суббота, 2 июня 2018 г.


Need for Speed Payback - КУПИТЬ СЕЙЧАС. Издание Deluxe. Выделитесь из толпы, получив эксклюзивные возможности кастомизации, скидки в игре, бонусы к репутации и пять поставок в качестве приветственного подарка. Материалы издания Deluxe. Набор сюжетных заданий Эксклюзивный цвет закиси азота издания Deluxe (можно применить к 5 машинам). Эксклюзивный номерной знак издания Deluxe. Эксклюзивный значок для списка лидеров издания Deluxe 5 поставок Бонус к репутации в 5% Скидка в 10% на игровые покупки Платиновый набор машин, включающий в себя: Chevrolet Camaro SS 1967 Dodge Charger R/T 1969 Ford F-150 Raptor 2016 Nissan 350Z 2008 Volkswagen Golf GTI Clubsport 2016 Украшения - эксклюзивная платиновая синяя подсветка и дым покрышек† Need for Speed Payback - издание Deluxe. Need for Speed Payback - издание Deluxe. Стандартное издание. Мчитесь в гущу событий по дорогам Фортуны-Вэлли, моментально получив доступ к пяти знаменитым машинам с уникальным кастомайзингом и тюнингом, каждая из которых будет с эксклюзивными† платиновыми синими дымом покрышек и подсветкой. Украшения - эксклюзивная платиновая синяя подсветка и дым покрышек† Nissan 350Z 2008 Chevrolet Camaro SS 1967 Dodge Charger R/T 1969 Ford F-150 Raptor 2016 Volkswagen Golf GTI Clubsport 2016. Need for Speed Payback - стандартное издание. Need for Speed Payback - стандартное издание. Need for Speed Payback с EA Access и Origin Access. Доступ + Издание Deluxe. Доступно 2 ноября. †ПЛАТИНОВЫЙ СИНИЙ ДЫМ ПОКРЫШЕК ПРИМЕНЯЕТСЯ ИСКЛЮЧИТЕЛЬНО К МАШИНАМ ИЗ ПЛАТИНОВОГО НАБОРА. ПЛАТИНОВАЯ СИНЯЯ ПОДСВЕТКА ПРИМЕНЯЕТСЯ ЭКСКЛЮЗИВНО К ПРЕДВАРИТЕЛЬНЫМ ЗАКАЗАМ СТАНДАРТНОГО ИЗДАНИЯ И ИЗДАНИЯ DELUXE, А ТАКЖЕ К УЛУЧШЕНИЯМ ДО ИЗДАНИЯ DELUXE. Need for Speed: Rivals. Where to buy. Need for Speed: Rivals. GameSpot Reviews. Need for Speed: Rivals Review. Reviewed on: PS4. Player Reviews. Most Helpful Critical Player Reviews. Obvious fastest port from console version they could do. I pre-purchased through Origin without checking the EA forums first. my bad.Launched the game last night. It looks beautiful, from what I saw of it. Then I discovered there is no support for any wheel controllers. I h. Read Full Review. What Gamespot Users have to say about Need for Speed: Rivals. Uh. - Get It Or Forget It? - Need For Speed Rivals (Reviewed On PS4) Uh. This game series itself has gone downhill, but this particular installment brought me hope that it might redeem the series. Was I right?Eh. Here We Go Again (By JS on PS4)Unlike my usual structure, I'll be noting e. Read Full Review. Need For Speed Rivals Review. It didn't get my expectations and the game actualy felt really bad on the 360.Bugs,awful textures and migrating hosts every 10 minutes.Also the world felt boring and ugly.What I liked was the idea of a rivalry between c. Read Full Review. What a crappy game. Cars that even on dry tarmac sails like on ice, police cars and rivals disappearing right in front of you while engaging them, police cars disappearing in one position to reappear in another position driving now in the o. Read Full Review. Technically not bad but not great either. This is one of those games that are fun while playing but will be forgotten by next week or so. The Good:Highly Action Packed: Hot pursuits and Interceptors are as energetic and fun as usual.Gorgeous Graphics: The powe. Read Full Review. A buggy annoying mess. I used to love the NFS franchise back in the early days of Need for Speed Underground and Need for Speed Underground 2. But the franchise seems to have gone off the rails with this release.Pros: Good selection of cars. Read Full Review. Losing all the good aspects. I have played NFS since the first game. My interest in the series took a dive when steering with the D-pad stop being a steering option. Joysticks aren't nearly as precise, but I can work with that. What I can't work wi. Read Full Review. Fun. For Ten Minutes. The game is enjoyable for a while, but then instantly becomes monotonous and boring. I've seen more cars on a mobile game than in this, and if you enjoy customizing cars and having a story line, you're better off buying . Read Full Review. Nice visuals though crippled by unplayable viewing angle. After reading all the generally very favourable reviews of this game, and wanting an 'arcadey' racer over a serious bore-fest of a scientifically accurate simulation racer (each to their own), this was the only option fo. Read Full Review. Not even the 2+ hour wait to fully install the game will speed up the loading screens. As most already know, you will have to download the game. TWICE just to play the full version of this game. First, you play the basic training introduction of cop and racer. THEN. be prepared to wait for at l. Read Full Review. Need for speed Rivals failure of the year! Graphics look really cool! Nice landscape details. But gameplay is just so BORING! Events get boring pretty fast. Limited ways to customize your car or choose cars. No offline multiplayer mode! Looks like a big map, but . Read Full Review. Need for Speed: Rivals. Generally favorable reviews - based on 18 Critics What's this? Mixed or average reviews - based on 180 Ratings. Mixed or average reviews - based on 180 Ratings. Summary: Need for Speed Rivals inserts gamers behind the wheel of both sides of the thin blue line, daring them to cross that line as either a cop or racer in order to gain any advantage in the street’s ultimate rivalry. Players decide between two distinct career experiences, each with its own set of Need for Speed Rivals inserts gamers behind the wheel of both sides of the thin blue line, daring them to cross that line as either a cop or racer in order to gain any advantage in the street’s ultimate rivalry. Players decide between two distinct career experiences, each with its own set of high-stakes challenges, rewards, pursuit tech and cars. The intensity of the action is enhanced as a result of AllDrive, a feature that destroys the line between single player, co-op and multiplayer. Through AllDrive, friends are connected to one racing world where their races and chases can collide at any time. … Expand. Developer: Ghost Games Genre(s): Driving , Racing , Simulation , GT / Street , GT / Street , Automobile Cheats: On GameFAQs Rating: E10+ More Details and Credits » Critic Reviews. User Reviews. 1. The autosave feature doesn't work, losing my progress numerous times. Yes, I've read about how to prevent the issue but it keeps happening. It seems to be able to remember how much of a speedlist I've completed but unable to record my progress from level 21 to 39 in a single session. 2. First time I played the game, the trigger wouldn't move my car causing me to do a reinstall. 3. If you don't find an online game right away, the main loading screen hangs for 5 minutes until you're put in a world by yourself. I turned off the online feature because of this as I rarely found a game immediately. 4. Leaving a command post or safe house, I've froze the game numerous times when starting to drive. Need For Speed: Rivals First Look (Xbox One, PlayStation 4, PC) It's an all out pursuit in Electronic Arts' high-speed racer. Published 4 years, 7 months ago about Need for Speed. The Need For Speed series has seen its share of ups and downs, but last year marked a tremendous high point with the release of Criterion Games' captivating Most Wanted. It represented everything we've come to love about the series. Now Electronic Arts is about to up the ante again with Need For Speed: Rivals, which makes its current and next-generation debut later this year. Rivals is being developed by Ghost Games with help from Criterion. In Rivals, it's all about building a high number of points and being the best thing on four wheels – and that doesn't just mean scoring first place in each race. It helps, but you need to do more to increase your point total. Style goes a long way in Wanted. Speeding through intersections and on the wrong side of the road – dodging traffic while doing so, obviously – will help, along with performing stunts, like drifting your way around a corner without losing speed or aggressively taking out a driver by ramming into and causing him or her to have an accident – a staple in both the Burnout and Need For Speed games of late. Best of all, Rivals gives you the opportunity to play on either side of the competition. You can be an all-out street racer without a care in the world, using turbo boosts and items in the environment to your advantage. On the other side, you can play as the police, driving along in speedy little Lamborghinis and other vehicles, using such toys as spike strips that can deflate an opponent's tires and make them lose speed, and an EMP capable of shutting down a ride. With the hands-on demo we experienced, players were divided into teams with the goal of seeing who could get the highest score. In Rivals' racing world, you don't have a pre-set path to follow, though there are events you can activate, whether it's competing against a rival or partaking in a race in a certain part of the city. It's simply a matter of driving up and hitting the left shoulder button to activate the event. The open-world racing style really suits Rivals based on what we've played. Being able to engage in pursuit or getaway driving with the click of a button is fantastic, and you can change rivals at any time if you feel like someone will deliver a greater challenge after you've wrecked your opponent. There's a risk and reward system with earning points in Rivals, as you can easily lose all you've accumulated by getting wrecked or pulled over by the police. Thankfully, there are checkpoints where you can choose to "bank" your points, taking the safe route and then getting back on the road to earn more. You just need to make sure you don't have someone in hot pursuit when you get there – last thing you need is to get robbed of your rewards when you're so close. With the AllDrive system, you're able to challenge anyone in the world, whether they're AI drivers or online opponents. This is a great system, though we didn't see many computer drivers in the demo we played. The developers did assure, however, that the world would be highly populated with challenges. Finally, let's talk about the gameplay. Ghost Games learned a thing or two from the team at Criterion and Rivals handles very well. Utilizing secondary options like the EMP and turbo boost are relatively easy, and the controls work flawlessly with the PlayStation 4 controller – which was used for the demo – when it comes to drifting and maintaining high speed. You still run the risk of getting into an accident if you're not careful, but as you play on, you learn the layout of the city and can easily use it to your advantage to wreck others. Rivals looks like a fine next gen introduction for the long-running racing series, while still serving up some free-wheeling fun for those who own current systems. The AllDrive system should definitely increase your chances for competition, and those police do have some wonderful cars. We suggest taking them for a spin. Need For Speed: Rivals will release for Xbox 360, PlayStation 3 and PC this November, and for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One shortly thereafter. Hear about the latest Need for Speed guides, exclusive content, and amazing offers! xboxone. 4 031 пользователь находится здесь. МОДЕРАТОРЫ. Arowin Arowin MikeyJayRaymond Simple Rlight #teamchief _deffer_ deffer delicious_cheese DeliciousCheeze tobiasvl tobiasvl - #teamchief ClassyTurkey Enter Gamertag XboxCountdown XbotOne AutoModerator . и ещё 5 » Welcome to Reddit, the front page of the internet. and subscribe to one of thousands of communities. отправлено 3 года назад автор antojoso DrGuez. Want to add to the discussion? помощь правила сайта центр поддержки вики реддикет mod guidelines связаться с нами. приложенияи инструменты Reddit for iPhone Reddit for Android mobile website кнопки. Использование данного сайта означает, что вы принимаете пользовательского соглашения и Политика конфиденциальности. © 2018 reddit инкорпорейтед. Все права защищены. REDDIT and the ALIEN Logo are registered trademarks of reddit inc. π Rendered by PID 71813 on app-434 at 2018-02-02 14:21:03.676334+00:00 running 1cce75d country code: RU. How To Unlock All Need for Speed Rivals Cars. Introduction. Both Cops and Racers progress through the game by completing groups of objectives called “ShotLists” AKA “SpeedLists”. You can choose a theme to progress through, ranging between Combat, Racing, Driving Skills, and more, and then advance through the tiers, unlocking new cars and story progress as you go, using earned SpeedPoints to unlock this additional content. How to find Hideouts and bank money: • Racers earn SpeedPoints through their actions while driving. Races, pursuits, collectibles and driving skills will all award SP, which accumulates the longer the racer continues, gaining higher point multipliers as you go. — Racer must enter a Hideout to bank their accumulated SpeedPoints permanently. If you are Busted by a Cop before you can bank your SpeedPoints, you will lose those points. — Racers have access to evasion-specific technology ranging from jammers to electromagnetic pulses to get cops off their tails. They also have access to the newest performance upgrades, tech, and personalization options from paint-jobs and livery to custom licenses plates, rims and decals. How to escape the Cops: • Cops earn SpeedPoints through busts. The higher the heat-level of the player being pursued, the more SpeedPoints the cop will get. — You’ll accumulate Heat as you drive around the world performing various actions. Certain cars will start out with higher Heat levels than others, if they deserve it. — Cops on the other hand don’t mess around with aggressive tools to bust racers from shockwaves and roadblocks to helicopter support and more. Like Racers, Cops also have access to the newest performance upgrades, tech, and personalization options from paint-jobs and livery to custom licenses plates, rims and decals. How to bust Racers: In short: Score SpeedPoints for slamming opponents, wrecking them, and doing it in style. SpeedPoints will help you rank up, which in turn unlocks new cars & pursuit tech. Speed, drift, and fight your way through the racer & cop ranks to unlock faster cars like the Venom and more powerful aggressive pursuit technology. As you’ll find out when you’ve begun playing the first 20 ranks must be completed in sequential order. You’re given the option to choose one of three SpeedLists for each rank and will be awarded with the vehicle associated with the rank. You can change your current assignment at any point before completion via a Hideout. But you can’t accept SpeedList assignments from ranks you’ve previously completed until you complete SpeedList 20. After that, completing SpeedLists from previous ranks will unlock additional liveries for your cars. Choose your targets wisely; they’re lit up on the map according to value. Do you pursue high value targets to maximize your score? Or do you go for the lower ranked racers, knowing the higher value, the more dangerous the target? Watch the official feature video about career progression & pursuit tech upgrades here: Need for Speed Rivals Unlockable Cars. Below we’ve listed the cars in alphabetical order. Take the following steps to unlock each one; where available. 1. 2012 Aston Martin Vanquish. How To Unlock: Reach Rank 3 in the Racer Faction’s Career. 2. 2013 Audi R8 V10 Plus 5.2 FSI Quattro. How To Unlock: Reach Rank 9 in the Racer Faction’s Career. How To Unlock: Reach Rank 4 in the Racer Faction’s Career. Take a look at unlocking and buying the BMW M3 Rank 4 and seeing the Pursuit Tech in action: 4. 2014 Chevrolet Corvette C7 Stingray. How To Unlock: Reach Rank 6 in the Racer Faction’s Career. Take a look at unlocking and buying the Chevrolet Corvette Stingray with customization: 5. 2012 Dodge Challenger SRT8 392. How To Unlock: Reach Rank 2 in the Racer Faction’s Career. 6. 2011 Ferrari 458 Spider. How To Unlock: Reach Rank 10 in the Racer Faction’s Career. How To Unlock: Reach Rank 14 in the Racer Faction’s Career. How To Unlock: Reach Rank 19 in the Racer Faction’s Career. 9. 2012 Ferrari F12 Berlinetta. How To Unlock: Reach Rank 16 in the Racer Faction’s Career. How To Unlock: Reach Rank 13 in the Racer Faction’s Career. How To Unlock: Reach Rank 5 in the Racer Faction’s Career. Here’s a video guide that shows how to unlock the Ford Mustang GT in-game: 12. 2013 Lamborghini Aventador LP 720-4 50th Anniversario. How To Unlock: Reach Rank 17 in the Racer Faction’s Career. 13. 2013 Lamborghini Gallardo LP 570-4 Superleggera Edizione Tecnica. How To Unlock: Reach Rank 11 in the Racer Faction’s Career. 14. 2013 Lamborghini Veneno. How To Unlock: Reach Rank 18 in the Racer Faction’s Career. 15. 2011 Maserati GranTurismo MC Stradale. How To Unlock: Play OverWatch mode on the Need for Speed Network app or website. While playing you’ll earn OverWatch Speedpoints — which are different and unique from Cop and Racer Speedpoints — any time an Ability is used, or a Mission is completed with your Network Driver. Once your OverWatch Level is high enough, a special event will be unlocked and automatically added to your playlist to be accessed in Need for Speed Rivals on your console or PC game. These special events, when completed (by a Racer), may grant you a Car model or Livery, so fingers crossed you’ll unlock the Maserati! Where To Access OverWatch: This can only be done using the Need for Speed Network companion app’s OverWatch mode on iOS or Android mobile devices (via the Need for Speed Autolog iTunes app); Or by using your any browser and visiting & signing in at NFSnetwork.com. Tip: To jump into OverWatch from within Need for Speed Rivals, press the Play OverWatch button on the Need for Speed Network screen, or select the OverWatch option that appears when you select a friend driving around the map. — Jump into the top-down view of the world and monitor what your friends are up to, or take action to help or hurt them, by repairing or damaging players’ vehicles, deploying roadblocks, or refilling nitrous. Either way will net you Speedpoints. 16. 2013 McLaren MP4-12C Spider. How To Unlock: Reach Rank 12 in the Racer Faction’s Career. How To Unlock: Reach Rank 21 in the Racer Faction’s Career. 18. 2013 Mercedes-Benz SLS AMG Coupe Black Series. How To Unlock: Reach Rank 7 in the Racer Faction’s Career. How To Unlock: Reach Rank 20 in the Racer Faction’s Career. How To Unlock: Reach Rank 8 in the Racer Faction’s Career. 21. 2014 Porsche 918 Spyder. How To Unlock: Reach Rank 15 in the Racer Faction’s Career. 22. 2013 Porsche 981 Cayman S. How To Unlock: Automatically available from the start of the Racer Faction’s Career. 23. 2014 SRT Viper Time Attack. How To Unlock: Download the Ultimate Racer Pack DLC. This is a GameStop & select retailers pre-order bonus with the game upon purchase. This timed exclusive should become available to buy at a later time at your PC/console’s online store. This video shows all the Racer Career cars unlocked: 24. 2010 Aston Martin One-77. How To Unlock: Reach Rank 17 in the Cop Faction’s Career. 25. 2012 Aston Martin Vanquish. How To Unlock: Reach Rank 2 in the Cop Faction’s Career. Take a look at buying the Aston Martin Vanquish and coloring it a light matte green: 26. 2012 Bentley Continental GT. How To Unlock: Play OverWatch mode on the Need for Speed Network app or website. While playing you’ll earn OverWatch Speedpoints — which are different and unique from Cop and Racer Speedpoints — any time an Ability is used, or a Mission is completed with your Network Driver. Once your OverWatch Level is high enough, a special event will be unlocked and automatically added to your playlist to be accessed in Need for Speed Rivals on your console or PC game. These special events, when completed (by a Cop), may grant you a Car model or Livery, so fingers crossed you’ll unlock the Continental GT! Where To Access OverWatch: This can only be done using the Need for Speed Network companion app’s OverWatch mode on iOS or Android mobile devices (via the Need for Speed Autolog iTunes app); Or by using your any browser and visiting & signing in at NFSnetwork.com. Tip: To jump into OverWatch from within Need for Speed Rivals, press the Play OverWatch button on the Need for Speed Network screen, or select the OverWatch option that appears when you select a friend driving around the map. — Jump into the top-down view of the world and monitor what your friends are up to, or take action to help or hurt them, by repairing or damaging players’ vehicles, deploying roadblocks, or refilling nitrous. Either way will net you Speedpoints. How To Unlock: Reach Rank 6 in the Cop Faction’s Career. 28. 2011 Bugatti Veyron 16.4 Super Sport. How To Unlock: Reach Rank 19 in the Cop Faction’s Career. 29. 2012 Chevrolet Camaro ZL1. How To Unlock: Reach Rank 3 in the Cop Faction’s Career. 30. 2012 Dodge Charger SRT8. How To Unlock: Reach Rank 1 in the Cop Faction’s Career. 31. 2010 Ferrari 458 Italia. How To Unlock: Reach Rank 11 in the Cop Faction’s Career. How To Unlock: Reach Rank 14 in the Cop Faction’s Career. 33. 2013 Ford Shelby GT500. How To Unlock: Reach Rank 5 in the Cop Faction’s Career. 34. 2012 Hennessey Venom GT. How To Unlock: Reach Rank 21 in the Cop Faction’s Career. Important: The car unlocks after the last Cop mission is finished. After that, the game opens up the rest of the side mission to unlock all 3 variations of all Cop cars; Each Cop car has these 3 different versions: Patrol, Enforcer, and Uncover. Tip: You can do these mission by looking at the world map and going to the Garage Menu (hit the right trigger button on consoles) and then choosing the Career Overview option. What is the fastest car in the game? The Hennessey Venom GT has the highest top speed! Take a look at the car in action: 35. 2012 Koenigsegg Agera R. How To Unlock: Reach Rank 20 in the Cop Faction’s Career. 36. 2012 Lamborghini Aventador LP 700-4. How To Unlock: Reach Rank 16 in the Cop Faction’s Career. 37. 2013 Lamborghini Gallardo LP 560-4. How To Unlock: Reach Rank 9 in the Cop Faction’s Career. 38. 2010 Lamborghini Murcielago LP 670-4 SV. How To Unlock: Reach Rank 15 in the Cop Faction’s Career. How To Unlock: Reach Rank 10 in the Cop Faction’s Career. How To Unlock: Reach Rank 4 in the Cop Faction’s Career. How To Unlock: Reach Rank 18 in the Cop Faction’s Career. How To Unlock: Reach Rank 13 in the Cop Faction’s Career. 43. 2012 Mercedes-Benz C63 AMG Coupe Black Series. How To Unlock: Automatically available from the start of the Cop Faction’s Career. 44. 2012 Nissan GT-R Black Edition (R35) How To Unlock: Download the Ultimate Cop Pack DLC. This is an Origin.com & select retailers pre-order bonus with the game upon purchase. This timed exclusive should become available to buy at a later time at your PC/console’s online store. 45. 2013 Porsche 911 Turbo. How To Unlock: Reach Rank 7 in the Cop Faction’s Career. 46. 2005 Porsche Carrera GT. How To Unlock: Reach Rank 12 in the Cop Faction’s Career. How To Unlock: Reach Rank 8 in the Cop Faction’s Career. This video shows most of the Cop Career cars unlocked: This 1st of 5 DLC Packs is free as a Christmas gift, and will likely include the promised 5 Traffic class cars. Keep a close eye on your system’s online game store come Christmas 2013. These next 4 rumored/leaked DLC car/racing packs should become available in early 2014 as paid DLC. Car Customization. Need For Speed Rivals has a car list of 52 cars in total made up of 47 cars available to the player, 24 cops cars and 23 racer cars, and 5 traffic cars. Each cop car has 3 different variants: • Patrol versions have Acceleration and Durability upgrades applied. • Enforcer versions have Strength and Durability (higher level than Patrol) upgrades applied. • Undercover versions have the Control upgrade applied. Racers have the ability to upgrade their vehicle in contract to how each cop variant has a specific, unchangeable set already installed. There are 5 different types of upgrades that can be purchased each consisting of 5 different level: • Top Speed – Increases your vehicle’s top speed. • Acceleration – Increases your vehicle’s acceleration. • Control – Improves your vehicle’s ability to corner. • Strength – Improves your vehicle’s strength, or amount of damage delivered, when hitting other players. • Durability – Increases the amount of damage that your vehicle can take. You’ll get the chance to visually personalize your currently selected vehicle by heading to Car Personalization and previewing or applying any of the following options: Note: Only Racer vehicles can be personalized with most options, with the exception of Licence Plates, which can be changed for both Cops and Racers. • Custom Paint -Use the color wheel to choose from a number of pre-set paint colors and set your paint-material to Gloss, Metallic, Satin or Matte. • Paint Rims – Pick a rim-color from a selection of pre-set colors. • Stripes – A large number of different stripes can be customized by color and put onto vehicles, with the exception of all Ferraris. • Decals – A large number of different decals can be customized by color and put onto vehicles, with the exception of all Ferraris. • Wraps and Liveries – You’ll have at least 3 individual-race liveries and one full-body wrap, which includes pre-set rim color as well, that can be applied to each car. — Note that Stripes and Decals cannot be added to liveries and Custom Paint, Stripes, Decals, and Custom Rim color cannot be applied to Full body wraps. • License Plate – You’ll be able to set your licence plate background from pre-made selections and change your license plate text. Protip: If your vehicle gets dinged and damaged, you can drive through a Body Shop to fully repair your car, no matter how battered, bruised, and beat-up it may be. All vehicles have 2 empty weapons slots that can be filled with weapons purchased from the Pursuit Tech screen in Racer hideouts and Cop command posts. Weapons, and their respective upgrade levels, must be purchased per car. Each consists of 4 different levels. Weapon availability, and their respective upgrade levels, is based on the level of vehicle you have currently selected. • Shockwave (directed forward) • Shockwave (produces a pulse that hits targets in proximity) Unlockable DLC Cars. Pre-ordering Need for Speed Rivals from Origin and other retailers will land you the Ultimate Cop Pack: • The Ultimate Cop Pack gives you access to an advanced Nissan GT-R Black Edition , along with an exclusive Cop livery, and early access to level 2 Cop gadgets. Get to GameStop in North America for the Ultimate Racer Pack: • The Ultimate Racer Pack gives you access to the SRT Viper TA , the custom Colorful Dream livery, and a bonus allotment of banked Speed Points. • The Ultimate Racer Pack is also available from Gamestop in Germany, Micromania in France, Game in Spain and the UK, 1c-Interest in Russia, EMPIK, GRAM, SKLEP, MERLIN, GAMINGSTORE, ULTIMA, MUVE, and GRYMEL in Poland, EB Games in Australia, and Mighty Ape in New Zealand. Other pre-order bonuses: • Pre-ordering from Amazon in North America, Germany, and the UK will land you the exclusive Aston Martin Vanquish VIP Matte Kit Livery. • Pre-ordering from Best Buy will include the Dodge Challenger SRT8 Classic Muscle livery. • Pre-ordering from Best Buy in North America, GameStop in Spain, Amazon in the UK, and Tsutaya in Japan will grant you access to Classic Muscle, which includes the Dodge Challenger . • Pre-ordering from Saturn and Mediamarkt in Germany, Amazon in the UK, and Geo in Japan will get you Track Day, which includes the Porsche 911 GT3 . Race to the Origin Store for the Origin Digital Deluxe edition: • The Origin Digital Deluxe Edition gives you access to the exclusive Digital Revolution Livery for the BMW M3, a bonus allotment of banked Speed Points, and the Burnout Paradise Ultimate Box. Time Saver Pack DLC: The paid cheat is back this year. The “Time Saver Pack” DLC is available for Xbox 360, Xbox One, PS3, PS4 & PC at a price of $9.99, which you can buy from the Autolog menu screen in the game. This will help boost you along your Racer and Cop Progressions. Here is what the pack unlocks: • Unlocks all the cars in multiplayer instantly. • Unlocks all the car Jackspots marked on your map. • Pre-purchases and automatically equips the best versions of performance upgrades for all cars. • Pre-purchases both weapon slots for all cars. • Pre-purchases all weapons for all cars. • Pre-purchases all car personalization options for all cars. Note: Once bought, your Time Saver pack should be automatically unlocked, without the need or any sort of console restart or other steps. Future DLC Car Packs: As mentioned in the large list above, between Christmas 2013 and into 2014 there are 5 DLC Packs rumored to be on the way with 5 cars in each pack. The first of these five Car Packs will be free. It will likely include the by EA promised 5 Traffic-class cars. What DLC Car Packs would you like to see in the future? Please share car unlocking tips you’ve discovered in the comments section below, we’ll give you credit for it. – Thanks for visiting! Wallpaper Gallery Slider. Grand Theft Auto 5 Wallpapers. Zelda: Breath of the Wild Wallpapers. Metal Gear Survive Wallpapers. Devil May Cry Wallpapers. Mortal Kombat X Wallpapers. Dragon Ball XV Wallpapers. Metal Gear Solid 5 Wallpapers. The Witcher 3 Wallpapers. About the author. By Ferry Groenendijk : He is the founder and editor of Video Games Blogger. He loved gaming from the moment he got a Nintendo with Super Mario Bros. on his 8th birthday. Learn more about him here and connect with him on Twitter, Facebook and at Google+. what would i love to see some real american muscle cars 1969 mach 1 or even a 1969 camaro no new cr*p. Some oldschool euro cars like the escort and sierra cosworth, mk2 escort rs 2000, chevette hsr, metro 6r4. 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Recent Comments. Happy New Year 2018! 😀 I’m still playing a lot of Overwatch. Dat new Reinhardt skin tho! Need for Speed Rivals Video Games. Сохраните Видеоигры , и объявления в этой теме появятся в ленте eBay. Вы также будете получать эл. оповещения. Отмените подписку на Видеоигры , и соответствующие объявления исчезнут из ленты eBay. При появлении новых товаров вы будете получать эл. сообшения и оповещения ленты. Товар(а/ов) в результатах поиска. Need for Speed соперников ☑ полное собрание сочинений 🎮 PS3 PlayStation 3 ☑ циф. 670,77 руб. или предложение «Лучшая цена» Бесплатная международная доставка. Потребность в скорости: соперники" (Sony PlayStation 4, 2013) 312,73 руб. 4 ставки(-ок) + 1 978,74 руб. за доставку. Потребность в скорости: соперники" 279,72 руб. 1 ставка + 1 946,85 руб. за доставку. Need for Speed соперники-полн ая версия [Sony PS4 PlayStation 4 уличных гонок] 3 915,52 руб. Купить сейчас + 558,88 руб. за доставку. 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Ghost Games' first Need for Speed takes the very best of Criterion in this excellent package. By Martin Robinson Published 18/11/2013 Version tested PlayStation 4. Grab a Ferrari 458 Italia and hit up Need for Speed: Rivals' Redview County and you can find yourself in a pretty decent approximation of what a contemporary, open-world OutRun would look like. You'll see traces of AM2's magic in the languid powerslides that send sweet white smoke pluming from wheel arches, and in the long drives that take you through sinewy roads darkened by the thick canopy of pines, on to snaking snowy mountain passes, and climaxing in full-throated blasts through wide, parched desert. Dial back some of Rivals' obnoxious background chatter and soundtrack and you'll feel it in the base thrill of pounding open roads, and see it in far-off horizons that can be reached in several quick seconds with a heavy foot and a boost of nitrous. A drive around Redview County sees the speedometer rarely dipping below the 150mph mark, and the game delivers a sense of speed to back up its convictions. It's a sensation that was brilliantly felt in Criterion's Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit in 2010, but one lacking a little in its 2012 follow-up Most Wanted. Rivals feels like a continuation of those titles, which is no surprise - the bulk of the staff at new studio Ghost Games was transplanted from the Guildford studio earlier this year, and the weight of handling, feel of vehicle combat and technical achievements will be familiar to fans of the Burnout developer's brand of racing. It's a continuation, but also a balancing act: the open world of Most Wanted was an automotive playground stuffed full of treats, but there was a sense of claustrophobia creeping in to the confines of the urban backdrop. Rivals keeps the open world, but it restores the wide, long highways of Hot Pursuit and weaves them in to a space that's vast, cohesive and full of countless little distractions. We've only seen next-gen versions so far - once PS3 and 360 code is with us, we'll update you with our impressions. Ghost has been vocal about the recruitment of Jamie Keen, a producer formerly of Ubisoft Montreal who is in part responsible for Far Cry 3's open world, and while a certain influence is felt, Redview County isn't quite Rook Island. It's not far off, though - if the measure of a good open world is how easily you're sidetracked when going from A to B, then this is a considerable success, with each stretch of road offering a new car to shut down, an online record to beat or an event to partake in. There's a beauty to the world, too: Ghosts Games' Redview County is one of the better ways to show off next-gen hardware at launch. Weather systems roll in, with lightning forks casting brilliant light on the muscular machinery and rain dramatically dancing across the screen, while waves crash across seafront walls. Collisions, meanwhile, are met with enthusiastic storms of particles. It's a handsome world, and one that's underscored with some real machismo - you'll never hear an angrier rumble than that made by the V12 sitting under the Ferrari 599's elongated bonnet, and in Rivals the cars are so manly they all exude a slick sweat no matter where the dynamic weather cycle's at. For all the testosterone that's swilling around, though, there's a certain grace to be found in the systems underpinning Rivals. The career is split between cops and racers, and you're able to flit between the two at any point. Cops have access to a wider range of pursuit tech - little Mario Kart-like gadgets grounded in Need for Speed's world that offer the ability to send out spike strips, blast out shockwaves or summon helicopters. Patrolling Redview County, there's a seamless list of activities that can earn you speed points, Rivals' own in-game currency. See a racer speed past and you're free to engage and take them down, or simply carry on your way to whichever time-trial or pursuit you had your heart set on. Open roads. Hot Pursuits return in Rivals, which is a boon for both cops and racers. Other event types include straight-up races, time trials and Interceptors, which see you either shutting down a racer or trying desperately not to be shut down. Career progression, though, is done by checking off speedlists - a shopping list of objectives such as maintaining a certain speed for a certain time or jumping a given distance. It's a nice way to add variety to career progression, and it pushes you to explore the open world better than just seeing off event after event ever could. Oh, and there's a story in there too wrapping it all together - though it's comically serious, and it doesn't even have the presence of Christina Hendricks to add some extra light relief. As a racer, there's more depth and nuance to the career - the asymmetry of Rivals' two factions isn't always in balance. Racers have access to a more limited range of pursuit tech, but are free to customise their cars, improving their performance, toughening the chassis or, more importantly, painting the rims just the right shade of red. Once deposited in the world, there's a deeper sense of engagement as a racer, too. The more active you are in a session, the higher your heat level - an analogue, of sorts, of Grand Theft Auto's wanted system. With more heat comes more points, and the ability to keep a score multiplier rattling on before banking it in at one of a number of hideouts across the map. It also means more attention, with more bounty for other cops on patrol for shutting down a high-level rival - if they're successful, any points accrued are then lost completely. The balance of risk and reward lends extra urgency to grinding, and it can create some wonderfully dynamic moments. When you're sitting with 150,000 points in the bank and a heat level that's risen to seven, the angry mob of police-liveried Paganis backed up by a searchlight-waving helicopter is that little bit more menacing, and your acrobatic off-bridge exit that sent supercars spilling into the harbour feels that much more heroic. It's all the better when you realise that one of that chasing pack was being controlled by another player. Rivals' big play for innovation is AllDrive, and while its debut isn't quite as thrilling or faultless as the asynchronous online multiplayer that Hot Pursuit introduced, it's a decent enough asset nevertheless. Instead of sectioning off multiplayer, Rivals melds it into the campaign, letting players share the world as they go off in pursuit of their own goals. Jumps aren't as commonplace as in Most Wanted - and sadly there are no billboards to smash through. Once you know your way around the map it's easy enough to get air, though. When it comes together, it's fantastic - you can see a gaggle of player-controlled cops working together to bring a high level racer down, or a random encounter can send you on a county-wide chase as balletic and chaotic as only multiplayer can be. Compromises have been made to serve the feature, though, and some are more jarring than others. The world can't be paused, which is understandable, but a more painful loss is the punchy vehicle combat of Criterion's games of old. One hit knock-outs are no longer particularly feasible, leading instead to slow wars of attrition that see players steadily knocking away at extended health bars. AllDrive also isn't quite the realisation of Eden Studios' dream that Test Drive Unlimited went some way to attaining, either - the moments where the world feels alive with multiplayer possibility are balanced out by those where other player-controlled vehicles seem a million miles away, and the balance between the size of the map and the number of players within it doesn't quite seem to have been met. Ghost Games will likely get there, though, and what they've conjured up in their debut effort is a remarkable achievement. Before downsizing, Criterion created some of the last generation's very best arcade racers in Hot Pursuit and Burnout Paradise. Ghost Games has carried on that torch and crafted a racer that any of its competitors would do well to match in the new generation. Need for Speed: Rivals review Martin Robinson Apex predator. 2013-11-18T11:00:00+00:00 9 10. Games in this article. Need for Speed: Rivals. PlayStation 4, Xbox One. Follow the games you're interested in and we'll send you an email the instant we publish new articles about them. Sometimes we include links to online retail stores. If you click on one and make a purchase we may receive a small commission. For more information, go here. About Martin Robinson. Martin is Eurogamer's features and reviews editor. He has a Gradius 2 arcade board and likes to play racing games with special boots and gloves on. Comments for this article are now closed, but please feel free to continue chatting on the forum! Need For Speed: Rivals First Look (Xbox One, PlayStation 4, PC) It's an all out pursuit in Electronic Arts' high-speed racer. Published 4 years, 7 months ago about Need for Speed. The Need For Speed series has seen its share of ups and downs, but last year marked a tremendous high point with the release of Criterion Games' captivating Most Wanted. It represented everything we've come to love about the series. Now Electronic Arts is about to up the ante again with Need For Speed: Rivals, which makes its current and next-generation debut later this year. Rivals is being developed by Ghost Games with help from Criterion. In Rivals, it's all about building a high number of points and being the best thing on four wheels – and that doesn't just mean scoring first place in each race. It helps, but you need to do more to increase your point total. Style goes a long way in Wanted. Speeding through intersections and on the wrong side of the road – dodging traffic while doing so, obviously – will help, along with performing stunts, like drifting your way around a corner without losing speed or aggressively taking out a driver by ramming into and causing him or her to have an accident – a staple in both the Burnout and Need For Speed games of late. Best of all, Rivals gives you the opportunity to play on either side of the competition. You can be an all-out street racer without a care in the world, using turbo boosts and items in the environment to your advantage. On the other side, you can play as the police, driving along in speedy little Lamborghinis and other vehicles, using such toys as spike strips that can deflate an opponent's tires and make them lose speed, and an EMP capable of shutting down a ride. With the hands-on demo we experienced, players were divided into teams with the goal of seeing who could get the highest score. In Rivals' racing world, you don't have a pre-set path to follow, though there are events you can activate, whether it's competing against a rival or partaking in a race in a certain part of the city. It's simply a matter of driving up and hitting the left shoulder button to activate the event. The open-world racing style really suits Rivals based on what we've played. Being able to engage in pursuit or getaway driving with the click of a button is fantastic, and you can change rivals at any time if you feel like someone will deliver a greater challenge after you've wrecked your opponent. There's a risk and reward system with earning points in Rivals, as you can easily lose all you've accumulated by getting wrecked or pulled over by the police. Thankfully, there are checkpoints where you can choose to "bank" your points, taking the safe route and then getting back on the road to earn more. You just need to make sure you don't have someone in hot pursuit when you get there – last thing you need is to get robbed of your rewards when you're so close. With the AllDrive system, you're able to challenge anyone in the world, whether they're AI drivers or online opponents. This is a great system, though we didn't see many computer drivers in the demo we played. The developers did assure, however, that the world would be highly populated with challenges. Finally, let's talk about the gameplay. Ghost Games learned a thing or two from the team at Criterion and Rivals handles very well. Utilizing secondary options like the EMP and turbo boost are relatively easy, and the controls work flawlessly with the PlayStation 4 controller – which was used for the demo – when it comes to drifting and maintaining high speed. You still run the risk of getting into an accident if you're not careful, but as you play on, you learn the layout of the city and can easily use it to your advantage to wreck others. Rivals looks like a fine next gen introduction for the long-running racing series, while still serving up some free-wheeling fun for those who own current systems. The AllDrive system should definitely increase your chances for competition, and those police do have some wonderful cars. We suggest taking them for a spin. Need For Speed: Rivals will release for Xbox 360, PlayStation 3 and PC this November, and for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One shortly thereafter. Hear about the latest Need for Speed guides, exclusive content, and amazing offers!

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by Joshua Bruce. I’ve never been a huge racing game fan. Sure, they’re fun enough to play for a little while, but I have found myself getting bored of them pretty quickly in the past. The typical circuit of race tracks that you blindly traverse to unlock new cars, modes, and other tracks holds little appeal for me, outside of the occasional living-room showdown with a buddy. But, in recent years, a new racing game formula has emerged, one I find much more engaging–open-world racing. These racing games, such as Need for Speed: Rivals , let you loose on the roads of a dynamic map that leaves the decisions of what, when, and how you do something up to you. This is the type of gameplay I want in a racing game. At the core of Need for Speed: Rivals , you have a choice–Cop or Racer. Which one you choose is entirely up to you, but it will determine how you play the game, so choose wisely. As you would imagine, both paths tell different stories, but this doesn’t necessarily add up to two different experiences. While there are differences in the gameplay of each side, the game feels largely the same as you play through either mode. The major differences are in how you play, not what you play. For instance, as a Cop, you can engage in pursuits of Racers, in which you have to wreck the Racer to bust them. As a racer, you must evade and escape from the Cops. So, even though you are taking part in the same event, the two sides take on different roles, which makes for interesting and diverse gameplay within the same event. But, if you are worried about being stuck on one side of the law or the other, don’t be, you can switch between Cops and Racers at any time via the pause menu. The game will save your progress in each, so you won’t miss any gameplay in either mode. As the fuzz, you can take part in time trials that test your response time, scripted pursuits, or you can just drive around Redview County looking for Racers to bust, delivering your own brand of wheeled justice. As a Racer, you can participate in time trials as well, and of course races, during which your reckless driving antics will raise your heat level. Your heat level determines how big of a Cop-magnet you are, similar to the wanted level of a Grand Theft Auto game. The persistence of the heat level carries over into races and time trials as well, so it is possible (and probable) that you will be involved in a high-speed chase while in the middle of another event, which makes for some seriously epic driving. At the core of the game, you have to make one major decision–do you want to be the hunter or the prey? Being a Cop pretty much gives you free reign on the streets of Redview, while being a Racer will cause you to continually look over your shoulder and evade the smell of crispy bacon. Game progression is a fairly simple process, complete milestones in the game to raise your level and unlock new cars. They are simple in the beginning, such as placing bronze in an event or scoring a certain amount of credit, but they become increasingly more difficult as time progresses. Unlocking new cars as you go makes your life a little easier, since new cars typically bring a little more to the table as you move on. The “story” (if you want to call it that) is little more than a collection of cutscenes that give a little background to rivalry that has been brewing in Redview County, and you never truly take on the role of a character, which is probably a good thing. Racing games aren’t made for stories, and taking on the role of a character would probably have felt generic, off-putting, and half-baked. Who plays racing games for the story, right? Then, there’s Alldrive. Alldrive breaks down the multiplayer barrier by integrating it seamlessly into the single-player mode. Your friends will populate the game world with their own adventures, simply by playing, giving you the opportunity to interact with them at any given time. Of course, if you want to keep others out, that option is available to you, but Alldrive adds another layer to an already polished racing game that creates unique experiences that you couldn’t have otherwise. The control scheme of Need for Speed: Rivals is tight and refined, complex enough to remain interesting and simple enough for almost anyone to pick up and play. I found drifting in corners to be especially clean, something that can be a serious pain in some racers. Every car feels at least slightly different, and upgrades change how your car handles, as it should. On each car, you have two slots for pursuit tech (which are mapped to the face buttons) that give you an edge against any opponent you might find yourself flying down the highway with.

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