пятница, 29 июня 2018 г.


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Game Companies - A list of all the companies that have developed and published games. Game Credits - A list of all the people and groups credited for all the games we know of. Most Wanted - The Top 100 popular games without full FAQs on GameFAQs. My Games - Build your game collection, track and rate games. Rankings - A list of games ranked by rating, difficulty, and length as chosen by our users. Top 100 - The Top 100 most popular games on GameFAQs today. What's New - New games, FAQs, reviews, and more. © 2018 CBS Interactive Inc. All rights reserved. Best Skyrim Mods for Improving Graphics and Effects - Xbox One and PS4. The best mods for improving graphics and effects in Skyrim Special Edition for Xbox One and PlayStation 4. Skyrim has long enjoyed a very robust modding community. There are thousands of mods available for the PC edition of the game, and the most popular ones add sharper graphics, cooler effects, and more detailed textures to the vanilla Skyrim experience. Thing is, Skyrim Special Edition (AKA Skyrim Remastered) actually exists to bring a prettier, richer Skyrim experience to fans – especially console-owning fans. So even though Bethesda says Skyrim Special Edition works with most already-released mods, should you even bother with them? Absolutely. For starters, Skyrim Remastered lets console owners get in on the fun of modding (though Sony initially said the PlayStation 4 edition of the game won't support the feature, Bethesda and Sony had talks, and now the PlayStation 4 has Skyrim mods). For another thing, not all Skyrim mods exist to make the game prettier. Some add content, some add special features, and some are just for fun. Here's a list of mods that improve Skyrim’s graphics in some way. Be aware that some of these might not be compatible with Skyrim Special Edition on PlayStation 4 because of restrictions Sonly put in place. We’ll make sure to note which mods below are only compatible with the Xbox One version of the game. Best Skyrim Mods for Improving Skyrim's Graphics and Effects on Xbox One and PlayStation 4. Climates of Tamriel - Xbox Only -- Weather nerds will definitely want to apply Climates of Tamriel to Skyrim remastered. This mod is positively enormous and has been added to across the years. The end result is a patch that includes hundreds of cloud systems, weather conditions, and even customizable lighting for caves and house interiors. A Quality World Map - Vivid With Stone Roads - Xbox One Only -- While making improvements to the world map in Skyrim might not be top of your list when attempting to make the game look better, this mod makes a big difference. Gone is the fairly empty original map, replaced with a more detailed map that has visible roads. Enhanced Blood Textures - Xbox One Only -- Nothing says “I’m a bit wrong in the head” more than searching for and downloading better blood textures, but hey, this does make Skyrim look better. As well as a generally better depiction of the red stuff all round, you’ll get animation spasms. There’s also green blood for spiders and and oil for machines. Skyrim Graphic Overhaul - Xbox One Only -- This is a great graphics overhaul mod that takes some of the best resources from other mods and puts them together. Amongst other things you’ll get new and improved plants and grass, better textures in many areas, improved hair, and better looking animals. It really is very nice and something to use if you don’t want to spend ages combining numerous mods. Surreal Lighting - Xbox One and PS4 -- If you want a more vibrant look to Skyrim, this is the mod for you. Surreal Lighting alters weather, brightness, contrast and saturation, as well god rays and fog levels to make for a more pleasant color scheme. Rain And Snow FX - Xbox One and PS4 -- If you felt your Skyrim game was missing wetness and frost effects on your character, feel no more! In rain your character will drip while in ice you’ll see ice effects on armor. Although on Xbox One and PS4, you’ll see some limitations in the PS4 version which means the effects won’t apply to NPCs in the area. You should also check out our suggestions for UI improvements, mods that allow for cooler NPCs and animals, and mods that add to your combat and skills. Oh, and don't forget you can perform mod magic to marry Skyrim's vampires. This article may contain links to online retail stores. If you click on one and buy the product we may receive a small commission. For more information, go here. There are no comments on this article yet! Could you be the first to post one? More from USgamer. Monster Hunter World Guide - How to Use Scout flies to Track Monsters, How to Play Online, How to Change Your Appearance, Palico Guide. In this Monster Hunter World guide, we'll walk you through how to capture a monster, how to use the Insect Glaive, and how to use both the Botanical and Ecological Research Centers, all on top our wildlife guides. Monster Hunter World Grimalkyne Guide - How to Complete the Ancient Forest Bugtrapper Palicoes Quest, How to Unlock the Flashfly Cage. Grimalkyne Palico Tribes are featured in every region of Monster Hunter World, and you'll need to help them out if you want to obtain the rare Plunderblade for your Palico partner. How to Kill Great Jagras - Monster Hunter World Great Jagras Tracking Guide - Great Jagras Weakness, Best Weapons and Elements to Kill an Great Jagras. This Monster Hunter World guide will teach you how to track and kill any monster in the game, including beasts like the Great Jagras, Anjanath, Rathalos, and Diablos. Monster Hunter World Review Scores, Release Date, DLC, New Bounties, Research Quests, PC Version, HD Gameplay, Co-Op - Everything We Know. Monster Hunter is coming to the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One in January 2018, with the PC version to follow. Get all the info on the Monster Hunter World release date on PS4 and Xbox One, the PC release, game details, gameplay footage. Monster Hunter World DLC, and more. Covering the best in video gaming. News, previews and reviews of the latest Xbox One, PS3, PS4 and Wii U games. Plus features about classic retro consoles! This site © 2018 Gamer Network. All Rights Reserved. No part of this site or its content may be reproduced without the permission of the copyright holder. skyrim. 1 548 пользователей находятся здесь. МОДЕРАТОРЫ. rockon4life45 flair iFlameLife Mane cahaseler MODERATOR Bambikins ALTMER DEATHLORD greynol5 vsod99 Discord Admin TheSentinel_0 UberMaude о команде модераторов » Welcome to Reddit, the front page of the internet. and subscribe to one of thousands of communities. отправлено 1 год назад автор Wxrdi. 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Want to add to the discussion? помощь правила сайта центр поддержки вики реддикет mod guidelines связаться с нами. приложенияи инструменты Reddit for iPhone Reddit for Android mobile website кнопки. Использование данного сайта означает, что вы принимаете пользовательского соглашения и Политика конфиденциальности. © 2018 reddit инкорпорейтед. Все права защищены. REDDIT and the ALIEN Logo are registered trademarks of reddit inc. π Rendered by PID 99656 on app-529 at 2018-02-02 01:27:39.895701+00:00 running 637d258 country code: RU. The Best Mods for Skyrim: Special Edition on Xbox One. Skyrim was first released in 2011 on the previous console generation and PC, and to say it was a great game would be an understatement. It won countless awards and is almost always high ranking in Top 100 Best Games Lists. Spawning countless memes, and the various strange glitches we could manipulate, Skyrim is great and fun. Fans of the game helped push Skyrim to new heights, with a strong modding community on PC. Due to the game's on-going popularity, we were blessed with a gorgeously overhauled newer, shinier Skyrim, bringing mod support to consoles for the first time. Here are our favorites. We have compiled some of the coolest mods available right now for Skyrim: Special Edition. Since the game also includes all of the DLC, there is no need to worry about incompatibility. And we've only selected free mods, nothing from the Creators Club. Note: Achievements are disabled while mods are active. It sucks but you really cannot beat a modded Skyrim playthrough. An Alternate Start - Live Another Life. This mod gives you an alternate opening, where you're left to fester in a jail, forgotten, instead of the Helgen opening we know so well by now. You still get to pick your race, and your choices here still have as much of an impact on the rest of the game. This mod expands character creation so that you'll find yourself faced with a choice of 13 new beginnings. Campfire - Complete Camping System. In addition to the new attributes you get in Frostfall, Campfire also grants you Resourcefulness and Instinct. Instinct allows you to stalk your prey and has its own skill system which can be accessed from any lit campfire. Cheat Room. Less than 1MB in size, this cheat room has it all. It adds a spell to your roster and teleports you to a room where you can do anything . Resurrect NPCs (because seriously, eff those vampire attacks), spawn any item, make anyone a follower, as well as all the skills leveling up, and changing the weather. It's THE cheat mod to get. Classic Oblivion Jail System. The jail system in Skyrim is pretty tame compared to Oblivion's. When you're locked up in jail in Skyrim, depending on the length of your sentence, you may lose progress towards your next level in a few skills. It's not really a hardship. This mod implements Oblivion's system, whereby the longer your sentence, the more levels you lose. Not just the progress towards them, actual levels. If you want being imprisoned to be any kind of threat, you should get this mod. The Forgotten City. This award winning, critically acclaimed mod is, basically, a fan made expansion bordering on official DLC quality realms of brilliance. With this installed, from level 5 your character will be approached by a courier who directs you to the Forgotten City. What follows is a six-to-eight-hour original and non-linear experience, in an incredibly intricate and beautiful new city. Even boasting complex moral decisions with consequences, and several different endings, it would be a shame to miss out on such beautifully crafted modding! Frostfall - Hypothermia Camping Survival. If you wanted to turn Skyrim into a potentially fatal survival game, Frostfall would be the mod to do it. The three main components of this mod are hypothermia, cold water survival, and camping. This mod tracks everything from time of day, and weather to what you are wearing to create an immediately immersive experience. Your character can visibly become wet and snowy. It is also deeply customizable, making the experience as pleasant or unpleasant as you feel comfortable with. It adds new attributes to your character, Wetness and Exposure, and defenses for Warmth and Coverage. As you get colder, it raises your Exposure, and your skills suffer as a result; and when you are Wet, it increases your Exposure quicker. Warmth will always reduce Exposure, and Coverage decreases Wetness. You'll need the following mod to implement the effects of this fully. Hardcore Difficulty - No Milkdrinkers! Ouch. If you thought the Legendary difficulty was hard, go cry off into your sweet roll, dumpling. This mod isn't for you. It scales the leveling of enemies, making higher level enemies tougher, and keeping weaker ones weak. It also tweaks the block rate and damage output, and forces enemy AI to close in proximity during combat. Install this mod while you have Legendary difficulty active to switch it on. iNeed - Food, Water, Sleep. Couple this with Frostfall, and you've pretty much got yourself a Skyrim/The Sims cross-over. If keeping your Dragonborn alive wasn't hard enough, you'll now also have to make sure they're well rested, and well fed and watered. Messages appear to keep you informed of your status, as well as sound effects so you hear your stomach rumbling. The heavier the food, the more filling it is, and you'll begin the game with a waterskin but they can be crafted and purchased if you need more. Just Walk - No Fast Travel. This mod disables fast travel options from the map screen. If you want to get somewhere, you'd better be prepared to use your legs. And why not, the overhauled graphics and lighting systems are wonderful to behold, it'd be a shame to waste so much exploring to fast traveling! Fast traveling by coach, boat or being arrested is unaffected. Natural Eyes. If there's one thing I largely dislike about Skyrim, it's the default textures for eyes. Simply put, they're awful, with little to no detail, and why does there always have to be a "blind in one eye" option? This mod replaces all of the eyes with newer high resolution versions. It beats staring at elves who look like they've had their eyes pulled out with corkscrews. Ordinator - Perks of Skyrim. This is a great mod for those who want to level up but are tired of selecting the same old perk. Want to create an entirely new character from scratch with upgraded perk trees? Ordinator is the one for you! It has completely overhauled the perks system, adding new ones, so you have more fun building a character exactly how you want them. People are Strangers XB1. If you ever thought it was a bit weird that for some reason you automatically knew every character's name without ever speaking to them before, install this mod. Now, instead of showing the NPC's name, it'll show a ? until you speak to them. Jarls will just be called The Jarl until you are introduced. Rich Skyrim Merchants. You've just looted everything out of a dungeon, and you have so much expensive stuff to sell - but you have to offload it to multiple merchants to actually make any money. Vanilla Skyrim merchants don't often carry an excess of a thousand gold, making hoarding money a slow process, especially if you want to get on with homesteading. This Rich Skyrim Merchants mod gives every merchant five times more gold. Sheogorath's Cheat Menu. There are other cheat mods available, and this certainly isn't the tidiest but I selected this one in particular due to one of the additional things it does. This mod spawns a book on a stool that you can find at the Standing Stones just after you escape from Helgen on your way to Riverwood. Selecting the book adds a spell to the Restoration section of your magic, which is the cheat menu. You can fast level, or add items and money, etc. but you can also turn off collision detection, enabling you to bypass entire sections of the map just by aiming into the sky while you walk! See my personal screenshot above of this in action! The good thing about this cheat mod is that it only requires a free spell to launch. Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch. The most comprehensive mod for straightening out all the bugs, kinks and glitches left in the game post-release. Made to be compatible with as many mods as possible, you'll want to install this for a cleaner and less messy game. The fact we still need an unofficial patch is rather laughable, though. Over to you! The list of mods available on Xbox One is still growing, and there are more being added daily. Have we missed any already that you think should be on this list? Sound off in the comments and let us know! Updated on November 15, 2017: We refreshed the list, fixing any redirect issues with Bethesda moving pages and removing/adding mods. Best Mod Combination to have Best Graphics on Xbox One? (As of Nov. 26, 2016) Best Mod Combination to have Best Graphics on Xbox One? (As of Nov. 26, 2016) With Skyland recently coming into play, I was just curious what the consensus was for the best combination of mods to get the best possible graphics on Xbox One with the minimal amount of frame rate drop? Anybody care to weigh in on what they think the best combo is and why? Ive been running SGO,SIMM & Skyland on XBOXONE all together alongside other basic graphic mods (Waters 2, lush overhaul, Nordic snow) for a few hours and ive had little two no major issues so far. I have no real mod knowledge thou, ive just been following the How to load order thread, i would post it but i dont know how. highly recommend searching it up! But yeah it would be great for someone who knows whats what to give there opinion. Ive been running SGO,SIMM & Skyland on XBOXONE all together alongside other basic graphic mods (Waters 2, lush overhaul, Nordic snow) for a few hours and ive had little two no major issues so far. I have no real mod knowledge thou, ive just been following the How to load order thread, i would post it but i dont know how. highly recommend searching it up! But yeah it would be great for someone who knows whats what to give there opinion. If you're running Skyland, you don't really need Nordic Snow. That is, of course, unless you really think Nordic Snow is that much superior to Skyland's snow. Personally I think NS is better but not enough to be using both. Also from what I've read a lot of SGO gets overwritten by Skyland so no reason to run both either. Personally not a fan of some of the changes SGO makes so I've never used it. These are mods I personally use to make my game look better. -SMIM, Skyland, Lush Overhaul, Enhanced Blood Textures, Project Hippie, No Snow Under the Roof, and True Storms. Some others you could use. -Dense Grass, LeanWolf's Better Shaped Weapons, (Nordic Snow and Real Mountains if you're not running Skyland), and all of the RealLight mods. If you want the people to look better. -Ashara's male/female bod replacers and follower replacers, RS Children Overhaul, Apachii Hair, KS Hairdos Lite, Adorable Females, and Natural Eyes. I give you a list of mine - works since days really fine - have fun and - Static Mesh Improvement Mod Skyrim Graphic Overhaul Skyland ----------------------------------------- Climates of Tamriel Climates of Tamriel – Winter Edition Climates of Tamriel – Darker Nights True Storms (at your own risk - shouldn't work with CoT but in my case there are no issues) --------------------------------------------- Project Hippie Lush Overhaul Deleted - causes stuttering with the trees of Project H. (4,5GB mods installed) ------------------------------------------------ Better Horse Textures Follower Overhaul . RS Children Overhaul Realistic Water Two Enhanced Night Skyrim Nordic Snow No Snow Under The Roof Enhanced Blood Textures* KS Hairdos Lite Adorable Females* ----------------------------------------------------- Dimon99 and Maevan2 Female Body - HD Textures (UNP) Natural Eyes UNP Female Armour Refitted --------------------------------------------------------- Disable God Rays FPS Boost Insignificant Object Remover ----------------------------------------------------- NOTE: I have the Xbox One S. I'm not sure if it makes a difference regarding your ability to run more(heavier) mods but I figured I'd let you know. Static Mesh Improvement Mod (SMIM) No Snow Under The Roof. Skyrim Graphic Overhaul. Skyland - A Landscape Texture Overhaul. Wooden Bridges SE. Enhanced Blood Textures. Realistic Water Two. Skyrim Graphic Overhaul is a collection of textural changes (animals, indoor furniture, tree bark, large textural changes to Whiterun (looks really nice), etc. (Follow the long list of links on the SGO Mod page to see what was included). I personally think the vanilla tree bark texture was better, but I'm willing to live with the SGO tree bark because of the other things it adds. Skyland is, near as I can tell, just a texture pack that boosts the resolution of the ground textures, rock textures, snowy ground textures, dirt textures, bridge textures (basically outside stuff) to 2k resolution (looks fantastic - like real dirt!) I use SGO for the inside textures and animals and the like, and I use Skyland for the outside stuff. I highly recommend Treeslod_23. This changes the distant trees to appear more real and less flat and fake (and it doesn't require any more processing power than the awful, flat, vanilla distant trees) 5/5 stars there. On a more player-sized note, I'm using these: Torch Light Expanded. LeanWolf's Better-Shaped Weapons. @POWERGIFT - Haven't you got any issues with "Visible Favorited Gear" ? In my case it used a body-slot that some of my armors be placed on. And suddenly a never ending loading-screen. @POWERGIFT - Haven't you got any issues with "Visible Favorited Gear" ? In my case it used a body-slot that some of my armors be placed on. And suddenly a never ending loading-screen. I haven't been using it for very long, but so far I've noticed no issues. I will say that it seems like it certainly could conflict with a mod like Bandolier: Bags and Pouches (which I have) as that mod uses a whole bunch of body slots. But so far no issues. Not sure if it matters but I have Visible Favorited Gear above Bandolier: Bags and Pouches in my load order. I use the following and have no issues: Skyrim Graphic Overhaul Skyland Vivid Weathers Realistic Water Two Wooden Bridges SE Project Hippie Lush Overhaul Convenient Bridges BETA Lanterns of Skyrim - Special Edition Animated Weapon Enchants Insignificant Object Remover. "When people ask you what happened here, tell them the North remembers. Tell them Winter came for House Frey." - Arya Stark. @POWERGIFT - Haven't you got any issues with "Visible Favorited Gear" ? In my case it used a body-slot that some of my armors be placed on. And suddenly a never ending loading-screen. It doesn't interfere with bandoliers at all for me either. @POWERGIFT what would become unequipped when you used visible favourites? Because it uses slot 60 which is the left hand ring slot that doesn't exist in vanilla skyrim. don't forget to hard-reset ;-) So what exactly is a hard-reset? I've cleared my cache a billion times. I assume a hard-reset is something different? don't forget to hard-reset ;-) So what exactly is a hard-reset? I've cleared my cache a billion times. I assume a hard-reset is something different? A "hard reset" means you completely shutdown and power off your Xbox One console. If your Xbox One is setup to go into "standby mode", then you will have to unplug it from your surge protector, power strip or wall outlet. "When people ask you what happened here, tell them the North remembers. Tell them Winter came for House Frey." - Arya Stark. Ok, gotcha, Thank you. Yes, I've been doing that/ It doesn't interfere with bandoliers at all for me either@POWERGIFT what would become unequipped when you used visible favourites? Because it uses slot 60 which is the left hand ring slot that doesn't exist in vanilla skyrim. I'm not sure what slots are used by what mods. I just assumed that because Bandoliers uses multiple slots that it might conflict with other slot-using mods. If Bandoliers doesn't conflict with Visible Favorited Gear, then TOSO's issue is from something else. Relating to the topic of the thread, I could also mention that I use these mods to supplement the look and feel of the game: Lanterns Of Skyrim. Hold Border Banners. These add a more immersive, realistic feel to the world as you wander. It doesn't interfere with bandoliers at all for me either@POWERGIFT what would become unequipped when you used visible favourites? Because it uses slot 60 which is the left hand ring slot that doesn't exist in vanilla skyrim I'm not sure what slots are used by what mods. I just assumed that because Bandoliers uses multiple slots that it might conflict with other slot-using mods. If Bandoliers doesn't conflict with Visible Favorited Gear, then TOSO's issue is from something else. Relating to the topic of the thread, I could also mention that I use these mods to supplement the look and feel of the game: Lanterns Of Skyrim. Hold Border Banners. These add a more immersive, realistic feel to the world as you wander. Don't forget Bee Hives :D. Hm. Interesting. I've been having a lot of crashing issues lately. Last night I disabled all the texture mods and environment mods and the crashing issue went away (all though the game looks rather awful again). I'm going to try enabling them one at a time and playing for a bit in between, perhaps I can track down the conflicting mod. This is the order that I have them loaded in overall: Skyrim Graphic Overhaul Vivid Weather Fallen Trees Lush Overhaul Static Mesh Improvements No Snow Under the Roof Dense Grass Trees LOD Skyland Realistic Water 2 Nordic Snow. Anyone see anything that might immediately be a cause for concern? Its possible there is a conflict with other quest/area mods I suppose. The crashing happens 95% of the time during fast travel load or when entering/exiting a building. On the other hand, it rarely happens inside a dungeon when loading different areas. Hm. Interesting. I've been having a lot of crashing issues lately. Last night I disabled all the texture mods and environment mods and the crashing issue went away (all though the game looks rather awful again). I'm going to try enabling them one at a time and playing for a bit in between, perhaps I can track down the conflicting mod. This is the order that I have them loaded in overall: Skyrim Graphic Overhaul Vivid Weather Fallen Trees Lush Overhaul Static Mesh Improvements No Snow Under the Roof Dense Grass Trees LOD Skyland Realistic Water 2 Nordic Snow. Alas, yes, Tawdrywarrior, I came to that conclusion last night. When I enable SMIM I get crashes, when I disable it, I do not. I wonder if it is filling a buffer when rendering an area during load, which would explain why it only happens part of the time when loading the same location. Alas, yes, Tawdrywarrior, I came to that conclusion last night. When I enable SMIM I get crashes, when I disable it, I do not. I wonder if it is filling a buffer when rendering an area during load, which would explain why it only happens part of the time when loading the same location. I run SMIM and have no problems with it. Find the '138 mod load order' reddit post. That should help a bit. Also a lot of those mods you have overwrite each other so that could cause the problem. Don't run SGO but I remember reading that Skyland overwrites some of it. Also pretty sure Skyland changes the rendering of far away trees the same as Trees LOD. It also changes the snow textures so Nordic Snow isn't really necessary. The combination of Lush Overhall and Dense Grass is probably pretty heavy on an Xbone, although you shouldn't have any problems, unless you also have Project Hippie. Vivid Weather is probably also the 'heaviest' weather mod. What I personally would do is go to that reddit post and then remove as many graphical mods as possible that overlap. Or wait for Bethesda's patch that should help with general stability and crashes. This is an update on my list of 'Best Mods for Best Graphics' After reading through this and other similar forum threads I have been playing around with different options and trying out mods I haven't tried before. The below list is updated to include the changes to my mod list. The list is in the order of my load order. My "Environmental Graphics" mods are as follows - In this order: Optimized Vanilla Textures. Static Mesh Improvement Mod (SMIM) True Storms --(replaced vivid weathers with this) Surreal Lighting --(replaced vivid weathers with this) Darkness Falls (Brighter) --(replaced vivid weathers with this) No Snow Under The Roof. Skyrim Graphic Overhaul. Skyland - A Landscape Texture Overhaul. Wooden Bridges SE. Enhanced Blood Textures. Realistic Water Two. Enhanced Night Skyrim --(replaced vivid weathers with this) As you can see, I've opted for True Storms + Surreal Lighting instead of Vivid Weathers. The storms in True Storms are unmatched, and the lighting from Surreal Lighting satisfy my desire for a colorful, fantasy-like feel. I was disappointed in the brightness of the night-times with Surreal Lighting, hence the addition of Darkness Falls (Brighter). The "(Brighter)" version of DF adds a realistic sense of night-time without being so dark that I can't play the game. RealLight Cities is the biggest discovery in my graphic mod exploration. This mod is sooo good. When you're indoors in the cities the lighting effects are super realistic and oh so immersive. The inside of Breezehome is actually a neat experience now (well, neater than it was, anyways.) I look forward to the other RealLight Mods attaining the same level of completion that 'Cities' has. In addition to the night being too bright, the vanilla stars and night sky are too boring and low key since I removed Vivid Weathers. Enhanced Night Skyrim isn't as good as the Vivid Weathers night sky, but it's a far sight better than the vanilla night sky. Again, I'm playing on an Xbox One S. And again, none of these mods have led to any noticeable drop in framerate, even in Riften. Cheers. I'm thinking of doing the above like you suggested ^ are you keeping SMIM SGO and Skyland tho? how's it going? 15 Mods That Make Skyrim Look Beautiful. Overhauling a game with mods can be an intimidating process, but the only thing you really need in order to make Skyrim shine is patience. Since each mod needs to be properly installed and configured, it can take hours to get everything in working order - certain methods of beautifying the game, such as S.T.E.P., or the Skyrim Total Enhancement Project, have been known to take as long as eight to ten hours to fully configure. Rather than force you, dear modder, to spend those precious hours that could be better used actually playing Skyrim, here is our list of the 15 (and then some) best mods to use that will drastically improve your adventurous experience. You can read about all the mods below, or watch the video above (complete with plenty of heavily-modded Skyrim eye-candy). Installing Boris Voronstov's ENBseries modification and configuring it is actually far simpler than one would expect - simply download the necessary files and copy them into your main Skyrim game folder ( if you're using Steam, this is usually C:/Program Files/Steam/SteamApps/Common/Skyrim ), and then run the game and configure your own personal settings. You can also download a preset created by a member of the community. The one we've used is by Nexus member Opethfeldt, though other excellent choices would be RealVision or Seasons of Skyrim. Once you've gotten your ENB set up and have begun installing your other modifications, consider also adding a lighting mod or two (if they're compatible) that will enhance the local light sources in-game - torches, lanters, candles and so on. We're using Enhanced Lights and FX by NM user anamorfus alongside Ultimate HD Fire Effects. Once you've installed your ENB and preset of choice, then the real work begins. There are hundreds of texture mods and updates for flora, fauna, armor, weapons and more that players can choose to include in their game, but here are our recommendations for must-have mods when trying to make Skyrim look beautiful: Skyrim HD: Replaces standard game textures with 2K-4K textures. Lite version includes 1K textures. Static Mesh Improvement Mod (SMIM): Updates static textures and meshes (furniture, rubble, buildings, etc) Lush Trees and Grass: Updates and greatly improves the quality and fullness of forested areas in Skyrim. Grass Field: Replaces most of the ground area textures with 3D grass. There are many other mods that affect the game world's plant life - Glorious Grasses, SkyRealism and Vurt's Flora Overhaul are all great, but if you can only run two we recommend LT and GF, as they look best during actual gameplay. For quality visuals at a distance, be sure to install one of the many distant LOD (Level Of Detail) mods, such as Enhanced Distant Terrain, HD Enhanced Terrain or the Skyrim Distance Overhaul. Additionally, be sure to install a water mod to ensure you aren't stuck swimming around the boring vanilla rivers - we're using Pure Waters, though the Water and Terrain Enhancement Redux (WATER) is another excellent option. The NPCs in standard Skyrim look. well, a bit off. Giving them a hearty facelift is somewhat of a necessity if you're attempting to update the game graphically - and can be one of the most challenging aspects of your mod configuration. Dozens of plugins and texture packs (some are NSFW) exist to do just this, and many are compatible with other mods. In our configuration, we're using the Xenius Character Enhancement (XCE) mod coupled with No More Blocky Faces, which smooths out the originally pixelated facial textures. We're also using Xenius's Better Beast Races, which overhauls the look of the Argonian and Khajiit characters ( though we also recommend using CoverKhajiits) to improve the nonhuman models. To spruce up the human characters, we've installed Better Females by BellaGail, as well as some various face texture and mesh replacers for the male NPCs, such as Detailed Faces and Beards. These are far from the only mods out there to be used in the beautification of Skyrim - remember, patience is the only necessary component to making this game look great. Well, patience. and the literally hundreds, if not thousands, of mods that are at your disposal. For more modding suggestions, game secrets and more, be sure to check out our full Skyrim wiki the next time you visit Tamriel. Any graphical mods you can't adventure around Skyrim without? Let us know in the comments! Jon Ryan spends more time modding Skyrim than actually playing it. Don't be like him - but do follow him on IGN and Twitter. © 1996-2018 Ziff Davis, LLC. We have updated our PRIVACY POLICY and encourage you to read it by clicking here. IGN uses cookies and other tracking technologies to customize online advertisements, and for other purposes. IGN supports the Digital Advertising Alliance principles. Learn More. Skyrim Special Edition Xbox One Graphics Mods. Skyrim Special Edition Xbox One Graphics Mods. Alright so i've been digging thru threads and youtube videos for weeks and still don't know what are the most up to date and best quality Graphics mods. so i'm posting this thread for someone to reply with a list of mods (in correct load order) for Xbox One Users. Looking for the most Immersive and High Quality Graphics, Textures, Models, and a touch of Slooty Body Replacers and Animations that make the game really come to life. Thanks, Happy Modding. I always place this if I'm unsure if someone knows about load order or not. Ignore it if you do. https://www.dropbox.com/s/ouzi. If you're interested in just making the Skyrim world look prettier, put these mods on. - Skyrim Graphic Overhaul (If you're having performance issues with this one, switch to Static Mesh Improvement Mod instead) - Surreal Lighting for color and vibrancy (I've had complications with Vivid Weathers, but it does make things look more realistic if you want to try to switch these two mods) - FPS Boost (Put this on to avoid as many performance issues as possible. It'll make the game run smoother than having without it and it's hardly noticeable) - Insignificant Object Remover (I doubt you'd notice any changes at all with the Skyrim Graphic Overhaul mod, which basically adds grass everywhere. You only need to use this to increase performance, but make sure FPS Boost is on before worrying about adding this one) If you're looking into improving character models as well, I would suggest Adorable Females, Realistic Males and RS Children Overhaul. Although I like the males looking rough around the edges, so I leave Realistic Males out most of the time. There's also Natural Eyes. Top 10 Skyrim: Special Edition Xbox One X Mods. While The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition mods have been around for awhile, here are the best ones to take specific advantage of the Xbox One X. It's a huge jump for a console as it displays 4k resolution and players can boost it just that much more with the wide selection of mods. These are ten mods that aim to improve the visuals and world to hopefully provide some better immersion. They tweak things from the textures, to the density of the greenery and make a huge difference in how realistic everything looks. I hope this Top 10 Skyrim: Special Edition Xbox One X mods list assists your custom load out and makes your game beautiful. The list is safe for work and in no particular ranking order. #10: Enhanced Blood Textures. Higher resolution and just better blood textures. You get increased blood during combat, intense splatters appear more often and trails of blood are left behind any hurt foes. The blood also pools on soft textures well making for a realistic enhancement. #9: Skyrim Graphic Overhaul (Part 1 & Part 2) Fixes the small, yet always essential parts of the world. Adjusts grass, trees, tons of smaller house based objects and more that you can find within the world. Each part does a different selection with one being focused and the second taking a larger quantity of space with future updates planned. #8: Realistic Water Two. I like water, it's a big part of Skyrim and it should look its best. This mod makes the water look damn fine and improves the animation as well as texture for basically all water types. This includes lakes, ponds, rivers and waterfalls. #7: Natural Eyes. Increases the resolution for eye textures and improves realism which is important since you spend so much time talking to folks across an RPG. #6: Skyland 1k - A Landscape Texture Overhaul. This is a 1k mod of 2048x2048 photogrammetric based realistic, accurate high-resolution textures and covers many natural things. Rocks, hill and the environment are greatly boosted. #5: Lush Overhaul. Edits the meshes of plants, trees and so forth making them fuller. It adds a nice layer of density to the natural world you venture through. #4: Enhanced Night Skyrim. Greatly improves the night with high resolution stars and a giant nebula. This is a gorgeous back drop against the typically open nights you venture through. It truly captures your attention and adds a nice mystical element. #3: Climates of Tamriel. Comprehensive weather, lighting, effects and audio overhaul. High resolution cloud textures, hundreds of new weather variants. You get volumetric fog, various weather patterns and it looked very impressive for those wanting variation. #2: FOS - Forests of Skyrim. Basically it adds a pile of trees to the forests to make them more dense and realistic, hate open weird spaces in forests. #1: Populated Cities Town Villages. This adds additional NPCs to all cities and towns making them see more alive. Immersion is important in games so by having more people running around doing things it makes the world feel livelier.

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