среда, 27 июня 2018 г.


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FAQ Bounty - Write a FAQ for a Most Wanted game, get cash. Game Companies - A list of all the companies that have developed and published games. Game Credits - A list of all the people and groups credited for all the games we know of. Most Wanted - The Top 100 popular games without full FAQs on GameFAQs. My Games - Build your game collection, track and rate games. Rankings - A list of games ranked by rating, difficulty, and length as chosen by our users. Top 100 - The Top 100 most popular games on GameFAQs today. What's New - New games, FAQs, reviews, and more. © 2018 CBS Interactive Inc. All rights reserved. xboxone. 6 327 пользователей находятся здесь. МОДЕРАТОРЫ. Arowin Arowin MikeyJayRaymond Simple Rlight #teamchief _deffer_ deffer delicious_cheese DeliciousCheeze tobiasvl tobiasvl - #teamchief ClassyTurkey Enter Gamertag XboxCountdown XbotOne AutoModerator . и ещё 5 » Welcome to Reddit, the front page of the internet. and subscribe to one of thousands of communities. Это архивированный пост. Вы не можете голосовать или комментировать. отправлено 4 года назад автор [deleted] Want to add to the discussion? помощь правила сайта центр поддержки вики реддикет mod guidelines связаться с нами. приложенияи инструменты Reddit for iPhone Reddit for Android mobile website кнопки. Использование данного сайта означает, что вы принимаете пользовательского соглашения и Политика конфиденциальности. © 2018 reddit инкорпорейтед. Все права защищены. REDDIT and the ALIEN Logo are registered trademarks of reddit inc. π Rendered by PID 15290 on app-555 at 2018-02-02 00:09:39.612324+00:00 running af40cd1 country code: RU. Kingdom Under Fire II. Latest Stories. TGS 2014: The Many Looks of Tokyo Game Show. September 19, 2014. Kingdom Under Fire II Unleashes on PS4. November 12, 2013. Kingdom Under Fire II Preview. Help us solve the toughest (or most puzzling) game puzzles and challenges. Our attempt to answer issues which most commonly occur on IGN's wikis. About This Game. Summary Specifications Features Game Editions. Kingdom Under Fire II is an RTS for the masses that features both a single campaign mode as well as a MMO mode. Players can explore vast battlefields, experience unique gameplay and get lost in a new storyline, which introduces a third faction to the struggle between the Human Alliance and the Dark Legiona. Supported Functions Online. The game continues a saga of Bersian heroes on Kingdom Under Fire universe. Massively Multiplayer Online game where thousands of gamers can co-play and write their own epic poetry of war. Much empowered real-time strategy game system with highly intense action and intuitive control while succeeding all the great merits of previous versions. Unprecedentedly massive scale of castle siege mode delivers realistic mediaeval battle onto your nose. Competition and War among 3 factions over the domination of Bersia continent; Human Alliance, Dark Legion and a new mystery force. Games You May Like. Strategy PlayStation 4. Latest Videos. Latest Image. IGN.com: Content Team Standards & Practices Send Us News Site Map International: IGN World Map Adria Africa Australia Brazil Benelux Canada China Czech Denmark Finland France Germany Greece Hungary India Ireland Israel Italy Japan Latin America Middle East Norway Pakistan Poland Portugal Romania Russia Southeast Asia Spain Sweden Turkey United Kingdom United States. Copyright 1996-2018 Ziff Davis, LLC An IGN Entertainment Games site. We have updated our PRIVACY POLICY and encourage you to read it by clicking here. IGN uses cookies and other tracking technologies to customize online advertisements, and for other purposes. IGN supports the Digital Advertising Alliance principles. Learn More. Blocked IP Address. Your IP address has been temporarily blocked due to a large number of HTTP requests. The most common causes of this issue are: Using a script or add-on that scans GameFAQs for box and screen images, overloading our search engine Running a "scraper" or "downloader" program that either does not identify itself or uses fake headers to elude detection Using a badly configured (or badly written) browser add-on for blocking content Overusing our search engine with a very large number of searches in a very short amount of time. If you promise to stop (by clicking the Agree button below), we'll unblock your connection for now, but we will immediately re-block it if we detect additional bad behavior. If you do not understand what is causing this behavior, please contact us here. Also on GameFAQs. Help - Answers to the most commonly asked questions about GameFAQs. FAQ Bookmarks - Access and manage the bookmarks you have added to different guides. FAQ Bounty - Write a FAQ for a Most Wanted game, get cash. Game Companies - A list of all the companies that have developed and published games. Game Credits - A list of all the people and groups credited for all the games we know of. Most Wanted - The Top 100 popular games without full FAQs on GameFAQs. My Games - Build your game collection, track and rate games. Rankings - A list of games ranked by rating, difficulty, and length as chosen by our users. Top 100 - The Top 100 most popular games on GameFAQs today. What's New - New games, FAQs, reviews, and more. © 2018 CBS Interactive Inc. All rights reserved. Kingdom Under Fire 2 Q&A. Some may think it strange to see an upcoming game called Kingdom Under Fire 2 when, over the past few years, we've seen many titles bearing the same name. There was Kingdom Under Fire: A War of Heroes on PC back in 2001, The Crusaders in 2004 on Xbox, Heroes in 2005 on Xbox, Circle of Doom on Xbox 360 last year. Granted not all these titles have been exactly the same in terms of gameplay, but they definitely number more than one. So what, then, can we expect from Blueside's official sequel? They said in a press release a few weeks back that it would be an MMOARTS, meaning massively multiplayer online action real time strategy game. We decided to ask what that actually meant. IGN: What was the reasoning behind the decision to depart from the RTS and dungeon crawler genres of the previous games and opt for a MMOARTS? SangYoun Lee: Kingdom Under Fire 2 ("KUF2" hereinafter) as introduced in our first announcement is a sequel that truly inherits Kingdom Under Fire: The Crusaders. First, our goal was to make a perfection of action Real-time Strategy genre that once we tried to achieve in KUFTC. And I've always believed that the key essence of RTS games is to enjoy completing it with other people online. Blending these two principals gave a birth to the new Kingdom Under Fire and ended up being called a MMOARTS game, which stands for Massively Multiplayer Online Action RTS, with a virtual world where gamers can live in, form a massive army then declare a war against other groups of gamers rather than go for a quick in-and-out RTS match. Even though KUF2 will be based on an MMO system which can hold a massive population and players can interact with each other, its general game system will purely reflect the traditional RTS that you know. Instead of you become a commander or foot-soldier wandering around in a map to hunt monsters like in RPGs, in KUF2 you will experience revolutionary enhanced RTS battles that not only allow you to tactically command your troops, but also urge you to protect your territories, castles, keeps and etc. in both first and third perspective. With in-game supplies to grow your hero, army and territory, there shall be unlimited tactics and strategies that you can come up with. Reviving the medieval ages, thousands of gamers can co-join in war, choose their side, trade with each other, expand and cultivate their territory, then go out to the battlefield to match with other gamers in 1 vs. 1, 2 vs. 2, or 3 vs. 3 over possession or protection of territories. IGN: Will we see characters from the previous games in the game (Regnier/Rick Miner, Celine, Curian, Lilani, Leinhardt, etc.)? SangYoun Lee: Some of them will make their return, but more heroes will be newly introduced with unique look and strength for each. We will reveal more information around them down the road. IGN: Were the characters in Circle of Doom in a dream state (or sleeping in Encablossa) throughout the game? SangYoun Lee: Circle of Doom was all about heroes being caught inside of Encablossa's dimension and their attempts to escape from it. Luckily some of heroes did manage themselves to get out from this doom world and when they returned to real world, 150 years passed although they'd only stayed in Encablossa's dimension for a short period. The new story of Kingdom Under Fire starts from that point then resumes the saga of Kingdom Under Fire universe. IGN: Similar story elements from Kingdom Under Fire are shared with 99 Nights; are there plans for a cross-over down the road? SangYoun Lee: Yes. A cross-over between heroes and events has always been our method to develop storyline from the start. It's just that it will get much deeper and more complicated in KUF2 with introduction of several new heroes. IGN: What lies in store for Bersia down the road? Is there perhaps a new continent to explore or being planned? SangYoun Lee: I will leave this for fans to find out ƒº. IGN: What is the new faction? SangYoun Lee: They are called Encablossians. As Regnier returned from Encablossa's dimension, he brought a massive Encablossian army consist of mutants to destroy and take control over the Age of Light. IGN: Would you mind describing how the MMO component of the game actually works? How does the MMO fit into the storyline of Kingdom Under Fire? Is there going to be a fee associated with playing online? SangYoun Lee: As mentioned above, the MMO part occurs on the world map by players who participated in war. The story can be found and followed in single campaign mode – not on the battlefield of MMO scale. It is very similar to the single player mode of KUFTC if you can recall. With fundamental idea that Human Alliance, Dark Legion, and Encablossa have a goal to conquer the Bersia continent, the players choose to be one of the factions and will be involved in conquering other lands and expanding the kingdom of their own. All of three factions are constantly engaged in battles and wars against one another, and it'll end when a faction gets all the lands of the continent. We consider this point as the end of season 1. After that, with updated contents such as a new continent and more, a new season commences. These are the very basics of what you can expect to see in war-server, main features of KUF2's MMO component. As players experience more battles, they can build up their own troops and eventually form an army of divisions. Plus, they can do many other things such as fighting against NPCs, cultivations, founding guild – and a giant guild of many guilds, and becoming a lord by conquering other guilds and their lands. Single campaign mode can be played freely at any time separately from multiplayer mode. The stories from single player mode would not affect the process of wars in MMO world. Of course, there is no affection from MMO wars to single player mode, either. However, for the players that accomplished certain goals from single player mode, we do have a plan to give them some rewards such as something can be shown or used in MMO war field. Of course, the MMO play will cost money. It is still under consideration whether it'll be a monthly subscription or item selling but whichever case it may be, we will ensure it's worth to paying for. IGN: Can you give us more detail on the castle siege system? SangYoun Lee: Players are able to set up a battle to take a castle while there are battles in fields. There is a huge castle and one side fights to defend and other side for taking it over. The battle for taking and protecting a castle will be extremely realistic with a massive scale that you saw in movies like The Lord of the Rings and Kingdom of Heaven. The actions will involve many of troops rushing towards the gates, struggling to climb ladders, with siege towers carrying troops over the walls and fighting on castle walls, attempting to destroy the main gate with siege ram, attacking both units and walls with catapults, and the defenders fixing and protecting gates, trying to push back enemies climbing up ladders and many more to create the 'real' war itself. IGN: How far along are you on the game right now? Any idea on when it might finally release? SangYoun Lee: I would say about 40% of development process has been completed. Aiming for 2009 release, we will have the exact release date announcement near the end of this year. © 1996-2018 Ziff Davis, LLC. We have updated our PRIVACY POLICY and encourage you to read it by clicking here. IGN uses cookies and other tracking technologies to customize online advertisements, and for other purposes. IGN supports the Digital Advertising Alliance principles. Learn More. Blocked IP Address. Your IP address has been temporarily blocked due to a large number of HTTP requests. The most common causes of this issue are: Using a script or add-on that scans GameFAQs for box and screen images, overloading our search engine Running a "scraper" or "downloader" program that either does not identify itself or uses fake headers to elude detection Using a badly configured (or badly written) browser add-on for blocking content Overusing our search engine with a very large number of searches in a very short amount of time. If you promise to stop (by clicking the Agree button below), we'll unblock your connection for now, but we will immediately re-block it if we detect additional bad behavior. If you do not understand what is causing this behavior, please contact us here. Also on GameFAQs. Help - Answers to the most commonly asked questions about GameFAQs. FAQ Bookmarks - Access and manage the bookmarks you have added to different guides. FAQ Bounty - Write a FAQ for a Most Wanted game, get cash. Game Companies - A list of all the companies that have developed and published games. Game Credits - A list of all the people and groups credited for all the games we know of. Most Wanted - The Top 100 popular games without full FAQs on GameFAQs. My Games - Build your game collection, track and rate games. Rankings - A list of games ranked by rating, difficulty, and length as chosen by our users. Top 100 - The Top 100 most popular games on GameFAQs today. What's New - New games, FAQs, reviews, and more. © 2018 CBS Interactive Inc. All rights reserved. Kingdom Under Fire II Slated For Spring 2016 On PlayStation 4. Kingdom Under Fire II has shifted systems and release dates since Blueside first announced the game back in 2008, but it looks like the PlayStation 4 version is finally on the horizon. Sony Computer Entertainment Japan Asia has Kingdom Under Fire II listed as a spring 2016 title on PS4. Originally scheduled for release in 2009, Kingdom Under Fire II jumped from Xbox 360 to PlayStation 3 and then to PlayStation 4 when the game was re-revealed at Sony’s E3 2014 press conference. The latest trailer shown above is from this year’s Gamescom. Kingdom Under Fire 2 now a PS4 and PC game. Lead huge armies in an online tactical-action mash-up. Strategical online fantasy warmongering game Kingdom Under Fire 2 has resurfaced as a PlayStation 4 and PC game, and is due, finally, next year. The PC version will arrive West in the first-half of 2014, and the PS4 version will touch down in mid-to-late 2014. Discussions with PC publishers and Sony, for PS4, are on ongoing, Blueside told me this morning. The native Korean version will arrive on PC in early 2014, as will Southeast Asia versions. Western regions won't be too far behind, in other words. Kingdom Under Fire 2 puts you in charge of a fantasy hero who controls an army and does battle with huge enemy forces using overhead army-ordering tactics and colossal spells, as well as close range hack-and-slash fighting. Think Dynasty Warriors. You can team up with other heroes and their armies to take on enemy hordes, their ranks filled with giant scorpions and rock monsters and powerful villains. There's a video showcasing three-player co-op below. The action appears fluid and meaty, which is impressive, given all that's going on. Heroes and troops - there are more than 100 types - power-up over time, and there are guilds and politics and sieges and cultivation. The game's goal is to expand the territory you control and become ultimate ruler of the continent. Last we heard, in 2011, Kingdom Under Fire was in development for PC and PS3. An Xbox 360 version had been sidelined because of Microsoft's restrictive online red tape. Blueside is still talking to Sony about what to do with the PS3 version - to see "what will be best for the fans" - and is talking to Microsoft about getting the game on Xbox One. "Hopefully we can release the game on Xbox One as our fans wants," a spokesperson said. Games in this article. Kingdom Under Fire 2. PC, PlayStation 3. Kingdom Under Fire 2 (cancelled) Follow the games you're interested in and we'll send you an email the instant we publish new articles about them. Sometimes we include links to online retail stores. If you click on one and make a purchase we may receive a small commission. For more information, go here. About Robert Purchese. Bertie is a senior staff writer. He's part of the furniture here, a friendly chair, and reports on all kinds of things, the stranger the better. @Clert on Twitter. Comments for this article are now closed, but please feel free to continue chatting on the forum! Kingdom Under Fire 2 Q&A. Some may think it strange to see an upcoming game called Kingdom Under Fire 2 when, over the past few years, we've seen many titles bearing the same name. There was Kingdom Under Fire: A War of Heroes on PC back in 2001, The Crusaders in 2004 on Xbox, Heroes in 2005 on Xbox, Circle of Doom on Xbox 360 last year. Granted not all these titles have been exactly the same in terms of gameplay, but they definitely number more than one. So what, then, can we expect from Blueside's official sequel? They said in a press release a few weeks back that it would be an MMOARTS, meaning massively multiplayer online action real time strategy game. We decided to ask what that actually meant. IGN: What was the reasoning behind the decision to depart from the RTS and dungeon crawler genres of the previous games and opt for a MMOARTS? SangYoun Lee: Kingdom Under Fire 2 ("KUF2" hereinafter) as introduced in our first announcement is a sequel that truly inherits Kingdom Under Fire: The Crusaders. First, our goal was to make a perfection of action Real-time Strategy genre that once we tried to achieve in KUFTC. And I've always believed that the key essence of RTS games is to enjoy completing it with other people online. Blending these two principals gave a birth to the new Kingdom Under Fire and ended up being called a MMOARTS game, which stands for Massively Multiplayer Online Action RTS, with a virtual world where gamers can live in, form a massive army then declare a war against other groups of gamers rather than go for a quick in-and-out RTS match. Even though KUF2 will be based on an MMO system which can hold a massive population and players can interact with each other, its general game system will purely reflect the traditional RTS that you know. Instead of you become a commander or foot-soldier wandering around in a map to hunt monsters like in RPGs, in KUF2 you will experience revolutionary enhanced RTS battles that not only allow you to tactically command your troops, but also urge you to protect your territories, castles, keeps and etc. in both first and third perspective. With in-game supplies to grow your hero, army and territory, there shall be unlimited tactics and strategies that you can come up with. Reviving the medieval ages, thousands of gamers can co-join in war, choose their side, trade with each other, expand and cultivate their territory, then go out to the battlefield to match with other gamers in 1 vs. 1, 2 vs. 2, or 3 vs. 3 over possession or protection of territories. IGN: Will we see characters from the previous games in the game (Regnier/Rick Miner, Celine, Curian, Lilani, Leinhardt, etc.)? SangYoun Lee: Some of them will make their return, but more heroes will be newly introduced with unique look and strength for each. We will reveal more information around them down the road. IGN: Were the characters in Circle of Doom in a dream state (or sleeping in Encablossa) throughout the game? SangYoun Lee: Circle of Doom was all about heroes being caught inside of Encablossa's dimension and their attempts to escape from it. Luckily some of heroes did manage themselves to get out from this doom world and when they returned to real world, 150 years passed although they'd only stayed in Encablossa's dimension for a short period. The new story of Kingdom Under Fire starts from that point then resumes the saga of Kingdom Under Fire universe. IGN: Similar story elements from Kingdom Under Fire are shared with 99 Nights; are there plans for a cross-over down the road? SangYoun Lee: Yes. A cross-over between heroes and events has always been our method to develop storyline from the start. It's just that it will get much deeper and more complicated in KUF2 with introduction of several new heroes. IGN: What lies in store for Bersia down the road? Is there perhaps a new continent to explore or being planned? SangYoun Lee: I will leave this for fans to find out ƒº. IGN: What is the new faction? SangYoun Lee: They are called Encablossians. As Regnier returned from Encablossa's dimension, he brought a massive Encablossian army consist of mutants to destroy and take control over the Age of Light. IGN: Would you mind describing how the MMO component of the game actually works? How does the MMO fit into the storyline of Kingdom Under Fire? Is there going to be a fee associated with playing online? SangYoun Lee: As mentioned above, the MMO part occurs on the world map by players who participated in war. The story can be found and followed in single campaign mode – not on the battlefield of MMO scale. It is very similar to the single player mode of KUFTC if you can recall. With fundamental idea that Human Alliance, Dark Legion, and Encablossa have a goal to conquer the Bersia continent, the players choose to be one of the factions and will be involved in conquering other lands and expanding the kingdom of their own. All of three factions are constantly engaged in battles and wars against one another, and it'll end when a faction gets all the lands of the continent. We consider this point as the end of season 1. After that, with updated contents such as a new continent and more, a new season commences. These are the very basics of what you can expect to see in war-server, main features of KUF2's MMO component. As players experience more battles, they can build up their own troops and eventually form an army of divisions. Plus, they can do many other things such as fighting against NPCs, cultivations, founding guild – and a giant guild of many guilds, and becoming a lord by conquering other guilds and their lands. Single campaign mode can be played freely at any time separately from multiplayer mode. The stories from single player mode would not affect the process of wars in MMO world. Of course, there is no affection from MMO wars to single player mode, either. However, for the players that accomplished certain goals from single player mode, we do have a plan to give them some rewards such as something can be shown or used in MMO war field. Of course, the MMO play will cost money. It is still under consideration whether it'll be a monthly subscription or item selling but whichever case it may be, we will ensure it's worth to paying for. IGN: Can you give us more detail on the castle siege system? SangYoun Lee: Players are able to set up a battle to take a castle while there are battles in fields. There is a huge castle and one side fights to defend and other side for taking it over. The battle for taking and protecting a castle will be extremely realistic with a massive scale that you saw in movies like The Lord of the Rings and Kingdom of Heaven. The actions will involve many of troops rushing towards the gates, struggling to climb ladders, with siege towers carrying troops over the walls and fighting on castle walls, attempting to destroy the main gate with siege ram, attacking both units and walls with catapults, and the defenders fixing and protecting gates, trying to push back enemies climbing up ladders and many more to create the 'real' war itself. IGN: How far along are you on the game right now? Any idea on when it might finally release? SangYoun Lee: I would say about 40% of development process has been completed. Aiming for 2009 release, we will have the exact release date announcement near the end of this year. © 1996-2018 Ziff Davis, LLC. We have updated our PRIVACY POLICY and encourage you to read it by clicking here. IGN uses cookies and other tracking technologies to customize online advertisements, and for other purposes. IGN supports the Digital Advertising Alliance principles. Learn More. Kingdom Under Fire Gets A Release Date. The much anticipated title, Kingdom Under Fire finally gets a release date. The title will be hitting the shelves for Xbox 360 starting December in Japan and Asia and then nearly a month later across Americas finally ending up in Europe at the beginning of Feb. Japan , Australia/New Zealand and Asia Dec. 13 Americas (U.S., Canada, Latin America) Jan. 8, 2008 Europe, the Middle East and Africa Feb. 1, 2008. “Kingdom Under Fire: Circle of Doom” will take action RPG to a new level by featuring randomly generated and fully destructible maps, your favorite KUF characters, customizable weapons, and Seamless 2-4 player co-op action. You need to register before being able to post comments. December 18, 2007. December 31, 2007. User Score is based on 273 user ratings. Use of this site is subject to express terms of use. By continuing past this page, you agree to abide by the Terms of Service.

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