Need for speed rivals xbox one
Accomplish the indicated achievement to get the corresponding number of Gamerscore points:
Gold Master (50 points): Earn 100 Gold medals across both factions. First National (25 points): Bank your first score. 10 Heat (75 points): Reach Heat 10. Multiplier (40 points): Hit a X 10 Multiplier. Bigger Points (35 points): Bank 500,000 in one go. 5 Buster (35 points): Bust a Racer at Heat 5 or greater. 8 Buster (75 points): Bust a Racer at Heat 8 or greater. Lcnce n Rgstrtn pls (30 points): Bust 10 Racers in a Mustang. Bust 50 (35 points): Bust 50 Racers. Friendly Race (30 points): Win a Race against a Friend. Buddy Bust (30 points): Bust a Friend. Racer Rank 5 (15 points): Reach Racer Rank 5. Racer Rank 10 (20 points): Reach Racer Rank 10. Racer Rank 20 (30 points): Reach Racer Rank 20. Racer Rank 40 (40 points): Reach Racer Rank 40. Racer Rank 60 (75 points): Reach Racer Rank 60. Professional Collector (50 points): Purchase 10 Racer vehicles. Cop Rank 5 (15 points): Reach Cop Rank 5. Cop Rank 10 (20 points): Reach Cop Rank 10. Cop Rank 20 (30 points): Reach Cop Rank 20. Cop Rank 40 (40 points): Reach Cop Rank 40. Cop Rank 60 (75 points): Reach Cop Rank 60. Upgrade Master (50 points): Upgrade all Cop Pursuit Tech in one car to maximum level and equip both slots. Deep Down, You Know You Want To (40 points): Drive 50 cumulative minutes in any Ford then enter garage. 5, 4, 3, 2, Mach 1! (40 points): Get 50 seconds of air time in any Ford car.
Need for speed rivals xbox one
1. The autosave feature doesn't work, losing my progress numerous times. Yes, I've read about how to prevent the issue but it keeps happening. It seems to be able to remember how much of a speedlist I've completed but unable to record my progress from level 21 to 39 in a single session.
2. First time I played the game, the trigger wouldn't move my car causing me to do a reinstall.
3. If you don't find an online game right away, the main loading screen hangs for 5 minutes until you're put in a world by yourself. I turned off the online feature because of this as I rarely found a game immediately.
4. Leaving a command post or safe house, I've froze the game numerous times when starting to drive.
Need for Speed Rivals.
Welcome to Redview County, where a street-racing rivalry between cops and racers never stops as both sides compete in an all-out war featuring the fastest cars, mods and technology in a gritty open road environment. Play as either a cop or racer, where each side of the law has its own set of high stakes challenges, rewards and consequences. Risk everything in the ultimate high stakes rivalry. The downloadable version of this game supports English, French, Italian, German, Spanish, Portuguese, Dutch, Japanese.
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Online Interactions Not Rated by the ESRB.
Need for Speed Rivals.
Included in.
Need for Speed™ Ultimate Bundle.
Need for Speed™ Deluxe Bundle.
Need for Speed™ Rivals: Complete Edition.
Welcome to Redview County, where a street-racing rivalry between cops and racers never stops as both sides compete in an all-out war featuring the fastest cars, mods and technology in a gritty open road environment. Play as either a cop or racer, where each side of the law has its own set of high stakes challenges, rewards and consequences. Risk everything in the ultimate high stakes rivalry. The downloadable version of this game supports English, French, Italian, German, Spanish, Portuguese, Dutch, Japanese.
Available on.
Online multiplayer (2-6)
People also like.
Fighter Within.
Just Dance 2014.
Need for Speed™
Kinect Sports Rivals.
Zumba Fitness World Party.
Powerstar Golf.
Dance Central Spotlight.
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Online Interactions Not Rated by the ESRB.
Install on your home Xbox One console plus have access when you’re connected to your Microsoft account.
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Top add-ons.
Need for Speed™ Koenigsegg One:1.
Need for Speed™ Rivals: Complete Edition Bundle Pack.
Need for Speed™ Rivals Loaded Garage Pack.
Need for Speed™ Rivals Concept Lamborghini Racers.
Need for Speed™ Rivals Timesaver Pack.
Need for Speed™ Rivals Simply Jaguar Racers.
Need for Speed™ Rivals Concept Lamborghini Complete Pack.
Need for Speed™ Rivals Complete Movie Pack.
Need for Speed™ Rivals Ferrari Edizioni Speciali Racers.
Need for Speed™ Rivals Movie Pack - Racers.
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Playable Factions is Cool.
The way that this game allows you to play as the outlaws and the lawmen, it does not make me stop playing this game. An awesome selection of cars for both sides, gadgets can be used for any car, and fantastic graphics that are better than the outdated Xbox 360 version. This game is a lot like Star Wars X-Wing vs TIE Fighter. After NFS: Payback, EA should do another game that has both racers and cops as playable factions.
48 out of 49 people found this helpful.
I can tell after 100h gameplay. Nearly the best open world racing game over the years.
52 out of 60 people found this helpful.
still going!
I have been playing NFS since the first copy hit PC. In fact I still have my CD`s. This is yet another NFS that has with stood time. I logged on yesterday, and was stunted to see people still play this. The eye candy is awesome, tons of open world driving space. Play as Cop or Racer, tons of add ons. This NFS is good. 200% better then the newest one. the one where you ONLY drive at night. I hope the next release sticks to the roots of NFS like this one. Exotic cars, speed, cops chasing ya. they really need to let the underground stuff go. Buy this game, you wont be sorry!
27 out of 29 people found this helpful.
what I don't like it that every time you unlock a new rank have to play it in order to save your progress, some people don't have the time to do that. \('_')/
19 out of 23 people found this helpful.
Great Game. Never Saves.
The game itself is great. The open world driving is fun,graphics are good and the different things you can do are fun. BUT. game data NEVER saves. Ive lost my game data several times and it is so frustrating. Not going to play anymore.
35 out of 48 people found this helpful.
too many crash cutscenes just let me wreck without and needs more custmization but great otherwise.
15 out of 19 people found this helpful.
The game has problems saving your progress.
The game has lost my progress in the game several times. It won't save my game. I played the game at least 4 hours one day and then when I went to play it later all my progress that should of been saved was gone and I had to start over again. I'm done playing Need for Speed games. The game has been out for a few years and EA still hasn't fixed it. If I could give the game zero stars I would.
24 out of 34 people found this helpful.
This game WAS fun..UNTIL IT CRASHED MY XBOX AND MADE ME LOSE ALL MY PROGRESS. UNBILEVEABLE. I was maxed,rank 21,best car,best car stats,everything.UNTIL I WAS IN THE MIDDLE OF A RACE FIRST PLACE 0.4 METERS AWAY FROM FINISH AND IT CRASHED MY XBOX.I turned my xbox back on and it started to fan up like crazy.It stoped so I went to NFSR next thing you know IM BACK TO TRAINING! I completed training and saw THAT I LOST ALL PROGRESS. DONT BUY.
4 out of 4 people found this helpful.
The only reason I give this game 2 stars is because it has a great concept and story. Personally I love police games, but this game is just bad. The controls are horrible and all the cars are obnoxious to turn around a simple corner. RATINGS: Graphics: 4/5 HUD: 4/5 Controls: 1/5 Concept: 5/5 Story: 3/5 Annoyance/Frusturation: 5/5 OVERALL : Not reccomended, buy Forza games for a truly amazing experience. MY THOUGHT: Not worth the $20, please do not waste your money on this. I hoped I helped. WARNING: The game looks super fun and addicting. but it's really not.
70 out of 119 people found this helpful.
One of the worst games of all time!
The AI in this game is ridiculous the police ABUSE the player. Lets say you are in a race and there is 4 other racers and when the police start to take place OUT OF ALL 5 PEOPLE THEY GO FOR YOU its not fun when your in second place and you expect for the cops to get the guy in 1st 3rd 4th or 5th but ohhh what a coincidence the cops get YOU SOOOO ANNOYING!
40 out of 65 people found this helpful.
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Need for Speed™ Rivals: Complete Edition.
Own the complete Need for Speed™ Rivals package, including the full game plus all six previously released downloadable content packs. Welcome to Redview County, play as either cops or racer with unique gameplay for each side. Compete in an all-out war featuring the fastest cars, mods and technology in a gritty open road environment. Additional Packs included: Simply Jaguar Complete Pack Ferrari Edizioni Speciali Complete Pack Concept Lamborghini Complete Pack The Koenigsegg Agera One Complete Movie Pack Loaded Garage Pack The downloadable version of this game supports English, French, Italian, German, Spanish, Portuguese, Japanese.
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To play this game, you need an Xbox Live account. Get one here.
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Online Interactions Not Rated by the ESRB.
Need for Speed™ Rivals: Complete Edition.
In this bundle.
Need for Speed Rivals.
Need for Speed™ Rivals Concept Lamborghini Complete Pack.
Need for Speed™ Rivals Simply Jaguar Complete Pack.
Need for Speed™ Rivals Ferrari Edizioni Speciali Complete Pack.
Need for Speed™ Rivals Complete Movie Pack.
Need for Speed™ Rivals Loaded Garage Pack.
Need for Speed™ Koenigsegg One:1.
Own the complete Need for Speed™ Rivals package, including the full game plus all six previously released downloadable content packs. Welcome to Redview County, play as either cops or racer with unique gameplay for each side. Compete in an all-out war featuring the fastest cars, mods and technology in a gritty open road environment. Additional Packs included: Simply Jaguar Complete Pack Ferrari Edizioni Speciali Complete Pack Concept Lamborghini Complete Pack The Koenigsegg Agera One Complete Movie Pack Loaded Garage Pack The downloadable version of this game supports English, French, Italian, German, Spanish, Portuguese, Japanese.
Available on.
Online multiplayer (2-6)
People also like.
Fighter Within.
Just Dance 2014.
Need for Speed™
Kinect Sports Rivals.
Zumba Fitness World Party.
Powerstar Golf.
Dance Central Spotlight.
Game clips.
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Age rating.
Online Interactions Not Rated by the ESRB.
Install on your home Xbox One console plus have access when you’re connected to your Microsoft account.
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Top add-ons.
Need for Speed™ Koenigsegg One:1.
Need for Speed™ Rivals: Complete Edition Bundle Pack.
Need for Speed™ Rivals Loaded Garage Pack.
Need for Speed™ Rivals Concept Lamborghini Racers.
Need for Speed™ Rivals Timesaver Pack.
Need for Speed™ Rivals Simply Jaguar Racers.
Need for Speed™ Rivals Concept Lamborghini Complete Pack.
Need for Speed™ Rivals Complete Movie Pack.
Need for Speed™ Rivals Ferrari Edizioni Speciali Racers.
Need for Speed™ Rivals Movie Pack - Racers.
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racers need moree.
i like everything. its just that u should add more cars in racer.
58 out of 64 people found this helpful.
Playable Factions is Cool.
The way that this game allows you to play as the outlaws and the lawmen, it does not make me stop playing this game. An awesome selection of cars for both sides, gadgets can be used for any car, and fantastic graphics that are better than the outdated Xbox 360 version. This game is a lot like Star Wars X-Wing vs TIE Fighter. After NFS: Payback, EA should do another game that has both racers and cops as playable factions.
49 out of 50 people found this helpful.
I can tell after 100h gameplay. Nearly the best open world racing game over the years.
52 out of 60 people found this helpful.
still going!
I have been playing NFS since the first copy hit PC. In fact I still have my CD`s. This is yet another NFS that has with stood time. I logged on yesterday, and was stunted to see people still play this. The eye candy is awesome, tons of open world driving space. Play as Cop or Racer, tons of add ons. This NFS is good. 200% better then the newest one. the one where you ONLY drive at night. I hope the next release sticks to the roots of NFS like this one. Exotic cars, speed, cops chasing ya. they really need to let the underground stuff go. Buy this game, you wont be sorry!
27 out of 29 people found this helpful.
Im loving it.
I love the simpile choice . Be a cop or be the bad guy . . If u like car/racing then your in for a fun ride . by xXx.
20 out of 24 people found this helpful.
what I don't like it that every time you unlock a new rank have to play it in order to save your progress, some people don't have the time to do that. \('_')/
19 out of 23 people found this helpful.
Great Game. Never Saves.
The game itself is great. The open world driving is fun,graphics are good and the different things you can do are fun. BUT. game data NEVER saves. Ive lost my game data several times and it is so frustrating. Not going to play anymore.
35 out of 48 people found this helpful.
too many crash cutscenes just let me wreck without and needs more custmization but great otherwise.
15 out of 19 people found this helpful.
The game has problems saving your progress.
The game has lost my progress in the game several times. It won't save my game. I played the game at least 4 hours one day and then when I went to play it later all my progress that should of been saved was gone and I had to start over again. I'm done playing Need for Speed games. The game has been out for a few years and EA still hasn't fixed it. If I could give the game zero stars I would.
24 out of 34 people found this helpful.
This game WAS fun..UNTIL IT CRASHED MY XBOX AND MADE ME LOSE ALL MY PROGRESS. UNBILEVEABLE. I was maxed,rank 21,best car,best car stats,everything.UNTIL I WAS IN THE MIDDLE OF A RACE FIRST PLACE 0.4 METERS AWAY FROM FINISH AND IT CRASHED MY XBOX.I turned my xbox back on and it started to fan up like crazy.It stoped so I went to NFSR next thing you know IM BACK TO TRAINING! I completed training and saw THAT I LOST ALL PROGRESS. DONT BUY.
4 out of 4 people found this helpful.
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Need for Speed: Rivals - Xbox One.
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Ratings & Reviews.
Product Details.
Developer: Ghost Games Publisher: EA Platform: Xbox One Genre: Racing Release Date: 11/22/2013 See All Details.
Product Features.
Pre-order Need for Speed: Rivals and get the Ultimate Cop Pack to organize the chaos and raise the stakes on rival races, as well as access to the Nissan GT-R Black Edition cop car with advanced pursuit technology.
Choose whether you're for the law or against it in an all-out war between cops and racers as you risk everything in this high-stakes rivalry.
Play as a racer, a lone wolf out for the kind of glory that requires skill and an amazingly agile and fast vehicle — and of course, epic racing victories and an ability to outrun the police.
Come down on the side of the law and work in a team of cops on the hunt for justice, then bust racers using the full power of the police force.
Swap sides to get a different perspective, including the other team's unique set of cars, technology, play styles and careers.
Wager your speed points to shoot for higher multipliers and greater rewards, or play it safe and bank your speed points when you return to a hideout with the new gambling score system — if you get busted, the cops take your speed points as a reward.
Seamlessly join your friends' races or invite them to join yours with AllDrive that erases the line between single player and multiplayer gameplay online or offline for a unique experience that will have paths crossing — and colliding.
Customize your vehicle with the latest performance upgrades and technology and personalize it with fresh paintjobs, liveries, custom license plates, rims and decals, and save different configurations to keep a variety of car packages available.
Enjoy access to technology and upgrades, no matter what side you choose — racers can choose evasion technology, such as jammers or electromagnetic pulses, while cops are outfitted with shockwaves, roadblocks, helicopter support and more.
Watch Redview County come to life in stunning, high-definition, next-generation graphics with the power of the Frostbite 3 gaming engine that delivers breathtaking scope and high-speed action to your TV screen.
Race in constantly changing weather conditions, including snow, hail, rain, dust storms and heavy fog.
Connect to the network to connect with friends — drop road blocks, alert your pals to inbound cops, compare your progress against your rivals and share pictures of your most impressive in-game moments.
Overall Customer Rating.
driving ( 3 )
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Most Helpful ReviewsSee all customer reviews.
Amazing Graphics and Game.
This game just blew my mind about how next generation gaming will be like. Graphics are so clear and shinny and the weather conditions change in this game, and when its raining the roads get slick and it makes it harder to drive just like in real life. If you love N4S then this is a must buy.
I would recommend this to a friend.
Amazing gameplay and graphics.
This need for speed is better than all the rest. And next gen is even better. Xbox one and ps4 are equally good. So don't listen to fanboy type reviews. If you like fast action racing games with amazing graphics you can't go wrong with this one.
I would recommend this to a friend.
No co-op, local multiplayer!
Purchased the game to play with my children, but unlike the nfs I grew up with there is no local multiplayer. I'm getting tired of the way new video games don't allow local multiplayer, what happened to the days when you play with a bunch of buddies at your house? Now you have to be I online to play a game. For this reason alone I give it 2 stars.
No, I would not recommend this to a friend.
Great Arcade Racer.
I haven't played NFS since the PS2 days. All I can say is that this is my type of action racer. Great graphics, smooth gameplay, plus you don't get nickeled and dimed to purchase high end vehicles. I paid $60 to drive vehicles I can't afford and actually enjoy doing it. Other games can't say that. This is a must have racer in my option. XB1 is awesome.
I would recommend this to a friend.
Very fun game but broken save system.
I have been a huge fan of the Burnout series over the years and read that Need for Speed Rivals had a lot of that style of gameplay. I bought the game and played it for 8 hours straight the first night. You can choose between the police or the racers and switch back and forth throughout the game to make the gameplay a bit different. You are able to upgrade your vehicles, including new paint, decals, etc (racers only) and weapons (cops and racers). The big problem deals with the way the game saves your progress. Apparently it is done through an EA Cloud server and it doesn't always work right. The next day I went to continue my game and my save was broken and the game started me at the very beginning. I had went from level 14 all the way back down to level 1. One recommendation to help fix the save bug is to disconnect your ethernet cable and play the game offline. I did try that and my progress did save correctly. The next time I played I connected the ethernet cable back, and the saves appeared to begin working ok, however, I became hesitant to play for more than an hour at a time. I would have given this game a 5 star rating if the save game feature worked correctly. Since it doesn't, I knocked the game down to 3 stars. The game is worth playing, but limit the time you do play it in case your progress isn't saved.
I would recommend this to a friend.
Another great game.
Being a fan of all the need for speed games, this one met my expectations for the series. Great game and addicting playing in either racer or cop mode. The only thing I dislike is always having to be online while playing which puts other players online into your world and some people just want to ruin your fun while playing.
I would recommend this to a friend.
Great Racing Game.
I've always been a fan of the Need for Speed racing series. I really like this edition because you can switch back and forth between cop/racer modes. I also like the ability to race with my friends as groups and track each others progress. I would definitely recommend this game as a must in the video game library.
I would recommend this to a friend.
Not as good as the previous editions of this game. I wish they think of another storyline.
Need for Speed Rivals.
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Need for Speed Rivals Review.
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About This Game.
Summary Specifications Features Game Editions.
Need for Speed Rivals captures the adrenaline and intensity of the street's ultimate rivalry between cops and racers in a stunning open road environment. Built on the Frostbite 3 game engine, Need for Speed Rivals allows gamers play as either a cop or racer, where each side of the law has its own set of high stakes challenges, rewards and consequences. As a racer, the goal is to become infamous for taking risks behind the wheel and capturing your most intense escapes on video for the world to see. The more cops players evade, the more Speed Points they collect, enabling them to unlock new cars and items. Keep raising the stakes race after race to become an ever-more valuable target to the cops -- but risk losing it all if busted. As a cop, players work together as part of a team in pursuit of racers, earning prominence and rising in the ranks of the Police Force with every bust. Achieving higher ranks unlocks new police-only cars and more powerful pursuit tech.
At the heart of Need for Speed Rivals is AllDrive, an innovative new online feature that allows gamers to seamlessly transition from playing alone to playing with friends, eliminating the line between single player and multiplayer. Players will have to keep one eye on their rearview mirror as friends will be able to enter and exit races on-the-fly, creating a world where no two events will ever be the same.
Minimum Requirements OS: Windows XP, Windows Vista (SP2), Windows 7 CPU: Intel 2.4 GHz Core 2 Duo, AMD 2.6 GHz Athlon X2 RAM: At least 4 GB HARD DRIVE: At least 30 GB of free space VIDEO: AMD Radeon 3870 512Mb or better, NVIDIA GeForce 8800 GT 512 Mb or better, IntelHD 4000 integrated 512Mb or better DIRECTX: DirectX 10.1 compatible INPUT: Keyboard and mouse ONLINE CONNECTION REQUIREMENTS: 512 Kbps or faster internet connection.
Need for Speed Rivals pushes the limits of racing games with all-new and improved features: Next-Gen Racing – Redview County is brought to life with stunning, next-generation detail and weather effects that force drivers to master the elements, as well as the competition. Need for Speed Network Powered by Autolog – Gamers can compare stats and challenge their friends anytime, anywhere and then easily share their accomplishments with both friends and rivals. Personalization – Drivers customize their ride with fresh paintjobs, custom license plates, liveries, decals, rims, and performance upgrades. Pursuit and Evasion Tech – Street racing explodes with 11 upgradeable gadgets including turbo boosts, jammers and EMPs for racers, and shockwaves, roadblocks and helicopters for cops.
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Need for Speed: Rivals (for Xbox One)
Massive open world. Great mix of free-roaming racing and challenges. Enjoyable online multiplayer feature.
Inconsistent crash-damage representation. Distracting EasyDrive system. Shallow car customization.
Need for Speed: Rivals is a massive playground that sports many races and chases, The game has a few flaws, but overall it's a thrilling next-gen arcade-style racer.
The eternal conflict between racers and cops drives Need for Speed: Rivals ($59.99), the latest entry in a long-running series. But don't mistake this game for a simple rehash: Tweaks to the formula make Rivals the most impressive Need for Speed installment to date. The developers went all out for this edition, creating an expansive environment filled with dream cars and single- and multi-player challenges. Even with a few rough spots, Need for Speed: Rivals unleashes your inner racer (or cop) and provides an exhilarating ride from start to finish. I reviewed the Xbox One version, but Need for Speed: Rivals is also available for PlayStation 4 , Xbox 360 , PlayStation 3 , and PC.
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The Wild, Wild Redview County.
Redview County is the Need for Speed: Rivals battleground. This racers' heaven has drift-friendly winding roads and straight passages you can use to push your car to its limit. Likewise, small towns and construction sites add a tasty flavor to the county's far reaches.
There are many cars that you can blaze down Redview County's roads. Staples such as Ford, BMW, and Mercedes-Benz all make appearances, but it's high-end performance vehicles from Bugatti, Ferrari, McLaren, and Pagani that are the true gems. Pushing them to the limits of possibility and beyond is what makes this game so much fun. Drifting a corner at 200 miles per hour or pulling a 180-degree turn in a heartbeat is unrealistic, but it reflects Need for Speed's arcade-game nature. And it's fun! Check out the Gran Turismo or Forza Motorsport games for more-realistic racing simulations.
The Need for Speedpoints.
Racers and cops must best challenges such as finishing first place in a race or busting a certain number of racers to advance through the game, and each successful event, pursuit, or drift generates Speedpoints. If you're a racer, Speedpoints work as a currency you can use to customize your car or purchase the new Pursuit Tech feature (more on that in a bit). If you're a cop, you can only buy Pursuit Tech—there's no pimping out your squad car. Even if you're a racer, you'll find that the customization isn't terribly deep, so you're likely to spend most of your points on Pursuit Tech.
There are ample opportunities to gain Speedpoints, but, for racers at least, they come with a price. Crazy driving earns you points, but it also raises your Heat level, which attracts police. When the cops are on your tail, you have two options: Try evade them (and rack up more Speedpoints), or bank your stash in a hideout. The latter is obviously the safe way to go; the former offers high risk for a higher reward. The risk? Totaling your car or getting busted by police means losing all those hard-earned points.
The same principle goes for the police, except they obviously can't bust themselves. The cops' job is to eliminate racers. The higher a racer's Heat level, the bigger the rewards for busting him. Police lose Speedpoints if their vehicle is destroyed in the chase. It's an interesting game of chicken that challenges you to push further for more points without making a critical mistake and losing it all.
Sometimes, speed alone isn't enough to outdistance the competition. Fortunately, both sides have access to Pursuit Tech—EMP charges, shockwaves, spike strips, or an extra turbo boost—that gives an advantage in any situation. Each car is limited to two Pursuit Tech abilities, and each adds extra fun to Need for Speed: Rivals by introducing destructive, chaotic elements.
Like its predecessors, Need for Speed: Rivals excels in multiplayer mayhem. Each online session consists of a bunch of players all sharing the same map. As a racer, you can opponents or aid in a getaway chase. As a police officer, you can take out racer players by yourself or take them on with another cop player.
Playing a long campaign against the game is satisfying, but sometimes you might not want to take it so seriously. That's when it's fun to log on and just race like crazy against some real people in online multiplayer. If you sign in often, you'll want to track the online leaderboards, which display the names of other players who sit atop the scoring Speedwall, giving you a target to beat.
Need for Speed: Rivals is thrilling, but there are a few bumps in the road. First is EasyDrive, a feature carried over from past titles that places a waypoint on the screen to the nearest event, Hideout, or Repair Shop as you drive. EasyDrive sounds convenient, but it's quite distracting—it's a lot like texting while driving. Using EasyDrive takes your focus off of the road and sets you up to potentially hit another car or accidentally get involved in a pursuit.
The second issue is inconsistent damage representation. Hitting an object at high speed triggers a cinematic crash and shows the resulting damage on your car. However, the damage in the cut scene doesn't really reflect the actual damage done to your car. For example, I drove my pristine Porsche into an oncoming truck. The resulting cut scene showed that the car's windows were broken and its front fender was missing, but once it ended, I noticed that my vehicle had only suffered a slightly crumpled hood. It's a minor complaint, but it makes the game feel a bit inconsistent.
My final gripe involves the game's lack of deep customization. Sure, you can change a car's rims, paint jobs, vinyl patterns, and decals, but the lack of aftermarket parts is a missed opportunity. The nearly decade-old Need for Speed: Most Wanted lets armchair racers replace nearly every part of the vehicle from the hood to the overall body kit—it's a shame not to find that feature in a contemporary Need for Speed title.
There are many thrilling races and chases in Redview County, and the transitions between them are so fluid that you won't put down the controller except for the occasional drink or restroom break. The conflict between cops and racers—the heart of the Need for Speed series—receives new life with the excellent Pursuit Tech, making Rivals a game that long-time fans and newcomers should check out. Its few flaws aside, Need for Speed: Rivals is a well-crafted, intensely fun racer.
Need for Speed: Rivals (for Xbox One)
Bottom Line: Need for Speed: Rivals is a massive playground that sports many races and chases, The game has a few flaws, but overall it's a thrilling next-gen arcade-style racer.
About the Author.
Rexly Peñaflorida II is the newest intern at PCMag and will attempt to consume as much tech knowledge as he can in addition to playing video games and watching lots of The West Wing on Netflix. He studies convergence journalism at the University of Missouri. Follow him on Twitter @Heirdeux.
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Need for Speed Rivals on Xbox One (X1)
Cheats, game codes, unlockables, hints, easter eggs, glitches, guides, walkthroughs, trophies, achievements and more for Need for Speed Rivals on Xbox One .
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We have 9 entries submitted for for this game on this platform at the moment. If you something more to share submit it here!
Genre: Racing, Simulator Platforms: Xbox 360,PlayStation 3,PlayStation Network (PS3),PC,Xbox One,PlayStation 4 Developer: Ghost Games,Criterion Games,Ghost UK Publisher: Electronic Arts Ratings: PEGI 7, ESRB E10+ First Release (Any platform):
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We have no 'Unlockables' content for Need for Speed Rivals on Xbox One. If you have anything to share.
Easter Eggs.
Past Game Refrence #1: Licence Plates.
There are some licence plates that have the names of cities from past games.
For example: There are 2 plates that have Fairhaven and Fairhaven Police written on them, the city name from Need For Speed, Most Wanted.
go to the intercepter troublemaker and and drive strait in until there will be a jump the cops will not jump off then u will escape do that over and over for unlimited money.
Save issues.
You are suppose to be able to save your progress when entering a hideout or mobile command station, unfortunately doing so doe not always save your progress. I accomplished level 17 entered a mobile command station, ended my game and upon restarting the game later was reverted back to level 7. This has happened numerous times. There is no help from EA and the game updated did not help either. What a waste of a decent game!
Customizing Racer Cars.
Racer cars can be customized with five different types of upgrades to improve the car's Top Speed, Acceleration, Control, Strength, and Durability.
Equipping Weapons.
All cars can equip two weapons.
Repair Cars.
Go through a Body Shop, and your car will be repaired.
Different Version Cop Cars.
Each cop car has three different versions.
Patrol - upgraded Acceleration and Durability Enforcer - upgraded Strength and Durability (even higher than Patrol's) Undercover - upgraded Control.
Guide to Unlocking All Cars.
Follow the guide below to learn how to unlock all of the possible cars.
2012 Aston Martin Vanquish - While playing the Racer Career, you must get to Rank 3. 2013 Audi R8 V10 Plus 5.2 FSI Quattro - While playing the Racer Career, you must get to Rank 9. 2010 BMW M3 GTS - While playing the Racer Career, you must get to Rank 4. 2014 Chevrolet Corvette C7 Stingray - While playing the Racer Career, you must get to Rank 6. 2012 Dodge Challenger SRT8 392 - While playing the Racer Career, you must get to Rank 2. 2011 Ferrari 458 Spider - While playing the Racer Career, you must get to Rank 10. 2011 Ferrari 599 GTO - While playing the Racer Career, you must get to Rank 14. 2002 Ferrari Enzo - While playing the Racer Career, you must get to Rank 19. 2012 Ferrari F12 Berlinetta - While playing the Racer Career, you must get to Rank 16. 2005 Ford GT - While playing the Racer Career, you must get to Rank 13. 2013 Ford Mustang GT - While playing the Racer Career, you must get to Rank 5. 2013 Lamborghini Aventador LP 720-4 50th Anniversario - While playing the Racer Career, you must get to Rank 17. 2013 Lamborghini Gallardo LP 570-4 Superleggera Edizione Tecnica - While playing the Racer Career, you must get to Rank 11. 2013 Lamborghini Veneno - While playing the Racer Career, you must get to Rank 18. 2011 Maserati GranTurismo MC Stradale - You must use the Need for Speed Network app or website to play OverWatch mode. Unlock OverWatch Speedpoints by using abilities and completing missions. You can access OverWatch straight from the game from the Need for Speed Network menu. When you reach a high enough level, you will unlock a special event that has a chance of granting you this car when you play it as a Racer. 2013 McLaren MP4-12C Spider - While playing the Racer Career, you must get to Rank 12. 2013 McLaren P1 - While playing the Racer Career, you must get to Rank 21. 2013 Mercedes-Benz SLS AMG Coupe Black Series - While playing the Racer Career, you must get to Rank 7. 2012 Pagani Huayra - While playing the Racer Career, you must get to Rank 20. 2013 Porsche 911 GT3 - While playing the Racer Career, you must get to Rank 8. 2014 Porsche 918 Spyder - While playing the Racer Career, you must get to Rank 15. 2013 Porsche 981 Cayman S - You must start playing the Racer Career. 2014 SRT Viper Time Attack - This car is available from the Ultimate Racer Pack DLC, which was a preorder bonus from certain retailers and will later be available to purchase.
2010 Aston Martin One-77 - While playing the Cop Career, you must get to Rank 17. 2012 Aston Martin Vanquish - While playing the Cop Career, you must get to Rank 2. 2012 Bentley Continental GT - You must use the Need for Speed Network app or website to play OverWatch mode. Unlock OverWatch Speedpoints by using abilities and completing missions. You can access OverWatch straight from the game from the Need for Speed Network menu. When you reach a high enough level, you will unlock a special event that has a chance of granting you this car when you play it as a Cop. 2013 BMW M6 Coupe (F13) - While playing the Cop Career, you must get to Rank 6. 2011 Bugatti Veyron 16.4 Super Sport - While playing the Cop Career, you must get to Rank 19. 2012 Chevrolet Camaro ZL1 - While playing the Cop Career, you must get to Rank 3. 2012 Dodge Charger SRT8 - While playing the Cop Career, you must get to Rank 1. 2010 Ferrari 458 Italia - While playing the Cop Career, you must get to Rank 11. 2011 Ferrari FF - While playing the Cop Career, you must get to Rank 14. 2013 Ford Shelby GT500 - While playing the Cop Career, you must get to Rank 5. 2012 Hennessey Venom GT - While playing the Cop Career, you must get to Rank 21. When you complete the final mission, you will unlock this car as well as the side mission that allows you to unlock the Patrol, Enforcer, and Uncover variants of all cop cars. 2012 Koenigsegg Agera R - While playing the Cop Career, you must get to Rank 20. 2012 Lamborghini Aventador LP 700-4 - While playing the Cop Career, you must get to Rank 16. 2013 Lamborghini Gallardo LP 560-4 - While playing the Cop Career, you must get to Rank 9. 2010 Lamborghini Murcielago LP 670-4 SV - While playing the Cop Career, you must get to Rank 15. 2010 Lexus LFA - While playing the Cop Career, you must get to Rank 10. 2012 Marussia B2 - While playing the Cop Career, you must get to Rank 4. 1995 McLaren F1 LM - While playing the Cop Career, you must get to Rank 18. 2011 McLaren MP4-12C - While playing the Cop Career, you must get to Rank 13. 2012 Mercedes-Benz C63 AMG Coupe Black Series - You must start playing the Cop Career. 2012 Nissan GT-R Black Edition (R35) - This car is available from the Ultimate Cop Pack DLC, which was a preorder bonus from certain retailers and will later be available to purchase. 2013 Porsche 911 Turbo - While playing the Cop Career, you must get to Rank 7. 2005 Porsche Carrera GT - While playing the Cop Career, you must get to Rank 12. 2013 SRT Viper GTS - While playing the Cop Career, you must get to Rank 8.
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Need for speed rivals xbox one
by Joshua Bruce.
I’ve never been a huge racing game fan. Sure, they’re fun enough to play for a little while, but I have found myself getting bored of them pretty quickly in the past. The typical circuit of race tracks that you blindly traverse to unlock new cars, modes, and other tracks holds little appeal for me, outside of the occasional living-room showdown with a buddy. But, in recent years, a new racing game formula has emerged, one I find much more engaging–open-world racing. These racing games, such as Need for Speed: Rivals , let you loose on the roads of a dynamic map that leaves the decisions of what, when, and how you do something up to you. This is the type of gameplay I want in a racing game.
At the core of Need for Speed: Rivals , you have a choice–Cop or Racer. Which one you choose is entirely up to you, but it will determine how you play the game, so choose wisely. As you would imagine, both paths tell different stories, but this doesn’t necessarily add up to two different experiences. While there are differences in the gameplay of each side, the game feels largely the same as you play through either mode. The major differences are in how you play, not what you play. For instance, as a Cop, you can engage in pursuits of Racers, in which you have to wreck the Racer to bust them. As a racer, you must evade and escape from the Cops. So, even though you are taking part in the same event, the two sides take on different roles, which makes for interesting and diverse gameplay within the same event. But, if you are worried about being stuck on one side of the law or the other, don’t be, you can switch between Cops and Racers at any time via the pause menu. The game will save your progress in each, so you won’t miss any gameplay in either mode.
As the fuzz, you can take part in time trials that test your response time, scripted pursuits, or you can just drive around Redview County looking for Racers to bust, delivering your own brand of wheeled justice. As a Racer, you can participate in time trials as well, and of course races, during which your reckless driving antics will raise your heat level. Your heat level determines how big of a Cop-magnet you are, similar to the wanted level of a Grand Theft Auto game. The persistence of the heat level carries over into races and time trials as well, so it is possible (and probable) that you will be involved in a high-speed chase while in the middle of another event, which makes for some seriously epic driving. At the core of the game, you have to make one major decision–do you want to be the hunter or the prey? Being a Cop pretty much gives you free reign on the streets of Redview, while being a Racer will cause you to continually look over your shoulder and evade the smell of crispy bacon.
Game progression is a fairly simple process, complete milestones in the game to raise your level and unlock new cars. They are simple in the beginning, such as placing bronze in an event or scoring a certain amount of credit, but they become increasingly more difficult as time progresses. Unlocking new cars as you go makes your life a little easier, since new cars typically bring a little more to the table as you move on. The “story” (if you want to call it that) is little more than a collection of cutscenes that give a little background to rivalry that has been brewing in Redview County, and you never truly take on the role of a character, which is probably a good thing. Racing games aren’t made for stories, and taking on the role of a character would probably have felt generic, off-putting, and half-baked. Who plays racing games for the story, right?
Then, there’s Alldrive. Alldrive breaks down the multiplayer barrier by integrating it seamlessly into the single-player mode. Your friends will populate the game world with their own adventures, simply by playing, giving you the opportunity to interact with them at any given time. Of course, if you want to keep others out, that option is available to you, but Alldrive adds another layer to an already polished racing game that creates unique experiences that you couldn’t have otherwise.
The control scheme of Need for Speed: Rivals is tight and refined, complex enough to remain interesting and simple enough for almost anyone to pick up and play. I found drifting in corners to be especially clean, something that can be a serious pain in some racers. Every car feels at least slightly different, and upgrades change how your car handles, as it should. On each car, you have two slots for pursuit tech (which are mapped to the face buttons) that give you an edge against any opponent you might find yourself flying down the highway with.
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