среда, 27 июня 2018 г.


Just cause 3 xbox one

Find all Vintage Parts to unlock Noir mode, which changes the graphics filter to black and white. Find all Rebel Shrine locations to unlock Fast Travel. Successfully complete the indicated task to obtain the corresponding special weapon: Capstone Hydra: Capture Cava Grenade in Prsopere at coordinates N40 45.651, E5 40.622. CS Negotiator: Capture Le Gelera in Sud Sirocco at coordinates N40 36.937, E5 44.278. CS-110 Archangel: Capture Espia Alta in Capite Est. at coordinates N40 46.800, E5 33.312. CS-44 Peacebringer: Find 14 parts in Insula Dracon. Dionysus PLDS-H: Progress through the storyline. Fire Leech: Capture Cava Geminos Nord in Rocca Blauda at coordinates N40 48.026, E5 33.954. M-488: Progress through the storyline. The Thunderbird: Progress through the storyline. U-24 Shotgun Bully: Find 18 parts in Insula Fonte. UPU-210: Capture Espia Bassa in Petra at coordinates N40 42.031, E5 36.760. Urga STUPKA-210 (Handheld Mortar): Find 23 Ancient Tombs in Insula Striate. USV-45 Sokol: Capture Vigilator Nord in Plague at coordinates N40 42.477, E5 45.037. UVK-13: Capture Vigilator in Sud Sirocco at coordinates N40 38.428, E5 41.598. Successfully complete the indicated task to obtain the corresponding vehicle: Assault Chopper: Successfully complete the game. Bavarium Tank: Found inside a military base near a small lake in Monta on Insula Striate at coordinates N40 46.925, E5 43.347. Bomber Jet: Found in Insula Striate at coordinates N40 49.621, E5 32.301. Cart Urga 570: Capture Cava Geminos Est. in Rocca Blauda at coordinates N40 47.538, E5 34.628. Cavouk U-15: Capture Cava Grande Secunda in Prospere at coordinates N40 45.245, E5 39.81. CS BALTDJUR: Capture Cima Leon Silos in Lacos at coordinates N40 41.357, E5 43.561. Custom Geschwind: Successfully complete all thirteen Daredevil Jumps in Insula Forte. Custom Kletter 300: Successfully complete all ten Daredevil Jumps in Insula Dracon. Fighter Jet: Found at coordinates at N40 44.510, E5 44.631 in Costa Sud, Insula Striate. Incendario Monster Truck: Successfully complete all seven Daredevil Jumps in Insula Striate. Navajo Assault Chopper: Found in Puncta Sud at coordinates N40 41.145, E5 37.401. Stri Facocero: Capture Porto Le Gratia in Lavanda at coordinates N40 41.232, E5 42.278. Urga Hound-7 V-8: Capture Le Tutor in Nord Sirocco at coordinates N40 39.952, E5 41.759. Urga STURM 63-A: Capture Cava Geminos in Sud Rocca Blauda at coordinates N40 47.289, E5 33.590. Go to the following location (N 40 42.235, E 5 35.125 coordinates) in north Porto Darsena, and press the buttons in the following order (from left to right): 1, 4, 3, 4, 2, 1. Jump into the entrance that opens to warp through a wormhole to the other side of the map. You can also travel back using the same wormhole. Mile High Club blimp. Go to the following location (N 40 48.982, E 5 36.629 coordinates) in northern Maestrale to see the wreckage on the beach and in the water of the Mile High Club blimp from Just Cause 2 . Thor's Mjolnir hammer. Fly a helicopter to the following location (N 40 48.566, E 5 40.859 coordinates) in southeast Grande Pastura to reach a crater on a high mountaintop with Thor's Mjolnir hammer in the middle of it. However, you cannot collect or do anything with Thor's hammer. Dark Souls Easter Egg. Go to the beach in north Cauda at the following location (N 40 41.216, E 5 35.026 coordinates) to see a stack of wood with a rifle stuck vertically into the ground similar to the sword in the Dark Soul series bonfires used to save the game. Soap Box Car location. The Soap Box Car is required for completing the "Endless Runner" feat. Complete all feats to get the "Feat Fetish" achievement. It can be found at the entrance of Cima Leon: Centcom (N 40 41.756, E 5 43.986), which is on the island where the game starts (Insula Fonte). You must play through Act 1 of the story to disable the airstrike FOW or else it will destroy the Soap Box Car. Go to the "Feats" section of the Leaderboards to view the feats you have left to complete. Everything else is fairly easy and should come during natural gameplay. Note: Feats are disabled during story missions and can only be done in free roam. All vehicle locations. Go to the indicated locations to find all 47 vehicles and get the "Caught 'Em All!" achievement. After finding a vehicle, you must bring it to one of Marior's garages in a town you have liberated. It is recommended to first play some Land Races (challenges) to unlock the Vehicle Detector mod. When a missing vehicle is nearby, the radar will display its location. When entering a missing vehicle, you will see a blue garage icon next to its name (bottom left of the screen). To view all the vehicles you have found, go to the Rebel Drop list or to "Progress" - "Garage Blueprints". The following are some tips for finding vehicles: There are 18 Land Races, and many of them let you drive a new vehicle. Liberate all settlements to unlock them. When a Land Race has a new vehicle, immediately quit after the race begins and drive the vehicle to a nearby garage. Fast travel from one large town to the next and check the parking spots near the garage, as there are always some random vehicles in that area. You can also keep fast travelling to the same town and new vehicles will spawn in the parking spots every time. Stand at a road with the Vehicle Detector mod and wait for a missing vehicle to come by. Another strategy is to fly over streets with the wingsuit and Vehicle Detector mod. If a vehicle does not spawn at the location in the video, move on to the next one and return later. If it is still not there, keep fast travelling to the nearest challenge or settlement and it will spawn after a while. There are other military vehicles such as tanks, attack helicopters, and fighter jets that are unlocked by liberating all military bases, completing the story, and finding collectibles -- all of which comes through natural progress (needed for the "Unlocked And Fully Loaded" achievement). The order in the video is the same as the in-game Rebel Drop list. Everything from one vehicle category will be shown before moving onto the next category. '69 Stria Sussurro - 0:05 Mugello Furia MS-316 - 0:27 MV402 - 1:07 Stria Risata - 1:46 Stria Giovanni - 2:20 Vintage Stria M7 - 2:52 Pavouk U-15 - 3:21. Geschwind V3000 - 4:00 Autostraad Kletterer 300 - 4:30. Weimaraner W3 - 5:06 '63 Autostraad Weltbus - 7:16 Stria Cucciola - 7:48 Stria Infimo S - 8:18 Stria Carera Standard - 8:47 Stria Carera G - 9:19. Autostraad D90 - 10:00 Stria Joia - 10:33 Stria Kavala - 11:03 Stria Gioco - 11:41 Stria Toro - 12:13. Windhund 4 - 12:53 Autostraad D700 - 13:37 Kerner Serpente R - 14:15 '13 Vigueur - 14:51 Mugello Raffinati Vitesse - 15:28 Mugello Vistosa - 16:12 Mugello Quipozza F - 16:50 Verdeleon 3 - 17:33 Mugello Farino Duo - 18:15. Stria Ghepardo 3S - 18:53 Autostraad Reisender 7 - 19:17 '05 Charmant - 20:30 Stadt Tresor ST 8530 - 21:04 Nashorn 6100 - 21:46 Citispeed Eco 75 - 22:26 Stria Switzo Ambulance - 23:04 Stria Switzo - 23:42 Stria Obero - 24:12 Stria Rustico - 24:50 Stria Campania 115 - 24:15. Minnow Fishing Boat - 25:52 Whaleshark - 26:21 Brise 32 - 27:07 Dame De La Mer 99 - 27:42 Pescespada SS - 28:23 Stria PW 220 R-GT - 29:04 Squalo X7 - 29:33. Ancient Tomb locations. Go to the indicated locations on Isla Striate to find all 23 Ancient Tombs. They appear as mounds with blue flowers. Find the door and pay your respects. You can find an Urga Stupka-201 behind each tomb. You will get a Handheld Mortar for finding all tombs. 1. Litore Torto at N40 50.48, E5 45.10 2. Grande Pastura at N40 51.54, E5 44.60 3. Grande Pastura at N40 50.67, E5 41.79 4. Grande Pastura at N40 49.94, E5 41.84 5. Grande Pastura at N40 49.65, E5 42.93 6. Val De Mar at N40 47.10, E5 41.19 7. Val De Mar at N40 46.79, E5 40.78 8. Maestrale at N40 47.20, E5 39.02 9. Maestrale at N40 47.14, E5 38.06 10. Maestrale at N40 47.18, E5 36.89 11. Maestrale at N40 47.71, E5 35.08 12. Maestrale at N40 48.52, E5 36.04 13. Maestrale at N40 48.79, E5 35.44 14. Maestrale at N40 48.82, E5 34.57 15. Maestrale at N40 49.47, E5 34.26 16. Maestrale at N40 49.07, E5 33.08 17. Libeccio at N40 45.89, E5 32.75 18. Libeccio at N40 45.98, E5 33.68 19. Libeccio at N40 46.37, E5 36.94 20. Maestrale at N40 45.75, E5 38.74 21. Prospere at N40 44.605, E5 40.03 22. Litore Torto at N40 46.91, E5 45.68 23. Costa Sud at N40 46.46, E5 46.69. Rebel Shrine locations. Go to the indicated locations to find all 49 Rebel Shrines. Light the shrines to pay your respects. You will unlock Fast Travelling for finding all shrines. 1. Cauda at N40 40.95, E5 35.36 2. Trio at N40 41.96, E5 35.86 3. Trio at N40 42.78, E5 35.71 4. Capite West at N40 43.29, E5 34.87 5. Capite West at N40 43.76, E5 34.52 6. Capite Est at N40 43.62, E5 35.98 7. Massos at N40 42.86, E5 36.74 8. Masson at N40 42.75, E5 37.40 9. Petra at N40 41.83, E5 37.05 10. Petra at N40 41.52, E5 36.54. 1. Soros at N40 37.14, E5 39.54 2. Soros at N40 37.60, E5 40.47 3. Sirocco Sud at N40 38.61, E5 41.13 4. Lacos at N40 40.08, E5 43.05 5. Baia at N40 40.24, E5 44.05 6. Lacos at N40 40.31, E5 43.51 7. Lacos at N40 40.63, E5 43.22 8. Lacos at N40 40.75, E5 42.48 9. Lavanda at N40 41.62, E5 42.85 10. Lavanda at N40 41.76, E5 42.14 11. Lavanda at N40 42.14, E5 42.25 12. Feno at N40 42.60, E5 41.40 13. Feno at N40 42.58, E5 42.92 14. Plagia at N40 42.80, E5 43.90 15. Plagia at N40 42.46, E5 43.93 16. Plagia at N40 42.00, E5 44.75 17. Baia at N40 41.31, E5 44.60 18. Lacos at N40 41.04, E5 43.89. 1. Costa Sud at N40 44.25, E5 46.00 2. Costa Sud at N40 43.44, E5 44.67 3. Costa Sud at N40 43.69, E5 44.33 4. Prima at N40 44.48, E5 43.57 5. Prima at N40 44.46, E5 42.72 6. Val De Mar at N40 45.99, E5 42.13 7. Costa Sud at N40 45.92, E5 44.17 8. Umbra at N40 46.50, E5 44.73 9. Umbra at N40 46.54, E5 44.81 10. Costa Sud at N40 45.93, E5 45.76 11. Prima at N40 44.54, E5 39.73 12. Libeccio at N40 45.80, E5 37.92 13. Libeccio at N40 46.79, E5 34.91 14. Rocca Blau at N40 47.80, E5 33.19 15. Maestrale at N40 49.12, E5 33.17 16. Maestrale at N40 48.99, E5 35.60 17. Val De Mar at N40 47.43, E5 39.53 18. Maestrale at N40 46.49, E5 39.37 19. Montana at N40 49.15, E5 42.59 20. Litore Torto at N40 49.12, E5 45.02 21. Litore Torto at N40 50.20, E5 45.55. Vintage Part locations. Go to the indicated locations to find all 54 Vintage Parts. You will unlock Noir mode for finding all parts. This mode changes the graphics filter to black and white. 1. Capite Est at N40 44.25, E5 35.43 2. Capite West at N40 44.14, E5 35.16 3. Capite West at N40 43.40, E5 34.32 4. Trio at N40 42.37, E5 34.83 5. Trio at N40 42.35, E5 35.31 6. Trio at N40 42.20, E5 35.61 7. Cauda at N40 41.10, E5 34.96 8. Cauda at N40 40.55, E5 34.53 9. Petra at N40 41.15, E5 35.15 10. Petra at N40 40.98, E5 36.53 11. Petra at N40 41.91, E5 37.07 12. Massos at N40 42.43, E5 37.50 13. Massos at N40 43.04, E5 36.82 14. Capite Est at N40 44.24, E5 36.83. 1. Plagia at N40 42.85, E5 43.69 2. Feno at N40 42.56, E5 42.45 3. Feno at N40 42.27, E5 43.20 4. Plagia at N40 42.18, E5 43.98 5. Aspera at N40 41.75, E5 44.08 6. Lavanda at N40 41.84, E5 42.59 7. Lavanda at N40 42.10, E5 41.31 8. Lavanda at N40 41.96, E5 41.45 9. Lavanda at N40 41.25, E5 42.94 10. Lacos at N40 40.75, E5 42.17 11. Lacos at N40 40.64, E5 43.98 12. Sirocco Nord at N40 39.40, E5 42.15 13. Sirocco Nord at N40 39.24, E5 43.40 14. Sirocco Sud at N40 38.52, E5 42.65 15. Sirocco Sud at N40 38.04, E5 41.39 16. Soros at N40 37.35, E5 40.08 17. Soros at N40 37.03, E5 38.31 18. Soros at N40 37.12, E5 38.98. 1. Maestrale at N40 48.55, E5 36.22 2. Maestrale at N40 48.50, E5 32.74 3. Libeccio at N40 46.37, E5 33.79 4. Libeccio at N40 46.65, E5 35.61 5. Libeccio at N40 45.18, E5 36.48 6. Prima at N40 44.03, E5 42.11 7. Costa Sud at N40 43.63, E5 44.98 8. Val de Mar at N40 45.48, E5 43.59 9. Costa Sud at N40 45.64, E5 45.89 10. Litore Torto at N40 46.94, E5 44.73 11. Val De Mar at N40 46.52, E5 42.25 12. Val De Mar at N40 47.32, E5 41.98 13. Grande Pastura at N40 48.62, E5 39.73 14. Grande Pastura at N40 49.17, E5 40.67 15. Grande Pastura at N40 50.72, E5 38.67 16. Grande Pastura at N40 50.80, E5 41.34 17. Grande Pastura at N40 51.40, E5 43.10 18. Grande Pastura at N40 50.34, E5 44.35 19. Litore Torto at N40 48.72, E5 46.69 20. Litore Torto at N40 47.97, E5 46.67 21. Montana at N40 48.27, E5 43.62 22. Montana at N40 48.32, E5 43.23. All Daredevil Stunt Jump locations. Go to the indicated locations to find all 30 Daredevil Stunt Jumps. Complete all of them to get the "Consummate Daredevil" achievement. Liberating every province will reveal their locations on the map. You can do them with almost any vehicle, including really slow ones. You do not need to jump far for it to count, and you do not have to land in a specific area. The "Max Beacons" gear mod is very helpful since it allows you to request more vehicles from rebel drops. 1. Petra at N40 41.24, E5 37.34 2. Petra at N40 42.06, E5 36.76 3. Petra at N40 42.15, E5 36.83 4. Corda Dracon at N40 42.79, E5 36.59 5. Corda Dracon at N40 42.89, E5 36.29 6. Trio at N40 42.40, E5 35.37 7. Capite West at N40 43.49, E5 35.58 8. Capite West at N40 43.51, E5 35.60 9. Capite Est at N40 43.79, E5 36.15 10. Capite West at N40 43.80, E5 34.94. 1. Feno at N40 42.68, E5 42.87 2. Plagia at N40 42.54, E5 43.30 3. Feno at N40 42.13, E5 42.44 4. Lavanda at N40 41.89, E5 42.61 5. Feno at N40 41.68, E5 43.05 6. Lacos at N40 40.76, E5 43.47 7. Lacos at N40 40.87, E5 43.74 8. Lacos at N40 41.01, E5 44.41 9. Baia at N40 40.30, E5 44.62 10. Baia at N40 40.15, E5 44.56 11. Baia at N40 40.02, E5 43.77 12. Sirocco Nord at N40 39.04, E5 42.87 13. Sirocco Nord at N40 38.51, E5 42.50. 1. Libeccio at N40 45.74, E5 35.18 2. Val De Mar at N40 44.73, E5 42.36 3. Costa Sud at N40 44.30, E5 45.45 4. Costa Sud at N40 46.12, E5 44.42 5. Val De Mar at N40 46.73, E5 42.06 6. Litore Torto at N40 47.42, E5 45.72 7. Litore Torto at N40 49.22, E5 45.05. Di Ravello tape locations. Go to the indicated locations to find all 71 Di Ravello tapes: 1. Capite Est at coordinates N40 44.25, E5 35.49 2. Capite Est at coordinates N40 44.13, E5 36.80 3. Massos at coordinates N40 43.39, E5 37.05 4. Capite Est at coordinates N40 43.60, E5 35.84 5. Capite West at coordinates N40 42.93, E5 35.18 6. Trio at coordinates N40 42.69, E5 35.07 7. Trio at coordinates N40 41.93, E5 35.03 8. Trio at coordinates N40 41.77, E5 35.14 9. Trio at coordinates N40 41.87, E5 35.79 10. Petra at coordinates N40 41.80, E5 36.47 11. Petra at coordinates N40 41.84, E5 36.97 12. Massos at coordinates N40 42.19, E5 37.60. 1. Sirocco Sud at coordinates N40 38.40, E5 42.37 2. Sirocco Sud at coordinates N40 38.65, E5 42.65 3. Sirocco Nord at coordinates N40 38.95, E5 42.66 4. Sirocco Nord at coordinates N40 39.29, E5 42.87 5. Lacos at coordinates N40 40.07, E5 43.71 6. Lacos at coordinates N40 40.16, E5 42.76 7. Lacos at coordinates N40 40.69, E5 43.53 8. Lacos at coordinates N40 40.95, E5 44.18 9. Baia at coordinates N40 40.76, E5 45.20 10. Plagia at coordinates N40 41.58, E5 44.68 11. Plagia at coordinates N40 42.36, E5 44.37 12. Plagia at coordinates N40 42.47, E5 44.20 13. Plagia at coordinates N40 42.51, E5 43.95 14. Plagia at coordinates N40 42.25, E5 43.78 15. Feno at coordinates N40 42.37, E5 42.86 16. Feno at coordinates N40 42.73, E5 43.29 17. Feno at coordinates N40 42.88, E5 43.00 18. Feno at coordinates N40 42.42, E5 42.03 19. Lavanda at coordinates N40 41.95, E5 41.59 20. Lavanda at coordinates N40 41.84, E5 42.34. 1. Montana at coordinates N40 48.09, E5 43.36 2. Litore Torto at coordinates N40 49.26, E5 46.25 3. Litore Torto at coordinates N40 50.31, E5 44.98 4. Grande Pastura at coordinates N40 50.93, E5 41.21 5. Grande Pastura at coordinates N40 49.97, E5 40.11 6. Grande Pastura at coordinates N40 48.52, E5 40.75 7. Val De Mar at coordinates N40 47.51, E5 39.93 8. Val De Mar at coordinates N40 45.98, E5 42.16 9. Val De Mar at coordinates N40 44.91, E5 42.22 10. Maestrale at coordinates N40 45.38, E5 39.07 11. Maestrale at coordinates N40 46.18, E5 39.16 12. Maestrale at coordinates N40 46.99, E5 38.30 13. Maestrale at coordinates N40 47.54, E5 37.78 14. Maestrale at coordinates N40 47.40, E5 36.05 15. Maestrale at coordinates N40 48.22, E5 35.34 16. Maestrale at coordinates N40 48.57, E5 34.83 17. Maestrale at coordinates N40 48.30, E5 32.87 18. Libeccio at coordinates N40 45.18, E5 33.39 19. Libeccio at coordinates N40 44.98, E5 35.24 20. Libeccio at coordinates N40 44.88, E5 35.36 21. Libeccio at coordinates N40 45.83, E5 35.42 22. Libeccio at coordinates N40 45.72, E5 37.15 23. Libeccio at coordinates N40 45.25, E5 37.87 24. Regno at coordinates N40 44.41, E5 37.82 25. Regno at coordinates N40 44.07, E5 38.17 26. Regno at coordinates N40 44.35, E5 38.45 27. Regno at coordinates N40 44.22, E5 38.68 28. Regno at coordinates N40 44.21, E5 39.30 29. Prima at coordinates N40 43.94, E5 39.99 30. Prima at coordinates N40 43.71, E5 40.15 31. Prima at coordinates N40 43.94, E5 40.66 32. Prima at coordinates N40 43.76, E5 41.60 33. Prima at coordinates N40 43.91, E5 41.65 34. Prima at coordinates N40 43.82, E5 43.38 35. Prima at coordinates N40 43.77, E5 43.50 36. Costa Sud at coordinates N40 44.54, E5 44.18 37. Costa Sud at coordinates N40 44.15, E5 45.36 38. Costa Sud at coordinates N40 44.25, E5 45.59 39. Costa Sud at coordinates N40 45.23, E5 46.21. There are five Shooting Gallery (Weapon Training) Challenges. Getting five gears in all of them is required for 100% completion and to get the "All The Gears", "MOD Tinkerer", and "Winner Takes All, Again" achievements. There are eight types of challenges: 27 Wingsuit Courses, 18 Land Races, 4 Scrapyard Scrambles, 12 Crash Bombs, 5 Shooting Galleries, 25 Destruction Frenzies, 9 Sea Races, and 12 Air Races. That is a total of 112 challenges, and you must get five gears in each one of them for 100% completion. To unlock challenges, you must liberate every settlement in the game. The following are some weapon tips: General: Remember the target order and locations, as they are always the same. Shotgun: Spray and pray -- shoot as quickly as possible and hit many targets at once for bonus points. Handgun: Be quick and aim for the bullseye. Machine Gun: Use Weapon Zoom and shoot the bullseye. Burst Rifle: Use Weapon Zoom and quickly shoot the bullseye. Revolver: Use Weapon Zoom, and instead of aiming around, wait for the target to cross your aim. The video begins on Insula Fonte, then goes to Insula Dracon, and finally to Insula Striate (always from south to north). 1. Shotgun Training Course - 0:05 2. Handgun Training Course - 1:28 3. Machine Gun Training Course - 3:01 4. Burst Training Course - 4:32 5. Revolver Training Course - 6:22. Getting five gears in all Wingsuit Traversal Course Challenges. There are 27 Wingsuit (Traversal) Challenges. Getting five gears in all of them is required for 100% completion and to get the "All The Gears", "MOD Tinkerer", and "Winner Takes All, Again" achievements. There are eight types of challenges: 27 Wingsuit Courses, 18 Land Races, 4 Scrapyard Scrambles, 12 Crash Bombs, 5 Shooting Galleries, 25 Destruction Frenzies, 9 Sea Races, and 12 Air Races. That is a total of 112 challenges, and you must get five gears in each one of them for 100% completion. To unlock challenges, you must liberate every settlement in the game. The following are some wingsuit tips: There is no time limit, so use the "Wingsuit Air Brake" gear mod to go as slow as desired. Especially in the challenges where you have to glide downhill, it is very useful to use, but do not activate the "Wingsuit Quick Close" gear mod for this. Shoot tethers on the ground to gain speed when needed. The hardest challenges are 23, 24, 25, and 26. Take a look at those if you want to know what to expect. The video begins on Insula Fonte, then goes to Insula Dracon, and finally to Insula Striate (always from south to north). 1. Sirocco Skies Tour - 0:05 2. Manea Tour - 1:40 3. Cavern Tour - 2:28 4. Tunnel Tour - 3:43 5. Fonte Grande Tour - 4:48 6. Le Gratia Tour - 6:42 7. Via Campania Tour - 7:45 8. Rondella Tour - 8:54 9. Puncta Tour - 9:52 10. Olivo Bassa Tour - 10:55 11. Pirate Tour - 12:07 12. Darsena Dive Tour - 13:13 13. Hilltop Tour - 14:14 14. Monte Dracon Tour - 15:30 15. Undertwon Tour - 17:30 16. Metropolis Tour - 18:36 17. Vista Plunge Tour - 19:42 18. Canyon Tour - 21:11 19. Badlands Tour - 22:51 20. Aeroporto Tour - 24:18 21. Dragline Dive Tour - 25:32 22. Hayfield Tour - 27:20 23. Maxime Tour - 29:02 24. Mountain Marathon Tour - 31:07 25. Snowy Slopes Tour - 33:53 26. Cloudy Crevasse Tour - 37:03 27. Griphon Tour - 39:09. Easy "Forgive Me, Father. " and "Three Holy Hideaways" achievements. First, you must complete random encounters to unlock Priests and Monasteries. They occasionally appear randomly in liberated areas and will get marked when nearby. Complete three of them to get the "Three Holy Hideaways" achievement. Encounters can either unlock Priests or Resupply Points. When you have rescued your first priest, go to a large military base or town and cause chaos until you are heat level 5 (destroy chaos objects and kill enemies). Then, go to the monastery and talk to the priest to get the "Forgive Me, Father. ". Make sure you do not lose your attackers on the way. You can also reset all settlements after the final story mission. Easy "My Little Rocket Man" achievement. There is a gas cannister in the "Guardia Lacos I" outpost (N 40 40.505, E 5 42.653) in the Lacos Province of Insula Fonte. Shoot your grappling hook at a soldier, then at the cannister. Shoot the cannister to make it fly into the air with the soldier attached to it. You can also do this on your allies, as it does not have to be an enemy soldier. You can still do it after the outpost has been liberated. The gas cannister respawns when you fast travel to the outpost. Easy "This Was Supposed To Be A Western" achievement. This only works with military bases (not with military outposts, towns, or villages). You can reset all bases after the final story mission. The easiest location is the "Cima Leon: Silo" military base (N 40 41.358, E 5 43.563) in the Lacos Province of Insula Fonte. There is a tank at the back of the base. Get in the tank and destroy all Chaos Objects in the base. Chaos Objects are the ones displayed in the bar on the left side (you do not need to destroy small explosive barrels, only the stuff that is required to conquer the base). Make sure you do it with a tank. Do not use a helicopter, as it will get shot down. If you have already captured this base, either start a new game and immediately go there or reset the base after the last story mission. Easy "Top Of The World" achievement. The highest point of Medici is on top of a mountain (N 40 48.118, E 5 43.245) in the Montana Province on Insula Striate. Use a helicopter or plane to fly up to the top. You can request a helicopter via Rebel Drop, which you unlock automatically very early in the game. One you are on top of the mountain, go up the steps of the structure there to get the "Top Of The World" achievement. Easy ". Without Bullets!" achievement. This only works with military bases (not with military outposts, towns, or villages). You can reset all bases after the final story mission. The "Vis Electra" military base (N 40 40.450, E 5 44.153) in the Baia Province of Insula Fonte is very easy. It is small, has few objects, and little defense. Use only tethers and melee attacks to destroy all Chaos Objects. Attach tethers to the ground, and then to the object to tear it down. Chaos Objects are the ones displayed in the bar on the left side (you do not need to destroy small explosive barrels, only the stuff that is required to conquer the base). If you have already captured this base, either start a new game and immediately go there or reset the base after the last story mission. The problem with a lot of the other bases is that your standard grappling hook is not strong enough to tear down certain structures. If you try it in a base with such structures, you must attach explosive barrels or flying helicopters to destroy them. Easy "You're Outta Here!" achievement. First, you must activate the "Booster Explosives" gear mod. It turns your GE-64 explosives into rocket engines. To unlock the "Booster Explosives" gear mod, you must complete some Crash Bomb challenges. Then, simply walk up to an enemy soldier and plant the explosive on him to get the "You're Outta Here!" achievement. It must be an enemy, as it does not work with allies or civilians. Accomplish the indicated achievement to get the corresponding number of Gamerscore points: (Just) Causin' Chaos (10 points): Get 1,000 Chaos. Chaos is My Middle Name (30 points): Get 100,000 Chaos. Chaos Millionaire (45 points): Get 1,000,000 Chaos. . Without Bullets! (20 points): Destroy every Chaos Object in a Military Base without weapons, grenades, or planted explosives. My Little Rocket Man (20 points): Tether an enemy to a launched gas cannister. Adeo, amico! This was Supposed to be a Western (20 points): Destroy all Chaos Objects in a Base without leaving your vehicle. You're Outta Here! (20 points): Plant a Booster Explosive on an enemy soldier. Then send them flying. Bragging Rights (10 points): Beat another player's score in a Challenge. Getting it in Gear (10 points): Earn at least 3 Gears in a Challenge. You've Got Gear (15 points): Earn 5 Gears in a Challenge. A Real Gear-Getter (20 points): Earn at least 3 Gears in one Challenge of every type. All the Gears (40 points): Earn 5 Gears in every Challenge. Earth, Wind and Sea (25 points): Unlock Rebel Drops for at least one land vehicle, one air vehicle, and one sea vehicle. Caught 'Em All! (35 points): Collect every vehicle available by bringing them to Mario's Garages. Tomb Raider (15 points): Pay your respects at every Ancient Tomb. Remember the Fallen (20 points): Light a candle at every Rebel Shrine. Diary of the Madman (20 points): Discover all of Di Ravello's audio tapes. Old School Cool (20 points): Find every vintage weapon and vehicle part. Consummate Daredevil (20 points): Drive a land vehicle off of every Daredevil Jump in Medici. No Stone Unturned (35 points): Find every collectible strewn across Medici. Top of the World (20 points): Stand on foot at the highest point of Medici. Anything You Can Do. (15 points): Beat a score you were Called-Out on. Feat Fetish (20 points): Perform every Feat. Vive la Revolution (15 points): Liberate a Province. Take That, You Pipeline Jerks (10 points): Disable the FOW in Insula Fonte. Baker's Dozen (20 points): Liberate 13 Settlements. Taming the Dracon (30 points): Completely liberate Insula Dracon. Hope Springs Eternal (30 points): Completely liberate Insula Fonte. Heart of Stone (30 points): Completely liberate Insula Striate. Unlocked and Fully Loaded (40 points): Unlock every weapon and vehicle available in the Rebel Drop menu. Winner Takes All, Again (50 points): 100% Just Cause 3. Can't Touch This (10 points): Call-Out another player in a Feat. Forgive Me, Father. (10 points): Take sanctuary in a monastery to clear Heat Level 5. MOD Initiate (10 points): Unlock your first GEAR MOD and activate it. MOD Specialist (20 points): Unlock every GEAR MOD in a single category. MOD Tinkerer (35 points): Have every GEAR MOD active for at least 1 minute each. First Encounter (10 points): Successfully complete an Encounter. Supply and Demand (15 points): Unlock 10 Resupply Points by completing Encounters. Three Holy Hideaways (15 points): Unlock 3 Heat-Clearing Priests by completing Encounters. Additionally, there are eight secret achievements: Enjoy Your Homecoming (10 points): Complete Story Mission: Welcome Home. What a Disaster (15 points): Complete Story Mission: A Terrible Reaction. The Power of Bavarium (15 points): Complete Story Mission: A Long and Dangerous Road. These Mines are the Pits (15 points): Complete Story Mission: The Great Escape. F!#& YOU, MISSILE (20 points): Complete Story Mission: Missile Cowboy. Finally on the Offensive (20 points): Complete Story Mission: Tangled Up In Blue. Mistakes and Triumphs (20 points): Complete Story Mission: The Shatterer of Worlds. Son of Medici (30 points): Complete Story Mission: Son of Medici. The following achievements require the "Sky Fortress" bonus downloadable content: Like a Fish. in the Air! (10 points): Use the Bavarium Wingsuit to take off from water. Look at the Sly Fox (35 points): Use the Barrel Roll to evade 10 incoming missiles. My Name is Eden (50 points): Beat the last mission of the Sky Fortress Expansion and complete the story arc. Break a Leg! (35 points): Defeat the "Old Friend" (Boss at the end of "Taking Control"). Stock-Keeping (10 points): Defeat 1 of each Drone type. Quite the Connoisseur (10 points): Earn at least 1 Gear in all Challenges of the Sky Fortress Expansion. A True Master (50 points): Earn 5 Gears in all Challenges of the Sky Fortress Expansion. Just Cause 3. Latest Stories. PS Plus Lineup Revealed for August 2017. Unsung Heroes of the Games Industry: Tools Programmers. February 5, 2017. Just Cause 3 Review. Just Cause 3 Wiki ». About This Game. Summary Game Editions. Explore the world's biggest action game once again in this third game of the Just Cause franchise. Games You May Like. Action PlayStation 4. Latest Videos. Latest Image. IGN.com: Content Team Standards & Practices Send Us News Site Map International: IGN World Map Adria Africa Australia Brazil Benelux Canada China Czech Denmark Finland France Germany Greece Hungary India Ireland Israel Italy Japan Latin America Middle East Norway Pakistan Poland Portugal Romania Russia Southeast Asia Spain Sweden Turkey United Kingdom United States. Copyright 1996-2018 Ziff Davis, LLC An IGN Entertainment Games site. We have updated our PRIVACY POLICY and encourage you to read it by clicking here. IGN uses cookies and other tracking technologies to customize online advertisements, and for other purposes. IGN supports the Digital Advertising Alliance principles. Learn More. Just Cause 3. • Explore a Mediterranean island paradise with complete vertical freedom – skydive, BASE jump and free dive in an open world with virtually zero limits • Glide through the air and swoop across mountains with your Wingsuit giving a new way to rain death from above • Use your Grapple and Parachute to scale buildings, hijack vehicles, move quickly or tether objects together for creative new ways to cause Chaos. • Cause massive chains of destruction in military bases, harbours, prisons, police stations and communications facilities to bring down a dictator • Arm yourself with a wide range of explosive weaponry from shotguns and missile launchers to tank-busters and air-strikes • Choose from a huge variety of different vehicles to drive including speedboats, jets, helicopters, turbo-fuelled sports cars and super bikes • Get adventurous with dozens of challenge missions and collectibles to discover • Online community features. Thanks for your order. We'll try to push-to-install this on your home Xbox One. If you’ve blocked automated downloads, you might want to enable them. On your Xbox One, go to Settings > System > Updates > Keep my games & apps up to date . By the way, you can find this and anything else you’ve installed in My games and apps . Trying to install on your home Xbox One. We'll try to push-to-install this on your home Xbox One. If you’ve blocked automated downloads, you might want to enable them. On your Xbox One, go to Settings > System > Updates > Keep my games & apps up to date . By the way, you can find this and anything else you’ve installed in My games and apps . Get an Xbox Live account. To play this game, you need an Xbox Live account. Get one here. Friends who play this game. Just Cause 3. Included in. Just Cause 3 XL Edition. Rating: 4.59999990463257 / 5. Screenshots. Enter your date of birth. You may not access this content. Description. • Explore a Mediterranean island paradise with complete vertical freedom – skydive, BASE jump and free dive in an open world with virtually zero limits • Glide through the air and swoop across mountains with your Wingsuit giving a new way to rain death from above • Use your Grapple and Parachute to scale buildings, hijack vehicles, move quickly or tether objects together for creative new ways to cause Chaos. • Cause massive chains of destruction in military bases, harbours, prisons, police stations and communications facilities to bring down a dictator • Arm yourself with a wide range of explosive weaponry from shotguns and missile launchers to tank-busters and air-strikes • Choose from a huge variety of different vehicles to drive including speedboats, jets, helicopters, turbo-fuelled sports cars and super bikes • Get adventurous with dozens of challenge missions and collectibles to discover • Online community features. Available on. People also like. Watch Dogs®2. Rating: 4.19999980926514 / 5. Far Cry Primal. Sniper Elite 4. Rating: 4.40000009536743 / 5. Rating: 3.40000009536743 / 5. Sniper Ghost Warrior 3 Season Pass Edition. Rating: 3.20000004768372 / 5. Assassin's Creed® Syndicate. Rating: 4.30000019073486 / 5. Rating: 4.69999980926514 / 5. Assassin's Creed® Origins. Assassin's Creed® The Ezio Collection. Hunting Simulator. Rating: 2.79999995231628 / 5. Game clips. Broadcasts. Additional info. Approximate download size. Age rating. Install on your home Xbox One console plus have access when you’re connected to your Microsoft account. Thanks for reporting your concern. Our team will review it and, if necessary, take action. Sign in to report this game to Microsoft. Top add-ons. Just Cause 3: Sky Fortress. Weaponized Vehicle Pack. Just Cause 3: Reaper Missile Mech. Rating: 4.30000019073486 / 5. Just Cause 3: Air, Land & Sea Expansion Pass. Just Cause 3 – Kousavá Rifle. Rating: 4.40000009536743 / 5. Just Cause 3: Mech Land Assault. Just Cause 3: Bavarium Sea Heist. Explosive Weapon Pack. Rating: 4.30000019073486 / 5. Just Cause 3 Ultimate Mission, Weapon and Vehicle Pack. Rocket Launcher Sports Car. Ratings and reviews. To rate and review, sign in. Your review. Thanks. Your review will post soon. There was an error posting your review. Please try again later. All user reviews. I don't usually buy games for $60 but I couldn't help myself with JC3. Worth every penny. There is so much to do and so many things to blow up. With one of the biggest maps in all of videogame history it certainly is packed with tons of bases and challenges. Although there are a few problems with the frame rate going down sometimes and I've had a few game crashes but these can be forgiven. JC3 is a lot of fun and you should get it if you enjoy open world games. 280 out of 299 people found this helpful. Michael Bay's Dream. Fantastic, explosive game that makes you feel like you are in an action movie. Best looking explosions I've ever seen in a game. The art style is great. Although framerate may drop from time to time, it never takes away from the fantastic gameplay. 400 square miles of complete freedom make this my favorite game in years. I just wish that Avalanche Studios would add multiplayer. 143 out of 155 people found this helpful. Favorite Game, Definitely Recommend. I pre-ordered JC3 and played it a day before launch. I 100% JC3 and have over 11 days on it. This game is crazy and fun. The map is huge and takes a while to locate every base. Gears can be used to upgrade grapples, GE-64, and almost everything about Rico. The story is great as well. You can acomplish stunts and tricks throughout this sandbox-like game. This is my absolute favorite game. My only complaints are that there isn't multiplayer or co-op. I think most people would really appreciate multiplayer. Other than that, I wish there was more JC3. 122 out of 138 people found this helpful. Much better! After my terrible experience with JC2, this is so much better! Almost everything that I hated about JC2 is improved. 👍👏 Very strange about the framerate issue I read about on one reviewer's article. I'm not saying it didn't happen. I just never experienced that problem. UPDATE: Sometimes it helps to play the entire game before ignorantly trying to review it. I just wanted to add how spectacular this game really can be. If you take advantage of all the incredible stunts it allows you to perform. My mistake was ignoring the challenges. Now it sounds unthinkable, but many games have these and they usually aren't vital to finishing the campaigns of these other games. They're vital in JC3! And what an experience they help to bring out. Wow! 4 1/2 stars. 🏆 123 out of 144 people found this helpful. BEST GAME EVER. This game is so fun but challenging to beat but i still reccomend playing. 67 out of 77 people found this helpful. BOLLYWOOD SIMULATOR 3. This game doesn't waste any time throwing you into the action! The gameplay is fun, streamlined, and completely ridiculous. It's a goofy sandbox shoot'em'up of the most beautiful kind. The plot is that of a cheesy action movie complete with constant mindless explosions, absurd physics, and abundant stereotypes yet it manages to stay fun until the very end. Avalanche truly improved their formula this time around by doing away with finite currency systems that can be exhausted too quickly and by making the grappling hook a much more central gameplay mechanic as opposed to just being a means for transportation. 32 out of 34 people found this helpful. Fueled With Fun. JC is a mouthfull to explain, so I'll make this review short. JC is a game fully based around destruction, freeroam, and challenges with a very in depth story. You roam around Medici destroying the DRM and their bases, you do challenges to earn upgread GEARs, and you destroy (or blow up) everything. JC also has lots of possibilities too. Think of something you wan't to do in a game. You can probably do that on here. I won't say anything about the story you can see the story yourself. Now don't light the match and put it out, because if you see JC, you know what I mean. 31 out of 35 people found this helpful. Its a great game its very open world and fun and cool but buy all dlc(except extra cars weapons boats only the story dlc) because its a short game once you beat it just takes up space if you buy dlc theres so much stuff to do but be warned its short and easy. 87 out of 105 people found this helpful. Fun but average. Those familiar with Just Cause know that the game is not meant to be taken seriously. Creativity is what makes the experience fun for the player. Shooting is smooth as well as the grappling hook and its features. Driving is not great but the hook is easily more reliable when it comes to transportation. Missions can get repetitive. Liberating outposts is where the most fun is at. Not too much replay value, unless you like completing challenges and finding collectables. Frame rate drops, making it unplayable at times. Overall, it is entertaining but it's not a game that I can see myself playing again. 139 out of 173 people found this helpful. Visually Fun. I like the game and didnt have framerate issues as bad as some. Where this game dropped the ball is on replay on the story. There is no extra save slots or new game+ mode. So once you have done everything that's it unless you reopress a settlement, one by one. It gets old not having the story replayed there again. 15 out of 16 people found this helpful. Translate to English. Язык Microsoft Store: United States - English. Вас интересует язык Microsoft Store: Россия - Русский? Перевести на русский. You are shopping Microsoft Store in: United States - English. Are you looking for Microsoft Store in: Россия - Русский? 58 результат(a/ов) для just+cause+3+xbox+one. 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The most common causes of this issue are: Using a script or add-on that scans GameFAQs for box and screen images, overloading our search engine Running a "scraper" or "downloader" program that either does not identify itself or uses fake headers to elude detection Using a badly configured (or badly written) browser add-on for blocking content Overusing our search engine with a very large number of searches in a very short amount of time. If you promise to stop (by clicking the Agree button below), we'll unblock your connection for now, but we will immediately re-block it if we detect additional bad behavior. If you do not understand what is causing this behavior, please contact us here. Also on GameFAQs. Help - Answers to the most commonly asked questions about GameFAQs. FAQ Bookmarks - Access and manage the bookmarks you have added to different guides. FAQ Bounty - Write a FAQ for a Most Wanted game, get cash. 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Capture Cava Grande Secunda in Prospere at coordinates N40 45.245, E5 39.81. Capture Cima Leon Silos in Lacos at coordinates N40 41.357, E5 43.561. Comple ALL 13 Daredevil Jumps in Insula Forte. Complete ALL 10 Daredevil Jumps in Insula Dracon. Found at coordinates at N40 44.510, E5 44.631 in Costa Sud, Insula Striate. Complete ALL 7 Daredevil Jumps in Insula Striate. Found at coordinates N40 41.145, E5 37.401 in Puncta Sud. Capture Porto Le Gratia in Lavanda at coordinates N40 41.232, E5 42.278. Capture Le Tutor in Nord Sirocco at coordinates N40 39.952, E5 41.759. Capture Cava Geminos in Sud Rocca Blauda at coordinates N40 47.289, E5 33.590. Capture Cava Grenade in Prsopere at coordinates N40 45.651, E5 40.622. Capture Le Gelera in Sud Sirocco at coordinates N40 36.937, E5 44.278. Capture Espia Alta in Capite Est. At coordinates N40 46.800, E5 33.312. Find 14 parts in Insula Dracon. Progress through the storyline. Capture Cava Geminos Nord in Rocca Blauda at coordinates N40 48.026, E5 33.954. Progress through the storyline. Progress through the storyline. Find 18 parts in Insula Fonte. Capture Espia Bassa in Petra at coordinates N40 42.031, E5 36.760. Find 23 Ancient Tombs in Insula Striate. Capture Vigilator Nord in Plague at coordinates N40 42.477, E5 45.037. Capture Vigilator in Sud Sirocco at coordinates N40 38.428, E5 41.598. Mugello Furia MS-316 - 0:27. Search for Just Cause 3 Cheats. Search here for codes. Type a word or phrase to search for. Some search terms you might find useful: Your Cheats. You are not logged in. Register here or log in above to show codes you have posted or bookmarked. All Cheats - Latest First. Mugello Furia MS-316 - 0:27. Complete the game. Found inside a military base near a small lake in Monta on Insula Striate at coordinates N40 46.925, E5 43.347. Found at coordinates N40 49.621, E5 32.301 in Insula Striate. Capture Cava Geminos Est. In Rocca Blauda at coordinates N40 47.538, E5 34.628. Capture Cava Grande Secunda in Prospere at coordinates N40 45.245, E5 39.81. Capture Cima Leon Silos in Lacos at coordinates N40 41.357, E5 43.561. Comple ALL 13 Daredevil Jumps in Insula Forte. Complete ALL 10 Daredevil Jumps in Insula Dracon. Found at coordinates at N40 44.510, E5 44.631 in Costa Sud, Insula Striate. Complete ALL 7 Daredevil Jumps in Insula Striate. Found at coordinates N40 41.145, E5 37.401 in Puncta Sud. Capture Porto Le Gratia in Lavanda at coordinates N40 41.232, E5 42.278. Capture Le Tutor in Nord Sirocco at coordinates N40 39.952, E5 41.759. Capture Cava Geminos in Sud Rocca Blauda at coordinates N40 47.289, E5 33.590. Capture Cava Grenade in Prsopere at coordinates N40 45.651, E5 40.622. Capture Le Gelera in Sud Sirocco at coordinates N40 36.937, E5 44.278. Capture Espia Alta in Capite Est. At coordinates N40 46.800, E5 33.312. Find 14 parts in Insula Dracon. Progress through the storyline. Capture Cava Geminos Nord in Rocca Blauda at coordinates N40 48.026, E5 33.954. Progress through the storyline. Progress through the storyline. Find 18 parts in Insula Fonte. Capture Espia Bassa in Petra at coordinates N40 42.031, E5 36.760. Find 23 Ancient Tombs in Insula Striate. Capture Vigilator Nord in Plague at coordinates N40 42.477, E5 45.037. Capture Vigilator in Sud Sirocco at coordinates N40 38.428, E5 41.598. Insula Dracon (10 Stunts) Insula Striate (7 Stunts) No discussions open for Just Cause 3 at the moment. Answer a question here. Popular Games. Popular Games. © Web Media Network Limited, 1999 - 2018. This site is not affiliated in any way with Microsoft, Sony, Sega, Nintendo or any video game publishers. Super Cheats is an unofficial resource with submissions provided by members of the public. These are not usually tested by us (because there are so many), so please use them at your own risk. Just Cause 3 Xbox One and PlayStation 4 Review. Just Cause 3 is a game about pulling insane, death-defying stunts while destroying everything in sight with spectacular fireball explosions. The problem is, both the Xbox One and PlayStation 4 versions fail when Rico Rodriguez's over-the-top action-heroism needs them the most. Above: Problems with the console versions are widespread. For a more in-depth look at all the things Just Cause 3 does right when it's running well, please check out my Just Cause 3 PC review. Unfortunately, the console versions simply don't give it a chance to shine. When the spectacular fireworks and hilarious, delightfully destructive chaos kick off, the frame rate often drops well below 30 frames per second. And when the frame rate drops, it’s much harder to defy death as you’re piloting one of the many helicopters, jets, or cars, or stay in the air when you’re using the fun but touchy wingsuit. When you die, you’re subjected to loading times that can last 90 seconds or more. I found myself afraid of another stint in that load-screen penalty box. After a few hours of that, I found myself afraid of another stint in that load-screen penalty box. I began playing conservatively, avoiding crazy stunts that require precise timing or triggering massive explosions in the heat of battle. And when you’re playing conservatively, Just Cause 3 gets boring and frustrating quickly. The task of liberating dozens of towns and capturing military bases by blowing up anything with red on it, knocking over statues, and taking over fortified police stations is pretty repetitive even when it’s at its best, and if you’re not able to exercise your creativity in this sandbox by doing crazy moves, like using your grapple to fling explosive barrels at enemies or crash helicopters into things to keep it interesting, it’s a pretty dull third-person shooter. Enemies this dumb aren’t much fun to fight in conventional ways. Watch our Xbox One vs PlayStation 4 vs PC graphics comparison above. Likewise, the strength of its enormous open world is undermined by start-up loading times that can brush up against four minutes. And when it crashes on you every so often, you get to repeat that. And the beautiful vistas don’t look as beautiful when they’re smeared by low-frame rate motion blur. The problems seem a bit worse on the Xbox One than the PlayStation 4, but they’re both pretty bad. At its best, Just Cause 3's over-the-top action and physics-based mayhem has me laughing out loud on the regular. It’s a damn shame so many performance problems and punishing load times keep cropping up, because I love what Just Cause 3 does. But for game that’s so heavily dependent on action to run this poorly is no laughing matter. When the action gets hot, the PS4 and Xbox One can't deliver the performance Just Cause 3 needs to be fun. Great mobility Impressive destruction Repetitive liberations Performance bugs Epic load times. © 1996-2018 Ziff Davis, LLC. We have updated our PRIVACY POLICY and encourage you to read it by clicking here. IGN uses cookies and other tracking technologies to customize online advertisements, and for other purposes. IGN supports the Digital Advertising Alliance principles. Learn More. Just Cause 3. Developer: Avalanche Studios (SE) July 27, 2017, 2:40 a.m. Aug. 10, 2016, 9:55 p.m. July 12, 2016, 2 p.m. June 1, 2016, 4 p.m. March 5, 2016, 1:02 a.m. Feb. 19, 2016, 3:50 p.m. Jan. 8, 2016, 5:20 p.m. Jan. 1, 2016, 11:40 a.m. May 13, 2015, 1:10 p.m. April 29, 2015, 2:20 p.m. Last Videos. Last Images. Explore the world's biggest action game once again in this third game of the Just Cause franchise. Developer: Avalanche Studios (SE) Editor's Picks. The Rock's 10 Best Movies. We break down Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson's 10 best roles. All contents for Just Cause 3 on Xbox One. We have 5 questions and 4 answers for this game. Check them out to find answers or ask your own to get the exact game help you need. There are 66 achievements for Just Cause 3, click here to see them. No discussions open for Just Cause 3 at the moment. Get rated on SuperCheats.com as an expert for a game by answering questions and submitting stuff. Our experts for Just Cause 3 are.: Popular Games. Popular Games. © Web Media Network Limited, 1999 - 2018. This site is not affiliated in any way with Microsoft, Sony, Sega, Nintendo or any video game publishers. Super Cheats is an unofficial resource with submissions provided by members of the public. These are not usually tested by us (because there are so many), so please use them at your own risk.

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