Xbox One/PS4 (Controller Ideas)
Lots of mixed opinions for this game being on consoles but it would work extremely well with a controller. Consoles have been needing a new experience in terms of gameplay mechanics. There are few games that try new controller themes and when they do it right, they turn out to pretty sweet.. ex(skate, amped 2 not 3, even chivalry with a couple attacks),
I just want to get some ideas stirring around in here.
for example- The swipe attacks could be implemented into the controller by holding down the left trigger and swiping anyway you want with the right joystick while still being able to run with the left.
Controller support is already confirmed.
I imagine the game isn't coming to consoles because they don't have the resources or relevant skills to bring it to consoles (on top of console plebs probably not being interested for the most part). I could be wrong, of course.
The game works pretty well with a controller, tried the Xbox360 and Steam Controller. The thumbstick's precision when it comes to choosing your angle and the tracking makes our 360 swing system very pleasant and fun to use.
So input wise, there would be no issues porting the game over, but as mentioned before we simply don't have the resources to port the game.
The game works pretty well with a controller, tried the Xbox360 and Steam Controller. The thumbstick's precision when it comes to choosing your angle and the tracking makes our 360 swing system very pleasant and fun to use.
So input wise, there would be no issues porting the game over, but as mentioned before we simply don't have the resources to port the game.
Good to know, because i mainly use a controller when i play chivalry. The only thing i hated about using a controller was the limited turning speed.
Roshawn the Scrub.
The game works pretty well with a controller, tried the Xbox360 and Steam Controller. The thumbstick's precision when it comes to choosing your angle and the tracking makes our 360 swing system very pleasant and fun to use.
So input wise, there would be no issues porting the game over, but as mentioned before we simply don't have the resources to port the game.
Thanks, good to know. I hope you guys find the resources. I think it would do great on consoles.
Roshawn the Scrub.
Is that a challenge? Ill gladly duel you in chivalry.
coming from a ps4 chiv player who went to pc i can say that if morhau would ve a MAJOR hit on consoles if the devs support it. tht means bug fixes updates and supporting thecompetitve scene. alot of people still play ps4 and xbone chiv even without support. alot ofthat community is hooked in melee combat and are waiting for a fix. although please for the sake of god add kb/m support if you bring it to console.
Whats even the point of playing on consoles if you just use KBM anyways.
I agree Mordhau would be great on consoles.
Whats even the point of playing on consoles if you just use KBM anyways.
So faggots that complain about "pc 2 muc moneyz" can buy it.
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One Angry Gamer.
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Mordhau, Indie Medieval Fighting Game Gains New Gameplay Video.
You know the spicy meme “end him rightly!”, right? Well a new game called Mordhau by Triternion lets players battle others in a semi-realistic medieval setting with sharp and blunt weapons, and of course sword-pommels. The game is currently set to come out for PC.
You know what, memes were even created before the Interwebs came to existence. In fact, there’s an actual manuscript teaching fellow knights and warriors how to “end an opponent rightly” by throwing a sword’s pommel to finish him.
Although throwing a sword-pommel at an opponent would not kill them, unless it was thrown extremely hard, the meme managed to find its way into a new game, Mordhau . It was only a matter of time before the spicy meme made popular by Skallagrim (who has a Skyrim mod) would find its way into a game, allowing player to end an opponent rightly.
The game Mordhau by indie devs Triternion managed to pass its Kickstarter goal within 24 hours and is now receiving extra content by the devs at this very moment. The game’s official description sits below:
“ Mordhau is an upcoming multiplayer medieval melee game with a strong emphasis on skill-based combat.”
Honestly the game looks really nice to be a small indie project, and from the videos we can see there’s an actual game that can be played and no pre-made cut-scenes that are edited together to make it seem like there is a playable game.
With that said, you can check out the much older video of Mordhau showing character customization and explaining how armor works against specific types of weapons.
The latest trailer containing the “end him rightly” meme, or the pommel of destruction sits below, which also contains gameplay footage.
If the devs can fix up the animations and make them look more smooth I think that Mordhau is headed in the right direction. For more information regarding the multiplayer medieval melee game you can head on over to
Spread The Anger.
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I’m not the only one thinking this looks a LOT like a cheaper version of For Honor , am I?
For honor is a fighting game that uses canned animations. You choose a target and attack them, but that’s the end of your control. In mordhau, you can manipulate your attacks past enemy guards, throw the timing off and do a multitude of things that aren’t possible in FH.
Mostly, FH is a fighter game like Street Fighter or Mortal Combat, whereas Mordhau is much more similar to Chivalry: MW or Mount and blade. Also let me know when for honor adds horse please.
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Top 10 Upcoming WAR GAMES of 2018 (PS4 Xbox One PC)
Опубликовано: 29 окт 2017 10 BEST Upcoming WAR GAMES of 2018 PS4 Xbox One PC | Most Anticipated War Games of 2018.
#10 - Warhammer: Vermintide II (PS4, XB1, PC)
#9 - Skull & Bones (PS4, XB1, PC)
#8 - Escape from Tarkov (PC)
#7 - Insurgency: Sandstorm (PS4/Xbox One/PC)
#6 - Hell Let Loose (PC)
#4 - Iron Harvest (PS4/XB1/PC)
#3 - Kingdom Come: Deliverance (PS4/XB1/PC)
#2 - Age of Empires 4 (PC)
#1 - Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord (PS4/Xbox One/PC)
Battalion 1944 (PS4/Xbox One/PC)
Комментарии • 110.
Oh it’s a bonus, it should be higher!
lol all em medieval games look really bad.
I wish iron harvest would have been battlefield 1.
Skull&bones look's like Assasins Creed Black Flag .
The warthog moment is prob My favorite no games have succeded with the sound so far.
Wow that warhammer game looks as repetitive as hell.
Great video good job man.
99% of the comments are from retards.
how is skull and bones a full game?
Where is PostScriptum?
Wiineko early access game not out.
Too much First Person Shit going on.
iron harvest might have been better as an FPS.
Good year for PC master race, bad year for console peasants.
They all suck, I'm going outside. 😑
Game is dying for real boring and i always hate first person games last best game i played was splinter cell black list and i tink i am finish playing video game not buying any more console and am from the era of the pacman days arcade and its not enjoyable any more we would not see no more dmc, castlevania , resedent evil , guys you know what am talking about so take care until future unless am dead 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
siis mitä, nyt on ryöstö menos REAL?
Student software rape emergency when separate teach magazine partly intent not.
This is the top 10?
Looks like a pile of regurgitated existing games to me.
Where is the originality?
Shit games incoming.
the problem is, corporations have to invest millions of dollars into gaming engines and graphics for it to be decent. Taking out such a loan is a huge risk for a brand new gaming company. Thats why companies like call of duty's activision and the total war series from creative assembly are able bring out new sagas every year, because they make enough money from the old games.
Excited for hell let loose, I'll get battalion 1944 but I fear it's a bit too twitchy n cod like for me.
@2.00 the first fart in a game?
Battalion 1944. Is the only good game coming out.
6:00 a woman, for sure, you see many of em in the special forces. sure. go fuck yourself with that gender bull in games.
Good year for PC.
BallshitBallshit bang bang!
No way i am playing this SHIT.
Drake Sung Not a fam of VR honestly, I don’t see why people love it and throw money at it all the time (my opinion)
come support us Funds will goto our new game called SolOrion. We don't have a game title yet. The Universe is called SolOrion. We have books and art for sale.
Bannerlord isn't coming out in 2018.
Ed Castle really.
Escape from T. Hasn't shown any pvp gameplay.
Man sea of thieves it hyped but I like the more realistic skull and bones look but not either of them are delivering in good play it looks like 😑 they need to my all the good thing about both then give to a class act developer like just sell it to Microsoft to make sure it's done right and they'll give to some one like 343 or valve or something who does Gears?
David M Rodriguez you should try Sea of Thieves.
Uh what you talking about looks great.
Warhammer looks good. But boring 💤
If this is top 10 we are screwed 😱
Insurgency and Hell Let Loose look decent.
bullshit. Witcher which was released in 2015 kills all these games by gameplay, graphics, physics and everything else.
because you can compare every game with witcher . holy shit grow up.
Looks like polished turds. they shine but smell like shite!
MajavE's Planes in KSP like you're taste in games.
i hope iron harvest gets a console release.
They ripped that naval combat straight from assassins creed.
Erik w ubisoft wanted a pirate game like ac4 so they probably recycled.
////because its the people who made assassins creed. good job.
its not the same publisher ?=)))))))))))))
most of the games are terrible for 2018 games. that's probably because most of these games are new. the developers are probably just releasing their games for the first time and trying them out. If most games arent like Battlefield,wolfenstein, God of war, The witcher then its quite probable that they are new games. we still hope to see highly anticipated games like Cyberpunk very soon.
Results of Millennial workforce in the game development industry. sigh smh.
When you realize that apparently graphics are everything.
FarCry 5 in February the graphics look top notch on that.
Did they not say that escape from takarov comes to ps4 and pc.
I can't see anything bad in geared squads. Especially if I'm in one of them.
Tarkov is so poorly optimized as it stands it does not make a difference on what pc you have. Tho it should be a fantastic game at release. We def need more maps and more missions so customs runs are not packed with geared squads.
vali grad A) how are 35€ overpriced? B) what's bad about it being developed by Russians? C) It is tactical and realistic in many aspects D) Have you played it?
vali grad i would say this is nore realistic than arma and squad, have you played the game yet?
@ kim lol ! tactical realistic ? give me a fucking break ! that shit is just their previous game with loot and somewhat better graphics. its just another overhyphed/overpriced piece of shit delivered by ucrainians/russians ! why its not on steam? because it would get a 55 % rating in first month due to players experience with real tactical shit like arma and squad !
Great. Another movie to game adaptation.
Not going to stay true to the story line, going to include repetitive mission objectives, limited to near mindless one rail track mission development, and by obvious displays of commercials, the game looks like it was made back in the mid 2000's with stiff character movement and awkward character graphic development. And then ripping audio right from the film too. Which makes it even more cheesy.
Only a few games ever really nailed it (Lord of the Rings: Two Towers & Return of the King for examples) and were a long lasting, enjoyable series of games.
But when will developers learn that making game adaptations to classic films, without making ANY effort, is just a waste of time, potential, money, and essentially hurts the image and production capability of the developing company. Essentially, this company, if it so decides to move on to a new game, will already have a bad rep with a previous game and its absolute flop. But nope. Just like Thor, Indiana Jones, Iron Man, Spider Man, and other film/comic/tv show adaptations, they decide that the glorified original is good enough for people to swamp to the game itself, without thinking twice.
Yeah games suck anymore with all the bull shit that they think is cool.
I was excited for Battalion 1944 but looking at his gameplay It looks like Call of Duty. gross.
Uh by Call of duty do you mean the first games, because that's basically what they said they wanted to make it like. Not a tactical shooter. Go play day of Infamy or something if you want teamwork, and tactics. It's going to be a corridor shooter.
shadow Tornado777 Well then educate me. I followed it for a long time and it looks like a very realistic and tactical shooter in there first couple advertisements.
Nonac Rize Then you obviously never payed attention to what the devs goals were.
Current gen gaming is trash compared to the xbox360/ps3 era.
Think you're just getting older and use to gaming. I would say the same about the Nintendo 64 days but then I pop one of those games in and be like this isn't as good as I remember. You're just harder to impress.
literally clicked on this video just to say the same thing in different words. Thank you sir I agree.
Choo_Choo LQ83 u are so absolute 10000000% correct its sad to say like i know remember syphon filter and dino crisis we never get games like dat now take care dude.
fair enough you are entitled to that, but the only thing I think was better back then was no loot boxes in every AAA game. Though most the games on this list are being made by indie devs so they wont have them either for the most part. Back 5-10 years ago we'd never get this many new indie devs working on titles that will actually rival AAA games. Which will cause the AAA devs to pull their heads out of their asses when they start losing the market to new games/devs. I think the last few years have been pretty lackluster, but 2018, and onwards looks pretty decent.
leathery420 yeah buddy I'm also a pc gamer. Just my opinion. It's got nothing to do with graphics or performance. Current gen consoles are trash compares to the 360/ps3 era. Again just my personal opinion.
Guess i will start searching a nagging wife and be a shitty casual person from now one. Gaming is going downhill pretty fast.
lul that nightmare seems "desirable" when seeing whats happening to gaming but still i refuse i will make my own fking game.
All these look bad.
Doozer Looshbag I seriously am going to get a new console just for that game !
파티마 bts-army double like.
A lot of these games look sorry.
Well im just hpyed for MORDHAU, AOE4 and Warhammer V. ❤❤
Warhammer: V. Is good bc u can now exp how hard it is to kill those guys in real Warhammer :3.
i have a pc playing the witcher 3 at full graphics without lag in 2 144hz monitors.
marco palco that why millions of people play ever day.
i love my Ps4 and Nintendo switch but i really do want to start getting into pc gaming . donuts are always delicious too though.
marco palco Mad because your mom didn't buy you that system all your friends have?
For consoles yes PC no.
Skull & Bones semmes very.. very cool !
Yes I understand this game will be better but the game mechanics and general idea are the same.Im not sure if this game allows you to venture ashore and attack locations like Black Flag allows which in my view makes Black Flag the superior game.
Neddskorg not the same.
Just buy a cheap copy of AC Black Flag and you can play it.
Someone is always gonna complain.
Doesn't look like it to me. These games look to have much more depth in their gameplay then the games we have gotten in previous years. the last 5-10 years they have just been dumbing down games. These actually look to give choice back to the player.
Mordhau: Protějšek Kingdom Come zamířil na Kickstarter.
Mordhau je „téměř“ vším, čím české RPG nikdy nebude.
A to je dobře. Mordhau a Kingdom Come: Deliverance by klidně mohly být jednou hrou, skvěle by se doplňovaly.
Z kickstarterové stránky slovinského titulu Mordhau totiž vyplývá, že se hra chystá excelovat ve všech směrech, které vývojáři Kingdom Come úplně „zavrhli“. Tituly se nápadně podobají, inu, jen na první pohled.
Kromě zasazení do raného středověku totiž nemají společného absolutně nic. Zatímco Kingdom Come bude čistě příběhovou záležitostí, Mordhau naopak nabídne pouze hru více hráčů. Multiplayer by přitom mělo být možné hrát až o 64 lidech, přičemž potvrzena byla také podpora dedikovaných serverů.
Podobně je tomu s bojovým systémem. Navzdory tomu, že obě hry používají kameru z pohledu první osoby, rozdíl „na frontě“ by měl být citelný. Combat v Kingdom Come se totiž snaží být téměř perfektní simulací reálného šermu, zatímco první ukázky boje v Mordhau působí méně realisticky, více sandboxově, a tudíž pro „běžné hráče“ i zábavněji.
Vývojáři titulů se dokonce rozcházejí i ve volbě použitých technologií. Mordhau bude pohánět Unreal Engine 4, Kingdom Come: Deliverance konkrenční Cryengine.
Jedním z hlavních lákadel Mordhau však podle nás bude customizace. Hra by měla hráči nabídnout možnost poskládat si vlastní meč ale i jinou zbroj, jak to v praxi bude či nebude fungovat však zatím nevíme.
Zvědaví jsme také na rozmanitá bojiště, které nám autoři slibují. Kromě zelených plání bysme se měli ocitnout také na poušti, či mezi ledovci.
Mordhau má stanoveno datum vydání „provizorně“ na březen/marec 2018, podle informací z videa bychom se však ještě letos měli dočkat Alfa verze, a v lednu/januári příštího roku také Beta verze hry. Autoři ze studia Triternion žádají v crowdfundingové kampani na Kickstarteru po komunitě jen 80 tisíc dolarů, což je podstatně méně, než chtěli čeští Warhorse Studios.
Vzhledem na to, že na projektu prý v současnosti pracuje pouze 10 lidí, Triternion vydání hry pro konzole negarantují, zároveň ho ale do budoucna ani nevylučují. Navzdory tomu však počet backerů neúprosně roste a my slovinskému týmu držíme palce.
Aktualizace: Dnes kolem 13:30 se Mordhau na Kicksterteru podařilo vybrat požadovanou částku. Peníze vysbírané „nad rámec původního cíle“ by měli být rovněž investovány do vývoje hry.
Peter Novák je nezávislý redaktor IGN. Můžete ho sledovat na sociální síti Twitter.
Kingdom Come: Deliverance.
21. prosince 2017 17:30.
10. června 2017 15:00.
10. června 2017 12:00.
8. dubna 2017 14:00.
9. března 2017 13:15.
28. ledna 2017 11:30.
Nejnovější obrázky.
Rooted within the Holy Roman Empire during the late Middle Ages, Kingdom Come: Deliverance promises a first-person seat to a harsh and brutal power struggle for the throne. <P> As players traverse expansive, strikingly detailed locales, they’ll grapple with a range of period-accurate fighting techniques, horseback combat, open-field sieges, and large-scale battles, all while developing relationships and a reputation that will inform the greater story. Kingdom Come: Deliverancepromises no magic, high fantasy or mythical overtones - it draws its inspiration instead from historically authentic characters, themes, and warfare.
Mordhau exceeds initial goal of Kickstarter in less than 24 hours – Gameplay Video and Details.
A group of developers from several countries announced Mordhau , their first multiplayer medieval first-person combat title, where battles range from duels to open battles of up to 64 players with horses, siege machinery and castle to be invaded. The game has already reached its initial goal of $80,000 from its Kickstarter campaign in less than 24 hours.
Mordhau Gameplay Video and Details.
Mordhau will have a skill-based combat system that will be easy to learn, but difficult to master. The game will be developed under Unreal Engine 4 and it will be released via Steam for Windows. The launch on other operating systems or platforms could happen, but there are no concrete plans so far.
The game will have a combat system in which you can combine several attacks to destroy your enemies, along with expressive controls that allow you to perform attacks from about 240 different angles . In addition, you will have dedicated servers to avoid any connection problem or a bad netcode. We will have the option of customizing our warrior to our own taste, choosing weapons, armor, gloves, helmet, etc, and we will even have the opportunity to create our own weapon. Mordhau is thought to be an online game, but you can play both online and offline against AI in different difficulties .
There will be a variety of battles and places to fight to keep each battle interesting, from deserts to huge forests and peaks of ice. There is no concrete release date for Mordhau, but its Kickstarter campaign suggests that it will be launched in March 2018.
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