среда, 27 июня 2018 г.


Xbox One Cheats. This page contains a list of cheats, codes, Easter eggs, tips, and other secrets for Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain for Xbox One . If you've discovered a cheat you'd like to add to the page, or have a correction, please click EDIT and add it. EditPaz Lives! After the Medical Strut has been constructed, make your way to the top and you'll spy a door with a blue light. Inside that room, you'll find a "Work in Progress" sign to your left. Head right instead, where you can enter another door to find Paz. From there, it's possible to have additional interactions and uncover new information as the game progresses. Submitted by: ign_cheats. EditChicken Hat. When you die several times in short order, you'll gain the option to equip a special piece of gear called the Chicken Hat. While this is equipped, enemies won't engage with you no matter how obvious you make your presence. Instead, they'll pass out while standing. However, it only works three times in a given mission before disappearing on the fourth use, and you won't be able to rank higher than "A" on that particular run. You can enable or disable the special gear from the Options menu, while the game is paused. Submitted by: ign_cheats. EditSmelly Snake. Complete enough missions without returning to Mother Base, and you'll eventually see flies swarming around Snake. When you finally do head back to Mother Base, people will greet you if you get close but also will try to avoid you. When you talk to Ocelot, he'll say "Snake, you stink" and will dump a bucket of water on you. Submitted by: digitalfuji. EditA Four-Legged Friend. You can find a puppy that will grow up to be an awesome dog, useful for tricky stealth situations later in the game. To find the pup, travel north of the Spugmay Keep in Free Roam mode, several missions into the game (Episode 04: C2W works well). Wander around in the vicinity of the landing site for a bit during the daylight hours and listen for dog barks. The puppy should run up to you eventually, and then you can head back to Mother Base to find him waiting. Befriend him and check in every few missions. Eventually, he'll be able to join you out in the field and alert you to the presence of nearby enemies. Submitted by: ign_cheats. EditGround Zeroes - Mother Base Staff. When you rescue Persons of Interest and Prisoners of War in Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes, you can save your file from that game's main menu and then download it from the main menu in Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain for various rewards. The prisoners you rescued will appear at Mother Base as one of your rewards. Known prisoners include the following: HIDEO - Diplomat who appears following Missions 3, 4, and 5 OCHRE CHAMELEON - Appears following Missions 3, 4, and 5 GRIZZLY HEDGEHOG - Appears following Missions 3, 4, and 5 HUNGRY CROCODILE - Appears following Missions 3, 4, and 5 WILD HARRIER - Appears following Missions 3, 4, and 5 FINGER - Appears following Mission 6 EYE - Appears following Mission 6 GRAY WALLABY - Appears following Mission 6 BLUE CHAMELEON - Appears following Mission 6 MIDNIGHT MASTIFF - Appears following Mission 6 WILD STALLION - Appears after two of either Missions 7, 8, or 9 MAD WALLABY - Appears after two of either Missions 7, 8, or 9 ASSASSIN HARRIER - Appears affter two of either Missions 7, 8, or 9 HUNTING STALLION - Appears after two of either Missions 7, 8, or 9 FRIGID MONGOOSE - Appears after two of either Missions 7, 8, or 9 CRYING STURGEON - Appears after two of either Missions 7, 8, or 9 BITTER CENTIPEDE - Appears following Mission 12 ROARING CAPYBARA - Appears following Mission 12 PIRATE CAPYBARA - Appears following Mission 12 NIGHT TREE FROG - Appears following Mission 12. Submitted by: ign_cheats. EditGround Zeroes Save Transfer Rewards. If you played Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes, you had the option to upload your save file from the main menu. When you play The Phantom Pain, you can download that save, also from the main menu, and you will receive the following rewards: Metal Gear Solid 1 Skin - Snake looks similar to his appearance in Metal Gear Solid on the original PlayStation Ground Zeroes Sneaking Suit - Available as a special upgrade through the Mother Base Gold Bionic Arm - Only available if your save was made after you complete Mission 5: Over the Fence and rescue the Bionic Engineer. Note that you can also transfer data from the PS3 version of Ground Zeroes to the PS4 version of The Phantom Pain, or from the Xbox 360 version to the Xbox One version. Submitted by: ign_cheats. EditKojima Productions Lives. After you are rescued from your initial encounter with the Man on Fire in the prologue, you must follow someone down a corridor. There's a rail to your left, which lets you pull yourself from the floor. Look closely at the cork board on the wall to see a poster referencing Kojima Productions and inviting you to "Join the Fox Team." There's also a booth number: CP 2308. That booth that was assigned to Kojima Productions during GDC 2013. Submitted by: ign_cheats. EditThe Cake Is For You. Kojima and team apparently decided it made sense to reward players by letting them have cake. When you start a new game, you'll be prompted to enter your birthday. If you play the game on your birthday, there will be a party waiting for you at the Mother Base, which includes a birthday cake and cigars. Submitted by: ign_cheats. EditSilent Hills in Africa. If you played PT, the demo that was released to promote Kojima's now-canceled Silent Hills project with Guillermo del Toro, you likely heard a recording that outlines a horrific murder. In Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain, you can find and listen to that same recording. Look for a radio positioned on the floor near one corner of a tent, just beyond an outpost encampment in Africa (it's near the site of Mission 20: Voices). Submitted by: ign_cheats. EditRescue Hideo Kojima. You can rescue Hideo Kojima, the creator of Metal Gear (and this game's director), in the Side Op 112 Intel Agent Extraction mission. Once you have done so, he'll head back to the Mother Base. Submitted by: ign_cheats. © 1996-2018 Ziff Davis, LLC. We have updated our PRIVACY POLICY and encourage you to read it by clicking here. IGN uses cookies and other tracking technologies to customize online advertisements, and for other purposes. IGN supports the Digital Advertising Alliance principles. Learn More. Walkthrough. Welcome to the complete Walkthrough for Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain. This wiki guide will take you through every objective of every MGS 5 Main Story Mission and help you secure an S-rank on each one. S-RANK WALKTHROUGH. This is the S-Rank guide for Metal Gear Solid 5. It contains: Tips for S-Ranking every mission. All Optional Objectives How to complete all objectives. Main Story Missions. Post Game Missions. After completing mission 31, the game comes to an "end." However, there is still more to do! There are a small handful of story missions, and several new versions of older missions to play through. Flashback Prologue Awakening. © 1996-2018 Ziff Davis, LLC. We have updated our PRIVACY POLICY and encourage you to read it by clicking here. IGN uses cookies and other tracking technologies to customize online advertisements, and for other purposes. IGN supports the Digital Advertising Alliance principles. Learn More.

Metal gear solid 5 xbox one

You are now subscribed. If you’re already planning on purchasing Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes but you aren’t sure which platform to get it for (you lucky multi-console owner, you), there are two primary factors that are worth considering: graphics and exclusive content. Ground Zeroes Graphics Comparison. The arrival of next-gen consoles spurs next-gen console wars, with manufacturers and loyalist fans alike fighting to defend their territory. Typically, this argument ends up being about graphics. Depending on who you ask, Xbox One has the best looking games in Ryse: Son of Rome and Forza Motorsport 5, or, it’s Killzone: Shadow Fall that gives PlayStation 4 the lead. Given the similarity of the CPU architecture in both consoles, one of the best ways to compare relative performance is by looking at cross-platform games. So far, PlayStation 4 has taken the lead in this category; Battlefield 4, Call of Duty: Ghosts, and Assassin’s Creed 4: Black Flag all run at higher resolutions on PlayStation 4 with frame rates equal to or better than their Xbox One counterparts. Now, Sony can add Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes to its list of bragging rights as well. Metal Gear creator Hideo Kojima confirmed that the PlayStation 4 version of Ground Zeroes runs at 1080p, and the Xbox One version at 720p--luckily for Xbox One owners, their version still hits 60 frames per second. I've had firsthand experience playing Ground Zeroes on both consoles, but before I weigh in on the differences that I noticed, here’s Kojima’s Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes graphics comparison video for a bit of reference: You can also direct download a less compressed version, available on Konami's website: http://www.konami.jp/mgs5/gz/en/products/compare.html. While the above video clearly distinguishes the resolution and frame-rate differences between current and next-gen platforms, there's very little time spent comparing the PlayStation 4 version against the Xbox One version. We already know the PlayStation 4 version of Ground Zeroes is technically better than the Xbox One, but Kojima cited the difference as "slight" in a tweet from a few weeks ago. Let me be clear: the PlayStation 4 version is noticeably better, and when you compare it against the Xbox One version in person, there's more than a slight difference. I played both consoles on a. 36-inch LCD monitor from three to four feet away, and the impact of going from 1080p to 720p was obvious and pronounced. Ground Zeroes on PlayStation 4 fulfills every expectation I have for next-gen games: full HD resolution (1080p), 60 FPS, detailed models, and advanced lighting. Eventually, I hopped onto an Xbox One. I was immediately struck by the downgrade in visuals. The frame rate and lighting effects were as impressive as the PlayStation 4 version, but everything looked rough around the edges. "Did they turn off anti-aliasing?", I asked a nearby Konami employee. "No," he said. When I continued to push for some sort of explanation, I got the answer we've heard time and time again since the consoles launched last year: the Xbox One version is only 720p. I don't want Xbox One owners to feel like they're getting a poor version of Ground Zeroes, because it still looks impressive; it's just not as impressive as the PlayStation 4 version. There aren't many games that look this good, period, so you should still expect to be impressed by Ground Zeroes at 720p. However, if you have a choice, and graphics are of the utmost importance, the PlayStation 4 version is the one to get. Platform Exclusive Mission Comparison. Graphics aside, the platform exclusive missions in Ground Zeroes are very different. Your preference for one or the other depends on the type of gameplay you prefer; the PlayStation mission is stealth oriented while the Xbox mission puts an emphasis on speed and action. Here's footage of the exclusive PlayStation 3 and PlayStation 4 mission, titled "Deja Vu", designed to appeal to fans of the original Metal Gear Solid: Alternately, Xbox 360 and Xbox One owners get to play an exclusive mission as Raiden, the series' favorite cyborg-ninja from the future, in the mission titled "Jamais Vu." In Deja Vu (PlayStation), you have to reconstruct scenes from the original Metal Gear Solid for a cameraman onboard a nearby helicopter. This requires you to lure guards to specific areas and move vehicles, among other tasks. It's slower paced than Jamais Vu (Xbox), which puts you in Raiden's super-charged shoes. He may not wield a sword like he did in Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance, but he's noticeably faster than Big Boss, the main character in Ground Zeroes. Raiden's mission is more action oriented, too; intelligence reports indicate that some soldiers in Camp Omega are cyborgs, aka "snatchers," in disguise. Using Raiden's X-ray-like optical enhancements, you have to search for and destroy the snatchers on base while maintaining the usual level of stealth. The preference for one mission over the other comes down to your personal tastes. Neither alters the overall story, existing purely to mix up gameplay and to offer a little fan service for Metal Gear veterans. The real question for anyone deciding between the two next-gen versions of Ground Zeroes: Will you be swayed by the PlayStation 4's superior graphics, or do you find the chance to play as Raiden so appealing that you're willing to overlook the Xbox One's inferior visuals? Peter Brown. Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain. We'll begin emailing you updates about %gameName%.

Metal gear solid 5 xbox one

Import a saved game file from Metal Gear Solid 5: Ground Zeroes to get the following rewards: Gold Bionic Arm: Only available if the saved game file was created after completing Mission 5: "Over The Fence" and rescuing the Bionic Engineer. Ground Zeroes Sneaking Suit: Available as a special upgrade through the Mother Base. Hideo Kojima in your crew. Metal Gear Solid 1 Skin: Snake appears similar to how he was featured in Metal Gear Solid on the original PlayStation version. The Hand Of Jehuty is a teleport upgrade for your Prosthetic Arm. When you shoot someone with it, they will be teleported to your location, and you can use CQC to take them out silently. Even though the range is quite limited, it is a really fun tool to use and will keep your enemies wondering what just happened. It is perfect for taking out heavily armored enemies with a single hit (especially in multiplayer). You can also upgrade it to increase range and battery life. To unlock it, you must successfully complete Side Op 49: "Capture The Legenday Ibis". This side op only becomes available after completing story Mission 31. If it does not appear after Mission 31, it is because only a limited number of side ops can simultaneously be active per area. Just keep doing other side ops, and it will eventually appear. You must then develop the Hand Of Jehuty at Mother Base in your iDroid. Development requires 340,000 GMP, 120 Precious Metal, and your R&D Team must be Level 28 or higher. Wormhole Fulton Extraction Device. The Wormhole Fulton Extraction Device is a very useful upgrade. Other than the normal fulton, this one cannot be shot down, making it perfect for extracting enemies and their vehicles mid-combat. You can even use it in buildings or when there is something overhead, as it always has a 100% extraction chance. To unlock it, successfully complete Side Op 50: "Capture The Legenday Jackal", which only becomes available after completing story Mission 31. If it does not appear after Mission 31, it is because only a limited number of side ops can simultaneously be active per area. Just keep doing other side ops, and it will eventually appear. You must then develop the Wormhole Device at Mother Base in your iDroid. Development requires 850,000 GMP and your R&D Team + Support Unit must be Level 40 or higher. Everything you can extract with the normal fulton can also be extracted with the wormhole. To get the secret Raiden suit, you must complete all story missions with an "S" rank (excluding duplicate missions with Extreme, Subsistence, and Total Stealth mods). Only the 38 unique missions and prologue must be completed with an "S" rank; the 12 duplicates can be ignored. This will then give you the "Grand Master Certificate (Elite)" key item, which allows you to develop the Raiden suit through your iDroid at Mother Base. Development requires 1,190,000 GMP, 70 Digitalis Purpurea, 20 Digitalis Lutea, and your R&D Team must be Level 53 or higher. The main strength of this outfit is the increased sprinting speed and jump distance, as well as the nice cosmetic look of the suit. It allows you to run at the speed of your horse. When you run into enemies, it will knock them down. Usage costs 8,400 GMP per deployment. It also comes with the following disadvantages: you cannot use your prosthetic arm, it cannot be used during FOB missions, and you are limited to an "A" rank when playing main missions. The suit is best used for open world exploration and side ops. To unlock weapon customization, complete the following tasks: 1. Successfully complete Side Op 107: "Extract The Legendary Gunsmith". This side op mission becomes available after story Mission 13. It usually does not appear right away because there can only be a limited number of side ops per area at the same time. Thus, keep doing other side ops, especially in the Angola-Zaire Border region, until it appears. 2. Successfully complete Side Op 108: "Extract The Legendary Gunsmith Again". This side op mission should be triggered automatically after completing Side Op 107 (return to ACC, and it should be available). If it is not available, you must keep doing other side ops until it appears. It has also appear for some people after Side Ops 06 and 48 were completed. Step 3: Successfully complete Side Op 109: "Extract The Legendary Gunsmith Yet Again". This is the last part of this quest line. It should appear after completing Side Op 108. You can now customize weapons in the ACC from your iDroid. Go to the "Mother Base" - "Customize" - "Weapons" tab, and choose the type of weapon you want to create. To get new parts, you must develop more weapons. The parts of each developed weapon will be available for customization. Fulton extract the puppy at the start of Mission 4 (he is at the landing zone where you leave the helicopter). If you missed this, you can replay the mission. Alternately, he can be found at the landing zones of Mission 3 and 5. Return to Mother Base (either complete the mission or call back the helicopter to abort) to view a cutscene with the dog when you arrive at base. Then, successfully complete Missions 7, 8, 9, 10, and any other two missions of your choice. Next, return to Mother Base, and the puppy will be grown up; you will see a cutscene when you arrive. D-Dog will now be available as a buddy, and you will get the "Cry Havoc" achievement. Note: If he is not grown up yet, play a few more missions, and return later. At the end of Mission 11, do not kill Quiet (in the cutscene where you hold the gun to her head). If you have killed her, you can replay the mission. Successfully complete Mission 14 to unlock Side Op 111: Visit Quiet. Visit her on the medical platform of Mother Base. When you arrive at the helipad, go down the stairs in front of you to find her cell. Then, call back the helicopter to leave the area to view a cutscene with Quiet. She will now be available as a buddy, and you will get the "Speechless" achievement. Nuclear disarmament ending. Successfully complete Mission 31. All nuclear weapons at the FOBs of everyone in your game platform's region must be dismantled. To qualify, you must not own or have a nuclear weapon in development. You must dismantle any nuclear weapons in your arsenal. Additionally, all nuclear weapons on the regional server for your game platform must be dismantled so the total amount of nukes for your platform and region is zero. After all conditions are met, the hidden nuclear disarmament ending will appear after you return to Mother Base or after you complete a main mission. If new nukes are developed afterwards, the ending will not be available again until all the previous conditions are met. Successfully complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding item. Then, enter your iDroid's "Development" menu to obtain the item after meeting any other requirements. Bandana: Successfully complete Side Op 143. F-Ballista (D-Walker): Extract 1,000 enemies. Furicorn Uniform (D-Horse): Successfully complete Side Op 144. Gray Fox (1998) Uniform: Successfully complete all missions, except the High difficulty missions. Gray XOF Uniform (Quiet): Watch Quiet's Interrogation scene. Hand Of Jehuty: Successfully complete Side Op 49. Infinity Bandana: Successfully complete Mission 46. Leather Jacket Uniform: Successfully complete Mission 46. Naked Gold Uniform: Get an "S" rank on all High difficulty missions. Naked Silver Uniform: Successfully complete all High difficulty missions. Raiden Uniform: Get an "S" rank on all main missions, except the High difficulty missions. Silver Bionic Arm: Successfully complete all High difficulty missions. Sniper Wolf Uniform (Quiet): Successfully complete Mission 40. Stealth Camo: Successfully complete Huey Emmerich's storyline. Tactical Fulton Unifrom (D-Dog): Find the First Aid Manual Blueprint at Masa Village in Central Africa. Water Pistol: Successfully complete Mission 18. Wormhole Fulton: Successfully complete Side Op 50. Successfully complete the indicated task to get the corresponding blueprint: AM MRS-71 Rifle: Successfully complete the "Destroy the New Fighter Aircraft" Dispatch mission to get the AM MRS-71 sniper rifle. ANTITHEFT DEVICE: Successfully complete Side Op 08 at Masa Village, then check the east guard post to get the Antitheft Security Device. BAMBETOV SV: Search the Lamar Khaate Palace after completing Mission 06; or during Mission 12 at the Afghanistan Central Base Camp. You will get the BAMBETOV SV sniper rifle. BRENNAN LRS-46: Successfully complete Mission 23, and search Lufwa Valley to get the BRENNAN LRS-46 sniper rifle. BULLHORN SG: Successfully complete the "Prevent the Coup d'etat" Dispatch mission to get the Bullhorn SG shotgun. FB MR R-LAUNCHER: Successfully complete the "Liberate the Tanker" Dispatch mission to get the FB MR rocket launcher. FLAMETHROWER: Successfully complete Mission 31, and search Munoko ya Nioka Station; or it will fall from a gunship during Mission 41. You will get the Flamethrower for the D-Walker. G44: Search the Ditadi Abandoned Village to get the G44 assault rifle. GEIST P3: Successfully complete the "Break Through the Blockade Force" Dispatch mission to get the GEIST P3 handgun. GUN-CAM DEFENDER: Successfully complete the Side Op 09 at Nova Braga Airport to get the Intercept Head D-Walker and the GUN-CAM Defender Security Device. HAIL MGR-4: Successfully complete the "Destroy the Uranium Centrifuges" Dispatch mission to get the HAIL MGR-4 grenade launcher. IR-SENSOR: Successfully complete Side Op 07: Qarya Sakhra Ee to get the IR-Sensor security device. ISANDO RGL-220: Look in the south guard post at Ditadi Abandoned Village; the west guard post at Kungenga Mine; the northwest guard post at Munoko ya Nioka Station; or the south guard post at Nova Braga Airport to get the the ISANDO RGL-220 grenade launcher. KABARGA-83: Search the Mfinda Oilfield for the KABARGA-83 shotgun. LPG-61: Successfully complete the "Recapture the Port Facilities" Dispatch mission to get the LPG-61 machine gun. MACHT 37: Successfully complete Mission 23, and search the Kungenga Mine; or a gunship will drop it during Mission 21. You will get the MACHT 37 submachine gun. PB SHIELD: Search inside Wialo Village or at Ghwandai Town during Mission 07; or after completing Mission 06, search the east guard post while at the Aabe Shifap Ruins or when at the Smasei Fort. You will get the PB Shield. RIOT SMG: Successfully complete the Side Op 05 at Wialo Village to get the RIOT submachine gun. STUN ARM: Successfully complete Side Op 06: Serak Power Plant to get the prosthetic Stun Arm, Sneaking Stun, and H-Discharger. STUN GRENADE: Search the Kiziba Camp to get the Stun Grenade support weapon. UA-DRONE: Successfully complete Side Op 10 at Afghanistan Central Base Camp to get the UA-Drone. UN-AAM: Search the northwest guard post inside Kiziba Camp; look in the south guard post at Kiziba Camp; search the southwest guard post while at Bampeve Plantation; or search Nova Braga Airport during Mission 21. You will get the UN-AAM machine gun. UN-ARC: Explore the Wakh Sind Barracks during Mission 05; or complete Mission 06, and search the Yakho Oboo Supply Outpost. You will get the UN-ARC assault rifle. URAGAN-5: Successfully complete Mission 16, and search the Bampeve Plantation to get the URAGAN-5 handgun. WU S333: Successfully complete the "Restore the DMZ" Dispatch mission to get the WU S333 handgun. ZE'EV: Successfully complete the "Search and Destroy Remaining Forces" Dispatch mission to get the ZE'EV submachine gun. ZORN-KP: Successfully complete the "Defend the Pipeline" Dispatch mission to get the ZORN-KP handgun. Successfully complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding item. There are a total of 20 key items. They can be used to craft new equipment (similar to blueprints) and are needed for the "Collector" achievement. You get 12 key items automatically over the course of the story for completing all missions and important (yellow) side ops. You get two key items for getting "S" ranks in all missions. There are 12 hard difficulty missions that unlock one key item (extreme, subsistence, total stealth missions) and 38 normal missions and prologue that unlock another. You get two key items for fulton extracting 1,000 enemies. You get two key items for finding all 21 invoices/fast travel points. You get one key item for marking 500 enemies. You get one key item for finding the first aid manual collectible. Source: Successfully complete Mission 18. Effect: Develop Water Gun. First Aid Manual. Source: Found in Masa Village after completing Mission 18. Effect: Develop Tactical (Fulton) D-Dog device. Master Certificate (Marking) Source: Mark 500 targets. Effect: Distinguish between enemy soldiers and decoys. Master Certificate (Box) Source: Collect all invoices in Afghanistan or Angola. Effect: Develop C.BOX (WR). Grand Master Certificate (Box) Source: Collect all invoices in Afghanistan and Angola. Effect: Develop C.BOX (SMK). Master Certificate (Fulton) Source: Fulton extract 500 targets. Effect: Develop Grade 3 upgrade for Fulton Device. Grand Master Certificate (Fulton) Source: Fulton extract 1,000 targets. Effect: Develop F-BALLISTA for D-Walker. Source: Successfully complete Side Op 113. Effect: Develop Petrol Bomb and Fulton Upgrade (Children Compatibility). Source: Successfully complete Mission 29. Effect: Develop TASK-ARM SM for D-Walker. Source: Successfully complete Side Op 143. Effect: Develop Bandana. Man on Fire (Corpse) Source: Successfully complete Side Op 144. Effect: Develop Furicorn for D-Horse. Quiet's Examination Report. Source: Watch the cutscene where Quiet is interrogated; or successfully complete Mission 40. Effect: Develop Gray XOF for Quiet. Source: Successfully complete Mission 40. Effect: Develop Sniper Wolf for Quiet. Emmerich's Research Notes. Source: Watch the cutscene where Emmerich is exiled. Effect: Develop Stealth Camo. The Codename: Big Boss. Source: Successfully complete the secret mission. Effect: Develop Leather Jacket. Master Certificate (Standard) Source: Successfully complete all missions on the Normal difficulty. Effect: Develop Cyborg Ninja Uniform. Grand Master Certificate (Standard) Source: Successfully complete all missions on the Normal difficulty with an "S" rank. Effect: Develop Raiden uniform. Master Certificate (Elite) Source: Successfully complete all missions on the High difficulty. Effect: Develop Naked (Silver) uniform, and Bionic Arm (Silver). Grand Master Certificate (Elite) Source: Successfully complete all missions on the High difficulty with an "S" rank. Effect: Develop Naked (Gold) uniform. Star Of Bethlehem. Source: Successfully complete the secret mission. Effect: Develop Infinity Bandana. Search the indicated location or complete the listed task to obtain the corresponding tape. After finding it, you can listen to the song at any time. You can also assign it to be the default song that plays when the helicopter appears by enabling the speaker on the chopper. 204863: Go to Kungenga Mine, and search the southwest guard post. A Phantom Pain: Go to Wakh Sind Barracks, travel northeast, and enter the huts. All The Sun Touches: Search Munoko ya Nioka Station. Behind the Drapery: Visit Da Wialo Kallai. Dancing With Tears In My Eyes: Go to Ditadi Abandoned Village, and search under the canopy at the bottom of the rocky peak. Dormant Stream: Search the west guard post at Smasei Fort. Friday I'm In Love: Go to Lufwa Valley, and enter the mansion. Gloria: Go to Nova Braga Airport, travel east, and search inside the building. Heavens Divide: During Mission 30, check the elevator before running into Skull Face. How 'Bout Them Zombies, Ey?: Go to Bwala ya Masa, and enter the building located to the east. Kids In America: Go to Da Shago Kallai, and search outside the main building. Love Detterence: Go to Da Ghwandai Khar, and search the building where you found Miller during Mission 01. Love Will Tear Us Apart: Search the Afghanistan Central Base Camp. Maneater: Go to Lamar Khaate Palace, and enter the tent located in front. Metal Gear Solid Peace Walker Theme: During Mission 43, search the Quarantine Platform's cellar. Midnight Mirage: Go to Bampeve Plantation, and search the northernmost building. Nitrogen: Go to Serak Power Plant, and search the northernmost building. Only Time Will Tell: Explore the Eastern Communications Post. Planet Scape: Go to to Sakhra Ee Village, and enter the south guard post. Quiet Life: Go to Mfinda Oilfield, and search the building towards the southeast. Quiet's Theme: Towards the end of Mission 45, follow the footprints until a cutscene begins. Rebel Yell (1999 Remaster): Go to Mountain Relay Base, and search west of the bridge. Ride A White Horse: Go to Lamar Khaate Palace, and search inside the north guard post. She Blinded Me With Science: Go to Wialo Village, and search the northeast guard post. Sins Of The Father: Successfully complete Mission 30. Snake Eater: Go to Munoko ya Nioka Station, and go to the west guard post. Take On Me: Go to Yakho Oboo Outpost, then go to the west wing, and search one of the rooms. Take The D.W.: Go to Da Smasei Laman, and search under the canopy near the amphitheater. The Final Countdown: Go to Qarya Sakhra Ee, then go east to find it in a small building. The Man Who Sold The World: Successfully complete Mission 46. The Tangerine: Go to Spugmay Keep, and search the east guard post. Too Shy: Go to Kiziba Camp, then enter the tent near the anti-aircraft radar. TRUE: Go to Kungenga Mine. You Spin Me Round (Like A Record): Go to to Lufwa Valley, and search the northwest guard post. Mother Base persons. Rescue Persons of Interest and Prisoners of War in Metal Gear Solid 5: Ground Zeroes , and upload the saved game file. Download that saved game file from the main menu in Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain to get various rewards. The people you rescued will appear at Mother Base as one of your rewards. The people that will appear are as follows: Hideo: Diplomat who appears following Missions 3, 4, and 5. Ochre Chameleon: Appears following Missions 3, 4, and 5. Grizzly Hedgehog: Appears following Missions 3, 4, and 5. Hungry Crocodile: Appears following Missions 3, 4, and 5. Wild Harrier: Appears following Missions 3, 4, and 5. Finger: Appears following Mission 6. Eye: Appears following Mission 6. Gray Wallaby: Appears following Mission 6. Blue Chameleon: Appears following Mission 6. Midnight Mastiff: Appears following Mission 6. Wild Stallion: Appears after two of either Missions 7, 8, or 9. Mad Wallaby: Appears after two of either Missions 7, 8, or 9. Assassin Harrier: Appears affter two of either Missions 7, 8, or 9. Hunting Stallion: Appears after two of either Missions 7, 8, or 9. Frigid Mongoose: Appears after two of either Missions 7, 8, or 9. Crying Sturgeon: Appears after two of either Missions 7, 8, or 9. Bitter Centipede: Appears following Mission 12. Roaring Capybara: Appears following Mission 12. Pirate Capybara: Appears following Mission 12. Night Tree Frog: Appears following Mission 12. Successfully complete the following side op missions, in order, to obtain the corresponding memento photo. Give them all to Paz, then exit her room to find the Morpho Butterfly on the wall. Collect it to get the "Reminiscence" achievement. You will also receive Emblem Parts. Note: To visit Paz, build the first part of the Medical Platform. After giving Paz a photo, she will go to sleep for a while. Just use phantom cigars until she wakes up. After a few photos, you must return to the ACC to make her wake up. Thus, when the phantom cigars no longer wake her up, just go back to the ACC and immediately return to Paz. Miller and Paz: Side Op 51 Professor Galvez: Side Op 52 Swimsuit Paz: Side Op 53 Nuke: Side Op 54 Fishing: Side Op 55 Gallo Pinto: Side Op 56 Birthday Party: Side Op 57 Costa Rica: Side Op 58 Chico: Side Op 59 Futbol: Side Op 60. The Side Op missions involve knocking out and extracting various soldiers. Use stealth and cover to your advantage. D-Dog can help you find the soldiers. Get under the cover of darkness by playing the missions at night. Use a sniper rifle with tranquilizer darts and aim for headshots. If you miss, you will have to find the soldier again. Use the cardboard box to maintain stealth. You can also play "Love Deterrence" on your iDroid to distract the soldiers. To easily capture the soldiers, approach them while crouching under a box. They will then recognize you and surrender immediately. The mission requirements, locations, and rewards are as follows: Location: Afghanistan, southeast region Pre-requisite: Successfully complete Mission 06. Reward: 30,000 GMP Soldier location: On a hill, northeast of the Eastern Communication Post. Location: Afghanistan, southwest region Pre-requisite: Successfully complete Mission 08 and Side Op 51. Reward: 60,000 GMP Soldier location: Southwest of Da Shago Kallai. If spotted, he will use a smoke grenade and escape. Location: Africa, northwest region Pre-requisite: Successfully complete Mission 16 and Side Op 52. Reward: 80,000 GMP Soldier location: East of Bwala ya Masa. If spotted, he will use a sleep grenade. Location: Africa, southwest region Pre-requisite: Successfully complete Mission 20 and Side Op 53. Reward: 90,000 GMP Soldier location: West of Nova Braga Airport. If spotted, he will use stun grenades. Location: Africa, northeast region Pre-requisite: Successfully complete Mission 23 and Side Op 54. Reward: 100,000 GMP Soldier location: Near the Kungenga Mine. He has a shield on his back and uses stun grenades. Location: Africa, southeast region Pre-requisite: Successfully complete Mission 31 and Side Op 55. Reward: 120,000 GMP Soldier location: East of Munoko ya Nioka Station. If spotted, he will use a cloaking device. Use your night vision goggles to find him again. Location: Afghanistan, west region Pre-requisite: Successfully complete Mission 31 and Side Op 56. Reward: 140,000 GMP Soldier location: Under a bridge south of Yakho Oboo Outpost. If spotted, he will use smoke grenades and a cloaking device. Location: Africa, east region Pre-requisite: Successfully complete Mission 35 and Side Op 57. Reward: 180,000 GMP Soldier location: Southern area of Lufwa Valley. If spotted, he will use sleep grenades and a cloaking device. Location: Afghanistan, east region Pre-requisite: Successfully complete Mission 38 and Side Op 58. Reward: 200,000 GMP Soldier location: Top of a hill east of Qarya Sakhra Ee. If spotted, he will use stun grenades and a cloaking device. Location: Afghanistan, northwest region Pre-requisite: Successfully complete Mission 38 and Side Op 59. Reward: 300,000 GMP Soldier location: In the Aabe Shifap Ruins. If spotted, he will use a shield, cloaking device, and stun grenades. Successfully complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding codename: Bat: Use multiple methods to neutralize enemies with exact numbers (10 kills with multiple techniques). Bear: Use CQC for most neutralizations during the previous three missions. Bee: Use lethal handguns to neutralize most enemies during the previous three missions. Butterfly: Use Quiet to neutralize most enemies. Chick: Do not complete Mission 06 after three missions. Chicken: Use the chicken hat at least once during the previous three missions. Doberman: Use lethal assault rifles to neutralize most enemies. Eagle: Neutralize 90% of the enemies in the previous three missions with headshots. Fox: Do not get detected during the previous three missions. Reflex Mode does not count as detection. Foxhound: Complete the previous three missions with the "Perfect Stealth, No Kills" score bonus. Hawk: Neutralize most enemies with the help of air support from a helicopter. Hog: Use D-Horse to neutralize most enemies by ramming into them while riding. Hound: Use D-Dog's "Do it" command to neutralize most enemies. Mantis: Slit the throats of most enemies that were neutralized during the previous three missions. Octopus: Use nonlethal weapons (ZZZ, STN, etc.) to neutralize most enemies during the previous three missions. Orca: Use throwing weapons (hand grenades, grenade launchers, Molotovs) to neutralize most enemies. Ostrich: Use D-Walker to neutralize most enemies. Piranha: Use lethal shotguns to neutralize most enemies. Puma: Use a grabbing method to neutralize most enemies during the previous three missions. Raven: Use lethal machine guns (turrets, AA cannons, Gatling Gun, etc.) to neutralize most enemies. Scorpion: Use lethal submachine guns to neutralize most enemies. Shark: Use missiles to neutralize most enemies. Spider: Use lethally placed explosives (mines, C4, etc.) to neutralize most enemies. Tortoise: Use vehicles (with either their built-in weapons or by ramming) to neutralize most enemies. Whale: Neutralize most enemies by bombarding them through Fire Support. Wolf: Use lethal Sniper Rifles to neutralize most enemies. Successfully complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding emblem. You can customize your emblem at the Aerial Command Center while in the chopper between missions. Emblems have four parts: back pattern, front pattern, and two words or digits. In addition to the following emblems, each animal saved will also unlock an emblem in the shape of that creature. Arch: Successfully complete all tasks in Mission 14. Arrowhead 01: Successfully complete all tasks in Mission 25. Arrowhead 02: Successfully complete all tasks in Mission 32. Barrel 01: Successfully complete all tasks in Mission 16. Barrel 02: Successfully complete all tasks in Mission 17. Club: Successfully complete all tasks in Mission 31. Cross: Successfully complete all tasks in Mission 12. Double Inversted Triangles: Successfully complete all tasks in Mission 07. Fan: Successfully complete all tasks in Mission 06. Flag: Successfully complete all tasks in Mission 45. Heart: Successfully complete all tasks in Mission 11. Hexagon: Successfully complete all tasks in Mission 22. Dog Tag: Successfully complete all tasks in Mission 02. Isosceles Triangle: Successfully complete all tasks in Mission 05. Lightning: Successfully complete all tasks in Mission 34. Parallelogram: Successfully complete all tasks in Mission 13. Rectangle (Horizontal): Successfully complete all tasks in Mission 10. Rectangle (Vertical): Successfully complete all tasks in Mission 08. Rhombus: Successfully complete all tasks in Mission 15. Shield 02: Successfully complete all tasks in Mission 18. Shield 03: Successfully complete all tasks in Mission 20. Shield 04: Successfully complete all tasks in Mission 24. Shield 05: Successfully complete all tasks in Mission 25. Shield 06: Successfully complete all tasks in Mission 27. Shield 07: Successfully complete all tasks in Mission 38. Shield 08: Successfully complete all tasks in Mission 35. Shield 09: Successfully complete all tasks in Mission 43. Spade: Successfully complete all tasks in Mission 23. Star: Successfully complete all tasks in Mission 3. Trapezoid: Successfully complete all tasks in Mission 09. X: Successfully complete all tasks in Mission 30. Archangel: Get an "S" rank in Mission 25. Arm: Get an "S" rank in Mission 25. Assault Rifle: Get an "S" rank in Mission 24. Axe: Get an "S" rank in Mission 08. Battleship: Find it on the Command Platform after the fourth deck is complete. Biohazard: Get an "S" rank in Mission 13. Cardboard Box: Find it on the Mother Base Command Platform. Chick: Get an "S" rank in Mission 43. Club (Decorative): Get an "S" rank in Mission 29. Diamond (Decorative): Get an "S" rank in Mission 31. Diamond: Successfully complete Mission 43. Earth (Map): Get over 150,000 Heroism. Earth (Wireframe): Get over 150,000 Heroism. Fighter Jet: Find it on the Command Platform after the third deck is complete. Flames 1: Get an "S" rank in Prologue. Flames 2: Get an "S" rank in Mission 20. Flower: Get an "S" rank in Mission 06. Fulton Recovery Device (Sheep): Find it on the Animal Conservation Platform in Mother Base. Fulton Recovery Device (Solider): Find it on the Command Platform after the second deck is complete. Garland: Successfully complete Mission 43. Gas Mask: Find it on the Mother Base Quarantine Platform. Gear: Get an "S" rank in Mission 12. Gunship: Get an "S" rank in Mission 41. Handgun: Get an "S" rank in Mission 21. Heart (Decorative): Get an "S" rank in Mission 11. Heart, Ring & Wings: Get an "S" rank in Mission 17. Lightning 02: Get an "S" rank in Mission 04. Moon (Decorative): Get an "S" rank in Mission 32. Musical Note: Get an "S" rank in Mission 45. Nuke: Successfully complete Mission 31. Parachute: Find it in Quiet's cell after Side Ops 111 becomes available. Radiological Biohazard: Get an "S" rank in Mission 16. Skull (Front): Get an "S" rank in Mission 06. Skull (Side): Successfully complete Side Op 82. Skull, Horn & Tail: Get an "S" rank in Mission 30. Skull, Ring & Wings: Get an "S" rank in Mission 27. Spade (Decorative): Get an "S" rank in Mission 23. Spear: Get an "S" rank in Mission 14. Star (Decorative): Get an "S" rank in Mission 03. Sword: Get an "S" rank in Mission 07. Tank: Get an "S" rank in Mission 09. Walker Gear: Get an "S" rank in Mission 15. Waterfowl: Get an "S" rank in Mission 26. Wings: Get an "S" rank in Mission 10. All animal locations. There are 47 wild animals. Find all of them to get the "Conservation" achievement. Before extracting them, you must fully upgrade the capture cage to Grade 4. There are three ways to extract wild animals. The one that is used the most is the capture cage. It randomly catches animals that live around the area where you placed the cage. The second tactic that is used quite a bit is fulton extracting them (for bigger animals). The third option is to stun and pick up smaller animals that cannot be fulton extracted. The best tactic to use for capture cages is to place all eight of them in a circle next to each other and immediately leave the area by helicopter. When you begin at the landing zone, always call back the helicopter right away so you do not have to wait later. Do not go back to the ACC through the pause menu. You must extract using the helicopter so the cages will capture animals. Most animals have very specific and small habitats. Knowing those locations is the key to capturing them. This does, however, not always guarantee you capture the animal you want. Rarer animals may take a few tries to capture. If you do not get the desired animal, simply return to the ACC, go back, and try again. You can also capture any animal after completing the story and all side ops. You can keep track of your progress in the iDroid under "Mother Base" - "Database" - "Encyclopedia" - "Wild Animals". After extracting an animal to Mother Base, you will get a GMP award and unlock an emblem in the shape of that creature. You can view the various species at the Animal Conversion Platform, which can be accessed from the ACC. Afghan Pika (Rabbit) Rarity: Rare Location: Afghanistan Method: Capture Cage Reward: 5,000 GMP. African Bullfrog (Frog) Rarity: Rare Location: Africa Method: Capture Cage Reward: 5,000 GMP. African Civet (Civet) Rarity: Very Rare Location: Africa Method: Capture Cage Reward: 50,000 GMP. African Fat-tailed Gecko (Gecko) Rarity: Common Location: Africa Method: Capture Cage Reward: 500 GMP. African Wild Dog (Dog) Rarity: Rare Location: Africa Method: Fulton Reward: 5,000 GMP. Rarity: Very Rare Location: Africa Method: Fulton Reward: 50,000 GMP. Bechstein’s Bat (Bat) Rarity: Common Location: Afghanistan Method: Capture Cage Reward: 500 GMP. Black Mamba (Snake) Rarity: Common to Rare Location: Africa Method: Capture Cage Reward: 2,000 GMP. Black Stork (Bird) Rarity: Rare Location: Africa and Afghanistan Method: Capture Cage Reward: 2,000 GMP. Blanford’s Fox (Fox) Rarity: Very Rare Location: Afghanistan Method: Capture Cage Reward: 50,000 GMP. Rarity: Rare Location: Africa Method: Fulton Reward: 500 GMP. Rarity: Rare Location: Afghanistan Method: Fulton Reward: 5,000 GMP. Rarity: Very Rare Location: Afghanistan Method: Capture Cage Reward: 50,000 GMP. Cashmere Goat (Goat) Rarity: Rare Location: Afghanistan Method: Fulton Reward: 500 GMP. Common Raven (Bird) Rarity: Common Location: Africa and Afghanistan Method: Capture Cage Reward: 500 GMP. Rarity: Common Location: Afghanistan Method: Capture Cage Reward: 500 GMP. Emperor Scorpion (Scorpion) Rarity: Common Location: Africa Method: Capture Cage Reward: 500 GMP. Four-Toed Hedgehog (Rat) Rarity: Common to Rare Location: Afghanistan Method: Capture Cage Reward: 2,000 GMP. Rarity: Common Location: Africa and Afghanistan Method: Capture Cage Reward: 500 GMP. Grant’s Zebra (Horse) Rarity: Common Location: Afghanistan Method: Fulton Reward: 500 GMP. Rarity: Common Location: Africa Method: Fulton Reward: 500 GMP. Griffon Vulture (Bird) Rarity: Common Location: Africa Method: Capture Cage Fulton Reward: 500 GMP. Himalayan Brown Bear (Bear) Rarity: Very Rare Location: Africa Method: Fulton Reward: 50,000 GMP. Honey Badger (Honey Badger) Rarity: Very Rare Location: Africa and Afghanistan Method: Capture Cage Reward: 50,000 GMP. Rarity: Very Rare Location: Afghanistan Reward: 200,000 GMP. Karakul Sheep (Goat) Rarity: Rare Location: Africa Method: Fulton Reward: 500 GMP. Lappet-Faced Vulture (Bird) Rarity: Common Location: Afghanistan Method: Fulton and Capture Cage Reward: 500 GMP. Leopard Gecko (Gecko) Rarity: Common Location: Africa Method: Capture Cage Reward: 500 GMP. Leopard Tortoise (Tortoise) Rarity: Common to Rare Location: Afghanistan Method: Capture Cage Reward: 500 GMP. Long-Eared Hedgehog (Rat) Rarity: Common to Rare Location: Africa Method: Capture Cage Reward: 2,000 GMP. Marsh Mongoose (Mongoose) Rarity: Very Rare Location: Afghanistan Method: Capture Cage Reward: 50,000 GMP. Martial Eagle (Bird) Rarity: Rare Location: Afghanistan Method: Capture Cage and Fulton Reward: 5,000 GMP. Namaqua Chameleon (Lizard) Rarity: Rare Location: Afghanistan Method: Capture Cage Reward: 5,000 GMP. Rarity: Rare Location: Afghanistan Method: Fulton Reward: 500 GMP. Rarity: Very Rare Location: Afghanistan Method: Fulton Reward: 50,000 GMP. Oriental Rattlesnake (Snake) Rarity: Common to Rare Location: Africa Method: Capture Cage Reward: 2,000 GMP. Oriental Stork (Bird) Rarity: Common to Rare Location: Africa Method: Fulton and Capture Cage Reward: 500 GMP. Rainbow Agama (Lizard) Rarity: Common to Rare Location: Afghanistan Method: Capture Cage Reward: 2,000 GMP. Rarity: Rare Location: Africa Method: Capture Cage Reward: 5,000 GMP. Rock Hyrax (Hyrax) Rarity: Rare Location: Afghanistan Method: Capture Cage Reward: 5,000 GMP. Russian Tortoise (Tortoise) Rarity: Common to Rare Location: Africa Method: Capture Cage Reward: 2,000 GMP. Rarity: Rare Location: Africa Method: Capture Cage Reward: 5,000 GMP. Side-Striped Jackal (Dog) Rarity: Common Location: Afghanistan Method: Fulton Reward: 500 GMP. Tree Pangolin (Pangolin) Rarity: Very Rare Location: Afghanistan Method: Capture Cage Reward: 50,000 GMP. Trumpeter Hornbill (Bird) Rarity: Common Location: Afghanistan Method: Capture Cage Reward: 500 GMP. Rarity: Extremely Rare Location: Afghanistan Method: Capture Cage Reward: 200,000 GMP. Rarity: Common Location: Africa and Afghanistan Method: Capture Cage Reward: 500 GMP. 1. Gerbil - 0:05 2. Long-eared Hedgehog - 0:35 3. Four-toed Hedgehog - 1:05 4. Afghan Pika - 1:44 5. Common Raven - 2:17 6. Trumpeter Hornbill - 2:54 7. Black Stork - 3:25 8. Oriental Stork - 3:56 9. Jehuty - 4:55 10. Griffon Vulture - 6:02 11. Lappet-faced Vulture - 6:43 12. Martial Eagle - 7:33 13. Karakul Sheep - 8:08 14. Cashmere Goat - 9:00 15. Nubian - 9:44 16. Boer Goat - 10:35 17. Wild Ass - 11:14 18. Grant's Zebra - 11:54 19. Okapi - 12:35 20. Gray Wolf - 13:19 21. African Wild Dog - 14:08 22. Side-striped Jackal - 14:50 23. Anubis - 15:26 24. Brown Bear - 16:22 25. Himalayan Brown Bear - 17:19 26. Deathstalker - 18:47 27. Emperor Scorpion - 19:21 28. Oriental Ratsnake - 19:55 29. Black Mamba - 20:29 30. Tsuchinoko - 21:00 31. Rainbow Agama - 21:37 32. Namaqua Chameleon - 22:10 33. Leopard Gecko - 22:40 34. African Fat-tailed Gecko - 23:14 35. African Bullfrog - 23:49 36. Russian Tortoise - 24:25 37. Leopard Tortoise - 25:01 38. Bechstein's Bat - 26:15 39. Rock Hyrax - 26:50 40. Tree Pangolin - 27:24 41. Sand Cat - 27:55 42. Caracal - 28:28 43. African Civet - 29:01 44. Marsh Mongoose - 29:30 45. Red Fox - 30:01 46. Blanford's Fox - 30:29 47. Honey Badger - 31:02. Medicinal plant locations. Search the indicated locations to find the corresponding plant: African Peach: Found in Angola. It is used to develop Sleeping Gas. It can be identified by its large red and round flowers. Black Carrot: Found near wet areas or streams in Afghanistan and Angola (more common). Digitalis Lutea: Found in Angola. It is used to strengthen tranquilizers and Sleeping Gas mines. It can be identified by yellow bell-shaped flowers. Digitalis Purpurea: Found in the grass lands in Angola. It is used to strengthen tranquilizers and Sleeping Gas mines. It can be identified by light purple bell-shaped flowers. Golden Crescent: Found in Afghanistan. It strengthens tranquilizer rounds. It can be identified by large blue flowers. Haoma: Found in sandy desert areas in Afghanistan. It resembles like shrubs with tiny red and yellow flowers. Tarragon: Found near grassy areas in Afghanistan. It is used for performance enhancement drugs (Pentazemin, Acceleramin). Wormwood: Found in sunny and dry areas in Afghanistan and Angola. It is required for using the Phantom Cigar. It can be identified by tiny yellow blossoms. Successfully complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding tape. When played through the iDroid speaker, each tape will trigger a special effect then disappear. You can only keep one acquired tape in your inventory. You can collect the tape again repeating what was done originally to find it. To access a tape, activate the iDroid speaker, then press RT to display the "Control Panel", and press A when the speaker icon appears. The tapes will play for a few seconds, and the effects last only during this time. Some tapes will cancel Combat Status, while others cannot be used during Combat Status. Effect: Afghanistan soldiers sleep. Will not work during Combat Status. Location: Search Wakh Sind Barracks. Central Africa Music. Effect: Soldiers in Africa sleep. Will not work during Combat Status. Location: Search Bampeve Plantation. Effect: Wandering Mother Base Soldiers approach you. They will not flee when you are near. Location: Go the Mother Base Medical Platform, and interact with Paz. Effect: Aiming a weapon in first person is easier. Location: Successfully complete a mission with Quiet with a bond of at least 60%. Afghanistan Soviet Soldier. Effect: Eliminates Combat Status when you break a soldier's line of sight. Location: Search Sakhra Ee Village. Central Africa PF Soldier. Effect: Eliminates Combat Status when you break a soldier's line of sight. Location: Check Nova Braga Airport. Soldier With Stomachache. Effect: Will eliminate enemy suspicion when you are in a toilet. Does not apply to Combat Status. Location: Search through villages, including Shago Village and Masa Village. Effect: Bears remain in place unless you get too close. Will also cancel Enemy Suspicion. Does not apply to Combat Status. Location: Fulton extract a bear, visit the Animal Conservation Platform, and check outside the cage. Effect: Birds remain in place unless you get too close. Will also cancel Enemy Suspicion. Does not apply to Combat Status. Location: Fulton extract a bird, visit the Animal Conservation Platform, and examine the cage. Effect: Goats remain in place unless you get too close. Will also cancel Enemy Suspicion. Does not apply to Combat Status. Location: Fulton extract a goat, visit the Animal Conservation Platform, and check outside the cage. Effect: Horses remain in place unless you get too close. Will also cancel Enemy Suspicion. Does not apply to Combat Status. Location: Fulton extract a horse, visit the Animal Conservation Platform, and check outside the cage. Effect: Wolves remain in place unless you get too close. Will also cancel Enemy Suspicion. Does not apply to Combat Status. Location: Fulton extract a wolf, visit the Animal Conservation Platform, and check outside the cage. All blueprint locations. Search the indicated locations to find all 27 blueprint locations. Twelve of the blueprints are actual collectibles in the open world. You have to make a lot of progress in the main story to collect all of them. The earliest you can do this is after story Mission 31. Six are rewards for completing the blueprint side ops (you have to collect them up as part of the side ops). Nine blueprints come from completing all key dispatch missions in the game. The key dispatch missions require you to send your combat unit on missions through the iDroid. The higher level ones are only available after story Mission 31. There are also other key dispatch missions in between that do not reward you with a blueprint (they only unlock emblem parts and other items). To view the blueprints you have collected, open your iDroid, and go to "Mother Base" - "Database" - "Documentation" - "Blueprints". Each blueprint has its own name, so they are very easy to track. 1. [UN-ARC] - 0:05 2. [Bambetov SV] - 0:36 3. [PB Shield] - 1:17 4. [UN-AAM] - 1:42 5. [Isado RGL-220]- 2:16 6. [G44] - 2:42 7. [Stun Grenade] - 3:15 8. [Kabarga-83] - 3:42 9. [URAGAN-5] - 4:13 10. [MACHT-37] - 4:36 11. [Brennan LRS-46] - 5:00 12. [Flamethrower] - 5:39 13. [Riot SMG] - 6:03 14. [Stun Arm] - 6:38 15. [IR-Sensor] - 7:12 16. [Antitheft Device] - 7:49 17. [Gun-Cam Defender] - 8:16 18. [UA-Drone] - 8:47 19. [Geist P3] - 9:16 20. [WU S333] - 9:31 21. [ZE'EV] - 9:51 22. [FB-MR R-Launcher] - 10:10 23. [AM MRS-71] - 10:28 24. [LPG-61] - 10:45 25. [Hail MGR-4] - 11:00 26. [Zorn-KP] - 11:19 27. [Bullhorn SG] - 11:35. All invoice locations. Search the indicated locations to find all 21 invoices (fast travel points). When picking up an invoice, you will unlock a fast travel point for its location. Most of the named places have one. The fast travel points look like orange loading zones. When you hide in a box and stay on the loading zone, a truck will come and pick you up. You can then fast travel to any other place in that country where you had previously picked up an invoice. They are also required to unlock two key items for the "Collector" achievement. You must find all invoices in Afghanistan and Africa. Finding all invoices in one area unlocks the "Master Certificate (Box)" key item. Finding all invoices in both areas unlocks the "Grand Master Certificate (Box)" key item. The quickest way to get them is to ride from one place to the next on D-Horse. 1. Afghanistan Central Base Camp - 0:05 2. Serak Power Plant - 0:28 3. Yakho Oboo Supply Outpost - 0:49 4. Lamar Khaate Palace - 1:09 5. Shago Village - 1:30 6. Wialo Village - 1:52 7. Eastern Communications Post - 2:14 8. Ghwandai Town - 2:35 9. Wakh Sind Barracks - 2:56 10. Sakhra Ee Village - 3:15 11. Smasei Fort - 3:34 12. Mountain Relay Base - 3:54. 1. Lufwa Valley - 0:05 2. Kungenga Mine - 0:28 3. Bampeve Plantation - 0:53 4. Mfinda Oilfield - 1:15 5. Masa Village - 1:38 6. Kiziba Camp - 1:59 7. Ditadi Abandoned Village - 2:19 8. Nova Braga Airport - 2:42 9. Munoko ya Nioka Station - 3:03. Successfully complete the indicated task to recruit the corresponding interpreter: Location: South Afghanistan Mission: Mission 02 Method: Travel east of Spugmay Keep, and Fulton extract the person in a green beret to complete the mission. It is recommended to mark the soldiers from the nearby hill. Location: North Africa Mission: Mission 14 Method: Travel west of Bampeve Plantation to find the interpreter. It is recommended to first silence all the enemies in the area, then Fulton extract the primary target. Location: Southeast Africa Mission: Mission 18 Method: Travel to the outpost north of Munoko ya Nioka Station, and extract the primary target. Note: You must extract him from the prison before using the Fulton device on him. Location: South Afghanistan Mission: Side Op 27 Method: Travel to the Mountain Relay Base, and Fulton extract the target to Mother Base to complete the mission. Enemy response system. Enemies will use a response system to adapt to specific tactics that you are using. This will be visible through your iDroid as a set of six small icons on the map. They correspond to the Fulton Balloon, Helmet, Camera, Pistol, Crescent Moon, and Target Reticule. When a response system is not in use early in the game, the icons will be grayed out. As you progress and complete missions, some icons will turn white, then light red, and finally dark red. These colors indicate how aware an enemy is of the corresponding tactic. Camera (Covert Actions) Description: Displays enemy's awareness of your ability to neutralize enemies and/or capture outposts without being detected. Low level response: Soldiers will use mines, decoys, and cameras in outposts. High level response: Soldiers awaken faster from Stun or Sleep and use mines, decoys, and cameras more efficiently. Crescent Moon (Nighttime Response) Description: Displays enemy's awareness of your frequent use of nighttime for missions. Low level response: Some soldiers will use flashlights and night-vision goggles. High level response: Almost all soldiers will use flashlights and night-vision goggles. Description: Displays enemy's awareness of your frequent use of the Fulton Device for extraction. Low level response: Enemies will pop your Fulton extraction balloons after a brief delay. High level response: Enemies will pop Fulton extraction balloons immediately when noticed. Helmet (Headshot Response) Description: Displays enemy's awareness of your frequent ability to take headshots. Low level response: Some soldiers will be equipped with helmets. High level response: Almost all soldiers will be equipped with helmets. Pistol (Combat Response) Description: Displays enemy's awareness of your ability to capture or eradicate outposts during Alert or Combat statuses. Low level response: Soldiers are equipped with better weapons and armor to counter your assaults. High level response: The number of soldiers greatly increases, and they will be equipped with heavy damage weapons that will be used aggressively. Additionally, reinforcements are faster and more numerous. Target Reticule (Sniper Response) Description: Displays enemy's awareness of your frequent use of long-ranged weaponry for neutralization. Low level response: Snipers with bolt-action rifles are diploid to counter your long-ranged weaponry. High level response: Snipers with semi-automatic rifles are diploid to counter your long-ranged weaponry. All practice target locations. The Target Practice Side Ops are the final seven side op missions and are among the hardest ones. In each of them you have to shoot 35 practice targets in under five minutes. Every side op takes place on a different platform at Mother Base. You are not told where the targets are and some are a bit hidden. Using the night vision goggles makes it easier to spot the targets (they will be highlighted in yellow). The trickiest one by far is the R&D Platform (Side Op 152). Some of the targets are easy to miss, and the platform is very complex. Most others are quite easy, as you can see all targets from the starting point. Side Op 151 - Target Practice (Command Platform) - 0:05 Side Op 152 - Target Practice (R&D Platform) - 1:19 Side Op 153 - Target Practice (Support Unit Platform) - 3:26 Side Op 154 - Target Practice (Base Development Platform) - 4:17 Side Op 155 - Target Practice (Intel Team Platform) - 5:16 Side Op 156 - Target Practice (Medical Platform) - 6:26 Side Op 157 - Target Practice (Combat Unit Platform) - 7:19. Quickly completing Mission 04. Go to the Eastern Communications Outpost before starting Mission 04 and disable all of the communication equipment. Mission 04 will immediately end when you start it, and you will hear a secret message on the radio. Note: You will not receive a score for this mission by doing this. Easier Mission 21. Before starting the mission, visit the airport and destroy the camera posts. Pig head in Mission 23. Find the pig head near Eli's chair. Shoot the corpse, and it will oink. Varying candle luminescence in Mission 28. Enter the mansion basement, and walk past the candles as Navajo and they will get brighter. If Big Boss is near them, they will become dimmer. Die several times in quick succession to get the option to equip the Chicken Hat. While wearing the Chicken Hat, enemies will not attack you, and will pass out while standing. The hat only works three times in a mission before disappearing. It also prevents earning any rank higher than "A". You can enable or disable the hat by pausing the game and going to the "Options" menu. Quiet usually remains stationary while trying to snipe you. Order a supply drop on her position to stun her. Wait for her to change locations, then order another a supply drop on top of her. She will be stunned completely and will be defeated. Note: This cannot be done in Extreme mode. Build the Medical Strut, and go to the top. Enter the door marked with a blue light to find a "Work In Progress" sign to your left. Go to the right, and enter another room to find Paz. Avoiding stun effect. After throwing a stun grenade in close quarters, hide inside the cardboard box to avoid its effect on yourself. Shoot and down power lines while it is raining to electrocute nearby soldiers. You can recharge the night vision goggle batteries and Rocket Arm by running or sprinting when the sun is brightest. With the cardboard box, perform a dash while on fire to extinguish the flames. Water pistol uses. You can use the water pistol to temporarily blind enemies and fry electronic gear. Shoot Quiet with the water pistol, and she will react. Knocking down soldiers. Equip the Cyborg Ninja or Raiden costumes, then dash into soldiers to knock them down. You can knock down soldiers while under cover in the cardboard box. Tap A to stand up, then do a quick dive into solders to temporarily knock them down. Throw an empty magazine clip at a soldier's head to hear a "ding" sound. Successfully complete Mission 29 to gain the ability to extract skulls. They can be found at the Mother Base Quarantine Platform. Note: After completing Side Op 144, you will get the Man On Fire's corpse. Take CQC opponent's gun. While in a CQC, tap LT to have Big Boss grab your target's gun. You can use it to stick him up or knock him out. Stand near certain safety signs found in Mother Base, and a box will fall on your head and knock you down. This only happens once per sign location. Faster Big Boss. To increase Big Boss's 19 mph run speed, research Bionic Arm Mobility 3 Upgrade (22 mph), the Cyborg Ninja costume (24 mph), and the Raiden costume (28 mph). Healing Big Boss. Visit the ACC after suffering a serious injury to get an IV bag. When done two or more times, Big Boss will require a blood transfusion. Big Boss comment. Save Miller during Mission 01. He will request the magic words. Press Y, and Big Boss will say, "Kept you waiting, huh?". When first starting the game, you will be asked to enter your birthday. When the game is played on that date, there will be a birthday party thrown for you at Mother Base, with a cake and cigars. Hideo Kojima references. After getting rescued during your first encounter with the Man On Fire in the Prologue, follow the person down a corridor. Use the rail to your left to pull yourself up from the floor. Look closely at the bulletin board on the wall to see a poster that mentions Kojima Productions and inviting you to "Join the Fox Team". The booth number listed, CP 2308, is the actual number of the booth used by Kojima Productions at GDC 2013. You can rescue Hideo Kojima during the Side Op 112 Intel Agent Extraction mission. After doing so, he will return to Mother Base. Metal Gear Solid series references. During Mission 22, you have to knock out Mosquito. This is the same soldier from Metal Gear Solid 5: Ground Zeroes who helped Miller escape from Mother Base. During Side Op 143, secure the A.I. Pod, then shoot it with a lethal weapon. It will repeat lines from Metal Gear Solid 3 and Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker . Find the radio on the floor near one corner of a tent, just past an outpost encampment in Africa near where Mission 20: "Voices" takes place. It plays the same recording that describes a horrific murder that was originally heard in the P.T. demo. Lisa, the ghost from the P.T. demo, can be unlocked for use as a decoy. Easy "Deployment" achievement. There are 20 key Dispatch missions. Always use a dispatch squad for those missions. If you fail any of them, you can simply try again. Once you get past a certain point, your odds for completing them will drop, no matter how fast you level up Mother Base. There is no way to speed up Dispatch missions, and they will only progress while you are in-game. Begin early and start deploying for them. The few vehicles or lives lost to them will not matter much. Easy "Deterrence" and "Disarmament" achievements. To develop a nuke, you must complete story Mission 31 and build your own FOB. You can then develop and dispose of nuclear weapons in the "Resources" tab of your iDroid. The FOB construction becomes available after Mission 22 and requires an online connection. You must also be logged into the servers to develop and dispose of a nuclear weapon, as this feature is not available offline. Making a nuke costs 750,000 GMP, 75,000 processed fuel, and 50,000 processed minor metal. You will also lose 50,000 hero points and most likely turn into Demon Snake (which can be reversed by building up your hero rank again). The development of the nuke takes anywhere from 18-36 hours, depending on the level of your base development platform. You have to spend this time in-game (it stops development when you leave the game). You can just keep sitting in the ACC until the nuke is ready, if desired. Once the nuke is finished, you will get the "Detterence" achievement. You can then immediately dispose of it to get the "Disarmament" achievement. This costs 100,000 GMP, and you will lose the nuke. Accomplish the indicated achievement to get the corresponding number of Gamerscore points: Awakening (15 points): Complete "PROLOGUE: AWAKENING" mission. Phantom Limb (15 points): Complete "PHANTOM LIMBS" mission. Beekeeper (15 points): Complete "WHERE DO THE BEES SLEEP?" mission. Gears Turn (15 points): Complete "HELLBOUND" mission. Apprentice (15 points): Complete a mission using a Combat Unit staff member. Accomplished (30 points): Complete all missions. Executed (30 points): Complete all mission tasks. Elite (100 points): Complete all missions with an S rank. Undertaken (15 points): Complete a SIDE OP. Cleared (15 points): Complete all "Mine Clearing" SIDE OPS. Achieved (30 points): Complete all SIDE OPS. Captured (15 points): Capture an outpost or guard post. Deployment (30 points): Complete all key Dispatch Missions. Intruder (15 points): Play an "Infiltration" FOB mission. Cry Havoc (15 points): Make D-Dog available for deployment. Speechless (15 points): Make Quiet available for deployment. Extraction (15 points): Fulton extract an enemy soldier. Interrogation (15 points): Interrogate an enemy soldier. To The Rescue (15 points): Extract a female prisoner. Platoon (15 points): Increase Mother Base staff to 50 or more personnel. Battalion (15 points): Increase Mother Base staff to 250 or more personnel. Army (35 points): Raise all Teams/Units to level 50. Enhancement (15 points): Develop 50 or more development items. Reinforcement (30 points): Develop 100 or more development items. Locked and Loaded (100 points): Develop 300 or more development items. Architect (30 points): Construct all available platforms for Mother Base. Prosperity (15 points): Earn a total of 10,000,000 GMP or more. Conservation (30 points): Extract all wild animal species. Additionally, there are 14 secret achievements: Caravan (15 points): Complete "TRAITORS' CARAVAN" mission. Voices (15 points): Complete "VOICES" mission. Immortal (15 points): Complete "METALLIC ARCHAEA" mission. Skull (30 points): Complete "SAHELANTHROPUS" mission. Disappearance (30 points): Complete "A QUIET EXIT" mission. Truth (30 points): Complete "TRUTH: THE MAN WHO SOLD THE WORLD" mission. Trusty Steed (15 points): Raise bond with D-Horse to the maximum. Man's Best Friend (15 points): Raise bond with D-Dog to the maximum. War Buddy (15 points): Raise bond with Quiet to the maximum. Deterrence (15 points): Develop a nuclear weapon. Disarmament (15 points): Dispose of a nuclear weapon. Collector (30 points): Obtain all blueprints and key items. Reminiscence (15 points): Obtain all memento photos. Hero (30 points): Obtain the codename "Hero." Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain. Developer: Kojima Productions -- LA Studio. Jan. 21, 2018, 3:26 p.m. July 29, 2017, 11:08 a.m. July 13, 2017, 9:35 p.m. Feb. 1, 2017, 9:24 a.m. Jan. 26, 2017, 9:51 a.m. Aug. 30, 2016, 2:37 p.m. March 22, 2016, 11:10 a.m. Feb. 19, 2016, 2:20 p.m. Feb. 10, 2016, 10:38 a.m. Feb. 1, 2016, 11:43 a.m. Last Videos. Last Images. Part of the mysterious twin game projects that form part five in the Metal Gear franchise, Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain continues the complex saga of the Snake soldier line, connecting storylines from Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker, Metal Gear Solid: Ground Zeroes, and the rest of the Metal Gear timeline.

Metal gear solid 5 xbox one

Collect all nine XOF patches in the "Ground Zeroes" mission, then successfully complete the mission to unlock the special "Jamais Vu" Extra Op mission. Note: If you have the "Update 1.02" patch installed, you will also unlock the "Déjà-Vu" Extra Op mission. Successfully complete a mission to unlock the Hard difficulty for that specific mission. Bonus character skins. Successfully complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding skin in the bonus "Jamais Vu" Extra Op mission: Raiden Commando Armor: Successfully complete the "Jamais Vu" Extra Op mission on the Hard difficulty. Raiden White Armor: Successfully complete the "Jamais Vu" Extra Op mission on the Normal difficulty. Successfully complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding skin in the bonus "Déjà-Vu" Extra Op mission. Note: This requires the "Update 1.02" patch. Classic Gray Fox: Recreate all seven scenes in the "Déjà-Vu" Extra Op mission on the Hard difficulty, and answer all MGS Trivia questions correctly after the credits. Classic Snake: Recreate all seven scenes in the "Déjà-Vu" Extra Op mission on the Normal difficulty, and answer all MGS Trivia questions correctly after the credits. M-2000 sniper rifle. Get an "A" rank to unlock the M-2000 sniper rifle in Main Ops mode. Successfully complete all missions on the Hard difficulty to unlock a remix track from Zone Of The Enders: The Second Runner for the music player. MGS Trivia answers. The following are the answers to the questions asked about the original Metal Gear Solid after completing the "Déjà-Vu" Extra Op mission on the indicated difficulty: Question 1: MGS1 featured Solid Snake infiltrating which island? Answer: Shadow Moses. Question 2: The romote-controlled missile was known by which nickname? Answer: Nikita. Question 3: Who did you need to call on the Codec in order to save your progress? Answer: Mei Ling. Question 4: The Next-Generation Special Forces who took part in the uprising with FOXHOUND were given what treatment? Answer: Gene therapy. Question 5: On which floor of the Nuclear Warhead Storage Building was Otacon's lab located? Answer: 2nd floor basement. Question 6: What was Cyborg Ninja's true identity? Answer: Frank Jaeger. Question 7: Before being called back into action for the mission, Snake lived in Alaska as a what? Answer: Musher. Question 8: What was the maximum load of the elevator in Communciations Tower B? Answer: 300 kilograms (650 pounds) Question 9: What type of storage media did the ArmsTech president give Snake? Answer: Optical disk. Question 10: What is the title of the ending theme? Answer: The Best Is Yet To Come. Question 1: What did Snake call Otacon's love for a certain female character? Answer: Stockholm syndrome. Question 2: When Otacon visited Snake at his cell after he was captured, he gave him Sniper Wolf's hankerchief, rations, ketchup, and which level of security card? Answer: Level 6. Question 3: Which boss character was not a member of the newly formed FOXHOUND unit? Answer: Cyborg Ninja. Question 4: What was the name of the studio (later renamed to Kojima Productions) that developed MGS1? Answer: KCE Japan. Question 5: In MGS1, who did Otacon fall in love with? Answer: Sniper Wolf. Question 6: Johnny Sasaki ended up unconscious and unclothed outside the holding cells. In the Japanese version he wore boxer shorts to hide his private parts. How were they hidden in the Western versions of the game? Answer: Pixelization. Question 7: Snake attempted to give Meryl a handgun of which caliber? Answer: 0.45. Question 8: After escaping the base, Snake and Meryl encountered a family of which animal? Answer: Caribou. Question 9: In total, how many prototypes were made of the stealth camouflage Otacon developed? Answer: 5. Question 10: What did the "PAL" in "PAL key" signify? Answer: Permissive action link. All cassette tapes locations. Search the indicated locations to obtain all 17 cassette tapes and get the "Information" achievement. Only 12 cassette tapes actually need to be manually collected, as the other 5 will automatically be unlocked while collecting them. Some can be collected like the XOF unit patches, while others are a reward for rescuing certain prisoners, interrogating enemies, or simply completing a mission with any rank. You also have to complete all missions (including the "Jamais Vu" Extra Op mission) on the Hard difficulty to unlock one of the tapes. The Hard difficulty becomes available after completing a mission for the first time. Even though all collectibles are on the same map, you will have to collect them over the course of different missions. Each tape only spawns within a certain mission. Make sure to collect them in the shown order, as some tapes disappear if you progress too far in a mission. If that happens, you must restart the mission from the beginning. After collecting a tape, if you die before reaching the next checkpoint to save your progress, you have to collect the tape again. You can see how many cassette tapes you have collected under the "Play Records" option at the title screen. Select "Record Totals" and scroll all the way down. Each tape has its own specific name. You can also listen to them and see their names under the "Cassette Tapes" option at the title screen. All Moai statues locations. Search the indicated locations to find all five Moai statues during the "Intel Operative Rescue" Side Op mission: 1. On top of the tower after the first five enemies and the helicopters circle around to the warehouse area. 2. Inside Chico's cell. 3. In the watchtower, on the corner of the administrator building, where the guard tries to fire a rocket launcher. 4. Get off the helicopter, and kill all of the enemies at the base. Run to the rocket launcher, wait for the gate to open, then allow the tank to pass. The Moai statue can then be found at the bottom right corner of the gate. It must be collected before the gate closes. 5. Search the square roof at the base of the large tower where the other helicopter blows up. You may need to circle the tower a few times to get the opportunity to hit it. Search the indicated locations in the "Ground Zeroes" mission to find all nine XOF unit patches and get the "Insignia" achievement. Note: All collectibles are found during the "Ground Zeroes" mission. After obtaining a collectible, you must reach the next checkpoint to save the progress. If you die before saving the game, you will have to collect it again. 1. At the beginning of the mission, turn around to find an XOF patch near the edge of the rocky cliff. 2. Lay on the ground and roll around until a cutscene begins showing there is an XOF patch stuck to Snake. Then, pick up the patch on the ground. 3. From the beginning point of the rescue operation, go to the street below, and proceed left. Go down to the camp below, and look to the right of the planks of wood and red and white barrel (near the puddles of water) to find the patch. 4. From the tents, move towards the white buildings to find a chain link fence with three generators inside. Pick the gate's lock, and climb onto the leftmost generator to find the patch. 5. Go down to the southeast corner of the map, where a road leads to the prison section, to reach a small guard shack overlooking the entrance. Climb onto the roof to find the patch. 6. From the location of the previous patch, go down the road, and enter the main gate that Skullface used in the intro to enter the prison camp. The patch is right next to the door, in the mud. 7. Proceed to the helicopter pad in the main section of the base. Make sure to be careful in this, as it is heavily guarded. The patch is on the ground, ahead of the main road entrance, near a grey box with wires hanging out and some generators surrounded by waist-high railings. 8. On the road to the tall building, there is a heavily guarded gate before entering the complex. To the right of the road is an elevator and open drainage crawl space. Drop down into the small drainage hole in the ground and lay down to grab the patch. 9. Outside the main gate, ahead of the previous patch, is a red door to the right. Enter it, and climb the electrical boxes to jump to a lower roof nearby. The patch is on the steel roof vent of one of the mini-generators. Easy "S" rank in "Classified Intel Acquisition" Side Op mission. To get an "S" rank easily in the "Classified Intel Acquisition" Side Op mission, complete the following steps. The mission will begin with Snake in the back of a truck. Remain in there until you reach the Admin building. Once the gate opens, get out of the truck, and go to the parking and unloading zone to the left of the road. Quickly crawl under the pipes, then climb over the second set of pipes. Shoot the patrol guard to the right (near the parked jeep) with the Tranquilizer Gun. Then, climb up the ladder, and enter the central watch tower. Grab the tape, then go back down the ladder to the parked truck. Get in the back of the truck, and wait approximately a few minutes until the driver returns. Remain in the truck, and it will leave the base. You will complete the mission and get an "S" rank. Note: It does not matter how long this process takes, as time does not matter. You only need to ride the truck into the base, grab the tape, then ride the truck out. Make sure not to get spotted in the Admin building to gain an additional "No Reflex" bonus. To get an "S" rank easily in the "Intel Operative Rescue" Side Op mission, complete the following steps. Do not get any kills in the mission. Destroying AA emplacements or armored vehicles does not count as a combat kill. Destroying manned cars, trucks, or choppers does count. First, select the non-lethal Stun Revolver secondary weapon in your inventory. After the operative gets in his jeep, you will have to deal with pursuing vehicles. Aim for the driver with the Stun Revolver, and shoot out the windows. Miller will warn Snake of an Anti-Air emplacement. Switch back to the rifle, and destroy the emplacement with the secondary grenade launcher attachment. Use the night-vision goggles to quickly scan the area for enemies. If it looks clear, use the grenade to destroy the emplacement. Try to take it out in one shot. Do not shoot the explosive barrels, and make sure to shoot the soliders first with the Recoilless Rifle. They are the biggest threat to your operative ally and chopper. After Snake is dropped off on the helicopter landing pad, run to the operative, and grab a rocket launcher. Destroy the armored vehicle with three shells, then clear out the remaining attackers until Morpho appears. During the final sequence, when the gunner appears in the pursuit helicopter's open door, use the Stun Revolver to knock him out (do not destroy the chopper with a grenade or explosive) to complete the mission and get an "S" rank. Easy "Depth" achievement. In "Side Op: Eliminate The Renegade Threat", you have to extract both enemies while they are still alive to get the "Depth" achievement. You can knock them out, but do not kill them. The first target is located in the south, near the area with the white tents. He is a bald guy, patrolling along two other guards. You will see him fairly easily because he is the only enemy without a hat. Be sure to get to him as quickly as possible after the mission begins. Use the WU Silent Pistol to tranquilize him and the two other guards. Call the helicopter, and extract him. Next, go to the north, where the helipads are located. In the large watch tower of the admin building is another soldier without a hat. He is also guarded by two other enemies. Go through the red door on the far left, take out all the guards and cameras, and he will come down a ladder. You can kill his two bodyguards while they are going down the ladder. Knock him out, and put him in the car that is parked in the same area. Then, drive out of the mission area while he is sitting inside to get the achievement. Easy "Extraction" achievement. In "Side Op: Destroy The Anti-Air Emplacements", there are four prisoners you must rescue to get the "Extraction" achievement. The first one is being held in the same cell where you found Paz during the "Ground Zeroes" main mission (in the basement of the admin building). Call the extraction helicopter to the beach at the east side of the map, and safely carry the prisoner out to it. The other three prisoners are all in the same location. They are in the cells where you found Chico during the "Ground Zeroes" mission, which is right next to the beach with the extraction point. Thus, you do not have to travel far after the first extraction, and there are very few enemies guarding the place. Just open their cells, call the helicopter, and extract each prisoner. All prisoners must be alive when you extract them. After putting the fourth prisoner in the chopper, you will get the achievement. Easy "Rescue" achievement. You can rescue the prisoner to be executed and extract him with the helicopter at the beginning of the "Ground Zeroes" mission. After opening the locked fence, you can see an area with a lot of white tents on the left side. In the north-western corner of this area, past the tents, is a wooden shack. Inside it is the prisoner in orange clothing. Pick him up, and call the extraction chopper. Put the prisoner in the chopper by holding B to get the "Rescue" achievement. Accomplish the indicated achievement to get the corresponding number of Gamerscore points: Reunion (50 points): Reunited with Chico or Paz. Downfall (50 points): Cleared the "Ground Zeroes" mission. Genesis (50 points): Cleared a Side Op or Extra Op. Accomplished (50 points): Cleared all missions (including Side Ops and Extra Ops). Skilled (100 points): Cleared any mission (including Side Ops and Extra Ops) with a S-rank. Hero (250 points): Cleared all missions (including Side Ops and Extra Ops) with a S-rank. Rescue (50 points): In the "Ground Zeroes" mission, rescued the prisoner to be executed and extracted him via chopper. Depth (50 points): Cleared the "Eliminate the Renegade Threat" Side Op by extracting both targets. Pacifist (50 points): Cleared the "Intel Operative Rescue" Side Op without killing a single enemy. Infiltration (50 points): Cleared the "Classified Intel Acquisition" Side Op while riding in the back of a truck. Extraction (50 points): In the "Destroy the Anti-Air Emplacements" Side Op, rescued and extracted all prisoners via chopper. Hidden (50 points): Cleared the "Jamais Vu" Extra Op with 0 enemy combat statuses. Unlocked (50 points): Unlocked all trials. Information (50 points): Obtained all cassette tapes. Insignia (50 points): Obtained all XOF unit patches. METAL GEAR SOLID V: THE PHANTOM PAIN. Konami Digital Entertainment continues forth the ‘METAL GEAR SOLID V Experience’ with the latest chapter, METAL GEAR SOLID V: The Phantom Pain. Ushering in a new era for the franchise with cutting-edge technology powered by the Fox Engine, MGSV: The Phantom Pain, will provide players a first-rate gaming experience as they are offered tactical freedom to carry out open-world missions. Nine years after the events of MGSV: GROUND ZEROES and the fall of Mother Base, Snake a.k.a. Big Boss, awakens from a nine year coma. The year is 1984. The Cold War serves as the backdrop as nuclear weapons continue to shape a global crisis. Driven by revenge, Snake establishes a new private army and returns to the battlefield in pursuit of the shadow group, XOF. The METAL GEAR SOLID team continues to ambitiously explore mature themes such as the psychology of warfare and the atrocities that result from those that engage in its vicious cycle. One of the most anticipated games of the year with its open-world design, photorealistic visual fidelity and feature-rich game design, MGSV: The Phantom Pain will leave its mark as one of the hallmarks in the gaming industry for its cinematic storytelling, heavy themes, and immersive tactical gameplay. Key Features: - Open-World game design allowing players ultimate freedom on how to approach missions and overall game progression - Fox Engine delivers photorealistic graphics, thoughtful game design and true new-generation game production quality - Online connectivity that carries the experience beyond the consoles to other devices to augment the overall functionality and access to the game. Thanks for your order. We'll try to push-to-install this on your home Xbox One. If you’ve blocked automated downloads, you might want to enable them. On your Xbox One, go to Settings > System > Updates > Keep my games & apps up to date . By the way, you can find this and anything else you’ve installed in My games and apps . Trying to install on your home Xbox One. We'll try to push-to-install this on your home Xbox One. If you’ve blocked automated downloads, you might want to enable them. On your Xbox One, go to Settings > System > Updates > Keep my games & apps up to date . By the way, you can find this and anything else you’ve installed in My games and apps . Get an Xbox Live account. To play this game, you need an Xbox Live account. Get one here. Friends who play this game. Online Interactions Not Rated by the ESRB. METAL GEAR SOLID V: THE PHANTOM PAIN. Included in. METAL GEAR SOLID V: THE DEFINITIVE EXPERIENCE. Screenshots. Enter your date of birth. You may not access this content. Description. Konami Digital Entertainment continues forth the ‘METAL GEAR SOLID V Experience’ with the latest chapter, METAL GEAR SOLID V: The Phantom Pain. Ushering in a new era for the franchise with cutting-edge technology powered by the Fox Engine, MGSV: The Phantom Pain, will provide players a first-rate gaming experience as they are offered tactical freedom to carry out open-world missions. Nine years after the events of MGSV: GROUND ZEROES and the fall of Mother Base, Snake a.k.a. Big Boss, awakens from a nine year coma. The year is 1984. The Cold War serves as the backdrop as nuclear weapons continue to shape a global crisis. Driven by revenge, Snake establishes a new private army and returns to the battlefield in pursuit of the shadow group, XOF. The METAL GEAR SOLID team continues to ambitiously explore mature themes such as the psychology of warfare and the atrocities that result from those that engage in its vicious cycle. One of the most anticipated games of the year with its open-world design, photorealistic visual fidelity and feature-rich game design, MGSV: The Phantom Pain will leave its mark as one of the hallmarks in the gaming industry for its cinematic storytelling, heavy themes, and immersive tactical gameplay. Key Features: - Open-World game design allowing players ultimate freedom on how to approach missions and overall game progression - Fox Engine delivers photorealistic graphics, thoughtful game design and true new-generation game production quality - Online connectivity that carries the experience beyond the consoles to other devices to augment the overall functionality and access to the game. Available on. Capabilities. Online multiplayer (1-16) People also like. Deus Ex: Mankind Divided™ The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. Dishonored 2. Metro: Last Light Redux. Metro 2033 Redux. Dishonored® Definitive Edition. Rise of the Tomb Raider: 20 Year Celebration. Wolfenstein: The Old Blood. Game clips. Broadcasts. Additional info. Konami Digital Entertainment. Approximate download size. Age rating. Online Interactions Not Rated by the ESRB. Install on your home Xbox One console plus have access when you’re connected to your Microsoft account. Thanks for reporting your concern. Our team will review it and, if necessary, take action. Sign in to report this game to Microsoft. Top add-ons. Costume & Tack Pack. Mother Base Staff 4. Mother Base Staff 3. Sneaking Suit (Naked Snake) METAL GEAR ONLINE EXPANSION PACK "CLOAKED IN SILENCE" Sneaking Suit (The Boss) Windurger S333 CombatSpecial. Bionic arm (Gold) Fatigues (Black Ocelot) Adam-ska Special. Ratings and reviews. To rate and review, sign in. Your review. Thanks. Your review will post soon. There was an error posting your review. Please try again later. All user reviews. Great game and AMAZING for newcomers ! It is an open world stealth game but you can do anything the way you want, rocket arm? Yep, drop crates on snipers heads? Yep, theres a satisfying cool ending and good boss battles. You can get a dog, robot, and superhuman sniper as buddies for missions. So please go and by this game I have had so much fun with it! 169 out of 176 people found this helpful. Buy it NOW. MGS V:The Phantom Pain is stealth game perfection, if you have loved Metal Gear for years or have never played any of the previous games, you will fall in love with Kojima's perfect blend of stealth and open world action. The AI are the best in the series, the stealth mechanics are smooth and fun, the story isn't finished and never will be but you'll still be captivated for many hours. I love this game and you will too. 175 out of 187 people found this helpful. Mixed Pinata. The other reviews are all correct. The positive and negative ones. Truth be told this game is not for everyone. If you liked linear games with a big emphasis on character and plot development, then it's not for you. But if you prefer well refined controls and adaptive enemies give it a try. This game has gone through many changes since it launched but dont expect the much awaited CHAPTER 3 to ever release. Personally after playing Peace Walker on the HD collection, i was eager for this game as i saw it as being what peace walker could have been had it released on a console. And what i mean by is the following: open world, fulton anything and everything , call in support strikes for everything you have, and an AI built from the ground up to work with the latest in gaming tech. MGO is back but the MGS4 version was better, although now there's an incentive with the scoring to play non-lethal. Finally for all you managers this game lets you beat up your employees without getting sued 👍 126 out of 132 people found this helpful. Masterpiece. Im a huge fan of the Metal Gear series and this was such a wonderful way to bring the series to an end. The story is breath taking & the ending is jaw dropping. There's so much content in this game which lasted me 100's of hours and the gameplay is at the very best compared to older games in the series. On top of that, you have two online modes. Even though there was noticeable cut content in the game, the gameplay and content made up for it. The open world and story are all the more breath taking too. I recommend anyone (even if youre not a fan) to get this game. It should be in your game collection and it's by far (in my opinion) the very best open world stealth game I've ever played. Im looking forward to the next Hideo Kojima game. ☠🐳 156 out of 174 people found this helpful. Love the game. Open world MGS works in my opinion, a different turn in the MGS franchise. Sad that this is Kojima's last Metal Gear title, but the game is phenominal. Playing this game since day one it came out (Day One Edition) and is my most playing time. Build your army, scout or annihilate (or both). Somethings are different within this installment which bug me, but nonetheless great game in general. Thank you Mr. Kojima for your hard work since 1987. 56 out of 62 people found this helpful. Huge! Empty. MGS is a great franchise, full of challenge and charm. MGSV is more like a sandbox GTA or Just Cause with very few indoor areas. New equipment is a battle of resource management. Youll get lost in seemigly useless side missions. This is NOT the same Metal Gear, however, it still possesses the charm of the originals, but in a new way. 97 out of 114 people found this helpful. Good, until FOB's. The story is great, but FOB is horribly broken. Losing materials and staff when you're not playing the game? Ok. Horrible scripting for AI base defenders. You should be able to direct defensive tactics. For example, don't go where you just saw 5 guys drop dead. Infiltrators wildly abuse this poor scripting to stay in one spot like under a ladder, shooting every guard that is running to the infiltrator's last known location. Without a human defender your FOB is doomed to even mediocre players with NoobTube, I mean YouTube access. You can deploy to defend, IF you're awake and online to do so. FOB is absolute garbage, used by Konami to squeeze money out of players who pay cash for base "insurance" or MB coins to buy territory. What a joke. 203 out of 252 people found this helpful. Kept you waiting, huh? Hideo Kojima was sadly unable to give us the Metal Gear Solid game we truly deserved thanks to the heads of Konami. While the prodict is still very enjoyable and addicting, I can't help but wonder what the real Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain could have been had Konami Japan been more fair to their fellow executives and employees instead of acting like they Can't Understand Normal Thinking. Here's to you, Hideo Kojima and Kojima Productions staff; may all your endevours be fruitful and multiply. To those under corrupt leadership; revolt or run. 33 out of 39 people found this helpful. I LOVE IT. but. MGS5: PP is an excellent addition to the Metal Gear series, and I love the PvP aspect of it found in MGO (Metal Gear Online) and FOBs (although I wish more people would indulge in the PvP more often), and I'm more of a single player person! I think it's awesome- although slightly saddening- that you made Naked Snake endure all these traumatic events to turn him into the silent Venom Snake. However, there's always a catch to games like these. I'm go into the PvP, namely FOBs. It's a "gotta love it, gotta hate it" type of thing. Love it because it's a way to invade other people and steal from them, running the risk that they may strike back, just like those phone games that people get so addicted to, but with this twist where you have to sneak into the base through the eyes of the attacker, or defend through the view of one of your guards. The game even lets you opt out by going offline through the settings! Still, it can become boring over time. Same old Mother Base layout every time. 9 out of 9 people found this helpful. I came atleast 5 times. 11 out of 11 people found this helpful. Translate to English. Язык Microsoft Store: United States - English. Вас интересует язык Microsoft Store: Россия - Русский? Перевести на русский. You are shopping Microsoft Store in: United States - English. Are you looking for Microsoft Store in: Россия - Русский? Xbox One's Metal Gear Solid 5 "Holds Its Own" vs. PS4 Version. Resolution and frame-rate performance "a close match," according to independent technical analysis. Published by Rob Crossley on August 28, 2015 at 3:48AM. You are now subscribed. The Xbox One edition of Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain performs at a technical standard very similar to the PlayStation 4 version, according to early tests. An independent technical analysis of the game, by Digital Foundry, found that the Xbox One edition delivers on offering a native 1600x900 resolution at 60 frames-per-second. The PlayStation 4 version, meanwhile, rendered at a slightly more advanced 1080p60, but the perceptible difference between the two versions was described as negligible. The report reads: "Sony's platform wins out in direct comparisons of course, having no need to upscale its image. However, it must be said Xbox One acquits itself very nicely at 900p, and despite some softening to foliage elements, its resolution is no longer a tangible limiting factor to the experience." Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes, which shipped last year as the prologue to The Phantom Pain, presented a more significant difference between both consoles, rendering on Xbox One at 720p, and full HD on the PS4. "But with the resolution gap narrowed to 900p versus 1080p, Xbox One at least holds its own in the visual comparison," Digital Foundry wrote. "At 900p, there's a sense that optimisations have been made and we're moving forward." The report also details that some minor advantages can be found on both versions, but concluded: "In gameplay, both PS4 and Xbox One run at a near-flawless 60fps, with v-sync engaged at all times to avoid tearing. The heightened pixel count on Xbox One doesn't appear to hamper this, even when faced with a valley filled with foliage elements. Travelling at speed across busy terrain gives us 60fps as well--an impressive feat." Click on the thumbnails below to view in full-screen. Since the release of the Xbox One and PlayStation 4, in late 2013, the initial wave of third-party games tended to render at a lower resolution on Xbox One as they did on PlayStation 4. Although Sony's console carries a raw computational advantage, the perceptible differences between both machines has begun to narrow. In GameSpot's Metal Gear Solid 5 Review, Hideo Kojima's steal title was awarded a 10/10. It is the twelfth game in history to be awarded the score. Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain Money Cheats. Start Combat Deployment missions with your Mother Base staff that have high GMP rewards. Essentially it’s an unlimited money method. Here we show you how to easily farm GMP (short for Gross Military Product) in Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain, which is the game’s currency. Need a little spare change? Check out these Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain tips. Your GMP (Gross Military Product) indicates the economic status of Diamond Dogs. – Ways of gaining GMP include completing missions or selling weapon emplacements and vehicles extracted from the area of operations. Activities such as developing new equipment consume GMP. The video guide shows you how to do the Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain money cheat. How to Make Money in Metal Gear 5: The Phantom Pain? This is done by managing Mother Base and raking in cash through Combat Deployment and quickly gaining resources. Tip: To visit Mother Base, select it as a destination from the [MISSIONS] tab while in the Aerial Command Center (your customized helicopter). Next are key strategies on how to make even more GMP currency: • Money Method #1: The video guide above focuses on Mother Base leveling up and Combat Deployment to rake in the cash. With the exception of Snake, Diamond Dogs staff can be sent out on missions through the Mother Base facilities. Open “COMBAT DEPLOYMENT” from the “MISSIONS” tab. After selecting a mission from the list, choose the unit’s formation. Once a set period of time has passed, the mission results will be displayed. If the mission is successful, you’ll receive a reward. – Be aware that staff sent on missions may be hospitalized or killed, and vehicles may be destroyed. – You cannot personally control units you dispatch. But don’t worry, they’ll be back in a little over an hour. • Money Method #2: In the area of operations, materials can be found both in a processed form, or unprocessed in shipping containers. These grey materials containers can be airlifted out of the middle of your mission by attaching a Fulton balloon to them. • Money Method #3: Processed materials can be used for purposes such as developing new equipment, or they can be sold for GMP. These processed materials are essentially red & white colored oil canisters found on the battlefield that indicate they are a ‘Fuel Resource’ when you go to pick them up. • Money Method #4: Unprocessed materials can also be obtained through the Base Development Unit’s “Materials Procurement” (automatic mining) function. Once these are processed, they can then be used as processed materials. As the Base Development Unit’s level goes up, the amount of materials procured increases and processing time shortens. – This is key to farming GMP in large amounts. • Money Method #5: When you obtain rough diamonds, they can be converted to GMP. Collect Raw / Rough Diamonds (raw materials you can gather around the map) to gain money. Raw / Rough Diamonds are scattered throughout the landscape and when you pick them up, they get sent back to Mother Base. They add to the GMP, the game’s currency, which can be used to upgrade your base and develop new items & equipment. If you have any more Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain money cheats or tips, please leave a comment and we’ll add it to this guide with credit to you. 🙂 Wallpaper Gallery Slider. Grand Theft Auto 5 Wallpapers. Zelda: Breath of the Wild Wallpapers. Metal Gear Survive Wallpapers. Devil May Cry Wallpapers. Mortal Kombat X Wallpapers. Dragon Ball XV Wallpapers. Metal Gear Solid 5 Wallpapers. The Witcher 3 Wallpapers. About the author. By Ferry Groenendijk : He is the founder and editor of Video Games Blogger. He loved gaming from the moment he got a Nintendo with Super Mario Bros. on his 8th birthday. Learn more about him here and connect with him on Twitter, Facebook and at Google+. Popular Galleries. Morrigan's Cosplay. Uncharted 4 Cosplay. Assassins Cosplay. BioShock Cosplay. Queen of Blades Cosplay. Kasumi Cosplay from DOA. Chun-Li Cosplay. Bayonetta Cosplay. Quiet Cosplay. Life Is Strange Cosplay. 15 Fairy Tale Ideas for TWAU. Lilith Borderlands Cosplay. Top 3 Best Samus Cosplays. Cortana's Halo Series Evolution. Portal 3 Aperture Science Cosplay. Injustice Characters List. Ibuki Street Fighter Cosplay. Prince of Persia Cosplay. Zelda & Link Cosplay. Yuna & Tidus Cosplay. 151 Pokemon Art. Ada Wong Cosplay. Recent Comments. Happy New Year 2018! 😀 I’m still playing a lot of Overwatch. Dat new Reinhardt skin tho! Это видео недоступно. Очередь просмотра. Удалить все Отключить. Metal Gear Solid 5 The Phantom Pain – PC vs. PS4 vs. Xbox One Graphics Comparison [FullHD][60fps] Хотите сохраните это видео? Пожаловаться. Пожаловаться на видео? Понравилось? Не понравилось? Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain kaufen (Germany only): http://amzn.to/1DvkqYU. We compare Metal Gear Solid V The Phantom Pain on PC PS4 and Xbox One. PC is of course maxed out. PC has advantages in Ambient Occlusion, draw distance, anisotropic filtering, Level of Detail etc. The only difference I could spot between PS4 and XO was the resolution and some minor effects on post processing that come with the reduced resolution. Nonetheless the graphics are awesome on all platforms, don't forget that before crying out pcmasterrace just for one more tree. The sense of these comparisons is not to create fights between ignorant people, but to show technical optimizations the devs made to run the game smoothly on each platform. Wir vergleichen MGS 5 The Phantom Pain auf PC PS4 und Xbox One. PC hat leichte Vorteile in der Umgebungsverdeckung, Sichtweite, Detailgrad in der Entfernung Anisotropische Filterung, etc. Der einzige Unterschied, den ich zwischen den Konsolen feststellen konnte, war die Auflösung und damit minimale Unterschiede in Post-Processing Effekten, die dadurch bedingt werden. Insgesamt sieht die Grafik des Spiels auf allen Plattformen sehr gut aus.

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