", a 'wired' Xbox One controller designed specifically for the PC platform. What I mean is, it's exactly the same as any other Xbox One controller, only it comes packaged with a micro-USB cable. On the one hand, it's a single package designed to provide everything you need to use the improved Xbox One controller on your PC. On the other hand, if you've already got a micro-USB cable, you can use a regular Xbox One pad to exactly the same effect. That's because this pad is a regular Xbox One pad. Microsoft released the drivers for it months ago . You've probably got a micro-USB cable somewhere in your house. You've probably got several. You're probably draped in them now, so full is your house of micro-USBs and micro-USB accepting devices. If it sounds like I'm pointing out the obvious, Microsoft aren't exactly forthcoming about how non-proprietary this tech is. "Cable for Windows" is correct, but worded in a way to make it sound like it isn't just a micro-USB cable. One of the key features is "Wired Controller", but. well, I'm in danger of belabouring the point here, but it's actually a wireless controller. It's just the wireless bit doesn't work for PC. "The Windows 7 and Windows 8-compatible controller brings the feel of the Xbox One to your PC," writes Microsoft . "The Xbox One Controller + Cable is the culmination of over 200 prototypes; featuring over 40 awesome innovations, it's the best PC controller Microsoft has ever produced." Regular Xbox One controller. Micro-USB cable. In Microsoft's defence, the MSRP appears to be the same as that of a, er, standalone Xbox One pad. Also, this particular Micro USB cable is 2,743 millimetres, or three quarters the length of an average sized Burmese python. That's a pretty good length for a control pad cable. The package is due out this November for $60. If you can't wait, though, you don't have to. Get an Xbox One pad; get a micro-USB cable. There, you're done. Recommended. 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I tripped over my Xbox One Controller's Play & Charge cable while it was plugged into the controller. The sudden jerk appears to have disconnected the usb connector from the board inside the controller. If I were to try and fix this, what would it take to accomplish? Is this a good question? Here is a link which shows how to replace the top motherboard in your controller. This is to show you how you gain access to the micro USB port. The micro USB port is mounted on this motherboard. You would either have to re-solder it onto the motherboard if it was only pulled loose from the board and was not damaged or if it was damaged, remove it and replace it with a new one. Here is an Ifixit guide on how to replace the top motherboard. To replace the connector you would need the following: 1. tools to open the Xbox One controller (see guide) 2. replacement female micro USB connector (available from Ebay, Amazon etc) if the original is damaged. You cannot repair them. 3. soldering iron and tools. 4. skills in soldering components on pcb. Was this answer helpful? After disassembling the controller, everything appears to be intact but the controller will not turn on. The power button doesn't 'click' like the other buttons on the board. is it supposed to do so? I can't determine why the controller won't come on at this point. Have you inspected the USB port (your original suspicion) looking front on into the port with a magnifying glass to ensure that all the 'pin' connectors are still there, straight and parallel i.e not bent or touching or missing? Also with the controller reassembled is it reconized by a PC, when connected by USB? It may be that the USB controller was damaged electrically by the 'accident'. Does the controller still work wirelessly? Hello! I had tested the controller wirelessly but it did not work. Apparently the batteries I had tried were dead because, on your recommendation, I tried again with new batteries. The controller works wirelessly. Apparently the USB receptacle has been damaged somehow. I can't tell if the cable is damaged or if the controller USB port is damaged. When I attempt to plug the USB cable into the controller, the indicator light does come on, however it is orange, not red or green. Also, the usb cord shimmies in the USB port and never fully inserts. Something is definitely wrong with the usb aspect but I cannot visually discern what it is. Maybe you should replace the USB port. Just determine the type that it is or google female USB connector for Xbox One Wireless Controller. You will need soldering tools and sklls. I agree. I found some junk controllers for $1 on eBay. They are broken but maybe the usb connector on one of them is intact. The solder job kind of freaks me out as I'm a rookie and this looks to be a complex undertaking. Maybe someone can post a video replacing the usb connector. that would be awesome. Maybe you can 'trawl' You Tube looking for USB port replacement on pcb. That may help you. Past 24 Hours: 60. Past 7 Days: 484. Past 30 Days: 2,011. Stores. Repairability. Stay in the loop. Learn something new every month: It's time to speak out for your right to repair. We have a chance to guarantee our right to repair electronic equipment—like smartphones, computers, and even farm equipment. This is a once-in-a-generation chance to protect local repair jobs—the corner mom-and-pop repair shops that keep getting squeezed out by manufacturers. Join the cause and tell your state representative to support Right to Repair. Tell them you believe repair should be fair, affordable, and accessible. Stand up for your right to repair! xboxone. 6 139 пользователей находятся здесь. МОДЕРАТОРЫ. Arowin Arowin MikeyJayRaymond Simple Rlight #teamchief _deffer_ deffer delicious_cheese DeliciousCheeze tobiasvl tobiasvl - #teamchief ClassyTurkey Enter Gamertag XboxCountdown XbotOne AutoModerator . и ещё 5 » Welcome to Reddit, the front page of the internet. and subscribe to one of thousands of communities. Это архивированный пост. Вы не можете голосовать или комментировать. Want to add to the discussion? помощь правила сайта центр поддержки вики реддикет mod guidelines связаться с нами. приложенияи инструменты Reddit for iPhone Reddit for Android mobile website кнопки. Использование данного сайта означает, что вы принимаете пользовательского соглашения и Политика конфиденциальности. © 2018 reddit инкорпорейтед. Все права защищены. REDDIT and the ALIEN Logo are registered trademarks of reddit inc. π Rendered by PID 106525 on app-274 at 2018-02-02 00:30:30.180145+00:00 running af40cd1 country code: RU. Xbox One controller can be plugged in via USB to save power. No more re-syncing after sleep mode. By Tom Phillips Published 06/06/2013. The Xbox One controller can be plugged in via a micro USB cable to preserve battery life, Microsoft has revealed. Doing so will switch the pad's wireless radios off and send data down the wire instead, a new Xbox.com blog post described, which makes Microsoft's decision to still use batteries somewhat more excusable. Another improvement is the controller's new low power state, a battery-conserving mode that won't require you to re-sync your pad every time you leave it to become idle. The controller now uses invisible reflective technology and LEDs to pair the pad with the console and Kinect sensor, which will help track your position in a room. The data transfer rate between console and controller has also been improved, which will mean better headset audio quality. A lot of the other features mentioned in the report have already been touted by Microsoft - a redesigned d-pad, textured thumbsticks and a rumble function in the controller's triggers. Just the thing for watching TV. Sometimes we include links to online retail stores. If you click on one and make a purchase we may receive a small commission. For more information, go here. About Tom Phillips. Tom is Eurogamer's news editor. He writes lots of news, some of the puns and all the stealth Destiny articles. @tomphillipsEG on Twitter. Comments for this article are now closed, but please feel free to continue chatting on the forum!

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