Murdered soul xbox one
It is a mix of old school adventure atmosphere, smartass detective work, it is slow but it is great. The Story keeps you interested, the acting is top notch, the relationship between the main character and his partner is akin that of Booker and Elizabeth in Bioshock Infinite.
This game is fun and funny, ok in some areas and amazing in others. It is a relaxing experience, and one that should be experienced. You'll feel like you are watching Ghost (the Demi Moore and Patrick Swayze flick) at times, at others it'll be a Tex Murphy experience.
It's about a detective who is trying to figure out who murdered him. This game isn't action packed or full of gun fights and explosions like many other games, but it is more like a detective-noir game, which in my opinion there aren't enough of. This game dares to go where other games won't. 9/10 … Expand.
2) It is very polished and performed well on my somewhat old PC.
3) Rich story line and well acted and developed characters.
4) You can be a cat and press a button to meow. HOW COOL IS THAT.
1) Yes, walking through walls is fun. but then you limited to only being able to walk through certain walls. I understand there are limitations to what can be done in a computer game in this regard. but still it was very obvious.
2) Replay-ability is 0.
3) The story was very short, say 8-10 hours, combined with the 0 replay-ability does not justify the retail price. not even close.
4) The game play is limited. It felt like a virtual scavenger hunt sprinkled with where's Waldo. Point and click. point and click. Oh look a demon. New area. Point and click. etc. the entire game.
5) Oh yes and the demons. the only possible aggressive actions the character can take are towards anything in the game are demons. Which basically equates to walking up behind them and pressing a random key and mouse button combination to get rid of them. Lame and annoying.
5) Because you are a detective you are supposed to solve crimes. In this game it involves walking around in an area until you find all the clues and then deciding which of these clues are relevant to the issue being solved. But the only negative in not getting the correct clues is. a reduction in the rating of how good of a detective you are. The one you picked that was wrong is grayed out then you try and pick another clue. After missing 2 you are at the minimum fail for the current mystery. you might as well start clicking them all.
6) To many cut-scenes where you just watched the story lines, a great deal of them was in between areas where you would expect them. But other were it really odd places. and felt unneeded.
7) Much of the game involves finding stuff. Other then the clues for the investigations EVERYTHING ELSE CAN BE IGNORED.. The notes from his wife, the signs on the walls, and the location specific items that "reveal the story".. ALL Irrelevant and inconsequential to the game. All filler add to add some sort of time consuming depth to the game. Also note that the game play time I gave of 8-10 hours included me trying to find most of these items. Once I realized that they did nothing but wast my time I stopped collecting them near the end of the game,
8) THE ENDING WAS CRAP. I cant stress it enough. THE ENDING WAS CRAP. You would expect a highly polished story like this to really reward you in the end. NOTHING. Note when you start playing it will be obvious at one point what the ending should be for our hero if he succeeds in solving his murder. I was expecting a very polished and satisfying end. what we get is equivalent to "hey baby" . roll credits. WAAAAAAAAT. I literally yelled that and my wife asked what was wrong. I can see possibly why thy did it, to keep a sequel option open. But by doing it the way they did detracted from the kind of ending a game with this level of polished story line deserved.
Murdered: Soul Suspect.
THE HARDEST MURDER TO SOLVE IS YOUR OWN A dark, supernatural detective thriller with a unique gameplay twist: solving your own murder from the afterlife. Ronan O’Connor, a detective with the Salem police, has his life brought to a brutal end by a masked killer. Caught in the purgatorial world of Dusk he must combine his investigative skills with powerful supernatural abilities to uncover the shocking link between his own death and a series of killings terrifying the town of Salem.
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Murdered: Soul Suspect.
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THE HARDEST MURDER TO SOLVE IS YOUR OWN A dark, supernatural detective thriller with a unique gameplay twist: solving your own murder from the afterlife. Ronan O’Connor, a detective with the Salem police, has his life brought to a brutal end by a masked killer. Caught in the purgatorial world of Dusk he must combine his investigative skills with powerful supernatural abilities to uncover the shocking link between his own death and a series of killings terrifying the town of Salem.
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Beat it in one sitting could not put my controller down.
Went in with no expectations and was surprised at how good this game was. Athough I was fully invested in the game one playthrough is enough for me as this game has no replay value. When you beat the game you can't go back and revisit areas to collect hidden collectables that you missed instead you have to restart a new game. Overall it is an enjoyable game for Murder Mystery fans.
153 out of 162 people found this helpful.
Some like'em short.
Get it while its free. Its a little too short of a main storyline for me, even with the side stories. I loved it, there were a few minor snags in the overall view now that ive finished.. BUT i thought it was fun and they are on the right track, just MAKE IT LONGER. More depth, more side stories, more hours of entertainment.
46 out of 48 people found this helpful.
Not to bad, was pretty short.
It's a good game, wasn't that long really. I run into a few bugs here ahd there. The down side is: Once you beat the game, you can't continue by running around and finding clues. Your force to be at the ending again. No exiting.
136 out of 146 people found this helpful.
I actually enjoyed this game a lot, it's really good up until about 3/4 of the way through, then it starts to feel rushed and unfinished. Ending wasn't horrible though. Hope this gets a proper sequel because it's a fun and original idea. 👌
61 out of 64 people found this helpful.
Decent story with dull weak gameplay.
If you're looking for action or horror look elsewhere. What this game does give you is a decent detective story with very bad and luckily very very far between stealth sections. You spend 95% of the game finding clues or collectables that add together to tell the story. Now there only 2 types of enemies. A trap you must walk around and demons that are usually in groups of 3 and the only way to deal with them is sneak up and stealth kill them. Luckily neither enemy is used very much at all usually 1 group of demons per stage and a few traps to avoid. Overall this is not a bad game. It would have been better if had no enemies and more time was used to improve the detective parts. It would be better if it was more Telltale style. I would only recommend this as a rental or at very discounted price. One plus is for Achievement hunters. With a few guides it is a easy 1000.
152 out of 165 people found this helpful.
great game.
I love this game the best story drivin game I've played on Xbox one so far the connection between salem witch trials and salem in the some what modern age is grate an some thing i wish i would see more of. now on to the down side the game play is fun at first but gets stale vary quickly the teleport and walking mechanic are clucky at best i cant tell you how meny times I died do to a slight miss calculation or the cross hairs going ferther or not far enough. but honestly it is a great game dispite the mechanics the story is so good it helps you get over most of its bad marits. and if you were hoping it to be an action game YOU WILL BE DISAPPOINTED.
80 out of 86 people found this helpful.
One **** Of A Mystery.
The story is engaging & has quite a few unpredictable plot twists that throws off even the most clever gamers. Combined with a variety of puzzles that makes for a different & unique experience. The nicely animated cutscenes help bring life to the characters.
28 out of 29 people found this helpful.
A Mini-Cinematic Detective Story.
For fans of cinematic games that focus on story rather gameplay. Don't expect an open world with lots of gameplay but if you enjoy solving puzzles and mysteries, this is a well made game. Its pretty short, gives you easy achievements and is lots of fun to solve the supernatural/crime mix drama. GET IT WHILE ITS FREE! You won't regret it.
94 out of 104 people found this helpful.
Mostly good, though one huge flaw.
I loved this game, except for one huge pervasive flaw that ruined the experience, the demon combat. I never thought I'd say this about a game, but itt would be waay better without the combat. The combat was not fun or satisfying, it was annoying, inconsistant, mostly broken, and was just a downer each time it happened. I even skipped interesting backstory just to avoid it in the especially poorly designed mansion level. Overall thoughh 90% of the game was fun , good story, setting and atmosphere.
99 out of 109 people found this helpful.
Good, Cinematic Supernatural CSI.
An entertaing detective game with a few interesting mechanics. Good story and a few points during gameplay that were pleasantly surprising and fun. (el gato, :3) Fairly well polished. Not much action and a bit bare-bones in a linear arc, but worth a try if you like detective dramas, the supernatural, and/or narrative based games. Plus its free this month, so give it a shot.
51 out of 56 people found this helpful.
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Murdered: Soul Suspect - Xbox One.
Blood, Intense violence, Strong language, Use of alcohol.
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Ratings & Reviews.
Product Details.
Developer: Airtight Games Publisher: Square Enix Platform: Xbox One Genre: Action and Adventure Release Date: 06/03/2014 See All Details.
Product Features.
Take on the role of Ronan O'Connor, a detective with a past of ups and downs who had the unfortunate luck of being brutally murdered — but don't let that stop you from finding out who brought your life to its untimely end.
Explore the town of Salem, Massachusetts while you're stuck in the shadowy, limbo world of Dusk, and move freely from one haunting location to the next in the pursuit of new leads.
Harness supernatural abilities to help you during your investigation as you explore wooden houses, narrow streets, gothic churches, mental asylums and more.
Evade demonic spirits as you uncover shocking revelations about who is responsible for your death.
Experience the morbid mystery in stunning 1080p with elements, including subsurface scattering and an increased particle count, that depict the immersive ghost world in jaw-dropping clarity.
Overall Customer Rating.
gameplay ( 6 )
Most Helpful ReviewsSee all customer reviews.
Over promised, under delivered.
The trailers for this game looked fantastic. The sales pitch of open world game play from beyond the grave, investigating your own murder, and seeing some spooky sites in Salem, MA. Well, here it is. The game has decent graphics, but not what you would expect from the nexgen consoles. The world is extremely small and you are blocked at nearly every turn from getting outside of the main paths. The game plays more like a story rather than an actual game. Run here, run there, press this button sequence and then watch the cut scenes. Even the "combat" left much to be desired. No action, sneak up on a demon and press a button sequence and voila! There is absolutely no replay value to this game because it will be the same every time you play it. Same story, same sequence of events, same roaming patterns of demons, and the same lackluster finale.
No, I would not recommend this to a friend.
Game was very good.
Game was very good and I enjoyed it. The story was well written and game mechanics were good and easy to get use to. I wish there was a chapter select to allow you to go back and pick up collectibles you missed. Otherwise I enjoyed my time with this game.
I would recommend this to a friend.
Great, Interactive Ghost Story.
I was worried when I first picked up this game because of awful reviews given on gaming websites. However, I'm a fan of ghost stories AND detective games, so I had to give it a shot when I was able to pick it up for around $30. The first thing that struck me was the atmosphere. The art style is very well designed and portrays two separate worlds, the real world and the ghost world, very well on one screen at the same time. The voice acting for the main characters is incredibly well done, although some of the random characters walking around are average. The sound in this game is surprisingly important, as often times you'll hear enemies shriek long before you ever realize they're there. The collectables are a lot of fun to hunt down and find, with many of them providing extra Ghost stories that are narrated over a still picture. They are wonderfully done, and add a lot to the world of the game. The investigations are fun, if not terribly deep, and you never really fail an investigation so you don't have to worry about starting over. The "combat" is. a little wonky, and really is best viewed if you try it more as a puzzle than an action game. It's designed to try and sneak up on your enemies, since there's no way to directly confront them. The story is everything I hoped I'd get from a good ghost story, and is why I have enjoyed playing this game so much. The main character is #surprisingly# incredibly likable, finding information about the killer is intriguing, and the side ghost stories can be especially fun. However, a fair warning: If you're considering buying this for your young teen or child, please consider that this game is rated M for Mature for a good reason. There are acts that are described in the game or shown in cutscenes that, while not gory, can be downright disturbing, and sometimes involve children. The game isn't perfect though, and suffers from a few technical faults. The game hiccups at weird, random locations sometimes, and can make it feel a little sluggish. Other times, you'll get spotted when you think you're clearly behind a wall, only to find out you had a tiny spot of you sticking through but didn't notice because of the camera angle. Minor details for a story game, but makes it seem not as polished as it could of been. Overall, if you like games for the story, or you like a good ghost story. If you're unsure, I would highly recommend this game once it drops in price a little bit or goes on sale. Definitely have enjoyed ever minute of the game. I paid 30 and don't regret it at all.
I would recommend this to a friend.
This is a game that needs to be approached with the right mindset in order to be fully and properly understood. Murdered is an interactive movie with a story straight out of the best 90's b-reel supernatural horror flicks that dominated the video store of an era long bygone. The challenge level is extremely low but the mood and nighttime atmosphere the game evokes are hard to deny. Destined for Steam Sale must-buy status, Murdered is a game that will engage you and take you back to a simpler time, even as it celebrates its b-movie heritage and paper-thin actual gameplay.
I would recommend this to a friend.
Great story and a nice change.
A nice change of pace. A good departure from first person shooters and racing games.
I would recommend this to a friend.
This a fairly decent game. Nothing great, but for a good price, worth it.
I would recommend this to a friend.
I got the game thinking that it would have all of the things that I would like in a game like this, but it didn't. Although I did play it for sometime, I began to become very bored by the game; it felt as if the story wasn't going anywhere honestly. So I wanted to return it but I couldn't because of federal laws (load of bull) and then I tried to trade it into GameStop, but they were only going to give me a dollar for it when I just paid $19, so I just said forget it and it's been collecting dust in my cabinet ever since.
No, I would not recommend this to a friend.
I liked this game easy to play and great price. Great job.
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Xbox One Cheats.
This page contains a list of cheats, codes, Easter eggs, tips, and other secrets for Murdered: Soul Suspect for Xbox One . If you've discovered a cheat you'd like to add to the page, or have a correction, please click EDIT and add it.
EditFaster Credits.
As you are viewing the game's closing credits, you can tilt the analog stick up to make them scroll more quickly.
Submitted by: kaitokidd1412.
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Welcome to the Murdered: Soul Suspect Walkthrough . This walkthrough focuses on the main story objectives. Locations of Collectibles can be found in the Side Cases sections. The Unfinished Business Cases also have their own section in the walkthrough.
EditMain Walkthrough.
The walkthrough is organized based on the investigation area names. Generally if there are objectives between investigation areas, they will be found on the page for the investigation area they lead up to.
EditUnfinished Business Cases.
These are really side quests (as they aren't necessary to progress in the story), but in the case files they show up alongside the main story investigations rather than under Side Cases.
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Murdered: Soul Suspect.
3. juli 2014 20:29.
18. juni 2014 20:00.
21. marts 2014 12:28.
Seneste billeder.
Murdered: Soul Suspect is a dark detective thriller with a supernatural twist: the mystery you are solving is your own murder from the afterlife. Play as Ronan O’Connor, a Salem police detective with a checkered past, whose life is brought to an untimely end by a brutal killer. Trapped in a limbo world called Dusk, he is unable to find peace until he can bring his killer to justice. <p> Using his new-found supernatural abilities, Ronan is free to explore the town of Salem, Massachusetts, from his shadowy afterlife. Unable to communicate with the detectives on his case, Ronan must read the minds of the living, influencing their thoughts and actions. As part of his investigation, he must interrogate the ghosts of Salem’s past citizens to piece together the puzzle, while battling demonic spirits to save his soul and uncover the shocking truth about who is responsible for his death.
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Dronningen af tyngdekraftsevner er tilbage I Keiichiro Toyama’s Gravity Rush 2. For at løse et fremtidigt problem er Kat nødt til at udforske sin fortid, i denne fremragende efterfølger til Gravity Rush.
Murdered: Soul Suspect.
Utvecklare: Airtight Games.
24 oktober 2016 16:27.
4 juni 2014 01:21.
23 maj 2014 00:41.
Senaste bilderna.
Murdered: Soul Suspect is a dark detective thriller with a supernatural twist: the mystery you are solving is your own murder from the afterlife. Play as Ronan O’Connor, a Salem police detective with a checkered past, whose life is brought to an untimely end by a brutal killer. Trapped in a limbo world called Dusk, he is unable to find peace until he can bring his killer to justice. Using his new-found supernatural abilities, Ronan is free to explore the town of Salem, Massachusetts, from his shadowy afterlife. Unable to communicate with the detectives on his case, Ronan must read the minds of the living, influencing their thoughts and actions. As part of his investigation, he must interrogate the ghosts of Salem’s past citizens to piece together the puzzle, while battling demonic spirits to save his soul and uncover the shocking truth about who is responsible for his death.
Murdered: Soul Suspect Review Xbox One.
key review info.
Game: Murdered: Soul Suspect Platform: Xbox One Reviewed on: June 3rd, 2014 12:51 GMT Written by: Andrei Dobra Show system requirements.
True detective games, not those where you go around while pointing and clicking at things, are few and far between in the industry nowadays, with the most recent example being L.A. Noire from Rockstar Games and Team Bondi .
Now, Airtight Games and Square Enix want to take things further with their latest project, Murdered: Soul Suspect, which delivers a detective story with a twist, as you have to solve your own murder as a ghost.
Besides the outlandish premise, Murdered promises some great detective work using the hero's real-life abilities combined with the new supernatural ones that allow him to possess living people, talk to fellow ghosts, and manifest various pieces of evidence.
Does Murdered: Soul Suspect manage to deliver a great experience or should we leave the mystery unsolved? Let's find out.
Murdered: Soul Suspect kicks off with a pretty intense montage of the life of protagonist Ronan O'Connor, a former convict turned police detective who's gone through a huge amount of tough moments, culminating with the loss of his wife, Julia.
The actual action kicks off with yet another loss for Ronan, that of his life, as he's thrown out the window by the Bell Killer, a serial murderer that's been causing havoc in the town of Salem, Massachusetts, a location with an already violent history.
After experiencing a brief bit of walking towards the light, you get to talk to Julia and she explains, rather simply, that you have to stay as a ghost on earth until you solve your unfinished business, i.e. your murder.
What follows is a pretty decent story that manages to keep players sufficiently interested in finding the Bell Killer and continuing to explore the plot. Unfortunately, some of the characters aren't that well developed, including Ronan, who has a rich history but behaves in a bland way.
The road to the conclusion is filled with twists and turns and the result is reasonably satisfying, although quite a few of the side cases are certainly more interesting.
Murdered: Soul Suspect isn't your regular third-person action adventure, as Ronan can't shoot a gun, drive around, or interact with most of the human characters he meets in the story.
Thanks to more exposition from a sufficiently creepy little girl, Ronan manages to understand the basic life of a ghost in Salem. You can wander around the town but you can't enjoy walking through buildings, as most of them have been consecrated to keep evil spirits out. If you manage to find an open door or window, however, you can go in and start to shift through walls.
You can possess other people, but most of the times you're only able to hear a glimpse of their thoughts. Only in very specific cases can you see through their eyes to spot clues or influence their actions depending on your goals.
You can have conversations with the surprisingly large number of ghosts that are still stuck in Salem and you can even help some of them uncover their unresolved business and help them ascend to Murdered's versions of paradise.
In terms of the actual detective gameplay, it more or less behaves like a regular point and click adventure. You have a small area of investigation and a prompt shows you the number of clues in that zone. You must slowly walk around and inspect all the possible clues and end the investigation whenever you feel you can answer the main question, like what was the killer doing there.
You can also pick up on the events that happened in that zone and emit a theory on why the people behaved in that way. Some of these challenges require a bit of logical thinking but others are painfully obvious, especially since the game actually shows the person in a suggestive freeze frame.
Finding and interacting with clues can be quite frustrating from time to time, as some objects only display the interact prompt in certain positions and camera angles, so you'll more often than not have to walk around an object before getting the necessary prompt.
In the conclusion of an investigation is where Murdered: Soul Suspect also stumbles, as there's no penalty for failure. You're presented with a main question and you need to select between one and three clues that answer it. Choosing incorrectly sends you back and asks you to select again, leading to a game of trial and error.
Once you finish an investigation you can influence the behavior of a certain person, most often a cop, and there is a sense of progression, albeit dampened by the trial and error sequence and sometimes the painfully obvious or confusing questions asked by the game.
The secondary cases are interesting in terms of story but also a bit confusing and prone to trial and error when it comes to investigating them. Also, some vital clues may also glitch out, meaning they won't appear in the game's world.
Exploration is relatively straightforward but, in order to steer the player through the small town of Salem, the developer chose to bring other ghostly objects that prevent him from going down certain alleys or paths, which feels a bit cheap.
One major aspect of Murdered: Soul Suspect is that the ghost world is inhabited not just by souls with unfinished business, but also terrifying demons that feed on the regular souls and are almost invincible. In order to take them down, Ronan must sneak behind them and engage in a small quick-time event in order to defeat them. If he's caught, he can teleport through ghostly remains and hide in them until the demon goes to look for him somewhere else.
These moments are pretty intense but are used a bit too often towards the end of the game, cheapening the impact of the story due to the constant cat and mouse game between Ronan and the demons.
Murdered: Soul Suspect is a pretty good-looking game on the Xbox One, managing to deliver an intriguing view of the ghost realm as well as a colorful yet spooky version of Salem. The cut scenes are good, although some of the character models aren't that high-quality. A few slowdowns in terms of framerate were also spotted when starting investigations.
The soundtrack is also good, but not out of this world. It mostly revolves around traditional thriller and detective movie orchestral scores. The voice acting is decent enough, but no performance stands out all that much.
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