суббота, 2 июня 2018 г.


Displaying Content from a Surface to an XBox One Using "Play To" The Surface family of devices (or any device/PC running Windows 8) is capable of wirelessly sending video content from many modern applications to an XBox One on the same network using a technology known as Play To . Play To is particularly useful for streaming video from your browser. Setting it up is quick and easy, but not terribly intuitive. You may have also heard the term Miracast. Miracast is a different technology and is essentially a peer-to-peer, Wi-Fi Direct HDMI cable. In other words, a wireless monitor. Miracast is superior in the fact that it works with all applications without modification. Unfortunately there are only a couple of Miracast receivers on the market today, and this technology is outside the scope of these instructions. Projecting applications is done by swiping in from the right to display the charms bar, and selecting devices. You'll get the menu below: While in an application that supports it, selecting the Play menu presents you with the available output devices: Noticeably missing is the option for the XBox. Unfortunately this isn't quite as automatic as the Apple AirPlay system. We have to set a few things up first to get it to show up here. First, confirm that Play To is enabled on your XBox by using the Settings app, and selecting preferences . There you'll see the option to enable Play To . Go back to your Surface and reopen the charms bar and select Devices , and then Play , just as you did before. This time select Add a device . This is a deep-link into the settings app. From this screen, select Add a device : It should detect the XBox One: If your XBox doesn't show up, ensure that you're on the same subnet, and confirm that your network is open and test by using the SmartGlass application to confirm connectivity. After a bit of installation, the XBox One should show up in the list of Play Devices. Once it's showing up, open up YouTube.com in Internet Explorer, start playing a video of your choosing, and select your XBox as the Play To target: Selecting the XBox system will cause the currently playing video to display on the XBox. Once the initial handshaking is done, you can switch videos, and even allow the Surface to go into standby, and the video will keep playing. Keep in mind that there are a limited number of applications that have Play To support. If your favorite application is lacking support, be sure to reach out to the author and ask them to add it. Like this post? Please share it! I'm Jason Young , software engineer. This blog contains my opinions, of which my employer - Microsoft - may not share. xboxone. 3 170 пользователей находятся здесь. МОДЕРАТОРЫ. Arowin Arowin MikeyJayRaymond Simple Rlight #teamchief _deffer_ deffer delicious_cheese DeliciousCheeze tobiasvl tobiasvl - #teamchief ClassyTurkey Enter Gamertag XboxCountdown XbotOne AutoModerator . и ещё 5 » Welcome to Reddit, the front page of the internet. and subscribe to one of thousands of communities. Это архивированный пост. Вы не можете голосовать или комментировать. Want to add to the discussion? помощь правила сайта центр поддержки вики реддикет mod guidelines связаться с нами. приложенияи инструменты Reddit for iPhone Reddit for Android mobile website кнопки. Использование данного сайта означает, что вы принимаете пользовательского соглашения и Политика конфиденциальности. © 2018 reddit инкорпорейтед. Все права защищены. REDDIT and the ALIEN Logo are registered trademarks of reddit inc. π Rendered by PID 39930 on app-579 at 2018-02-01 07:27:06.927930+00:00 running b5f602d country code: RU. Xbox One gets Miracast streaming support with new update. Microsoft is finally enabling Miracast support on Xbox One. While the company’s gaming console has long included the ability to stream individual files from Windows PCs, Miracast support will enable Xbox One owners with Android phones, Windows phones, and Windows PCs to cast photos / video straight from devices to the console or simply mirror a screen. Microsoft is enabling Miracast with an update to the SmartGlass preview app for Xbox One, and the company will also let users power on and off consoles as part of the update. The Xbox app for Windows 10 is getting some new features. Alongside the SmartGlass app updates, Microsoft is continuing to improve its dedicated Windows 10 Xbox app. Microsoft is adding in the new Game bar it revealed back in January, allowing gamers to capture clips of games and take screenshots easily. Live TV streaming is also entering preview, allowing Xbox One owners with a digital TV tuner to stream content to tablets, phones, and PCs. Microsoft is still working on streaming game support for the Xbox app on Windows 10. A new option in the Xbox One dashboard appeared earlier this month to enable the beta feature, but the new preview version of the Xbox app for Windows 10 won’t support game streaming just yet. Microsoft is rolling out its SmartGlass and Xbox for Windows 10 preview updates today, and both will be available in the Windows Store shortly. Miracast support will be enabled on Xbox One preview consoles later this week. Windows 10 event: Xbox One streaming. Next Up In Gaming. Now Trending. Command Line. Command Line delivers daily updates from the near-future. Your Idea. Your Vote. Your Xbox. Share your feature requests and ideas for improving Xbox products and services. The feature teams working on Xbox One, Xbox on Windows, Xbox mobile apps, and Xbox Live regularly review the ideas you submit, incorporating them into their work to make your Xbox experience even better. Introducing the Clubs and LFG Feature Forum. Our newest Feature Area forum, Clubs & LFG, is now live! We've added a bunch of ideas that you can now vote on both in the Feature Area forum and in the Clubs & LFG category. Find features and requested changes to the Home dashboard and settings. Xbox One Miracast Support. Since Windows 8 has built in Miracast support, It would be great being able to mirror our Windows 8 device to the TV via the Xbox One. With Snap support! [Mod Edit: This idea was merged with similar ideas posted by MathSimon and techAU. Thanks everyone!] The Wireless Display app is coming to preview participants soon. 440 comments. I WANT MORE THAN THAT, I want DIAL, DLNA, and Miracast streaming support to and from other devices. The ability to click 'cast to' and have netflix pull up on my Xbox One (from within the nexflix app), the same with Hulu, et al. We kind-of need a low latency version of those protocols, but that would require working with a few companies. Is this app still in development?! What happened to this awesome feature? Wake up Microsoft, its 2017. Seriously, its 2017. Google has been kicking *** with millions of Chromecast sold. But Microsoft cant, Xbox cant. Every two-bit company can make casting devices today. But Microsoft cant, Xbox cant. Software for casting sell for dollars in each store. But Microsoft cant, Xbox cant. Wake up Microsoft, its 2017!! I have an Xbox and a Surface Pro, and think its not really a crime to expect to mirror to small screen to my TV's big screen via Xbox. But Microsoft cant, Xbox cant. Wake up Microsoft, its 2017!! Xbox rolls outs a Wireless Display app in preview 2015 and then goes to sleep. But Microsoft cant, Xbox cant. Wake up Microsoft, its 2017!! No less than Major Nelson released a blog post announcing wireless preview app in 2015, yeṭ it goes nowhere. But Microsoft cant, Xbox cant. Wake up Microsoft, its 2017!! Hear's a suggestion: Show some self-respect and some dignity to the 4000+ folks here, and just announce that you wont be build this app any further. Take down the In-Progress label. Just admit it that Microsoft and Xbox don't have it in them to be able to build this thing, and users be damned. Because but Microsoft cant, Xbox cant. So go back to sleep Microsoft, its not 2017!! I used the wireless display (preview) app almost every day and it worked very well, a hiccup here and there, but it was great. Now suddenly it doesn't work at all, just immediately closes when started. Quite sad though, it was fun being able to cast my pc screen to my Xbox and play some minor games. The app pretty much crushed the massive wall between pc gaming and console gaming. How can this take over 2 years? Release it already, please! Any news on this? When I purchased my xbox last Xmas i just assumed this would be a feature, given its uptake in tech devices. After finding out there was an app if you signed up to the insider program, i signed up. To my disappointment the app had been phased out. This seams like such a basic technology to support. Please Microsoft push a buggy app to the insiders again so we can start testing. The wireless display app is essentially phased out. Will we get a replacement? I still have the app installed but it no longer works, not sure when it stopped as not needed to use it in a while. I take it that this is now dead in the water?? Is this still coming out I even sign up on the insider app and no luck finding this app. in progress for at least two years now. Where the hell is this update! I don't care if it's buggy just release it and I'll deal! Is this being ignored completely? I doubt if it will take over a year and a half even if just one person was working on it and only in his/her free time. This is one of the key reasons why I chose an Xbox over a PS. Please get this done asap. This is the best Xbox news I've heard in a while. If you need any additional testers. Can the app just released for Windows 10 called Connect be made available on Xbox One? Any update on this, I can't even use it in the preview program anymore! Another user who bought a XOne partially because of the miracast support, and still waiting :( Wow, been such a long time . MS will probably put this "on hold" like they did with the OTA DVR. More then 1 year since the last Update . Really come on some news on this . The Clubs & LFG Forum Is Live! Our newest Feature Area forum, Clubs & LFG, is now live! We've added a bunch of ideas that you can now vote on both in the Feature Area forum and in the Clubs & LFG category of theNew Ideas forum! Go to the new Clubs & LFG forum and vote for your favorite ideas! Home, Xbox Guide, and Settings: Notifications. Post a new idea… All ideas My feedback Display and Audio 13 Home and Dashboard 43 Installs and Updates 28 Managing Game and Apps 21 Notifications 23 Power and Startup 14 Settings and OS Options 9 Snap and Quick Menu 4 Xbox Opportunities 21. Feedback and Knowledge Base. Give feedback. Accounts & Subscriptions 265 ideas Apps 179 ideas Avatars 91 ideas Backward Compatibility 1,125 ideas Clubs and LFG 40 ideas Console Hardware & Accessories 100 ideas Cortana & Kinect 130 ideas Ease of Access 51 ideas Friends, Messages, & Activity Feed 57 ideas Games 523 ideas Home, Xbox Guide, and Settings 180 ideas OneGuide & Live TV 63 ideas Parties & Multiplayer 46 ideas Profile, Achievements, & Game Hubs 72 ideas Xbox App on Mobile (iOS & Android) 83 ideas Xbox App on Windows 10 77 ideas Xbox Store 130 ideas Xbox.com 41 ideas. New Ideas 11,107 ideas. More Information. Your password has been reset. We have made changes to increase our security and have reset your password. We've just sent you an email to . Click the link to create a password, then come back here and sign in. Xbox One to Finally Get Miracast Support, More. Microsoft today detailed some of the features it will be providing to Xbox One preview members this month and then to everyone else in the next month or so. Among them is one of the most asked-for functional updates: Support for Miracast. Here are the new features Xbox One preview members can expect to see this month. Miracast support. Courtesy of a new Wireless Display app, you will finally be able to use your $500 video game console like a $99 dongle and mirror the display of your Windows PCs, Windows Phone 8 handsets, and many Android devices on your HDTV. Why did this take so long? Why ask why? Power on and off from Xbox SmartGlass. If you think of the Xbox One SmartGlass app as a remote control for the console on steroids, it makes sense that you’d be able to turn the Xbox One on and off with it. Now you can. (You will need the Beta version of the Xbox One SmartGlass, however.) OTA live TV support. As I wrote about previously in Microsoft Brings OTA TV Capabilities to Xbox One in the US and Canada, you will be able to stream live TV using a third-party USB-based TV tuner and view a sorted list of channels and channel logos so you can tell what channels you receive. Opt-in power mode. As I wrote about previously in Microsoft Promises to Improve Xbox One Power Consumption, the initial setup experience on Xbox One will now let you select the power mode you prefer, Instant-on or Energy-saving. Voice messages . This isn’t actually new to the preview program, but the voice message feature—by which you can send and receive voice messages from the Xbox One messages app—will stay in preview this month. But you will now be able to create a voice message while in a party chat using a third party headset too. AirServer brings Miracast, Chromecast, and Airplay to your Xbox One. AirServer has been available on the Xbox One for awhile but thanks to a new update it now works with all Miracast devices. Previously Miracast support was limited to Windows devices streaming to the Xbox One. The app comes with a relatively high price tag of $19.99, but when compared to the price of the hardware it is doing a similar job to, the price is fairly reasonable. A few key features for AirServer for Xbox One include: AirPlay support including AirPlay audio and AirPlay screen mirroring Chromecast support Miracast support Background audio support. Using the app is straightforward. When you open it on your Xbox One it launches to a generic launch screen. You can then connect to it using any of the supported casting formats. This varies a bit from device to device but generally you can connect, cast, or or screen mirror from the quick actions area on your device. AirPlay was the first type of streaming available for AirServer Xbox Edition and the app has many features that Apple users will enjoy. On the video side of things, the app supports AirPlay screen mirroring as well as AirPlay audio. AirPlay audio is especially useful because it puts less of a strain on the app, which yields smoother performance. The app also has background audio support so you can stream your favorite music or podcasts from your Apple devices as you play on the Xbox One. Chromecast is ubiquitous in the streaming world and AirServer Xbox Edition having support for it is a big plus for the app. It essentially turns your Xbox One into a Chromecast receiver. In our testing on an Android phone, it was easy to cast and connect to the app. It just appears as if you've named a Chromecast "Xbox One." This makes it easy to stream all sorts of things to your Xbox One. Miracast is a more universal, if lesser-known, streaming tech. The recent update to the AirServer allows Miracast streaming from any device, though to use it your Xbox One has to be connected to the internet using an Ethernet cable. This is useful for if you need to stream something that doesn't have an Xbox One app that also doesn't work within Microsoft Edge. There was some latency with Miracasting in our testing, but this may vary based on your setup. Another curious issue was that the mouse cursor icon didn't appear when Miracasting, though again that could be hardware related. Pros and Cons. AirServer has done a good job making the app work well on the Xbox One, including optimizing the app for a year. But there are some restrictions that they pointed out when asked that give some perspective on the app "Due to Microsofts limitations on the Xbox, we were only allowed to utilize up to 40% of the GPU while in foreground and a total of 128 MB while AirServer was running in the background" What this leads to is an app that does very well at certain things and struggles some with others. For example, Chromecast streaming yielded much better performance than Miracast streaming. The app is fairly optimized for the Xbox One, but it is not quite perfect. What AirServer excels at is streaming media content. If you have music or videos that you want to stream that for one reason or another you can't play natively on the Xbox One, AirServer Xbox Edition is going to add a new world of functionality to your device. The smoothness of your streaming may vary but in our experience Miracast support had the most issues. There is noticeable latency that would make it impossible to game on. But that doesn't matter as much if you're streaming videos or audio. The sound and picture were in sync while streaming, even if there was latency, so the viewing experience was fine. There are two important things to know when it comes to pricing for the app. First, at $19.99 the app costs more than a lot of apps in the Windows Store. It can be easily argued that the price is justified when compared to the price of a Chromecast device, AirPlay receiver (an Apple TV), and Miracast device, but you have to make that decision for yourself. The second factor is that the price you pay for AirServer Xbox Edition does not also get you AirServer on other devices. The pricing for the PC version or any other version is completely separate. When asked about the pricing separation AirServer support stated "Since the AirServer for Xbox has been specifically designed to work for the Xbox, it's quite different from the AirServer Desktop version which results in us having to maintain two separate softwares. This is the reason why we do not have the AirServer Desktop and AirServer Xbox versions unified under the same license." Wrapping things up. AirServer Xbox Edition is a great example of a third party app expanding the functionality of the Xbox One. It adds streaming from the three most popular ways of casting devices and has improved over time which is a positive sign. While the app isn't perfect and has a relatively high price when compared to other apps, it is worth trying out and seeing if it can replace or supplement your casting setup. The app has a free trial that we recommend giving a go so you can determine if the app works well with your particular setup and if it's worth the cost. New Features in Preview for Xbox App on Windows 10 and Xbox One. Xbox keeps getting better with more new features coming to preview this month for both Xbox One consoles and the Xbox app on Windows 10. We’re making the Xbox app more social, while also giving you more control over your Xbox experience. Also, this month we are delivering several new fan-requested features to the Xbox One console and Xbox One SmartGlass. Xbox on Windows 10. Game DVR for PC games – The Game bar lets you record game clips of your favorite Windows games. With an upcoming Windows Insider update (build 10061 or higher), you will be able to record game clips for Windows PC games* using the new Game bar available on Windows 10. To bring up the Game bar, press Windows + G . Click the “Record that” button to save the last 30 seconds of gameplay, or just press Windows + Alt + G . Additionally, you can manually start and stop recording a game clip by clicking on the “Record” button on the Game bar or pressing Windows + Alt + R . The length of a recording, including the maximum length, can be changed in Settings > Game DVR in the Xbox app. There are also a few key settings within the Game bar itself. Get started by turning on “Record game clips and screenshots” in the Xbox app. Once enabled, there are options for background recording, video and audio quality. After enabling game DVR, you may need to sign out of Windows 10 and back in for the Game bar to appear. In addition to keeping you connected to your games and friends, we’re giving you even more control over the Xbox experience on Windows 10. Xbox One Now Playing and media controls – The games and apps you’ve used most recently on your Xbox One are now displayed when you connect the Xbox app to your console. You can also use the Xbox app to pause, fast forward and rewind. Live TV streaming and PIP (picture in picture) support – For preview members with an Xbox One Digital TV Tuner (in 16 European countries and Australia) or a Hauppauge 955Q TV Tuner (available in the U.S. or Canada) attached to their Xbox One, you can now stream live TV within your home from your Xbox One to Windows 10 PC running the Xbox app. This feature is also available in Xbox One SmartGlass on Windows 8 PCs, Windows Phone 8, iOS, and Android devices. The OneGuide on mobile devices now also provides PIP (picture in picture) support, so you can continue to stream and watch TV while you are using the OneGuide. Xbox controller drivers – The drivers for Xbox controllers are now included with Windows 10, so you no longer have to download and install controller drivers on Windows 10. The Xbox app will automatically update to the April preview version when it becomes available in the Windows Store. Once you receive the update, your version number should be 4.4.9014.0 or higher. You can verify the version number of the Xbox app in Settings. Xbox One and SmartGlass updates. Over-the-air TV for the U.S. and Canada – Earlier this month, we announced the preview for an Over-the-Air Tuner for the U.S. and Canada. With this preview update to Xbox One, a new screen has been added after the initial channel scan to show a sorted list of channels and channel logos so you can tell what channels you receive. You can also choose to scan again from this screen, if you want to move your antenna and give it another try. Power on and off from Xbox One SmartGlass – The beta versions of the Xbox One SmartGlass apps for Windows, Windows Phone and Android will be updated to let you turn your Xbox One on and off. (Your device does need to be on the same home network as your console.) This feature request has more than 4,000 votes on the Xbox Feedback site. The beta versions can be found in the respective stores by searching for “Xbox One SmartGlass Beta.” Wireless Display app – With more than 2,000 votes, Miracast support will be enabled on Xbox One for preview participants later this week, so you can mirror the experiences on Windows PCs (for example, Surface 2, 3, or 3 Pro; Lenovo X1 carbon; Dell Venue 8), Windows Phone 8, and some Android devices (e.g. Samsung S5, Nexus 7, Motorola Droid) that support non-protected Miracast connections. Try the Wireless Display app to cast photos stored on your phone to your Xbox One, or to stream non-protected video content from your PC to your Xbox. User-selectable power mode – The team here at Xbox is also altering the initial setup experience on Xbox One worldwide to enable you to select your preferred power mode. Instant-on enables you to use the “Xbox on” voice command and receive background updates to console, game and app updates. Energy-saving mode is a low power state that requires you to press the Xbox button on your console to start up your Xbox One. For additional information, see this post on Xbox Wire. Voice messages – The ability to send and receive voice messages from the Xbox One messages app continues in preview this month. Also, the ability to create a voice message while in a party chat will be enabled and support will be added for third party headsets. Stay tuned for more great Xbox features coming your way on Xbox One and the Xbox app on Windows 10 and don’t forget to let us know what you think at Xbox Feedback. * Notes: Ensure that you have at least Build 10061 or higher of Windows 10 to use the Game bar. Also, some PC games will block the Windows key and therefore you will not be able to use the Windows key combinations to record clips or take screenshots. In addition, some games run in a full-screen mode that prevents the Game bar UI from being displayed. We are working on a future update that will provide game bar key-remapping as well as supporting the 3-key combination to capture game clips in full-screen mode. Thanks for testing out this initial preview build of the Game bar. How To Use Miracast on xBox One with AirServer Screencast App. Did you need to screen share your xBox One display? Yeah, many people search for the tutorial about how to use miracast on xBox One . About this problem, I wanna try to helping. Hope this guide can be the best solution for people that need to cast their xBox. Here we go 😀 Miracast on xBOX One. # Method 1: How To use Miracast on xBOX One Using Airserver App. First, you’ll need AirServer app on your xBOX. AirServer has been available on the Xbox One for awhile but thanks to a new update it now works with all Miracast devices. Previously Miracast support was limited to Windows devices streaming to the Xbox One. How To install AirServer on xBox One. Download AirServer and run the installer. Click here to download AirServer for Mac. Click here to download AirServer for PC. If you have any installation errors, view the troubleshooting section of our support page. In the AirServer Activation window, enter your activation code or registered email address. If you purchased AirServer, your activation code would be sent in an email immediately after the purchase. If you paid with a PayPal account, the registered email address would be your PayPal primary email address. If you experience any errors with your activation, view the Activation section of our support page. Click Activate. AirServer is now ready to use. No window will open on your computer until you begin streaming or mirroring content to AirServer. Features for AirServer for Xbox One: AirPlay support including AirPlay audio and AirPlay screen mirroring Chromecast support Miracast support Background audio support. AirServer app comes with a relatively high price tag of $19.99, but when compared to the price of the hardware it is doing a similar job to, the price is fairly reasonable. #Method 2: How To use Miracast on xBOX One Using Wireless Display App. Here’s How To Get Xbox One Wireless Display App: You can get the Wireless Display app via the Quest titled “Extend your screen.” Start the quest to be taken to the Xbox Store page to start your download. Once it’s finished you can launch the quest again to launch the app and start working through the scenarios we’d love for you to try. How To Use of Xbox One Wireless Display App: Launch the app, you will see your Xbox name on the screen, ready for a connection. Use your device interface to project your screen, mirror your screen or share your screen. Select your Xbox and voila! If you need to change the name of your console, try using the app settings menu which has a link to your console’s settings and change the name there. Some of the known issues in Xbox One Wireless Display App: Projection of premium content is not supported. Projecting from apps like Netflix or Hulu+ will be blocked by your device as this is protected content. Devices that enable HDCP protection at all times will not be able to project. like: Samsung Galaxy S3, S4, Note 2 and Sony Xperia Z Ultra. In some instances you may need to remove your Console from your device’s display list in order to reconnect. iOS devices do not support Miracast. This app is only compatible only with latest Xbox One firmware, which is xb_rel_1505.150423-2200. Now enjoy your xBox One screen sharing :D. Please share this article about how to use miracast on xBox One if you want to help another people with this same problem. Wireless Display Standards Explained: AirPlay, Miracast, WiDi, Chromecast, and DLNA. HDMI allows you to connect almost any device to a TV or another external display, but HDMI requires a wired connection. You might assume there’d be a well-supported standard for wireless displays, but you’d be wrong. When it comes to mirroring a device’s screen wirelessly or using it as a remote-control for media displayed on another screen, there is still a wide variety of competing standards fighting it out in the market. AirPlay is Apple’s wireless display standard. It allows you to stream video from an iPhone, iPad, or Mac to an Apple TV. Using AirPlay, you can display the contents of your Mac’s desktop, start a video in an app on your iPhone and “push” it to your TV, or play a game on your iPad and mirror your display on your TV. Apple’s AirPlay standard is flexible enough to work in two different ways. It can use display mirroring to mirror the contents of a device’s display, or use a streaming mode that’s smarter. For example, you could play a video in an app on an iPhone and use the playback controls on your iPhone to control the video on your TV. Even while fiddling with the playback controls on your iPhone’s screen, they wouldn’t appear on your TV — AirPlay is smart enough to stream only the content you want to see on the display. AirPlay works very well, but it has a big limitation — it only works with Apple devices. If you have a Mac, iPhone, iPad, and Apple TV, you’ll be happy with it. If you want to stream from a Windows laptop or to a device that isn’t an Apple TV, you’re out of luck. Miracast is an industry-wide standard that’s essentially a response to Apple’s AirPlay. Miracast support is build into Android 4.2+ and Windows 8.1, allowing Android smartphones, Windows tablets and laptops, and other devices to wirelessly stream to Miracast-compliant receivers. In theory, Miracast is great. In practice, Miracast hasn’t worked out so well. While Miracast is theoretically a standard, there are only a handful of Miracast receivers out there that actually work well in practice. While devices are supposed to interface with other devices that support the standard, many Miracast-certified devices just don’t work (or don’t work well) with Miracast-certified receivers. The standard seems to have collapsed in practice — it’s not really a standard. Check out this table of test results to see just how much of an incompatible mess Miracast seems to be. Another problem is that the standard doesn’t mandate devices be branded with the “Miracast” brand. Manufacturers have taken to calling their Miracast implementations other things. For example, LG calls their Miracast support “SmartShare,” Samsung calls it “AllShare Cast,” Sony calls it “screen mirroring, ” and Panasonic calls it “display mirroring.” You might pick up a new Samsung TV, see the “AllShare Cast” logo on the box, and not be aware that this is theoretically a Miracast-compatible TV. You’d probably assume that it only worked with other Samsung devices supporting AllShare Cast — and you might not be wrong, considering how many theoretically compatible Miracast devices are incompatible with each other! You might assume that, since Microsoft added built-in Miracast support to Windows 8.1, their Xbox One console would function as a Miracast receiver. This would make streaming from a Windows 8.1 tablet to your TV via your Xbox One possible and easy. You’d be wrong — the Xbox One can’t function as a Miracast receiver. In other words, Miracast isn’t doing too well. Even if it were, there’s another problem: Miracast only offers display mirroring. You wouldn’t be able to stream a video from your phone on your TV without the playback controls appearing on your TV while you used them, for example. WiDi is short for Intel Wireless Display, a feature associated with Intel’s Wi-Fi Direct standard. This is Intel’s attempt at offering a wireless video and audio streaming system that could compete with Apple’s AirPlay. WiDi never saw much uptake. Intel Wireless Display 3.5 makes WiDi Miracast-compatible, essentially turning WiDi into another branded Miracast-compatible standard. Intel has basically folded WiDi into Miracast. Chromecast. When Google launched the Nexus 4 with Android 4.2 in 2012, they talked up its support of Miracast. Soon, they said, you’d be able to buy cheap Miracast-compatible receivers that you could plug into your TV’s HDMI port. The wireless display problem would be solved, enabling easy display-mirroring from Android and Windows devices. These cheap, compatible receivers failed to materialize. Instead, a year later, Google launched the Chromecast. A Chromecast is a cheap receiver that plugs into your TV’s HDMI port, but it uses something called the DIAL (DIscover And Launch) protocol. To use the Chromecast, you open an app on your Android phone — Netflix, for example. You tell Netflix to play a video to your Chromecast. The Chromecast then connects to the Internet and plays the video, allowing you to control its playback via the app on your smartphone. In this way, your smartphone allows you to discover videos, launch them on the Chromecast, and control their playback. The Chromecast doesn’t simply display the contents of your device’s screen. However, Chromecast also offers a feature that lets you stream your entire desktop or the contents of a Chrome tab to your TV via the Chromecast — just like AirPlay. Like Microsoft’s Xbox One, Google’s Chromecast doesn’t support Miracast at all. The Chromecast is clearly an example of Google throwing their hands up in the air and giving up on Miracast, at least in the short term. Considering all the problems with Miracast and how well Chromecast works, Google appears to have made the right decision. Play To, DLNA, UPnP. Confused yet? Try not to be — this standard is a mess of different terms, but DLNA-enabled devices appear as “Play To” targets. That’s generally how you’ll see them. DLNA isn’t really a wireless display solution. Instead, it’s simply a way to take content on one device and play it on another. For example, you might open Windows Media Player on your PC and use the Play To feature to play a video file from your computer’s hard drive to an audio/video receiver connected to your TV, such as a game console. Compatible devices automatically advertise themselves on the network so they’d appear in the Play To menu without any further configuration needed. The device would then connect to your computer over the network and stream the media you selected. You can still use DLNA to stream media from a Windows 8.1 PC to an Xbox One. However, the standard was clearly designed years ago — it assumes you have local media. Play To only allows you to play local media files like pictures, videos, and music on your hard drive. There’s no way to play videos from Netflix or YouTube, stream music from an online service, display a presentation and control it on your screen, or just display the contents of your desktop. AirPlay arrived in 2010 and other companies are still struggling to match it. If you’re one of the many people who would like to see an open standard that allows non-Apple devices to wirelessly share their displays, the Miracast mess has been tough to watch. Chris Hoffman is a technology writer and all-around computer geek. He's as at home using the Linux terminal as he is digging into the Windows registry. Connect with him on Twitter. Did You Know. Asia is home to a staggering number of record holding mountains; in fact, the first 188 tallest mountain peaks in the world (with a 1,640 feet prominence cutoff) can be found there. Best of How-To Geek. Get the HTG Newsletter. Join 100,000 other subscribers. Follow How-To Geek. More Articles You Might Like. Enter your email address to get our daily newsletter. Join the How-To Geek Club! (It's Free) ✕ Get exclusive articles before everybody else. Get downloadable ebooks for free! Get geeky trivia, fun facts, and much more. Playcast. Screenshots. Description. Playcast is an awesome Media Player for playing or casting your videos, songs or pictures to your TV, Chromecast, Chromecast Audio - Multiroom too -, Apple TV (AirPlay), DLNA Smart TV, Miracast, Internet Box, XBOX One, XBOX 360 etc. - Playlists / add to queue - local and cloud files (OneDrive, GoogleDrive, DropBox etc.) - Fast and handy interface - Universal app (Continuum ready) - Slideshows and shuffle - Picture in preview (PIP) Several cool ways to use Playcast : - Use it as your main media player / music player - Send your music playlist to your TV during your diner - Send a diaporama of your holidays pictures and videos to your TV - Create a movie then watch it on your TV. After bringing the cast to YouTube users with our app "Tubecast", we're happy to bring your own files to your TV with Playcast, enjoy ! Available on. People also like. ScreenBeam Configurator (Win 10) Speedtest by Ookla. G Drive (Client for Google Drive) B2X-SMARTAPP. Podcasts (beta) WinZip Universal. TeamViewer QuickSupport. Monument Browser. WiFi Analyzer. MPEG2 Video Extension. Version notes. Version number: Varies by device. Version (12/21/2017) ---------------------------------- Bugfix Random crashes for Win10 >= Creators update Version & (08/22/2017) ---------------------------------- - Backward compatibility with Win10 before Anniversary update Version (04/04/2017) ---------------------------------- - Bug fixes Version (04/01/2017) ---------------------------------- - New Feature : Same volume level for all songs by default (you can disable it in the settings) - New Feature : UI Accent color can be changed (go in the settings) - New Feature : Zoom UI (setup in the settings) - New code for bakground audio - XBoxOne : UI fix black margin on TV removed - Bug fixes 1.0.0 (11/24/2016) - XBOX One ready - Chromecast Audio Multiroom support - German language (07/29/2016) Bugfix : Sort buttons are back! (07/19/2016) - Current track is shown in the player now (in medium or fullscreen) - Various Bug Fixes and performances improvments (06/27/2016) - New feature : Open an URL - DLNA Drive workaround for large folders and some drives - Various Bug Fixes (06/14/2016) - Various Bug Fixes (06/09/2016) - Background Audio volume bug fixed - Workaround for YAMAHA DLNA devices which won't show duration (thanks Hante!) - If you like our app, please buy it, it REALLY helps us to maintain and evolve it, thank you ;)! Cast your videos, songs and pictures to DLNA devices, Chromecast and AppleTV. System Requirements. Chromecast, Chromecast Audio, Chromecast Audio Multiroom. AppleTV or any AirPlay device. Additional info. Copyright © 2015, WEBROX SARL. Approximate download size. Age rating. Access your Internet connection. Access your Internet connection and act as a server. Access your home or work networks. Use your music library. Use your pictures library. Use data stored on an external storage device. Use your video library. Access to your Account’s username and picture. Get this app while signed in to your Microsoft account and install on up to ten Windows 10 devices. English (United States) Thanks for reporting your concern. Our team will review it and, if necessary, take action. Sign in to report this app to Microsoft. Ratings and reviews. To rate and review, sign in. Your review. Thanks. Your review will post soon. There was an error posting your review. Please try again later. All user reviews. Love the idea. I like that you can Chromecast music, movies, and photos. I don't like that the Chromecast function stops after a few minutes and then I have to fiddle with the app to get it to continue. Also, it takes my Chromecast dongle a few additional minutes to disconnect after I've switched to internal speakers in the app (on my laptop). I've been unable to successfully cast a single song in its entirety. Unfortunate. Also, there's no random or repeat play mode. This is a great start but it could still use some work. I'll spend real money for the full use when it actually works as advertised. 9 out of 9 people found this helpful. Still needs some work. Was looking for an app that would allow me to play my local MP3 collection from my Windows 10 PC to my Chromecast audio so I gave Playcast a try. It almost works - and there's no other apps that do this - So two stars instead of one. But it does have bugs and limited features. Sometimes it can see the Chromecast Audio device, sometimes it can’t, and when it’s casting the whole app sometimes freezes up. It’s also confusing trying to understand when it thinks it’s casting and when it isn’t. When you’re playing, you can’t play a folder of songs, just one, so you may as well play in the Chrome browser and cast from there. The trial period is only 24 hours, so with little kids and a busy life so I couldn’t really truly see if I could work around these issues – And the vendor doesn’t have a web site for help or a forum. If and when this app allows you to reliably cast an entire folder for songs (with shuffle) to a Chromecast Audio it will be a killer app. Until then. 8 out of 8 people found this helpful. Ok but not very reliable. When it works, it works well. Lots of features, etc But needs some stability fixes and playback issues would be solved Please update. 8 out of 8 people found this helpful. Very Terrible. App keeps restarting when I use DNLA Devices. 7 out of 7 people found this helpful. should have read the reviews first. As others have said, this app is not worth the money. Even installed it on my Roku and the server app (PlayOn) on my PC. Navigation is poor. To remove channels, you have to unselect each one. There is no select all or multiselect, making removing channels painfully tedious. Streaming from the PlayOn server to the Roku was like trying to stream HD movies at 3G speeds (lots of buffering). 10 minutes into my casting experience netted me the first 4 minutes of a movie. Soooooo want my money and time back! 7 out of 8 people found this helpful. didintlike it. 5 out of 5 people found this helpful. So much potential but needs polish. Plays photos from my phone but not ones stored on my video card. I have a Lumia 950 so I was hoping for more. If it could access the card without crashing I would give this 5 stars. 4 out of 5 people found this helpful. Potential but needs quality. The app has soo much potential. It works but not always. It's buggy and the UI freezes a lot. I bought it but it's not worth $3.99 yet. The dev needs to spend some time working on bug fixes and making the UI be more responsive instead of freezing when it's trying to connect or project things. Will re-review once I see some much needed updates. 5 out of 5 people found this helpful. no mobile phone casting like promised. my android phone has Chromecast and in the discretion for it says it can be connected. when I tried to find away to cast to app I can't. 5 out of 5 people found this helpful. ON SCREEN BUTTONS DONT WORK. Control butons do nothing. Doesnt play from google drive. DONT WASTE YOUR MONEY! 5 out of 5 people found this helpful. Translate to English. Язык Microsoft Store: United States - English. Вас интересует язык Microsoft Store: Россия - Русский? Перевести на русский. You are shopping Microsoft Store in: United States - English. Are you looking for Microsoft Store in: Россия - Русский?

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