пятница, 29 июня 2018 г.


Xbox One Rennspiele Test. Willkommen bei unserem Xbox One Rennspiele Test . Wir haben für sich die wichtigsten und besten Produkte in dieser Kategorie aufgelistet und in eine entsprechende Reihenfolge gebracht. Bei dem Xbox One Rennspiele Test haben wir auf verschiedenste Faktoren geachtet. Mit unseren Vergleichen versuchen wir ihnen ein besseres Bild zu verschaffen, damit sie selbst entscheiden können, welches Produkt aus dem Xbox One Rennspiele Test für sie das Beste ist. Need for Speed - [Xbox One] Spintires: MudRunner - Xbox One. Forza Motorsport 7 - Standard Edition - [Xbox One] Riesige Auswahl an über 700 originalgetreuen Fahrzeugen Mehr als 30 Rennstrecken und Umgebungen Neuer Kampagnenmodus. F1 2017 Special Edition - [Xbox One] Project CARS 2 - Collector's Edition (exkl. bei Amazon.de) - [Xbox One] Forza Horizon 3 - Standard Edition [Xbox One] Riesige Auswahl an über 350 originalgetreuen Fahrzeugen Offene Spielwelt mit unzähligen Möglichkeiten und hohem Detailgrad Vielfältige Schauplätze: Wüsten, Regenwälder, Strände, Canyons, Städte, Küstenstraßen. Assetto Corsa - [Xbox One] Forza Motorsport 5 - Game of the Year Edition - [Xbox One] Forza Motorsport 5 - Game of the Year Edition - [Xbox One] Unübertroffen realistische Grafik Eine neue Grafikengine sorgt für ein nie da gewesenes visuelles Erlebnis. So real waren Rennen noch nie zuvor dank voller Zuschauerränge auf den Strecken oder etwa Helikoptern, die über den Rennbahnen kreisen. Die ultimative Grafik-Engine der nächsten Generation glänzt mit einer beeindruckenden Auflösung von 1080p bei 60 Bildern pro Sekunde. Fantastische Autos Besitze und fahre die Autos deiner Träume. Von Rennwagen zu klassischen Sportautos bis hin zu mondernsten Flitzern. Autoliebhaber können sich förmlich in ihr Lieblingsauto setzen und es auf völlig neue Art erleben. Boliden wie der McLaren M23 und der Ferrari 312-2 nehmen Platz in der Garage und selbst die Indycar-Szene ist integriert. Zudem erfährst du mehr über die Geschichte, den Bau und das Potenzial aller Autos im Spiel. Need for Speed - Payback - [Xbox One] Project CARS 2 - [Xbox One] DiRT Rally. The Crew - Wild Run Edition - [Xbox One] Gravel - [Xbox One] The Crew 2 - [Xbox One] Micro Machines World Series [Xbox One] Redout - [Xbox One] Forza Motorsport 5 - Day One - Edition - [Xbox One] Forza Motorsport 6 - Standard Edition [Xbox One] Über 450 originalgetreue Fahrzeuge Neue exklusive Modelle, z.B. der Shelby GT350 Mustang und der neue Ford GT Erstmals in Forza Motorsport: Tag- und Nacht-Rennen und unterschiedliche Wetterbedingungen. MX vs. ATV All Out [Xbox One] Meistere irre Stunts und teste im Freestyle-Modus deine Grenzen aus. DiRT 4 - [Xbox One] In DiRT 4 dreht sich alles um den Adrenalinrausch, die Spannung, die Gefahr von Offroad-Rennen und die Liebe zu diesem Hochgefühl Kombiniert Spannung und Realismus eines DiRT Rally, mit furchtlosem Nervenkitzel, Zugänglichkeit und adrenalinstrotzenden Wettstreiten von DiRT 3 Inklusive neuem, revolutionären Rennstrecken-Editor "Your Stage", Karrieremodi und herausfordernden online Wettbewerben. Rush - [Xbox One X] Forza Motorsport 5 - [Xbox One] Sprache:Deutsch Plattform:Microsoft Xbox One Genre:GT- / Straßenrennen. Project CARS - [Xbox One] USK 0 geeignet für Xbox One. The Crew - Ultimate Edition - [Xbox One] Rocket League - Collector's Edition - [Xbox One] einfach handzuhaben. Gerade bei diesem Punkt ist man heutzutage von der Medienwelt sehr gedrückt und beeinflusst, sodass man sich kaum noch auf die besten Produkte konzentrieren kann, sondern nur auf das best-beworbenste. Den eigentlichen Kauf schließen sie wohl auf dem erfolgreichsten und günstigsten Kaufportal der Welt ab, Amazon . Dort müssen Sie sich keine Gedanken machen, dass ihr Paket nicht ankommt oder sonstiges. Amazon ist die größte Plattform im Bereich Internethandel, mit dem besten Kundensupport . Xbox One Rennspiele Test Kriterien. Wir haben das Xbox One Rennspiele nach folgenden Kriterien bewertet: Wichtig waren uns vor allem die Eigenschaften des Produkt. Diese müssen überzeugend sein und einen guten Eindruck vermitteln. Ebenfalls wichtig sind uns die Kundenmeinungen auf Amazon. Kunden die das Xbox One Rennspiele gekauft haben bewerten es und daraus ergibt sich auch auf Grund der Sterne ein ziemlich klares Bild. Letztlich spielt auch der Preis eine Rolle. Wenn das Produkt auch noch so gut ist, es sollte nicht zu viel kosten. Wir erstellen vornherein einen Preisrahmen in dem sich das Produkt bewegen sollte. Xbox One Rennspiele kaufen. Bei unserem Xbox One Rennspiele Test haben wir geschaut, wo das Xbox One Rennspiele gekauft werden kann. Generell haben Sie mehrere Möglichkeiten was den Kauf angeht. Das Xbox One Rennspiele kaufen können Sie grundsätzlich in einem klassischen Geschäft. Das hat natürlich einige Vorteile die zu nennen wären. Sie haben in einem klassischen Geschäft die Möglichkeit das Produkt vor Ort begutachten zu können. Sie können sich also direkt eine Meinung vom Produkt bilden. Oft werden Artikel in Geschäften auch ausgestellt oder können getestet werden. Die hängt aber auch immer vom Produkt ab. Ein weiterer Vorteil des Geschäfts ist das persönliche Beratungsgespräch . Vor Ort kann Ihnen das Personal Informationen zum Produkt geben und Sie individuell beraten. Oft hilft das weiter und kann eine Entscheidung hervorbringen. Fällen Sie diese noch im Geschäft, dann können Sie das Produkt auch direkt mitnehmen und zu Hause dann benutzen. Wie Sie sehen ist das klassische Geschäft mit Ausstellungsfläche noch immer sehr nützlich. Auf der anderen Seite können Sie das Xbox One Rennspiele aber auch im Internet kaufen. Das Internet hat sich in den letzten Jahren immer mehr auch als Geschäftsplattform etabliert. Bekannte Anbieter sind eBay und Amazon, welche auch zu den größten Internetshops zählen. Händler können auf Amazon Ihre Produkte listen und verkaufen. Da sehr viele Händler auf Amazon agieren, ist auch die Wahrscheinlichkeit groß, das gewünschte Produkt zu finden. Nicht selten sind die Produkte im Internet auch günstiger . Auf Plattformen wie Amazon gestaltet sich außerdem auch die Lieferung als einfach und unkompliziert. Mit DHL kommt Ihre Ware innerhalb von einigen Tagen an. Ab einem bestimmten Warenwert ist der Versand auch kostenlos. Und auch eine Vielzahl von kleinen Internetshops sind vertreten. Diese sind meist spezialisierte Anbieter für ein bestimmtes Produkt. Bezahlt werden kann im Internet mit gängigen Zahlungsmittel wie PayPal oder Überweisung. Auch dies ist einfach und unkompliziert. In unserem Xbox One Rennspiele Test gingen die Bezahlungen alle sehr einfach und schnell. Das Internet ist also eine hervorragende Alternative zu den traditionellen Geschäften. Punkten kann es vor allem mit Bequemlichkeit und dem Produktpreis. Aber auch die Vergleichsmöglichkeit im Internet machen es sehr einfach eine Vielzahl von Produkten miteinander zu vergleichen. Vor dem Bildschirm können Sie auch ganz einfach den besten Preis ermitteln und so eine Menge Geld sparen. Hier hat das Internet ganz klar seinen Vorteil. Und Sie müssen nicht einmal vor die Haustür gehen. Als Quelle unserer Vergleiche nutzen wir hauptsächlich ehrlich abgegebene Kundenmeinungen im Internet und eine ausführliche Recherche im Internet. Das ganze basiert auf mehreren im Vorhinein festgelegten Kriterien, die aber um vollste Unabhängigkeit zu bieten, geheim bleiben müssen. Das Xbox One Rennspiele kaufen können Sie auf Amazon auf der offiziellen Händlerseite. Kundenbewertung. Das Xbox One Rennspiele hat auf Amazon gute Bewertungen erhalten. Es wurden einige Bewertungen abgegeben und die Bewertungen sind überwiegend im positiven Bereich, also von 5 Sternen bis 3 Sternen. Nur wenige Bewertungen geben ein schlechtes Bild des Xbox One Rennspiele ab. Alles in allem kann man aber sagen, dass die Kundenbewertungen ein recht positives Bild vom Xbox One Rennspiele zeichnen. Einige Kunden sind sehr zufrieden vom Produkt. Die Bewertungen geben einen guten Eindruck vom Xbox One Rennspiele wieder. Auch von Zufriedenheit ist die Rede. Vor allem sind Kundenbewertungen unabhängige Einschätzung von Personen die das Produkt besitzen und es benutzt haben. So wird eine bessere Einschätzung des Produkts möglich gemacht. Abschließend können wir sagen, dass sich im Xbox One Rennspiele Test die Qualität und die Erwartungen bestätigt haben. Das Produkt kann durch seine Eigenschaften und das Design punkten und ist auf jeden Fall für den Kauf zu empfehlen. Auch die Kundenbewertungen spiegeln das Produkt positiv dar und geben einen guten Überblick darüber wie das Produkt beim Kunden ankommt. Auch der Preis des Produkts kommt uns angemessen vor und ist für dass, was das Produkt bietet, passend. Ein tolles Produkt zum angemessenen Preis also. Unsere Meinung: Absolut Empfehlenswert . Wenn sie Lust haben selbst solche Tests zu schreiben und Produkte kostenlos zur Verfügung gestellt zu bekommen um diese dann anschließend richtig einzuordnen, melden Sie sich gerne bei uns. Wir sind momentan stark dabei, unser Testerteam weiter auszubauen. Einfach mal unter Jobs vorbeischauen und uns eine Anfrage schicken. 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МОДЕРАТОРЫ. Arowin Arowin MikeyJayRaymond Simple Rlight #teamchief _deffer_ deffer delicious_cheese DeliciousCheeze tobiasvl tobiasvl - #teamchief ClassyTurkey Enter Gamertag XboxCountdown XbotOne AutoModerator . и ещё 5 » Welcome to Reddit, the front page of the internet. and subscribe to one of thousands of communities. Это архивированный пост. Вы не можете голосовать или комментировать. отправлено 1 год назад , изменено * автор larae_is_bored Fullmetal Chaos. Want to add to the discussion? [+]Jicnon #teamchief рейтинг комментария ниже порога -8 очка -7 очка -6 очка 1 год назад (12 дочерних комментарев) [–] [deleted] 10 очков 11 очков 12 очков 1 год назад (6 дочерних комментарев) [+]Jicnon #teamchief рейтинг комментария ниже порога -7 очка -6 очка -5 очков 1 год назад (3 дочерних комментария) помощь правила сайта центр поддержки вики реддикет mod guidelines связаться с нами. приложенияи инструменты Reddit for iPhone Reddit for Android mobile website кнопки. Использование данного сайта означает, что вы принимаете пользовательского соглашения и Политика конфиденциальности. © 2018 reddit инкорпорейтед. Все права защищены. REDDIT and the ALIEN Logo are registered trademarks of reddit inc. π Rendered by PID 83956 on app-283 at 2018-01-31 11:54:28.383664+00:00 running 3f6c701 country code: RU. Project CARS: Patch V2.0 fьr Xbox One und PS4 bringt Spielerlebnis auf nдchste Stufe. Zoom Slightly Mad Studios hat nun mitgeteilt, dass nach der PC-Version, die inzwischen auf die Version 2.5 aktualisiert wurde, nun der Patch 2.0 auch fьr Xbox One und PlayStation 4 verfьgbar ist, womit die Kдufer der Konsolenversionen ebenfalls in den Genuss umfassender Verbesserungen kommen die ein besseres Spielerlebnis mit sich bringen. Der Vollstдndigkeit halber ist das Дnderungsprotokoll fьr die Xbox One-Version angefьgt. Fьr die PS4-Version gibt es die Details hier ьber den Link. -Up to 17% frame rate improvement in extreme conditions. -Multiplayer search filter 'Skill' now finds games based upon certain lobby game configuration criteria. For example, “Pro” setting now searches for Full Damage or manual-start Engine or Forced Cockpit or Mechanical Failure, and so forth. -Community events page – when an event cannot be entered, it will now display the reason why: ‘Coming Soon’ along with a countdown, or ‘Expired’. -Online – Ensure that vehicle light repairs are synchronized in MP races so that repaired headlights are visible by other racers. -Fix attempt for a hard-to-reproduce issue where the game would at times freeze or crash when 8 or more players joined a session all at once. -Fixed an issue that at times would prevent a player from establishing full connectivity when leaving a lobby and trying to reconnect to it. -Adjustments made to the gears system, to prevent gears being skipped under certain conditions. This addresses an issue where gears would at times jump straight down to 1st, potentially causing engine blowouts. -Steering wheels – reduced the centering rate of the steering spring. This improves the feel of steering wheels at very low speeds. -Added support for the use of all active controllers for menu input. You can for example now use a steering wheel to race, and a gamepad to control the menus and photo mode. -Gear shifters – when using an H-shifter on a car that has a sequential gearbox, the gearbox will now switch through the gears until the gear selected on the H-shifter is reached. -Fixed an issue in Force Feedback calibration that would prevent a player from setting "Soft Clipping (Half Input)" back to 0 after modifying it from the original value. -Built in protection to prevent unsupported controller devices from crashing the game. -Gear shifters – fixed an issue that prevented the selection of neutral when using an H-gate shifter add-on with a car that has an H-gate shifter in-game. -Implemented accelerator vibration on the gamepad right trigger to indicate when and how much the tyres slip under acceleration. -Madcatz wheel - fixed an issue where the switch on the wheel to change between 270 to 900 degree mode stopped functioning. -Slowed down the AI opponents in the rain when using racing tyres, to make racing against them better balanced. -Adjusted the AI tyre wear rate to better match the player’s tyre wear rate. -Adjusted wear of Slicks and Rain tires to more realistic levels where needed. Typically GT/LMP/Formula cars will get slightly more than a full fuel load on soft or default slicks (depending on fuel load amounts). -Adjusted the heating of slicks and rain tyres to more realistic levels. -Adjusted tyre temperature sensitivity on several cars. -Adjusted rain tyres to generally be more sensitive to overheating, and less efficient in the dry. -Improvements to AI navigation to lessen collisions during cramped race starts, improve detection of other cars during cornering, and improve clean overtaking. -Improved the AI pitting logic during practice and qualifying so that the AI cars run more realistic stints before pitting. -Reworked the AI’s fuelling logic during qualifying sessions where no refuelling is allowed, so that they don’t always fill up the fuel tanks and negatively impact their qualifying ability. The AI will now deliver far more competitive lap times during qualifying. -Fixed an issue where the AI would set impossible lap times during races with pit stops. -The AI will now pit as soon as possible when low on fuel to prevent them running out of fuel and retiring from the race. -Reduced the effect of damage to the car’s cooling system when suffering aero damage. This prevents engines from overheating and blowing at an unrealistic rate. -Fixed an issue that prevented bump starts from working properly on some cars. An example case – with gears and clutch set to manual, take an Ariel Atom out on Brands Hatch. At the first right hander, stall the car, ignition on, 2nd gear, roll down the hill up to about 15kph and drop the clutch. The car will now bump start. Exact conditions for a successful bump start will vary slightly by car. -Fixed an issue where at times some AI drivers in a race would use much higher skill levels than the rest of the field. -Fixed an issue that prevented the AI from pitting within the final 3 laps of a race. -Further tweaked the AI ability in wet races to more closely match the player car’s ability in the wet. -Improved the AI’s efficiency in pit timing when needing to change tyres due to weather conditions. -Fixed an issue where wet tyres were fitted too long before the rain starts, causing excessive overheating and wear on the tyres. -Fixed an issue where, when running low on fuel, the Pit Board would appear to tell the player to do a scheduled pit stop when the player did not schedule a pit stop. -Fixed an issue where flat tyres were fitted to the car during a pit stop, by ensuring that the tyres are correctly inflated. -Fixed an issue where the car’s bump-stop value decreased after leaving a race session and joining it again. -Reworked the brake bias display information so that changing the values is more intuitive. -Performance optimisation pass done on: Brands Hatch layouts, Cadwell layouts, Oulton Park layouts, Bathurst, Azure circuit, and Zolder. This helps improve the overall smoothness when racing on these tracks with large grids of cars. -Track cutting tolerances reduced on all tracks where it was too forgiving. -Fixed an issue where a pit crew character would at times appear floating above the race track on various tracks. -Silverstone Stowe – fixed render issues on some tyre stacks, and addressed an issue with cars driving through certain objects. -Road America – fixed an issue where a line of grass line appeared in the air near a concrete barrier. -Spa Francorchamps – fixed an issue where cars under AI control would bump into the pit wall when exiting the pit lane. Fixed an issue where the AI were running too wide over the exit curb at the Bus Stop Chicane. -Brno – fixed an issue where cars would at times start in the same grid positions, fixed garage six to prevent the AI from getting stuck on the right side wall when exiting the garage spot, fixed an issue when running more than 20 cars in a race would cause the car in 21st to slide into the pits. -Le Mans – fixed an issue that would at times cause the car to crash while in the pit lane, leading to a disqualification. Improved the AI race line for better speed, and improved the AI behaviour on curbs. -Laguna Seca – improved the AI performance as they were running too slow in some sections. -Imola – Improved the pit lane AI navigation, and fixed an issue with a section of the fence at the pit entrance that appear to float. -Bathurst - fixed a render issue with shimmering edges in parts of the track. -Added a new RUF RGT8 GT3 contract to ensure that the player can enter the RUF GT3 series on contract renewal and not just when starting a new career. -Fixed the unlock details for the Supercar Ardennes Club Day Invitational. -Fixed an issue where skipping the session during a race caused the player to move up in the session results. -Group 5 cars – adjusted the gearshift timing tolerances to fix an issue with the gearing when pausing and restarting a session. -Gumpert Apollo – fixed an issue with the livery sets that caused the livery selection to display wrong liveries. -Aston Martin Vantage GT3 – tuned engine lifetime and brake cooling parameters for better accuracy. -Lotus 98T – tweaked turbo to improve AI estimation of top speed. -McLaren F1 GTR – modified the default setup and reduced front bump steer to improve straight line stability, fixed an issue to ensure that the car’s specific HUD motec display is used. -McLaren F1 - Fixed an issue that caused the car to use the wrong default tyre compound. -Ford GT40 MK4 – Reworked in several areas to improve handling and match the real car closer - Bump stops settings exposed in setup with better tuned setup defaults, increased wrap around stiffness of the tire carcass, rebalanced base vs tear grip, rebalanced player vs AI rain performance against the AI. -All Formula vehicles – Stop brake light reflections appearing on cars that don’t have brake lights. -Fixed an issue where the player position would at times change to last when player crosses the starting line during rolling starts. -Fixed an issue that could cause the game to crash when selecting the ‘Edit Tuning Setup’ option in the ‘PIT BOX’ screen. -Fixed an issue that could cause the game to crash while watching a saved replay. -Driver Network Profile – fixed an issue where entering Free Practice mode would count toward Races Entered. -Audio – rebalanced the volume of skid sounds to make them a bit more audible. -Updated the achievement "I am the 5%" to ensure that it can be achieved in non-Pro-modes as well. -Fixed a game crash issue caused by an overflow of the email inbox when the player received above a certain amount of invitational emails. -GUI – fixed an issue where the controls configuration arrows in Options would not respond correctly to mouse input when attempting fine adjustment. 2 21.07.2015 MK. News zum Thema. Project CARS: Neue Audi-Fahrzeuge und Strecken-Erweiterung zum Download (21.07.15) Project CARS: PC-Patch V2.5 verfьgbar, weniger Abstьrze und neue Features (18.07.15) Project CARS: Ausblick auf Version 2.0 enthьllt Performancesteigerungen und viele Bugfixes (25.06.15) Project CARS: Slightly Mad Studios arbeitet an noch ьberzeugenderen Wettereffekten (18.06.15) Project CARS: PC-Patch V1.4 verfьgbar (12.06.15) Kommentare. Project CARS. Project CARS Video. Project CARS Video. Project CARS Video. aktuelle News. aktuelle Screenshots. aktuelle Videos. aktuelle Downloads. Most Wanted Content. Beliebt sind bei uns unter anderem die Rennspiele-Seiten GT5, NFS Hot Pursuit, GTR und GTR3. Zu den Dauerbrennern gehцren auЯerdem unser GTA San Andreas-Testbericht, eine Cheats-Liste fьr NFS Undercover und die Ьbersicht der Rennspiele-Demos. Hier findet ihr Demoversionen beliebter Rennspiele zum herunterladen, wie die PC-Demo zu Alarm fьr Cobra 11: Das Syndikat oder die PC-Demo zu Euro Truck Simulator 2. Man kann unsere Website auch nach Rennspiele-Genre, Rennspiele-Entwickler und Verleger filtern. Rennspiele-Specials. Newsletter. Wцchentlich verschicken wir unseren kostenlosen Newsletter, der die aktuellen Meldungen aus dem Racing-Bereich zusammenfasst. Syndication. Fьr Webmaster, die unsere News auf der eigenen Website einbinden wollen, bieten wir bereits eine Reihe von technischen Mцglichkeiten an. Wir liefern aber auch spielebezogene und angepasste Feeds. Sprecht uns an! Wir suchen tatkrдftige Unterstьtzung fьr unser redaktionelles Team. Wer Lust auf Rennspiele hat und darьber schreiben mцchte, sollte sich . SPEEDMANIACS.COM - Das Rennspiele-Magazin. Wir verschreiben uns dem Genre Rennspiele, berichten ьber aktuelle PS3-Rennspiele, kostenlose Rennspiele, Rennspiele fьr PC, Xbox360 und andere Plattformen, liefern tagesaktuell frische Bilder und Videos und stellen Demos zum Download bereit. Best 4 player split screen racing? Rallisport 1 isn't anywhere near as good as Rallisport 2. Rallisport 2 is better in every aspect. PGR2 and Rallisport 2 are great choices, but to be honest, when playing with four players on a screen things can get a little hairy. In Rallisport the graphics get blurred quite a bit. So much in fact, that its sometimes hard to make out where you are even driving. As the game is rather fast-paced, this affects the gameplay quite a bit. PGR2 isn't as blurry, but more details are removed the more players there are on one screen. So if you play with four people in splitscreen, everything will look almost N64-ridge-racer-ish. There is also Colin McRae 2005. Its driving physics are completely screwed. I don't know what they are supposed to be like, but they sure as heck don't portray the behaviour of a car. More like a hover tank that drives on honey or something. Its crazy. Its fun to play. I almost finished it and played a bit of splitscreen too, but its NOT realistic. Don't believe the package! It has 4 player splitscreen too though with the same problems the other two games have. There is also Quantum Redshift. Its a bit on the rare side I think, but its fun if you can get your hands on a copy. Its a futuristic racing game with weapons. Kind of like Whipe Out or Extreme-G with guns. I think its playable with four players too, but I'm not 100% sure anymore. Anyway, all of those games are playable in 4 player splitscreen. Its just that its harder to play than it would normally be. Playing from a first person perspective (cock-pit or bumper cam) helps a great deal. My advice would be to play tournaments between the four of you where only two players drive at a time. Rallisport and PGR2 are both very playable with two players, and you can also get some other games that only allow two players to begin with. For example: Forza (only if you like realistic driving games! No use pretending you are an auto freak when you are not and the game will bore you to death. If you like that sort of stuff Forza is awesome, but if you don't, PGR2 is the better choice). Thanks PVTMurphy.. ..but realy though, is 4 player split screen not like even a little fun? Does it completely ruin the experience for games like PGR2 and RSC 2? My friends and I could deal with the lesser graphics if it meant being able to play with one another. Thx though. AzN_BOl. Nah, as I said, its playable. The problem isn't so much that the graphics look worse (who cares about graphics anyway if you have friends playing with you?) but that its hard to see where you have to go! ITs blurry, which wouldn't be the biggest problem, and - and this is the bummer - the screen isn't just smaller for each player, but its also chopped off at the sides. What this means is that you have less peripheral vision. It hits all of you equally so its not a deciding factor for the outcome of the game, but it gets on your nerves, especially if you are used to driving alone or in two-player splitscreen where you can see normally. The cock-pit or bumber-cams work better because you can see more there, but they are not to everyone's taste. So, yes, they are still playable. If you can, and if your friends are willing to do it, I would recommend to play tournaments with only two players at a time. Assetto Corsa: GroЯe Vorschau auf das Konsolenupdate V1.14. Zoom Die Entwickler von Assetto Corsa haben nun eine Zusammenfassung der mit dem bevorstehenden Update auf Version 1.14 fьr die PS4- und Konsolen-Version erfolgenden Дnderungen und Neuerungen verцffentlicht. Den genauen Termin fьr die Aktualisierung hat man noch nicht benannt, jedoch ist davon auszugehen, dass es nun nicht mehr lange dauern wird. Featuring all-new FREE bonus content, including 5 cars, as well as our homemade Highlands track! The perfect track doesn’t exist. That’s why we created one. Introduced back in 1984, the Audi Sport Quattro S1 E2 revolutionized rallying. Just like the other manufacturers, Audi used the lenient homologation requirements to create a new rally car. All the car maker needed for homologation was a production run of a mere 200 cars. The Mazda MX5 NA was presented in Chicago on February 1989. Provided with an all-steel body shell and a lightweight aluminum hood, in Japan it was sold as Eunos Roadster. Back in 1991, Mazda became the first Japanese manufacturer to win the 24 hours of Le Mans, with the Mazda 787B. This Group C sports prototype weighed in at just 845kg and was capable of reaching top speeds of over 340 km/h, as well as producing 690bhp at 8000rpm, thanks to its Wankel rotary engine. The M4’s engine brace, trunk lid and the roof are all made of Carbon Fiber Reinforced Plastic (CFRP) to shed pounds. But the real masterpiece for both is the CFRP driveshaft — a one-piece unit that offers exceptional strength while reducing rotating mass, resulting in a tighter drive with less counteractive momentum. The Evolution performance exhaust system for the BMW consists of a single central muffler with valves and bigger link pipe tubes with a middle muffler, all designed to make the performance and workmanship of the Evolution as perfect as its looks. In-depth engineering has produced a sound completely different from the stock system, giving a deep and sporty sound. What do you get if you unleash some dedicated tuners on the Gallardo engine? A bi-turbo highly modified engine that is capable of doing more than 850bhp on pump fuel and more than 1200bhp on race fuel and full turbo boost. Available as a free update for the PORSCHE PACK 3 DLC, the 2017 Le Mans and WEC racing machine produces around 510bhp at 8000rpm. This brand new Porsche GTE/GTLM racecar has been designed from scratch and features an ultra-modern, flat-six engine positioned in front of the rear axle. The perfect track doesn’t exist. That’s why we created one. Highlands – The original layout, 8152 meters long, filled with a fast flowing path with curves and several jumps. Highlands Long – An extension of the original layout, 12191 meters long and has all the characteristics of the original layout. This layout features some slower curves, a fast series of left and right turns, after a passage between rocks and the distinctive 3km long "Cabhag straight" -Updated minimum pressures and optimum pressures for various cars. -New v10 tyre wear algorithms more sensitive to load for all cars. -Graining is now reducing when driving in good temperature conditions. -New and updated V10 street, semi-slick, vintage, and race slicks tyres for all cars. A total of 151 cars updated. -Updates for cars that already had V10 tyres. -Updated chassis balance and inertias for all 151 available cars. -Updated engine coast braking for street cars. -Updated Brake heat for the following cars: --Maserati 250F 6C and 12C. -It will be possible to adjust and customize the cockpit view during a game session. -Initialize a new server instance with custom configuration. -Configuration options include privacy (invite-only, public, password-protected), cars, car skins, track, sessions (durations and types), track conditions, assist levels, realism levels. -Create any number of championships with any number of events. Configuration options include opponent cars, skin and names, tracks, track conditions, race and other sessions’ duration, point system. (3 presets) + 11.05.2017 MK. News zum Thema. Assetto Corsa: Vorschau auf neue Features statt Update (30.04.17) Assetto Corsa: Arbeiten am neuen Konsolenupdate dauern an (15.04.17) Assetto Corsa: Update auf V1.13.2 erfolgt (01.04.17) Assetto Corsa: Kleiner Hotfix auf V1.13.1 (28.03.17) Assetto Corsa: V1.13 fьr PC inklusive Porsche 911 RSR 2017 und Bonusfahrzeuge (22.03.17) Assetto Corsa: Bonusfahrzeuge, Ausblick auf V1.13 und private Lobbies (22.03.17) Assetto Corsa: Die Дnderungen von V1.12.4 bis V1.12.6 (03.03.17) Assetto Corsa: VR, Autos und Audio - Update der PC-Version auf V1.12.3 (24.02.17) Assetto Corsa: Hotfix V1.12.1 und Lцsung fьr Problem mit erhцhter CPU-Auslastung (19.02.17) Assetto Corsa: PC-Version aktualisiert - kostenloses Zusatzfahrzeug und neue Strecke (14.02.17) Kommentare. Assetto Corsa. Assetto Corsa Video. Assetto Corsa Video. Assetto Corsa Video. aktuelle News. aktuelle Screenshots. aktuelle Videos. aktuelle Downloads. Most Wanted Content. Beliebt sind bei uns unter anderem die Rennspiele-Seiten GT5, NFS Hot Pursuit, GTR und GTR3. Zu den Dauerbrennern gehцren auЯerdem unser GTA San Andreas-Testbericht, eine Cheats-Liste fьr NFS Undercover und die Ьbersicht der Rennspiele-Demos. Hier findet ihr Demoversionen beliebter Rennspiele zum herunterladen, wie die PC-Demo zu Alarm fьr Cobra 11: Das Syndikat oder die PC-Demo zu Euro Truck Simulator 2. Man kann unsere Website auch nach Rennspiele-Genre, Rennspiele-Entwickler und Verleger filtern. Rennspiele-Specials. Newsletter. Wцchentlich verschicken wir unseren kostenlosen Newsletter, der die aktuellen Meldungen aus dem Racing-Bereich zusammenfasst. Syndication. Fьr Webmaster, die unsere News auf der eigenen Website einbinden wollen, bieten wir bereits eine Reihe von technischen Mцglichkeiten an. Wir liefern aber auch spielebezogene und angepasste Feeds. Sprecht uns an! Wir suchen tatkrдftige Unterstьtzung fьr unser redaktionelles Team. Wer Lust auf Rennspiele hat und darьber schreiben mцchte, sollte sich . SPEEDMANIACS.COM - Das Rennspiele-Magazin. Wir verschreiben uns dem Genre Rennspiele, berichten ьber aktuelle PS3-Rennspiele, kostenlose Rennspiele, Rennspiele fьr PC, Xbox360 und andere Plattformen, liefern tagesaktuell frische Bilder und Videos und stellen Demos zum Download bereit. playm.de. Forza Motorsport 6 [Xbox One, PC] Gefällt mir Gefällt mir nicht mehr AppleRedX 06.10.2015. Wie von Turn10 versprochen gibt es heute ein Content Update (vor allem bugfixing) für Forza 6 sowie das erste Car Pack. · Corrected the engine sounds for the 2016 Ford Shelby GT350. · Corrected issues with all of the V8 Supercars in the game, so that each car uses the correct engine sounds. · Improved the cockpit camera positioning for a number of cars in the game, including the 2015 Dodge Challenger SRT Hellcat, 2011 Lamborghini Gallardo LP570-4, 1971 Plymouth Cuda 426 and the 1970 Ford Escort RS1600 Fast & Furious edition, among others. · We have addressed an issue with drivetrain swaps that was causing some cars (including well-known examples such as the 1968 Abarth 595 esseesse, the 1965 MINI Cooper S, and the 1975 FIAT X1/9), to perform beyond their PI classification. To coincide with this fix, we are performing a wipe of all leaderboard times set with a car that used a drivetrain swap. We expect the leaderboard wipe will happen Tuesday (10/6) afternoon. With this content update in place, cars that were previously banned from multiplayer will now be allowed back in. In addition times set in cars that feature drivetrain swaps will be allowed to post times to leaderboards. · Numerous additional car improvements and corrections. · ROAD ATLANTA: Removed an “invisible dip” that was appearing in the drift loop section of the track. · MONZA: Fixed a bug that allowed players to gain an unfair advantage at the Ascari Chicane. · TOP GEAR: Corrected several areas that were incorrectly “dirtying” players’ lap times. · We continue to investigate issues involving inconsistency in Drivatar behaviors during Forza Motorsport 6 races; namely several Drivatars pulling away from the rest of the pack. To coincide with this content update, we have instituted a server-side fix that we believe will help the issue as we continue to investigate further. Stay tuned for more in the future. · Fixed an issue where Drivatars were not taking damage when the player was driving with simulated damage turned on. · Fixed an issue where players could not import liveries from Forza Motorsport 5 that used certain characters, including the lower case “a” character. · Corrected an issue where players’ saved tunes could not be applied to a car unless it was applied immediately after downloading it. With this fix, saved tunes can now be applied to cars at any point. · Addressed an issue where downloaded tunes were missing front suspension settings. · We have corrected issues with the “World Traveler” achievement, which should now work as expected. · Fixed an issue where only a maximum of 2 AI cars could enter the pits at any time. · Pitting will now fix headlight damage when simulation damage is turned on. · Fixed an issue with rewind, where players could not rewind when AI cars were in the pits. With this fix, players will now be able to rewind, even when AI cars are pitted. · Using Boost Mods in a Career or Free Play race will now “dirty” your lap. · Fixed an issue where Crew Mods modifiers would only work on the unique track specified on the card. Now Crew Mods modifiers will work as intended, with a general indicated performance increase on all tracks, and a specialized increase on the specified track. · Fixed an issue where players would get the exact same Mods pack upon starting the game with a new profile. · Power-related Mods are now applying the correct amount of additional power to all cars. · Fixed an issue with the “Cockpit Camera/No HUD” Mod, whereby the HUD would reappear after doing a few practice laps. Better League result reporting after each race, points earned displayed and access to the League Leaderboards in the Lobby. · Added ability to order the grid by the previous best lap in Multiplayer. This change will be rolled out in the more competitive lobbies first. · Some multiplayer hoppers will now allow the starting grid to roll off by row in order to help with the congestion in the first and second corners. · Prizes from Tombola spins will now be gifted to the correct player in splitscreen races. · Fixed an issue with the mini map and the player location arrow when playing in Tag mode. · Fixed an issue in Free Play where changing the assists in the pre-race menu would reset the Drivatar difficulty level. · Changed Total Time in the “My Drivatar” menu to appear into days:minutes:seconds format. · Fixed an issue where telemetry shows no data when viewing a replay directly after a race has finished. · Fixed an issue where Drift scores report incorrectly, resulting in different leaderboards for different players. · Fixed an issue where headlights would turn off and then on again after rewinding in a race. · Fixed an issue where controller dead zones were resetting after completing a race. · Fixed an issue with control mapping when a player has both a controller and a wheel connected to the Xbox One when starting Forza 6. Die neuen Cars sind: 1994 Nissan #75 Cunningham Racing 300ZX. 2014 Toyota #12 Rebellion Racing R-One. 2013 Cadillac XTS Limousine. Gefällt mir Gefällt mir nicht mehr AppleRedX 31.10.2015. Nächste Woche kommt das 2te Car Pack, über den Inhalt wird hier gerätselt: Die VIPs haben in Ihrem Postfach 2 MuscleCars im Halo Look: Wer an dem Photo Projekt mitwirken will oder auch nur fantastische Photos bewundern will wird hier fündig: Gefällt mir Gefällt mir nicht mehr AppleRedX 04.11.2015. Neben dem Car Pack und dem kostenlosen 2015 Nissan #23 GT-R LM NISMO. 1988 McLaren #12 Honda McLaren MP4/4. 1980 Lancia #31 Lancia Corse Beta Montecarlo Turbo. 2014 Maserati #35 M.Calamia Swiss Team MC Trofeo. 1977 Holden Torana A9X. 1969 Datsun 2000 Roadster. 2014 Mazda #70 SpeedSource Lola B12/80. 2000 Plymouth Prowler. gab es in Forza 6 gestern auch ein Update das einige Fehler bereinigte. · Fixed an issue where pop-up headlights on equipped cars would inadvertently engage automatically in Forzavista. In addition, fixed an issue where headlights pins in Forzavista would not function correctly for cars with pop-up headlights. · Fixed an issue where electric cars did not burn battery with Fuel/Tire Wear Difficulty set to “simulation” · Various fixes and improvements on a number of cars in the game. · LIME ROCK – Fixed an issue where cars entering the pits at high speeds would not have damage fixed during the pit stop. · NÜRBURGRING – Fixed an issue where cars could leave the environment after colliding with a barrier on the first turn of the Nürburgring + GP ribbon. · Corrected/updated engine audio on a number of cars in the game. · We’ve made some changes in the various available audio mix presets in the game. For example, the “Headphones” setting has been adjusted to make the player’s car more audible in the mix. This mix will work with all playback devices and is recommended for those who prefer to have their car audio more prevalent in the mix. · Server enhancements to improve matchmaking performance. These enhancements should result in improved multiplayer connections, especially for the small population of Forza 6 players who were previously having trouble connecting to multiplayer in the game. · We’ve made a change to address an issue where players could hold a multiplayer lobby open for an indefinite amount of time by not finishing a race. As a result of this change, players can no longer sit idle in League races and accrue points. In addition, players who are inactive for a certain period of time in a race will be removed. · Fixed an issue where lobby hosts in an Xbox Live party would inadvertently stop waiting for players in his/her party after matching into a public lobby game, backing out, and then making a private multiplayer game. · Fixed an issue where MP lobbies with roll-off delay were preventing the rear view mirror from appearing for players. · Non-performance enhancing Mods will not set dirty lap times. · Using a Mod that forces sim damage on in a race will now result in Drivatar cars also taking sim damage. · Crew Chief Mods can no longer be sold. · Fixed an issue where players could unlock and share locked liveries by altering the livery in ForzaVista and then entering the Test Drive section of the game. · Fixed an issue where tunes were inadvertently prevented from being shared due to language filter bug. · Fixed an issue in replays, where telemetry for Drivatar cars was showing “stock,” even if the car was upgraded. · Fixed an issue where Drivatars would be duplicated in a multiplayer lobby. Gefällt mir Gefällt mir nicht mehr dennisX97 01.03.2016. Porsche Expansion Trailer. Gefällt mir Gefällt mir nicht mehr Playstation 01.03.2016. Forza für PC? Ich freu mich. Leider aber nur eine stark abgespeckte Version. Hoffe, dass MS/Turn10 eine Complete Edition releasen. Gefällt mir Gefällt mir nicht mehr dennisX97 12.03.2016. Gameplay der Apex-PC Version. Gefällt mir Gefällt mir nicht mehr dennisX97 16.03.2016. Forza Motorsport 6 bekommt ein weiteres Fahrzeugpaket spendiert. Die Autos sind auch einzeln zu kaufen. Im The Meguiar’s Car Pack sind folgende Autos erhältlich: 1988 Jaguar #60 Castrol Jaguar Racing XJR-9. 2015 Chevrolet #10 Wayne Taylor Racing Corvette Daytona Prototype. Gefällt mir Gefällt mir nicht mehr dennisX97 31.03.2016. Gefällt mir Gefällt mir nicht mehr dennisX97 05.04.2016. Gefällt mir Gefällt mir nicht mehr dennisX97 03.05.2016. 2005 Ford Hot Wheels Mustang. 2017 Ford Focus RS. 2015 McLaren P1 GTR. 1990 Ferrari #1 Scuderia Ferrari 641. 2016 Chevrolet Camaro Super Sport. Hot Wheels Decal. Gefällt mir Gefällt mir nicht mehr DT1987 09.05.2016. - eine NASCAR World Tour Karriere. - 24 lizenzierte NASCAR Autos aus der aktuellen Saison 2016. - neue Multiplayer Events. - neue HUD Elemente speziell für die NASCAR-Rennen. - neue Strecke: Homestead-Miami Speedway. Gefällt mir Gefällt mir nicht mehr Guest_MrACreed2014_* 31.07.2016. Ich habe jetzt knapp 20 Stunden Spielzeit - und das Spiel wird tatsächlich immer noch besser . Bei Forza 6 passt mMn wirklich so ziemlich alles. Technik, Umfang, Gameplay und vor allem die Motivation. Besonders den Aufbau der Karriere und die vielen Schaurennen finde ich einfach extrem gelungen. Und dazu noch das Glücksrad, bei dem man bei jedem Aufstieg im Fahrerlevel ein Los bekommt. Inzwischen habe ich u.a. LaFerrari, Lotus E23 und (erst vorhin) 1.000.000 Credits gewonnen . Gefällt mir Gefällt mir nicht mehr DT1987 01.09.2016. Gefällt mir Gefällt mir nicht mehr Guest_dennis_X97_* 31.10.2016. Habe Forza Motorsport 6 Apex durchgespielt und es gefällt mir sehr gut. Top Titel, freue mich auf den Nachfolger. Kinguin – Love the Game. Beschreibung Aktivierungsdetails. Über das Produkt. Forza Motorsport 5 is a cinematic automotive journey starring the world’s greatest cars and tracks. Built from the ground up to take advantage of Xbox One and the vast power of the cloud, no game better delivers the wide-eyed thrill of racing. Hauptmerkmale. Never Race Alone: By learning how you and your friends drive, the power of the cloud delivers real human behavior Your Ultimate Car Fantasy: Own and race the cars of your dreams Fast and Fair Multiplayer: With Smart Match and trade; matchmaking and Xbox Live dedicated servers, experience epic, fast and competitive multiplayer perfectly suited to your skill and style Unprecedented Visual Realism: A new graphics engine recreates thousands of physically-based materials at a level of precision never before possible; the play of light on a perfect coat of paint, the texture of handstitched leather and brushed metal, the history written onto scratched rotors and worn concrete. A world of speed, beauty and danger real enough to touch. Um einen PrePaid Code einzulösen, http://live.xbox.com/ besuchen oder diese Schritte folgen: 1. Melden Sie sich auf Xbox.com an. 3. Klicken Sie auf "Code einlösen", um Ihren Code einzugeben. 4. Folgen Sie die entsprechende Aufforderung, um das Einlösen zu bestätigen. 1. Melden Sie sich mit dem Konto bei Xbox Live an, für das Sie den Prepaid-Code verwenden möchten. 2. Drücken Sie auf dem Controller die Guide-Taste. 3. Wechseln Sie zu Spiele und Apps, und wählen Sie Code einlösen aus. 4. Geben Sie den 25-stelligen Prepaid-Code ein, und wählen Sie dann Fertig aus. 5. Klicken Sie bei der entsprechenden Aufforderung auf Ja, um das Einlösen zu bestätigen. • Die Verwendung von Prepaid-Codes ist nicht möglich, wenn Ihr Konto gesperrt wurde oder überfällige zu zahlende Beträge aufweist. Bei Problemen mit der Aktivierung nehmen Sie bitte Kontakt mit unserem Support-Team per Live-Chat auf oder erstellen Sie ein Ticket. Unable to activate even after following the steps above? Are the instructions not clear? Let us help you! Versandinformationen. Kinguin Käuferschutz (KBP) Sicher und schnell kaufen! Jegliche Keyprobleme lösen Falls Du KBP aktivierst, lösen wir alle Probleme mit den Keys für Dich. Geld-zurück-Garantie Du hast ein Random Game erhalten, das Du schon besitzt? Erhalte Dein Geld zurück mit KBP. Tickets mit Priorität Unser 24/7 Support behandelt Deinen Fall vorrangig,

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Sébastien Loeb Rally Evo is a new off-road racing game experience! Drive the best rally cars from the past until present days through the best rallies and off-road events around the world. Created in collaboration with nine-time rally world champion, Sébastien Loeb Rally Evo will powerslide into players’ homes all over the world with the aim of getting their adrenalin pumping and delivering all the thrills of the world of rally. Sébastien Loeb and the game. A name. A legend. One of the most iconic figures in the history of the sport: Sébastien Loeb. The most prominent Rally player. Nine world championships won consecutively. His career is made of challenges, limits to be passed and goal to be reached. Talent, passion and dedication made him possible to write the history of rally! – 300 Kilometres of real roads. – 8 different rallies, 64 special stages, 5 Rallycross circuits. – The Official Pikes Peak Hill Climb track. – 16 car manufacturers. 01. Game Modes. Grow your driving experience along different events around the world through the best and beautiful rallies; Show your skills and lead all the competitions driving against aggressive competitors in RallyCross or into reckless head to head challenge and special events. In ‘Loeb Experience’ mode, you can relive his entire career in 8 different ‘Eras’, from the beginning to the unforgettable 2013 record at Pikes Peak on board of his Peugeot 208 T16 PP. Go over each single event and drive every car that made him a rally legend. Developed together with WRC champion, Sébastien Loeb Rally EVO presents: co-driver notes completely true to life, an upgraded differential simulation that is much more lifelike and accurate, realistic handling in every situation and a force feedback that it is different for every car and type of terrain in the game. 02. Car customization. 03. THE CARS THAT MADE RALLY HISTORY AND MORE… The cars’ real life manoeuvrability is replicated in the game as well as the way they adapt to a given track, weather conditions and different competitions. 04. RALLY AND RALLYCROSS. 05. Compatibility List. TH8RS (PC, H Gearshift) T500 RS (PC and PS4™, Clutch, Gearshift H, 900°) TH8A Add-On Shifter (PC, Xbox One® and PS4™, H Gearshift) T3PA Add-On (PC, Xbox One® and PS4™, Clutch) T300RS (PC and PS4™, Clutch, H Gearshift, 900°) T150 Force Feedback (PC andPS4™, Clutch, H Gearshift, 900°) T300 Ferrari GTE Wheel (PC and PS4™, Clutch, H Gearshift, 900°) T100 Force Feedback Racing Wheel (PC) T80 (PS4™) TX Racing Wheel Ferrari 458 Italia Edition (PC and Xbox One®, Clutch, H Gearshift, 900°) Ferrari 458 Spider Racing Wheel (Xbox One®) G25 (PC) G27 (PC) Logitech Driving Force GT (PC) Logitech G29 (PC and PS4™) Logitech G920 (PC and Xbox One®) T3PA Add-On (PC, Xbox One® and PS4™) Logitech Shifter (PC, Xbox One® and PS4™) Porsche 911 Turbo S (PC and PS4™) Porsche 911 GT2 Wheel EU (PC and PS4™) Porsche 911 GT3 RS V2 (PC and PS4™) Porsche 911 GT3 RS (PC) Forza Motorsport (Elite) CSR Wheel (PC and PS4™) Porsche Carrera 911 (PC) ClubSport Wheel Base V1 + All different rims (no HUB XONE) (PC and PS4™) ClubSport Wheel Base V2 + All different rims (no HUB XONE) (PC and PS4™) ClubSport Wheel Base V1 + Universal HUB for XONE or CLS P1 PC, Xbox One® and PS4™) ClubSport Wheel Base V2 + Universal HUB for XON or CLS P1 PC, Xbox One® and PS4™) CSR (Elite) Pedals EU (PC and PS4™) ClubSport Pedals V1 EU (PC, Xbox One® and PS4™) ClubSport Pedals V2 EU (PC, Xbox One® and PS4™) ClubSport Pedals V3 EU (PC, Xbox One® and PS4™) Fanatec CSR Shifter Set EU (PC, Xbox One® and PS4™) ClubSport Shifter (PC and PS4™) ClubSport Shifter SQ V1 EU (PC, Xbox One® and PS4™) ClubSport Shifter SQ V1.5 EU (PC, Xbox One® and PS4™) Sébastien Loeb Rally Evo © 2016 Published and Developed by Milestone S.r.l. All rights reserved. " ", “PlayStation” and " " are registered trademarks of Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. All rights reserved. Trademarks are property of their respective owners. © 2016 Milestone Srl – Tutti I diritti riservati. Milestone è un marchio registrato di Milestone Srl. What's Hot. South Park The Fractured but Whole. Nintendo Switch Games. Assassin's Creed Origins. Just Dance 2018. Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle. Tom Clancy's The Division. Play Trackmania Turbo in Virtual Reality. Dive into the arcade racing universe of Trackmania and discover the ultimate head-spinning experience! Available now on PS4, Xbox One, PC, and Virtual Reality systems! Learn More. Game Overview. Completely reworked, Trackmania will let you experience a brand new art direction based on racing culture elements. Easy to learn, hard to master, enjoy immediate fun on your own with Trackmania, or challenge your friends at home or online! Highly replayable, Trackmania can provide you with a diversified gaming experience by blending arcade-style racing with the perfect track building toolbox: thanks to the revamped and easy to use Trackbuilder, you will be able to design an infinite number of outlandish tracks. Race on the 200 head-spinning tracks included in-game, set in 4 beautiful environments, each with their own gameplay style. Join the community online and enjoy a virtually infinite number of new tracks created by the other players. PLAY TRACKMANIA TURBO IN VIRTUAL REALITY. Players of Trackmania Turbo can now experience something they have never seen before: intense speed and a driving sensation as if they were inside the vehicle. Through 40 exclusive and free VR tracks in Arcade and Campaign modes, players will enjoy the spectacular jumps, loops and wall-rides of Trackmania Turbo, specifically redesigned to make the best use of virtual experience. 4 environments, 4 kinds of gameplay. Race through stunning environments with beautiful new graphics, each with its own gameplay experience: Lagoon Rollercoaster: Defy gravity in a tropical paradise archipelago. International Stadium: Skills and precision are key to master this environment focused on performance. Canyon Drift: Drift your way through this North American grand valley. Dirty Valley: Jump through the hills in an immersive countryside setting. Campaign mode. Test your skills, win medals, unlock up to 200 unique tracks in over 5 difficulty levels, and progress in worldwide rankings. Double driver. You don’t have to take on the Trackmania challenges alone. Team up with a friend and control one car with two controllers. Beware! Communicate and stay in sync or you’ll crash! Trackbuilder. Play with this intuitive toolbox to design your own crazy outlandish tracks or spice up your experience by generating random ones. Save and share your best tracks to challenge other players. Systemic music. In Trackmania the music is tied to your racing experience, your own skills create variations of intensity & dramatic drops. The music changes as you pass though checkpoints, trigger drifts or achieve jumps, making every race completely unique. 4 environments, 4 kinds of gameplay. Race through stunning environments with beautiful new graphics, each with its own gameplay experience: Lagoon Rollercoaster: Defy gravity in a tropical paradise archipelago. International Stadium: Skills and precision are key to master this environment focused on performance. Canyon Drift: Drift your way through this North American grand valley. Dirty Valley: Jump through the hills in an immersive countryside setting. Campaign mode. Test your skills, win medals, unlock up to 200 unique tracks in over 5 difficulty levels, and progress in worldwide rankings. Double driver. You don’t have to take on the Trackmania challenges alone. Team up with a friend and control one car with two controllers. Beware! Communicate and stay in sync or you’ll crash! Trackbuilder. Play with this intuitive toolbox to design your own crazy outlandish tracks or spice up your experience by generating random ones. Save and share your best tracks to challenge other players. Systemic music. In Trackmania the music is tied to your racing experience, your own skills create variations of intensity & dramatic drops. The music changes as you pass though checkpoints, trigger drifts or achieve jumps, making every race completely unique. All Video Screenshot. Trackmania Turbo - The Creative Drive Video. Trackmania Turbo - 5 Things We Love About Trackmania Video. NASCAR Heat Evolution Xbox one. € 35,85 (as of 6. Januar 2018, 16:13) Race as your favorite NASCAR Sprint Cup Series drivers across all 23 licensed NASCAR tracks in stunning HD. This all-star developer created the original NASCAR Heat and NASCAR: Dirt to Daytona in the early 2000’s, two of the most highly rated and best-selling NASCAR titles of all-time. Description. NASCAR Heat Evolution will race its way to Xbox One and PlayStation 4 for the first time ever on September 13, 2016. Featuring over 40 drivers, all 23 licensed NASCAR Sprint Cup Series tracks, and a variety of gameplay modes, NASCAR Heat Evolution is the first authentic NASCAR game for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. New Gameplay Engine: Rebuilt from the ground up, NASCAR Heat Evolution brings back the fun and excitement of NASCAR you know and love. New AI: Whether you’re a rookie or a trained racing veteran, the dynamic AI system adjusts to your skill level. New Tracks: Daytona has risen, Colossus is fired up at Bristol, and your other favorite tracks are ready for the 2016 season. New Damage: With the all-new damage model, Darlington Stripes have never looked better, if you earn ‚em. New Drivers: Matt DiBenedetto, Landon Cassill, Chris Buescher, and other drivers make their NASCAR video game debut. New Online: The online gameplay system has been rebuilt to ensure fun, competitive, and fast racing Game Modes: A variety of gameplay modes will give you more to do than ever before. Gameplay modes include Race, Challenges, Season, Chase, Online, and Career. In Career, customize your own NASCAR Sprint Cup Series driver like never before! Tracks: From the high banks of Talladega to the tight turns in Martinsville, each of the 23 licensed NASCAR tracks have been carefully recreated in conjunction with track owners. Drivers: NASCAR Heat Evolution offers 43 different drivers from the most popular race teams including Stewart-Haas Racing, Joe Gibbs Racing, Hendrick Motorsports, Team Penske, Chip Ganassi, and many more. Race as your favorite NASCAR Sprint Cup Series drivers across all 23 licensed NASCAR tracks in stunning HD. This all-star developer created the original NASCAR Heat and NASCAR: Dirt to Daytona in the early 2000’s, two of the most highly rated and best-selling NASCAR titles of all-time.

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