Xbox One latency/netcode.
I dont know about PS4 and PC but from the gameplay ive seen, it didnt look that bad.
Nope, its EA servers that are made from toothbrushes.
The XBOX1 pings a MS server in Seattle and that's where u get the difference.
I get a ping of 3ms on my laptop and 79ms on the XBOX1.
Hope that helps..
Your real ping to the EA servers is about what you get with your laptop.(assuming you have a wired connection)
The XBOX1 pings a MS server in Seattle and that's where u get the difference.
I get a ping of 3ms on my laptop and 79ms on the XBOX1.
Hope that helps..
Fair enough. But how do you explain the latency on BF4? Assuming my ping is 21ms.
I bet every other game does(other than BF) not have the same problem!
Are you testing your speed on wifi ? If so your test doesn't mean much try using an ethernet cable then re do the test.
Ive done it wired and wireless. got 200ms both times.
© 2015 Electronic Arts Inc. All rights reserved. Version: production-291 Change language.
GDDR5 vs DDR3 Latency & Bandwidth.
Since the Playstation 4’s and Xbox One’s specs were leaked on the internet (but of course, back then the systems were known as Orbis and Durango), there’s been much debate regarding the latency of GDDR5 and DDR3 memory. GDDR5 5500 (1375MHZ actual) memory, used in the case of the Playstation 4 (which also uses a 256-bit bus) giving a total of 176GB/s of peak bandwidth. As a small note, according to interviews with developers, the actual real number when factoring in overheads and the like is more along the lines of 172GB/s. It’s still far higher than the Xbox One’s DDR3 2133 (the X1 also uses a 256 bit bus) 68GB/s bandwidth.
The Xbox One’s RAM puts out a peak of about 68GB/s (developers haven’t spoken about actual bandwidth available, so I’ll avoid place a number here). But despite the massive difference in main system bandwidth (which of course the eSRAM of the X1 helps to even out), the common theory is the following:
The GDDR5 memory had lots of bandwidth, but with this bandwidth came lots of latency. DDR3 makes up the gap somewhat by being snappier in terms of latency – and so, in theory some tasks (involving the PS4’s CPU) could fall foul to the higher latency.
Is this even true? Well, let’s take a look.
Firstly – both machines use the same CPU, an AMD Jaguar. The AMD Jaguar comes with very effective cache, and the CPU is extremely good at predicting which pieces of data that it requires next. The CPU supports Out-Of-Order-Execution and Speculative Execution. Both are large subjects themselves, but they are effective at ensuring that the right data is being processed and is ready to process. Part of the way they do this is the AMD Jaguar’s caching. the Cache in the CPU is large enough to hold instructions, and from what we’re hearing it has a good “hit rate”. Hit rate is basically the chance that relevant data is present in the caches.
CPU’s themselves aren’t that sensitive to latency it appears. A quick Google around the internet will show you that expensive ram kits with extremely tight timings make little difference, even on high end desktop CPU’s.
Benchmarks at Tomshardware for example shows a great story of how DDR3 latency makes for little difference.
GPU’s and bandwidth requirements.
Okay – so now we’re aware that the CPU is likely isn’t going to be too affected by latency of GDDR5, but what about the GPU and how does latency and memory bandwidth impact it?
Both machines use Radeon 7000 series technology (or cores that are pretty damn close). Developers have praised the PS4’s GDDR5 ram which feeds both the CPU and GPU. GDDR5 memory is found in mid to high level GPU’s. The Radeon 7750 is a perfect example of this. This desktop card comes in two flavors: DDR3 and GDDR5. The GDDR5 1GB version kicks the butt of the DDR3 2GB version pretty regularly. A few examples on this would be found at: here and also from AMD’s own website.
It just makes sense. The cards are being starved of data, and so the fast GDDR5 makes all the difference. From PC gamers who remember the original SDR (single Dara Rate) Geforce cards, or the Geforce 2 MX cards, you’ll be familiar with the tale. Not enough data being sent to the GPU = performance suffers.
Remember that high end GPU’s such as the Radeon 7970 use 384 bit buses to ensure there’s enough data being pumped to the GPU. But, they also have almost double the compute units of event he PS4 (32 compute units, vs the PS4’s 18). It’s possible that because the Xbox One only sports 12 GCN units, that the DDR3 won’t hurt ‘as much’. But remember, the 7750 results linked earlier don’t have as many CU’s as the Xbox One – and performance takes a dive when using DDR3. So, now it’s down to latency.
But what about the actual latency of DDR3 vs GDDR5?
It’s worth remembering that if you do a little bit of Googling around, you can easily come across the specs of various GDDR5 memory. Hynix for example place PDF’s of their products freely available on the internet.
The latency on GDDR5 and DDR3 memory does vary some, but the typical CAS latency of most sticks of DDR3 is between 7 and 9 (see the earlier Tomshardware link for more information). GDDR5 RAM meanwhile is a typical latency of about 15. Once again, all of this depends on the make and models of the RAM.
So – there’s the answer right? Let’s say 8 CAS vs 15 CAS? No, it’s not. We have to remember that the speeds are for all intents and purposes – relative. If you take the CAS of both, and then multiply it by the clock speed – you get the ns of delay. CAS of 15/1.35 = 11ns.
I’ll save you the trouble and say that it’s between 10 – 12 for both DDR3 and GDDR5 varying heavily on the clock speed of either the DDR3 or GDDR5 AND in the timings they’ve chosen.
Also, take into account what Mark Cerny has said about GDDR5 latency:
“Latency in GDDR5 isn’t particularly higher than the latency in DDR3. On the GPU side… Of course, GPUs are designed to be extraordinarily latency tolerant so I can’t imagine that being much of a factor”.
What does it all mean?
It means that the Xbox One doesn’t have a latency advantage really with the DDR3 memory. It’ll have to try and rely on its ESRAM to make up for the lack of bandwidth which the DDR3 has left the machine with. The X1’s ESRAM will have its work cut out, and from what the rumors are so far, the memory requires a lot of manual labour from the developers to get the most out of. It’s currently speculated that it’s being used for both a frame buffer and for tiled resources. However, much of its workings still remain a mystery.
Of course – in this article, we are not taking into account other aspects. These include the PS4’s extra graphical power, the extra compute work of the PS4 or its volatile bit. It’s also not taking into account API’s, drivers and code from developers.
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Xbox Streaming vs HDMI (Latency Test)
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Streaming your Xbox One to your Windows 10 pc has very little latency. As you can see here. I'm running my Xbox One though HDMI to my bottom monitor. And showing the Xbox Streaming to Windows 10 on the top screen.
As you can see there is very little lag. When editing there was maybe 0.033 of a second delay. (And that might just be the monitor's delay)
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Xbox-One: Update 19.12.13 BF4.
Bei Kampf-Jets funktioniert, aber nicht immer ( Umsehen )
Embleme fehlt, usw.
Mein Xbox-One: Detaillierte Netzwerkstatistik: NAT-TYP: Offen, Ports sind freigegeben ( Router )
Downl. 4.6Mb/s ----- Upl. 0.8Mb/s -----Pk.verlust 0%----- Latenz(Ping) -188 ms.
dito ;) die xbox Latenz kannst eh knicken :D die wird von nem amiserver abgefragt da ist das kein wunder das die so hoch ist ^^ am besten per pc messen via ping test.
Von Laptop aus gemessen, ist der 31-40 ms zu Deut.-Server, auch wenn ich mit Xbox-Intern-Explorer messe liedt der bei 31-40 ms.
mich wunderen die 188 ms. ob die auf BF4 Einfluss haben.
ich habe laut xbox one ein download von 50, upload von 2,5 kein paketverlust und eine latenz von 169. nat ist natürlich offen.
kann man mit den werten zu frieden sein?
die Eingabeaufforderung anpingst.
64 bytes from ( icmp_req=3 ttl=243 time=19.3 ms.
64 bytes from icmp_req=7 ttl=114 time= 40.3 ms.
und einen ping von 77. denke mal das das ausreicht um vernünftig zu zocken. sollte der upload vieleicht noch erhöt werden? hab im netz gelesen das man das bei unity media erhöhen kann.
damit geht's am schnellsten find ich.
Server aussuchen und fertig.
so lieg ich da wenn ich nen eu Server abfrag.
Ping 40-50 Jitter 3.
Mit meiner LTE Leitung find ich das garnich so schlecht.
Mit meiner LTE Leitung find ich das garnich so schlecht.
Zu andern Uhrzeiten, am Morgen, Mittag, Abend usw.
Ich denke da wirst du schon gewaltige Unterschiede sehen.
Funk ist nunmal sehr Störanfällig, möglicherweise bist du auch noch über Wlan am Router.
Ich würde mal behaupten, dass du beim Spielen bestimmt 15 % Paketverlust hast oder sogar noch mehr.
Das tut mir leid. :-(
hab mein Netzwerk ziemlich gut eingestellt. wie ich find . ich konnte eigl schon nach dem ersten update ohne Probleme spielen keine verbindungsabrüche etc.
ne wlan da hängt nur mein Laptop dran alles andere ist per lan verbunden.
ping bleibt konstant auf eu Servern paket verluste hab ich keine.
Paketverluste treten beim Spiel immer auf, sei es durch Fehler oder komisches Routing.
alles andere ist per lan verbunden.
Das tut mir leid. :-(
das wichtigste ist das ich ohne Probleme spielen kann und ne einigermaßen gute Leitung hab ^^
Außer mein NAT daran bin ich schon dran verzweifelt den auf offen zu bekommen leider nur gemäßigt :D.
vll weißt du ja was man da noch probieren kann ?
ich denke das liegt daran das ich lte hab.
hab aber trotzdem keine Probleme mit Chats oder anderen Sachen.
dinge die mich noch stören:
1) : das fieldupgrade funktioniert ab der 2. map nicht mehr. egal welcher modus, server oder map. sagen wir mal ich spiel eine runde conquest auf spind als assault und habe das angriffsfieldupgrade. dieses füllt sich im laufe der runde, sodass ich an erster stelle mehr muniton nach dem respawn habe, darauf fogt eine weiter m67 granate und reduzierter fallschaden.
mein squad hat es geschafft bis ende der runde keinen wipe zu kassieren und (weiß nicht ob das so gedacht ist von dice oder eben der "bug") ich übernehme den fieldupgrade fortschritt mit auf die nächste map.
egal ob ich die klasse wechsel oder ein klassenspezifisches fieldupgrade nehme (bsp.:panzerabwehr beim pio) der balken des fieldupgrades hat den selben stand wie am ende der vorhergehenden runde. hier entsteht meisten der fehler und man spawnt zb. trotz panzerabwehr fieldupgrade ohne extra minen(3 statt 6)
unabhängig davon, ob ich fieldupgradepunkte aus der vorrunde mitnehme oder der balken leer ist, ich habe nur 3 minen dabei. wobei man beim panzerabwehr fieldupgrade als ausgangsbonus 6 minen dabei hat (bleiben nur 3 liegen ich weiß!) es geht mir um die die besitz sind.
da hilft also nur neu dem server joinen.
wenn der fast voll wahr, ist das natürlich nervig und muss behoben werden.
hat jemand diesbezüglich schon mal selbe erfahrung gesammelt? bzw. einen thread dazu erstellt?
das macht das spielen vom lag her teilweise unspielbar.
wäre auch toll, wenn die quikmatch funktion spieler von anderen kontinenten auch auf deren server schleust und nich auf europäische.
ich bin dann wohl der Einzige bei dem es nicht geht.
Wechsel zur nächsten Map wieder ende.
(und das ist immer wenn ich mal reinkomme)
bei mir geht nach wie vor kein Multiplayer.
ich bin dann wohl der Einzige bei dem es nicht geht.
Wechsel zur nächsten Map wieder ende.
(und das ist immer wenn ich mal reinkomme)
PS: Gestern auch die MS-Hotline angerufen und 2x premium zurückbeordert:_-) kohle kommt:-)
bei mir geht nach wie vor kein Multiplayer.
ich bin dann wohl der Einzige bei dem es nicht geht.
What’s "normal" for latency and packet loss?
What's a 'normal' latency (or good range) that I can expect to see?
The out-of-the box legend (the green / yellow / red at the upper right corner) in PingPlotter and MultiPing frames a basic reference to what a good or bad latency might be, although it's not specific for connection type or distance to target.
There are two normal factors that significantly influence the latency of a consumer device (like a cable modem, dsl modem or dial-up modem).
The latency of the connecting device. For a cable modem, this can normally be between 5 and 40 ms. For a DSL modem this is normally 10 to 70ms. For a dial-up modem, this is normally anywhere from 100 to 220ms. For a cellular link, this can be from 200 to 600 ms. For a T1, this is normally 0 to 10 ms. The distance the data is traveling. Data travels at (very roughly) 120,000 miles (or 192,000 kilometers) per second, or 120 miles (192 km) per ms (millisecond) over a network connection. With traceroute, we have to send the data there and back again, so roughly 1 ms of latency is added for every 60 miles (96km, although with the level of accuracy we're using here, we should say '100km') of distance between you and the target.
Connecting to a web site across 1500 miles (2400 km) of distance is going to add at least 25 ms to the latency. Normally, it's more like 75 after the data zig-zags around a bit and goes through numerous routers.
This means that a DSL modem on the west coast of the United States, tracing to a server on the east coast of the United States should expect somewhere around 120 ms (depending on the route and a number of other factors, but this is a rough ballpark) - 25 ms for the DSL modem and 100 ms for the distance. Tracing across an ocean, or through a satellite link, or some other link where the distance is further will certainly impact the expected latency more.
Packet Loss.
Packet loss is almost always bad when it occurs at the final destination. Packet loss happens when a packet doesn't make it there and back again. Anything over 2% packet loss over a period of time is a strong indicator of problems. Most internet protocols can correct for some packet loss, so you really shouldn't expect to see a lot of impact from packet loss until that loss starts to approach 5% and higher. Anything less than this is showing a possible problem, but one that is probably not impacting your experience significantly at present (unless you're an online gamer or something similar that requires 'twitch' reflexes).
Using PingPlotter to measure latency and packet loss.
If you've determined that your latency is out of the normal realm, and if you're seeing problems with some aspect of your connection (unexpected slowdowns, disconnects, or that you are often forced to 'retry'), then looking at the PingPlotter data should help you understand the source of the problem. You're looking for big changes in latency and/or packet loss between two hops. Start at the end and go backwards till you find a hop that's not showing the problems that your final destination is showing. Once you've identified that, then you know where the problem is occurring. Ideally, you'd be able to contact that provider and find out how to solve the problem. Often, the result is that you would contact your ISP and they would help you solve the problem.
For more details on finding latency and packet loss problems, visit our Getting Started Guide, or see our article on how to pinpoint the problem.
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Article Number: 42 | Last Updated: December 12, 2014.
This article has been viewed 404850 times since April 15, 2005.
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List of compatible controllers with Steam Link.
How each controller works Edit.
Because there is more than one form to connect your controller to Steam Link, is specified different forms to connect it:
Native: Works wirelessly with Bluetooth or proprietary protocol (like the Steam Controller). You don't need any additional hardware to use it. It will be displayed as a XInput Game Controller. Adapter: You need to purchase an adapter to use it wireless, usually the same one you use it on your PC. Steam Link recognizes the adapter and send the inputs as XInput. USB: You can connect the controller wired to the system and will be recognized. VirtualHere (VH): Beta builds of Steam Link firmware can share one USB port with the host computer through. It requires extra configuration by the user. Since it's a license limitation to use more than one USB device, users can't use more than one device through VirtualHere. It is unclear if this limitation could be removed in the future for free or purchasing a license ($39). Beta build 572 (Feb 17) appears to allow remapping of buttons on plugging in USB device. Perfect mapping achieved with 3rd party PS2 DualShock 2 (Tevion) which had USB and PS2 interfaces. Previously, incorrect mapping was the same as the Mayflash adapter entry below.
Will not work if GCN controller plugged in. Analog button enables/disables sticks.
Prevents PS2 controller from workign if plugged in.
Analog button enables/disables sticks.
Works with both first-party regular and 3D controllers. Joystick configuration is possible on Steam Link, but the button mapping menu is finicky, so it may require several tries.
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