Игра The Sims 4 скоро выйдет на Xbox One и PlayStation 4!
Радуйтесь, любители игровых приставок! 17 ноября игра The Sims™ 4 выйдет на Xbox One и PlayStation®4! Неважно, предпочитаете ли вы персональные компьютеры или игровые приставки, скоро вы сможете делиться любимыми историями своих симов на любой платформе.
Самое время начать играть в The Sims 4. После выхода игры на ПК мы внесли ряд изменений в основную игру и добавили призраков, бассейны, новые карьеры, перегородки, посудомоечные машины и многое другое! Мы также добавили новый мир Ньюкрест, чтобы сделать жизнь ваших симов еще просторнее; улучшили редактор создания персонажа, чтобы добавить дополнительные возможности персонализации; а совсем недавно мы добавили новую возрастную группу — малышей! Все эти обновления будут доступны с первого дня релиза игры The Sims 4 на игровых приставках.
Но мы на этом останавливаться не собираемся! После релиза The Sims 4 на Xbox One и PlayStation 4 в этом ноябре студия Maxis и команда в Blind Squirrel Games планируют периодически добавлять лучшие возможности из текущей линейки дополнительного загружаемого контента на игровые приставки. Первым делом мы планируем начать с регулярных игровых обновлений с новым контентом, уже выпущенным для ПК, и тем самым добавлять новые возможности и улучшать ваши впечатления от игры.
Готовы начать играть с жизнью? Уже сегодня вы можете оформить предзаказ на игру The Sims™ 4 для Xbox One и PlayStation®4 и получить «The Sims 4 Внутренний дворик — Каталог»* с джакузи, новыми нарядами и предметами обстановки. Да, вы не ослышались: с сегодняшнего дня и до 17 ноября при оформлении предзаказа на физическую или цифровую копию игры The Sims 4 для игровых приставок вы получите цифровой код для загрузки «The Sims 4 Внутренний дворик — Каталог» в день релиза.
Хотите еще больше впечатлений? Оформите предзаказа на The Sims 4 Издание «Эксклюзивная вечеринка» на Xbox One и PlayStation®4 и получите не только «The Sims 4 Внутренний дворик — Каталог» в день релиза, но и дополнительный контент*, среди которого:
• ранний доступ к полной версии игры на три дня раньше;
скачиваемое дополнение • «Пора на вечеринку» включает барную стойку и стильные наряды для ваших персонажей;
• скачиваемое дополнение «Гуляем всю ночь» включает лазерное шоу, интересные украшения для праздника и потрясающие костюмы для вечеринок;
• цифровой контент с классными шапками в виде животных включает коллекцию забавных шапок в виде животных — ваши симы будут выглядеть незабываемо!
Что ж, подведем итоги. The Sims 4 выйдет на игровых приставках во всем мире 17 ноября 2017 года, и вы сможете присоединиться к веселью несколькими способами:
• оформив подписку EA Access** и получив ранний доступ к пробной версии «Играйте в числе первых» с 9 ноября;
• приобретя The Sims 4 Стандартное издание и начав играть в день релиза игры во всем мире 17 ноября.
Те из вас, кто планирует посетить Gamescom в Кельне, смогут оценить The Sims 4 на игровых приставках в зоне Family & Friends в зале 10.2 с 22 по 26 августа 2017 года.
Мы расскажем больше об игре в ближайшие месяцы. Чтобы оставаться в курсе последних событий, читайте про The Sims 4 на игровых приставках в разделе «Вопросы и ответы». Следите за новостями в Twitter и Instagram, нажмите «Нравится» на нашей странице в Facebook и подпишитесь на наш канал в YouTube.
«The Sims 4 В ресторане» уже в продаже.
Станьте владельцем ресторана и пригласите своих персонажей на ужин.
The Sims 4 Издание «Эксклюзивная вечеринка»
Сделайте ваших персонажей душой компании.
The Sims 4 Роскошная вечеринка — Каталог.
Устройте вечеринку и облачитесь в официальные наряды.
The Sims 4 Классная кухня — Каталог.
Создайте фантастические вкусы мороженого!
Создавайте симов и управляйте ими в виртуальном мире без правил.
Издание «Эксклюзивная вечеринка»
Ваши симы станут душой компании с The Sims 4 Издание «Эксклюзивная вечеринка»! От световых лазерных шоу и ярких нарядов для вечеринки до барных стоек с горящими напитками и забавных шапок в виде животных — откройте жажду приключений в сердцах симов.
Содержимое издания «Эксклюзивная вечеринка» Создайте уникальных симов Постройте идеальный дом Изучите яркие миры Играйте с жизнью.
The Sims 4 Издание «Эксклюзивная вечеринка»
The Sims 4 Издание «Эксклюзивная вечеринка»
Стандартное издание.
Создавайте симов и управляйте ими в виртуальном мире без правил. Раскройте свой творческий потенциал, разрабатывая внешность и характер симов и проектируя идеальные дома. Стройте отношения симов, занимайтесь их карьерой и исследуйте новые красочные миры.
Создайте уникальных симов Постройте идеальный дом Изучите яркие миры Играйте с жизнью.
Xbox One Cheats.
The Sims 4 has cheats on Xbox One. Unlike the PC version, you will have to give up earning Achievements and Trophies if you activate cheats.
To activate them, load into the game and hold down all four shoulder buttons (both triggers and bumpers) at the same time. A thin textbox will appear at the top of the screen. Enter "testingcheats true" in the textbox to enable cheats.
It's unclear what cheats don't work at this point (The official Sims 4 FAQ said not all cheats work with the console version), but most do.
To use the cheats that required a shift-click on PC, hit A and B simultaneously to perform that function on console.
EditGet Money Fast.
While motherlode and rosebud are beloved cheats, an easier way to get your sims the Simoleons they need is by typing "Money X" with X being the amount you want to give your household. You can also use this to subtract funds from your household.
Money # - Set your household's Simoleons to a specific amount motherlode - 50,000 Simoleons kaching/rosebud - 1,000 Simoleons.
EditHow to Unlock Sugar Skulls and Other Seasonal Event Items.
The Sims 4 official FAQ says that seasonal events with the NPC Jessica Holiday aren't currently planned for The Sims 4 on console, but items from past events (like Sugar Skulls, Holiday Cracker Plushies, Decorative Eggs, and Magic Beans) are still in the game. You can get them using cheats.
With cheats on, make sure you're in Live Mode and open the cheat box. Enter " bb.showhiddenobjects " and submit it. Then, enter Build Mode.
In the Objects by Function menu select the Decorations tab. Go to the Misc decorations, scroll through all the new items, and you'll find Sugar Skulls and the other event collectibles. Buy them, drop them in the world, and have your Sims put the items in their inventory to have them add it to their "Household Collections."
EditConsole Cheats.
Activating cheats does disable Achievements and Trophies. But if you're okay with that, here are a ton of cheats for The Sims 4:
EditBuild Mode Cheats.
With testingcheats true enabled, you can enter the following codes from the console for the corresponding effects in Build Mode.
[ and ] - The left bracket enlarges an item and the right one shrinks it 9 and 0 - You can raise and lower objects using the 9 or 0 keys bb.moveobjects on/off - You can merge objects together and place them wherever you wish bb.showhiddenobjects - Items that normally must be found or dug up are now visible bb.ignoregameplayunlocksentitlement - All build items you would typically have to earn are unlocked.
Submitted by: jboo_chillin.
EditPregnancy Effects.
With testingcheats true enabled, you can enter the following codes from the console for the corresponding effects.
sims.add_buff buff_pregnancy_trimester1 - Make Sim or Ghost pregnant in first trimester sims.add_buff buff_pregnancy_trimester2 - Make Sim or Ghost pregnant in second trimester sims.add_buff buff_pregnancy_trimester3 - Make Sim or Ghost pregnant in third trimester sims.add_buff buff_pregnancy_inlabor - Make Sim or Ghost pregnant at term (purchase a bassinet and they will have a fake birth)
Submitted by: igber.
EditImminent Death.
With testingcheats true enabled, you can enter the following codes from the console for the corresponding effects.
sims.add_buff buff_death_electrocution_warning - Cause death while fixing electric item sims.add_buff buff_death_elderexhaustion_warning - Cause death after working out sims.add_buff buff_mortified - Cause death by embarrassment within five hours sims.add_buff buff_motives_hunger_starving - Cause death by hunger within one day.
Submitted by: young_teen56.
EditSkill Editing.
With testingcheats true enabled, you can enter the following code from the console to set the desired level on a given skill:
stats.set_skill_level [skilltype] [1-10]
As an example, you might enter stats.set_skill_level Major_Fishing 7 to set your skill level on Major Fishing to 7. The list of available skill types is as follows:
Major_Fishing Major_Mischief Major_Guitar Major_Reaping Major_Programming Major_Gardening Major_GourmetCooking Major_Comedy Major_Charisma Major_Writing Major_VideoGaming Major_Violin Major_RocketScience Major_Painting Major_Piano Major_Logic Major_Handiness Major_HomestyleCooking Major_Bartending Major_Dj Skill_Fitness Skill_Child_Social Skill_Child_Motor Skill_Child_Creativity Skill_Child_Mental.
Submitted by: somedude1800.
EditInteraction Cheats.
If you enable additional cheats using the testinghcheats true code and then type in cas.fulleditmode , you will enable all CAS abilities. Then you can press and hold A + B or X + O while clicking on the objects listed below to produce a menu that lets you select the corresponding effect.
Sim - Allows Sim to be modified, except name and inherited traits (Modify in CAS) Sim - Reset a Sim (Reset Object) Sim - Add the Sim to the current family (Add to Family) Sim - All motives are full and mood is Happy (Cheat Motive > Make Happy) Sim - Motives change dynamically (Cheat Motive > Enable Motive Decay) Sim - Motives remain static (Cheat MOtive > Disable Motive Decay) Object - Resets object Dirty-able Object - Makes object dirty Dirty Object - Makes object clean Mailbox - Resets mailbox Ground - Teleports your Sim to that vicinity.
Submitted by: ign_cheats.
EditOther Codes.
Help cheats motherlode – 50,000 Simoleons kaching/rosebud – 1000 Simoleons FreeRealEstate [on/off] – When entered at neighborhood/world level, makes all homes free Death.toggle – Disables Death resetSim [FirstName] [LastName] – Resets the specified Sim fullscreen – Toggles full screen on/off headlineeffects[on/off] – Hides all headline effects (plumbobs, thought balloons, etc.) testingcheats [true/false] – Enables additional cheats households.autopay_bills - Pays bills automatically ui.dialog.auto_respond - Backs out of dialog or makes a choice automatically.
aspirations.complete_current_milestone - Completes current aspiration milestone.
careers.demote[name of career] - Earn a demotion in chosen career careers.promote[name of career] - Earn a promotion in chosen career careers.remove_career[name of career] - Abandon career crafting.shorten_phases - Faster crafting sims.fill_all_commodities - Fill commodities for one Sim stats.fill_commodities_household - Fill commodities for all Sims in household sims.modify_funds [amount] - Add specified amount of funds sims.remove_all_buffs - Moodlets are removed sims.spawnsimple[number of Sims desired] - Spawn specified number of Sims (keep the number low to avoid crashes) bb.moveobjects - Disable object placement rules sims.give_satisfaction_points[number of points desired] - Give satisfaction points to Sims bb.ignoregameplayunlocksentitlement - Unlock all career rewards in Buy Mode.
Submitted by: ign_cheats.
Enter the following cheats in the cheats textbox to activate these.
modifyrelationship [First name of the first sim] [Last name of the first sim] [First name of the second sim] [Last name of the second sim] [Number] Friendship_Main - Add more friendship between two sims modifyrelationship [First name of the first sim] [Last name of the first sim] [First name of the second sim] [Last name of the second sim] [Number] Romance_Main - Add more romance between two sims.
EditBecome the Grim Reaper.
To control the Grim Reaper you can add him to your household if someone else dies. With testingcheatsenabled on, shift+click on the Grim Reaper before he leaves, and click Add to Family .
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Play with Life in The Sims 4 on Xbox One November 17.
Enjoy the power to create and control people in a virtual world full of endless possibilities in The Sims 4 , coming to Xbox One on November 17, 2017.
For more than 17 years, The Sims has provided players with the opportunity to play with life, as they create and control virtual people in an open world with endless possibilities. Now you can look forward to expressing your creativity on Xbox One this Fall, as you customize your Sims’ appearances and personalities, build them the perfect homes, and develop their relationships, while pursuing fruitful careers, and exploring vibrant new worlds.
Pre-order The Sims 4 Standard Edition and get The Sims 4 Perfect Patio Stuff Pack, offering hot tubs, more fashion, and bonus décor to customize your Sims experience with.
For those looking for even more fun, pre-order The Sims 4 Deluxe Party Edition to get the same great Stuff Pack as well as:
Unlocking Early Access to the Full Game , up to three days in advance of the worldwide launch on November 17 Life of the Party Digital Content , featuring the Flaming Tiki Bar and sleek, stylized outfits for your Sims Up All Night Digital Content, featuring the Laser Light Show, fun decorations, and outrageous party costumes Awesome Animal Hats Digital Content, featuring a collection of fun animal hats for your Sims to wear and show off.
But that’s not all. Starting in November, we’ll also be revisiting our lineup of the best downloadable content from The Sims 4 on PC and bringing it to Xbox One, giving you and your Sims an assortment of amazing new experiences.
We’ll be revealing more details over the next few months, so be sure to stay abreast of the news by following @TheSims on Facebook, YouTube, Twitter and Instagram. And don’t miss an exciting opportunity to get your hands on The Sims 4 for Xbox One in advance of launch this August 22 – 26 at gamescom in Cologne, Germany.
The Sims™ 4.
Enjoy the power to create and control people in a virtual world where there are no rules. Express your creativity as you customize your Sims’ distinct appearances and unique personalities. Choose their fashions, select their hairstyles, and give them life aspirations. Effortlessly build your Sims the perfect homes with the all-new room-based Build Mode, choosing your favorite designs and décor. Develop your Sims’ relationships, pursue new careers, and shape the rich and entertaining moments of their lives. Explore beautiful worlds with unique environments and travel to neighborhoods where you can visit venues and meet other interesting Sims. Be powerful and free, have fun, and play with life! CREATE UNIQUE SIMS Create a variety of unique Sims with distinct appearances, big personalities, and all-new emotions. BUILD THE PERFECT HOME Effortlessly build and design homes for your Sims using the new room-based Build Mode. EXPLORE VIBRANT WORLDS Travel between worlds, explore unique neighborhoods, and discover interesting venues. PLAY WITH LIFE Control the rich and entertaining moments of your Sims’ lives from their relationships to their careers. *CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS APPLY. SEE WWW.EA.COM/LEGAL FOR DETAILS.
Enjoy the power to create and control people in a virtual world where there are no rules. Express your creativity as you customize your Sims’ distinct appearances and unique personalities. Choose their fashions, select their hairstyles, and give them life aspirations. Effortlessly build your Sims the perfect homes with the all-new room-based Build Mode, choosing your favorite designs and décor. Develop your Sims’ relationships, pursue new careers, and shape the rich and entertaining moments of their lives. Explore beautiful worlds with unique environments and travel to neighborhoods where you can visit venues and meet other interesting Sims. Be powerful and free, have fun, and play with life! CREATE UNIQUE SIMS Create a variety of unique Sims with distinct appearances, big personalities, and all-new emotions. BUILD THE PERFECT HOME Effortlessly build and design homes for your Sims using the new room-based Build Mode. EXPLORE VIBRANT WORLDS Travel between worlds, explore unique neighborhoods, and discover interesting venues. PLAY WITH LIFE Control the rich and entertaining moments of your Sims’ lives from their relationships to their careers. *CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS APPLY. SEE WWW.EA.COM/LEGAL FOR DETAILS.
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Online Interactions Not Rated by the ESRB.
The Sims™ 4.
Included in.
The Sims™ 4 Deluxe Party Edition.
Enjoy the power to create and control people in a virtual world where there are no rules. Express your creativity as you customize your Sims’ distinct appearances and unique personalities. Choose their fashions, select their hairstyles, and give them life aspirations. Effortlessly build your Sims the perfect homes with the all-new room-based Build Mode, choosing your favorite designs and décor. Develop your Sims’ relationships, pursue new careers, and shape the rich and entertaining moments of their lives. Explore beautiful worlds with unique environments and travel to neighborhoods where you can visit venues and meet other interesting Sims. Be powerful and free, have fun, and play with life! CREATE UNIQUE SIMS Create a variety of unique Sims with distinct appearances, big personalities, and all-new emotions. BUILD THE PERFECT HOME Effortlessly build and design homes for your Sims using the new room-based Build Mode. EXPLORE VIBRANT WORLDS Travel between worlds, explore unique neighborhoods, and discover interesting venues. PLAY WITH LIFE Control the rich and entertaining moments of your Sims’ lives from their relationships to their careers. *CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS APPLY. SEE WWW.EA.COM/LEGAL FOR DETAILS.
Available on.
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All user reviews.
HEADS UP I do really like the game its as fun or more than the other sims BUT i do have some problems (and some salutions) I will list. 1. Saves sometimes DONT work, it seems they are working on it, BUT if anyone still has problems then you can force the game to autosave by. PAUSE. HIT MANAGE WORLDS AND SELECT GO WITHOUT SAVING. WHEN IT LOADS PAUSE AGAIN. THEN HIT RETURN TO MAIN MENU WITHOUT SAVING. THAT SHOULD FORCE IT TO AUTOSAVE. 2. Men and Womens costumizations are seperated which can be annoying for guys who want long hair or women who want mens clothing BUT you can use both for either gender by. When you select a catagory i think you press X and that will take you to filters where you can turn them off so you can where whatever you want or have any hairstyle. 3. The game moves fast cuz the sims can ONLY have FULL autonomy or NONE. 4. Controls are REALLY WEIRD cuz its a PC port So all that out of the way I really like this game and I hope you all give it a chance and HAVE FUN!
432 out of 469 people found this helpful.
The Controls.
Its a great game with more activities to do than previous sims games but I feel like I spend most of my time trying to work the menus just to see if my sim is getting hungry or not also at times when navigating it seems unresponsive.
134 out of 146 people found this helpful.
Honest Review.
The Sims 4 console is a fantastic title. But the problems that I have dealt with throughout my time playing since the 9th of this month is what is holding me back from a full 5 stars. Saving the game commonly does not work. Time and days go by a little too fast. Moodlets decrease at just a bit too fast pace in terms of realism. The interface is very buggy and awkward to use. You must scroll though all menus which, if you play as creative as I do, it can really suck up your time, but not in the good way. The game overall is a smooth experiance, until you move to the city in the City Living expansion. It slows down sometime to a hault, which is annoying. The cursor has a momentum feeling where if you hold the stick to a side for too long it shoots around the screen, which makes it hard to fine tune things. Overall my Sims 4 console experiance is a double edged sword. But I do recommend that you get the game. if you've yet to buy it. Wait until an undate has passed. Thank you, Maxis.
23 out of 23 people found this helpful.
Great Game.
The sims 4 best sims game for console version its not like previous sims game for console bugs and glitches will be fix eventually and is exactly like the pc version. The controls will be difficult to play but with time i got used to it and got comfortable.I don't like the glitch where i can't save the game but found a solution i just went to manage worlds then press the start to exit game and load it to automatic save,and hopefully this gets fix soon. The game is worth to buy since i like the sims and its exactly like the pc except that there is no gallery and mods although i don't care about mods but i do wish they added the gallery.
163 out of 182 people found this helpful.
Awesome! Surpasses all other The Sims games!
(I will try my best not to include spoilers) I have played most Sims games, and on various platforms. From the many I have played, the Sims 4 Xbox One edition is most like The Sims 3 on Xbox 360, but WAY more in-depth. The controls are a little harder to grasp because of all the new additions, but an experienced player should manage just fine. My one complaint is that certain menus open on my taskbar (bottom right corner when in "Live Mode") when I am clicking within the world, but that can be fixed by a quicksave and reload. I would recommend this game for anyone who has played previous Sims games--this one will certainly blow your mind--, and to anyone who enjoys life simulations, or roleplaying games.
69 out of 76 people found this helpful.
What are these reviews??
Legit. Everyone is saying how awful the game is, how buggy and crashy it is, but in my experience of playing, it has only crashed ONE time and that's it. The controls are ok, everyone out there whining about it is probably playing with their back turned and their eyes closed. At any time press down the left select button to get help on what buttons are what. And if autosave is so bad, guess what? There is a button called "save" that you should press once in a while to save your game. The sims 4 is a outstanding game that really should be apart of your games library. All the haters are selfish ungrateful fools. Everyone should be grateful that EA put time and money into giving us the gift of TS4 on console and you repay them by whining. Smh.
250 out of 300 people found this helpful.
75 out of 88 people found this helpful.
great game!
Dunno what all this fuss about save probles is. sima HAS an autrosave feature BUT IT ONLY WORKS WHEN SOMETHING SIGNIFICANT HAPPENS like leaving your lot and traveling to a diffrent city, IF YOU DONT WANT TO LOSE YOUR PROGRESS USE THE MANUAL SAVE FEATURE this is exatly how the saves work ON PC only actual problem ive ever run into is the navigation bugs sometimes but thats fixed by restarting the gamethe save feature works as it is intended to, so why dont you people stop crying that its broken when its not, manual save! manual save! manual save! JUST BE FRIGGEN HAPPY THAT THEY ACTUALLY BROUGHT THIS TO CONSOLE WHEN THEY SAID AT ONE POINT THEY WERENT GONNA IT `JUST` RELEASED ITS `GONNA` HAVE SOME BUGS.
175 out of 220 people found this helpful.
We got a gimped version, of course.
This version plays and looks well enough, but in the end, we console players got screwed here. Where is the Gallery? Why was that omitted? We get a 3 year old game with less content than the PC version, yet we have to pay more for this version AND we have to shell out $40 for the City Living expansion too. The more I think about it, the more it kills my enthusiasm for this game. It feels like just another EA screwjob to the consumer. No Gallery at all, but plenty of opportunities to give EA more money with Day 1 DLC. Yay.
17 out of 19 people found this helpful.
garbage controls.
this game doesnt play like the old sims games on console, its way over complicated to things even simple things like check your need, why cant the needs always be on screen like they used to? now you have to switch to selection mode and scroll over to the needs and hit A. then to play the game again you need to go to cursoer mode which then closes the needs panel. this whole mixture of having the curser mode and the selection mode mixed together is horrid, none of the other sims games had any issue with controls they were easy and simple, why is this games controls so hard? its literally like hard to even play like this. the game as a whole seems good, havent ran into any bugs yet, but please optimize the controls better for a console, you did it just fine for all the old games, theres no reason you cant for this one also.
7 out of 7 people found this helpful.
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The Sims 4.
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About This Game.
Summary Features Game Editions.
The Sims 4 combines revolutionary Sims with powerful creative tools and all-new emotion-based gameplay, to reinvent The Sims experience.
Built on the foundation of brand new technologies that Maxis calls SmartSim, The Sims 4 is the most intelligent, relatable and personal life simulation ever. For the first time, player choice shapes not just a single moment, but the entire life journey of the Sims.
The Sims offers players personality and aspirations that emulate the beauty of life but, for the first time, in The Sims 4, Sims are now emotionally aware. They are capable of experiencing a range of emotions that have a direct impact on the way the game is played. In The Sims 4, player choices influence the gameplay not just in this moment but down the line. Just like in real life, these choices have a cascading effect that shapes the entire life journey of their Sims. Players are in control of a new wave of Sims, brimming over with intelligence and unique characteristics. The result of this enhanced intelligence is new Sims that behave and react more naturally than ever before. Stories unfold dynamically as Sims socialize, multitask, and engage with each other on a new level. Rebuilt from the ground up to be more powerful and intuitive, the tools in The Sims 4 will change the way players bring Sims and their homes to life. With Create A Sim, players reach into the game, sculpting Sims by hand; it’s like playing with clay, but less messy. The new Build Mode gives players all the control they want with new tactile features that allow them to build homes by simply dragging and dropping rooms. It’s easier and faster for players to create the homes they want. These tools have been designed to allow players to create with speed and flexibility.
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The Sims 4.
Publisher: Electronic Arts.
Developer: Blind Squirrel Games.
Nov. 21, 2017, 8:33 a.m.
July 26, 2017, 9:58 p.m.
Last Videos.
Last Images.
The Sims 4 combines revolutionary Sims with powerful creative tools and all-new emotion-based gameplay, to reinvent The Sims experience. <P> Built on the foundation of brand new technologies that Maxis calls SmartSim, The Sims 4 is the most intelligent, relatable and personal life simulation ever. For the first time, player choice shapes not just a single moment, but the entire life journey of the Sims. From creating unique Sims and building amazing homes to developing Sim’s relationships and pursuing careers, The Sims 4 empowers fans to create and control people in a vibrant virtual world as they experience life’s unpredictable, entertaining moments along the way. With the room-based Build Mode, players can design and pick décor, effortlessly building their dream home. In the mood to explore? Sims can check out the various neighborhoods and dynamic venues the world offers.
The Sims 4 Review.
The Sims 4 Xbox One and PlayStation 4 Review.
After struggling to get the cursor to select the “Save” button in the foreground menu instead of toggling between my Sim’s aspirations menu in the background, I somehow finagled a way to save my progress. It was tense for a moment there: I nearly lost a few in-game days of hard work. That is just one of the many small but constantly aggravating issues I had with The Sims 4 on Xbox One and PlayStation 4. Even so, I did stay up embarrassingly late playing on a few occasions because building and guiding my Sims’ lives is still fun.
The Sims 4 first launched on PC in 2014 (read our Sims 4 PC review), and the transition from mouse and keyboard to a controller for the console version comes with expected challenges when condensing all the functions into so few buttons. Original developer Maxis and console port developer Blind Squirrel Games make an admirable attempt by using the View button/touchpad to toggle between two sets of controls: the menus that border the Sim world are one set, and all in-world actions are done with the other set with a cursor. It takes awhile to get used to navigating the menus, but pressing the left thumbstick for a quick control guide reference made learning them a bit easier. I would have appreciated a way to change the speed of the cursor, though.
The biggest issue I've had with the console versions is the bugs.
The biggest issue I’ve had with the console versions, though, is the bugs. Sometime my Sim’s skill bar would hang overhead and wouldn’t go away until I loaded into a new area or reload my game. Other times menu descriptions and pop-up notifications would randomly stick on the screen for long periods of time with no way to close them. Then there’s also the issue where The Sims 4 can’t decide which menu I’m in. I also inexplicably lost an in-game day of work when my game refused to save. The Sims 4 did seem to run a little better on PS4 (though I did play far more on the Xbox One), but I still encountered a menu bug that prevented me from closing it without completely restarting it. That happened in my first hour and a half of playing.
The Sims 4 also has plenty of other general performance issues too. Audio and animations sometimes get out of sync when fast forwarding, and loading into a lot or into build mode can take a while and sometimes starts with dropped frames, especially in locations that have a lot of furniture or Sims. Even moving around the lot too quickly can result in a small hitch. While all of these issues may not be isolated to the console version of The Sims 4, I certainly experienced them far more consistently than I’ve seen on PC.
Toddlers add another good layer of difficulty because they require so much micromanagement.
The console version of The Sims 4 does at least come with all the free added features from the past three years, including toddlers, pools, dishwashers, and other features that it was called out for omitting on PC in 2014. Toddlers do add another good layer of difficulty, as they are so dependent on their caretakers and require micromanagement from you. Their personality traits greatly determine their demeanor, almost more so than the adults, and identifying what keeps them happy early on is crucial. Curing a toddler's rage is stressful to other Sims, but taking care of the tots (and sometimes playing as them to wreak havoc) present a fun challenge. Create a Sim also comes with the better and more inclusive gender customization with options, like choosing whether your Sim can get pregnant or if they wear masculine or feminine clothing (though The Sims 4 could generally use more clothing, accessory, and hair options with its base edition to make up for the lack of support for community-created mods).
Meanwhile, there’s a laundry list of issues that have haunted The Sims 4 since 2014. Visiting a museum and only being able to walk in front of, but not into the bar next door without loading is jarring coming from the big, seamless neighborhoods of The Sims 3. And there are still no cars, which is a strange thing to leave out of a life simulation.
Aside from visual and Create a Sim updates, the biggest advantage The Sims 4 has over its predecessor is the multitasking and the emotion system that make the Sims’ responses more realistic. Seeing my Sim’s mood flare as she had to clean and fix one household item after another after a long day of work was too relatable. The emotion system also makes for better interactions between Sims. If a neighboring Sim is irritated, warming up to them is challenging. Creating Sims with negative personality traits, like jealousy or mean, can make those situations even more fun. The Sims is just as much about chaos as it is leading your Sims through life.
My first Sim, Clara, climbed her way from a dishwasher to a caterer. She’s yet to enter a serious relationship, and time is pressing on her as she’s about to transform from the young adult stage to a proper adult, but I like the idea that she’s more invested in her career and throwing a successful dinner party than trying to build a family. She has realistic and achievable desires and goals, thanks to the mix of her Master Chef aspiration and creative personality. Actually getting her to those is fun too. Watching her attempt to make a new dish, only to drop an essential ingredient on the ground and sneakily throw it back into the pan. I’ve seen plenty of charming moments like this, and I want to keep helping Clara build her life.
I’m disappointed that Sims 4 on console probably won’t have seasonal or stat boost events like the PC counterpart has had over the past few years. During these events an NPC called Jasmine Holiday visits your town with challenges that, when completed, award special items or grant a specific stat boost for your Sims. The problem is the item rewards (like decorations for Day of the Dead or special planter) are in The Sims 4 on consoles, but will likely remain inaccessible unless you cheat. According to the Sims 4 for consoles FAQ, events “will not be supported on consoles at this time.” On the plus side, the FAQ also says that future free updates for PC will also be available for the console versions.
The Sims 4 Arrives on Xbox One Today.
Can you believe it?! Just a few short months ago, we announced The Sims 4 was coming to console – and now it’s here! Launch day is finally here, and The Sims 4 is officially available for Xbox One.
In addition to the Sims 4 base game, you can add some of our most popular add-on content packs for a truly customizable experience. In fact, I get so excited thinking about it, I just wanna party in my cool penthouse, have my butler bring me a drink, sit in my hot tub, and live forever…
To be more specific, these exciting packs include:
The Sims 4 City Living Expansion.
Take your Sims to the city and explore! Find yourself some snow globes, go on a scavenger hunt to find them all! Fulfill your Sims’ dreams and become a City Native in the big city of San Myshuno. Discover new neighborhoods, try new foods, become crafty and sell your Sims’ wares at a street festival. Experience the charm and challenges that come with your Sims’ first apartment, then work your way up the penthouse of your Sims’ dreams.
Transform your Sims into powerful vampires and live for eternity in an eerie new destination with The Sims 4 Vampires . You can create several types of vampires with new tools and unique powers, abilities, and even weaknesses. Make you Sim’s Dark Form truly horrifying, or have no dark side at all. What kind of vampire will you create? Lurk in Forgotten Hollow, build a lair, hang out with other immortals, get hungry, and feed…
The Sims 4 Vintage Glamour Stuff.
Lead your Sims to the glamorous life and treat them to an elegant new look with The Sims 4 Vintage Glamour Stuff . Decorate with high-end furnishings, hire a butler to be at your Sims’ beck and call. Vintage fashion and accessories are all the rage and the vanity table will make you feel so Old Hollywood!
Add hot tubs to create the perfect outdoor space for your Sim’s home with The Sims 4 Perfect Patio Stuff ! See if you’re handy enough to add an aromatherapy filter or a stereo. Fire up the new grill for a delicious cookout and slip your Sims into some fashionably casual clothing. With the super cool outdoor furnishings create the outdoor living space of your dreams; a chill and relaxing family space, or the ultimate outdoor party spot, or anything in between!
Want it all? We thought of that too. There’s also a bundle. Yes, a bundle! And I love bundles; bundles of joy, bundles of pie, bundles of hay… I digress. Back to our bundle. November 17 is a big day, because it also marks the day you can officially buy The Sims 4 Bundle, which includes The Sims 4 City Living Expansion Pack, The Sims 4 Vampires Game Pack, and The Sims 4 Vintage Glamour Stuff all wrapped into a single bundle of fun for purchase.
That’s not all folks! If you happened to be one of those smart patrons who pre-ordered The Sims 4 Deluxe Party Edition or Standard Edition, you can officially unlock The Sims 4 Perfect Patio Stuff alongside new outrageous costumes, the Flaming Tiki Bar, and awesome animal hats. There’s nothing good on TV right now so; go fishing in your living room, simify yourself and your celebrity crush and go out on a date!
I can’t wait to see The Sims 4 on that great big TV screen of yours! Please clean the smudge first. You know which one I’m talking about. It’s been really bugging me.
For more information and the latest Sims news, like The Sims on Facebook, follow on Twitter and Instagram, and subscribe to the YouTube channel.
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The Sims 4 Deluxe Party Edition - Xbox One.
Publisher: EA SKU: 6004202 Release Date: 11/14/2017 ESRB Rating: Teen.
What's Included.
The Sims 4 Deluxe Party Edition.
Product Features.
Become the life of the party with Sims 4 Deluxe Party Edition for Xbox One, featuring additional digital content to enhance your play. The fan-favorite game puts you in control of your character's thoughts and actions, while build and buy modes let you create a utopia. Sims 4 Deluxe Party Edition expands the fun with nightlife features and party extras.
Overall Customer Rating.
simulation ( 6 )
Looks like there aren't enough negative mentions yet.
Most Helpful Reviews.
The Sims is a game about living a life. Yeah I bought it for my wife and daughter, they love it, I like killing the Sims and playing with there ghost. Fun game, controls are weird though.
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Typical Sims.
I love Sims , but this one freezes a lot so need to be constantly saving the game Also the add lbs are expensive for what you get with them I like the long hair choices on this one.
I would recommend this to a friend.
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Just more of the same. Not enough new features. Needs an overhaul.
No, I would not recommend this to a friend.
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I bought this game for my wife for christmas as she loves the Sims series! She totally loves the game and we will be buying the expansion pack for it ASAP!! Definitely recommend!
I would recommend this to a friend.
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Love sims you will love this game it is typical sims. Hard to navigate at first , but easy to learn a lot more long hair styles.
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Girlfriend loved it.
My girlfriend has been a huge fan of the series. She loved playing it right from the start.
I would recommend this to a friend.
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Party time comes to Xbox one!
Its about time Sims 4 comes to Xbox one! Long overdue but it works great and plays smoothly, definately recommend!
I would recommend this to a friend.
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This game have great real life graphics. It is good for a person who likes to create chatacters and buildings. I hope my son enjoy this game. it's a gift.
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