суббота, 2 июня 2018 г.


needforspeed. 659 пользователей находятся здесь. МОДЕРАТОРЫ. V2Blast V2Blast knightfader 0KnightFire0 titleproblems titleproblems ConverseFox ConverseFox 1clkgtramg MERCEDES-BENZCLK jasondempsey [JD_DA_BADGER] о команде модераторов » Welcome to Reddit, the front page of the internet. and subscribe to one of thousands of communities. Это архивированный пост. Вы не можете голосовать или комментировать. Want to add to the discussion? помощь правила сайта центр поддержки вики реддикет mod guidelines связаться с нами. приложенияи инструменты Reddit for iPhone Reddit for Android mobile website кнопки. Использование данного сайта означает, что вы принимаете пользовательского соглашения и Политика конфиденциальности. © 2018 reddit инкорпорейтед. Все права защищены. REDDIT and the ALIEN Logo are registered trademarks of reddit inc. π Rendered by PID 55614 on app-314 at 2018-02-01 19:07:36.971931+00:00 running e9dfd81 country code: RU. Need for Speed Most Wanted [2005] Latest Stories. The Sound and The Fury. December 14, 2005. Game of the Month: November 2005. November 30, 2005. Need for Speed Most Wanted [2005] Review. About This Game. Summary Specifications Features Game Editions. The new speedster in EA's successful series combines the tuner customization of Need for Speed Underground with an expanded take on the police chases of the Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit series. The game will feature a Rap Sheet option that works hand in hand with a player's street reputation as they move up from the "Black List" to the A-List. Users will also be able to go head-to-head with their opponents while simultaneously trying to avoid more than six different police cars at once through a dynamically changing open-ended world. Get your car peaked for outrunning the cops by customizing your muscle cars, supercars, tuners, and sports cars. Supported Functions Number Of Players: 1 Memory Card. NEED FOR SPEED: MOST WANTED features a number of different game play modes and over 30 cars from manufacturers world-wide. Gamers can race each other online as well. Games You May Like. Racing PC. Latest Videos. Latest Image. IGN.com: Content Team Standards & Practices Send Us News Site Map International: IGN World Map Adria Africa Australia Brazil Benelux Canada China Czech Denmark Finland France Germany Greece Hungary India Ireland Israel Italy Japan Latin America Middle East Norway Pakistan Poland Portugal Romania Russia Southeast Asia Spain Sweden Turkey United Kingdom United States. Copyright 1996-2018 Ziff Davis, LLC An IGN Entertainment Games site. We have updated our PRIVACY POLICY and encourage you to read it by clicking here. IGN uses cookies and other tracking technologies to customize online advertisements, and for other purposes. IGN supports the Digital Advertising Alliance principles. Learn More.

Need for speed most wanted 2005 xbox one

At the "Press Start" screen, press Up(2), Down(2), Left, Right, Up, Down to unlock a special marker for the Junkman Engine part in the back room of the One Stop Shop in Career mode. Note: This code can only be enabled once per career. Burger King Challenge. At the "Press Start" screen, press Up, Down, Up, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right. If you entered the code correctly, a message will appear stating that you have unlocked a "Special Challenge Event" will appear. At the main menu, select the "Challenge Series" option. Scroll all the way to the bottom and choose #59, the Burger King Challenge. Successfully complete the challenge to be able to use all Junkman parts on cars you have in "My Cars". Note: Before applying Junkman parts, press A in the performance parts place to get them as high as they can go, then apply Junkman to each part. By doing this, it gives better stat raises. Castrol Syntec Ford GT. At the "Press Start" screen, press Left, Right, Left, Right, Up, Down, Up, Down to unlock the Castrol Syntec Ford GT. At the "Press Start" screen, press LT, RT(3), Right, Left, Right, Down to unlock the Porsche Cayman. Find an easy race such as a drag or something short that you can win quickly. Win the race and get the money. Go back to the safe house and start the race again. Win the race to get the same amount of money again. Repeat this process as much as desired. This is quite useful when you need that extra bit of power to defeat a Blacklist Rival, but don't have the money for a better car or parts. Defeat one of the opponents on the blacklist. You will get two marks to use on several different things. Do not use them on the Uniques early in the game. Instead, use them on the middle or the left "Random" choices. They should usually come out to either a large cash bonus or the opponent's pink slip. Before you can do anything, you must win the Burger King Challenge. Once you win it, you will unlock all unique parts (also called Junkman parts). Get any car and put all the parts on it except performance. Once you have your car the way you desire, go to the performance shop. Max out your car, then put the Junkman parts on. Max out your car again. Then put on the Junkman parts again. Your car should be fully upgraded now. Get some cops to chase you, then go to the bus stop. Get on top of the buses and make sure that the front of the car is at the edge of the last bus so that the cops can see you and do not lose you. Keep looking behind you, because the cops will sometimes find a way on top of the buses. When they do get on the buses, just reverse as soon as you see them coming and push them off. Only one cop car will come on top of the bus. Do this for as long as desired. When you want to lose them, just reverse, park in the middle of the buses, and wait until your Cool Down bar fills. The cops will also drive crazy and crash into themselves, giving you extra bounty and bring up your rap sheet rankings on police vehicles immobilized and police vehicles involved. Getting the most money when selling your car. When you sell a car, you will only get half of its list value; however, there is a trick that works well for Pinkslips that you have won and no longer want. Take your car to the shop, then go to the parts area. Go into the body kit, spoiler, hood, rims, and roof air areas and set everything to stock. When you check out, you will see anywhere from $1,000 to $18,000, depending on what Pinkslip car you are stripping. Do not try this with performance parts. The shop will charge you money for downgrading. Once you have stripped your car of all accessories, leave and go to your safe house. Sell the car, and you will have made a lot of money on the side. Do this every time you intend to sell any car. Get a perfect launch on your tachometer when launching from the start line to get a boost. When the needle turns blue drop the clutch and hold on. Nitrous and grip. Hitting nitrous torques the chassis back, giving the rear tires immensely more weight under the new acceleration. The end effect is that you will go straight. If your tail is sliding out or you are about to spin out of control, hit your nitrous to get straighten out. This is a great trick in combination with Speedbreaker. With the correct timing, you can take most corners at any speed. It is critical when you get past Blacklist Member #6 to use your nitrous wisely and strategically. Instead of just holding Nitrous in desperation to get ahead, press and release it when the tachometer is about to shift to the next gear. Upon the next gear shift, continue pressing Nitrous until the next upcoming gear shift. This is a great way to cut time off your race. Avoid and remove strikes. After getting busted and taking a strike, turn off the system the next time you get pulled over. Resume the game and those strikes will be removed. Avoiding impound strikes. If you get busted, during the scene when the cops are wrestling you to the ground, disconnect the controller then reconnect it and you will be at the pause screen. Then, jump to safe house to not get an impound strike. Go to the bus terminal with any Heat Level. Normally you would go left or right to take the jump or drive up the middle to take the shortcut. Instead of using the ramps to jump, stop at the apex of the ramp, then turn and drive in the middle of the walkway. Stop there and wait. The cops will not come up the ramp after you if you are in the middle of the walkway. No matter what the Heat Level, the cops will not get you and they will eventually drive away. When completing a race, if the police radio in the car you are driving and you do not want to run from them, press Down and choose another race. Alternately, you may also jump to your safe house (must be done before you are seen or the pursuit begins). If not, you must drive to it yourself in Cool Down mode. To jump to the safe house, pause the game and press Right until seen. Additionally, upon reaching level 4 (Most Wanted) there will be a lot of police chasing you. At this level, cops are excellent at boxing you in. If you cannot move forward, use reverse for a couple of seconds to get away from the block; spin your car around and get out of there. The best way to escape the police is to evade long enough to get into Cool Down mode, then find a hiding spot. By sticking to the cities you will find lots of Cool Down spots to sit and hide your car until the heat is off. This is also a good way to avoid helicopters which appear if your reach level 4 on your map. Another good method is to run into the triangles on your map, which mark places where you can ram into shops and other roadside items to disable the cops. Highways are good places to get blockades and strike strips which are challenges for milestones. Additionally, never respawn your car in a pursuit, as the police will always catch you. An easy way to get away from cops at high wanted levels is to find the baseball field. Look on the map for a small triangle towards the top left. Use highways in a circle around the field to achieve your missions. Once you have gained enough bounty, city damage, roadblocks, etc., drive through an entrance to the baseball field, hitting the pursuit breaker on the way in. Make sure that you slow down some before hitting the breaker so that it does not send you through the other side of the field. Once you make it in the field, stay there and wait out the Cool Down period. The cops should be off of you and will not be able to find you. This works almost all the time to get rid of the cops. Just driving through random blockers rarely works when you are at wanted levels 4 and 5. Levels of police action. The various levels of police action are as follows: Heat Level 1: Marked patrol cars and cruisers. They mostly chase and try to run you off the road. If you have a quick car, they are not hard to get away from. Heat Level 2: Unmarked patrol cars and cruisers, roadblocks. The police mainly try to ram you off the road and setup roadblocks. Avoid roadblocks by doing an emergency brake lock U-turn or go through them. You can get through by ramming the cars on either end of the roadblock or by going through a weak point like the sawhorse or a gap between the cars. Use Speedbreaker to see the weak point in the roadblocks and use nitrous to ram straight through. Some road blocks will not extend all the way across the road -- you can go through where they have not placed a car. Heat Level 3: Marked GTO (Monaro) police cars, marked 4WDs (Rhinos), rolling road blocks, roadblocks. These are quicker and you need to use objects to knock down in front of them to disable them. Lead the chase with these vehicles through the cities to use knock down points (for example, the giant donut sign, etc.) to disable the vehicles and end the chase. Then, find somewhere to hide when you hit Cool Down mode. "Rhinos" will ram you from the front. Listen for the call over the police radio. You can usually see these coming on your map or on the road ahead. Depending on which car you have, you can get away with ramming them head on. Otherwise, just use Speedbreaker again to change lanes before they ram you. Heat Level 4: Unmarked GTO (Monaro) police cars, helicopters, spike strips. The unmarked GTOs (Monaros) usually chase in packs and are very hard to avoid. They will try to box you in by surrounding the car from the front and back and slamming the brakes to take away any room you have to escape. Avoid this by staying ahead and using the same tactics used in level 3. For the helicopters, use tunnels and underground parking lots to escape from them. When they spot you, they can radio the police to your location. Spike strips are set up usually on main roads and highways. You can see them on the map when you see only one vehicle over to left of the road not driving (i.e., pulled over). Aim for the police car and use nitrous to ram it and get away. If you hit the spike strip you will get caught. Heat Level 5: You will not reach this level until you are at Blacklist #3. When you reach this level, all the best and toughest police come out. The helicopters get more aggressive, there are more spikes, and more belts are called in on you. You must also deal with "cross" cop Corvettes. Cross and his team will apprehend you at all cost. Like in level 4, the unmarked GTO cars will surround and box you in and hit the brakes. Corvettes will also try to use rolling road blocks. If you reach level 5, make sure you are in your fastest vehicle. You will need the nitrous. You start Campaign mode only being able to achieve Heat levels 1 and 2 (City Police). By defeating certain Blacklist Rivals, you can then achieve the higher Heat levels: Heat level 3 (State Police): Defeat the Blacklist Rival #13. Heat level 4 (Undercover State Troopers): Defeat the Blacklist Rival #9. Heat level 5 (Federal Authorities): Defeat the Blacklist #5 rival. After you beat the Rockport's Most Wanted level, Heat level 5 will then consist of both the Federal Authorities and Cross' Street Racin' Unit. Heat level 6 (Undercover Federal Authorities): On the final challenge (Challenge Series mode) and on the final level of Campaign mode. Sgt. Cross joins in the pursuit on the final level. To lower the Heat from your car, go to a Stop Shop and enter. Then, change the color of your car, leave and do not move. Press Up to go back in and change the car back to its original color. Your Heat will now be lower by 1. Do this multiple times to reach condition 1 again. When approaching a corner at a high speed, quickly assess whether or not you can get through it cleanly as fast as possible and without touching the inside or outside barriers. If you start drifting (or worse, careening out of control) toward a barrier, turn on your Speedbreaker in order to regain control via increased handling and traction. During this period of slowed time, straighten out your car and put it back into an ideal racing line. Once you are straight and driving in the correct direction, quickly turn off Speedbreaker and hit the Nitrous hard to rip out of the remainder of the corner. Better car performance. After upgrading your car with engines, suspension, brakes, etc., pause the game and go to "Performance Tuning". For better handling for the Lamborghini, Porsche, Corvette, and Viper, set the "Height" of you car to "-1". If you need more gripping power either take the "Height" to "-2" or set the "Aerodynamics" to "+1". If you go overboard with the performance tuning options (anything past "+3" or "-3"), the car will actually handle worse. The best start car to use until you get the Eclipse is the Cobalt SS. When you win blacklist races, try for the three "?" markers. You can get cash or the pink slip car. If you get their car, go to the safe house and sell it. You can get good money by doing this, and get unique upgrades after you start getting into the visuals (after you switch from the Cobalt). After you defeat Ming and get get his Lamborghini, it should make progressing further in the game easier. When you get his Lamborghini, go to the tuner shop and add in any upgrades needed for performance. After beating Blacklist #8, you will have a choice to buy the Lotus Elise. At this point you should have enough money to buy it. If not, you may want sell to get enough money. Once you have the money, buy that car. It is great at road handling, and is very fast once you have maxed out its performance. Note: The stock top speed and handling do not look high at first. Car upgrade test. If you are unsure which car is the best to use when upgraded, you can upgrade all the cars that are unlocked for free in the main menu. Go to "My Cars", select a car that is available, and upgrade it with the parts that are available. By doing this, you will not waste all your money in Career mode. If you win the Pinkslips to a Blacklist car, you may want to use the Blacklist car as your own and make the necessary upgrades to performance, as most of the upgrades will have been already made by the Blacklist owner. You usually do not need to spend too much money to increase the performance, handling, etc. Sometimes these cars will have upgrades that have not been unlocked yet, but most of these are usually visual. Only do this if the vehicle you have won has better attributes than the one you are currently driving in its standard mode. You can check this out in the car shop. It is a good idea to keep about three to five nice quick cars in your safehouse. Blacklist milestones are things you need to do to rack up your bounty so you can challenge the next person on the Blacklist. Check these out so you know what you need to do to increase your points. Once the milestones are completed, you must work on increasing the points. The best way to do this is to cause as much major damage as possible by taking out police cars, traffic, and crashing through shops (for example, the donut shop and other places you will notice in the later levels). Try to rack up as much bounty and escape before your status has reached level 4. If your status is already level 4, then choose a different car for awhile until the status goes down before returning to your preferred car. Once your status hits level 4, it is harder to get into Cool Down mode to find somewhere to hide. Avoid getting caught, as you will lose the bounty you have racked up during the chase. Defeat the indicated Blacklist Rival to win the corresponding car: Aston Martin DB9: Blacklist Rival #7 Audi A3 3.2 Quattro: Blacklist Rival #15 Audi A4 3.2 FSI Quattro: Blacklist Rival #14 Audi TT 3.2 Quattro: Blacklist Rival #15 BMW GTR (Race version): Blacklist Rival #1 Cadillac CTS: Blacklist Rival #12 Corvette C6: Blacklist Rival #5 Corvette C6.R: Complete 100% of the game Dodge Viper SRT 10: Blacklist Rival #6 Ford GT: Blacklist Rival #4 Lamborghini Gallardo: Blacklist Rival #6 Lamborghini Murcielago: Blacklist Rival #4 Lotus Elise: Blacklist Rival #8 Mazda RX-7: Blacklist Rival #9 Mazda RX-8: Blacklist Rival #12 Mercedes-Benz CLK 500: Blacklist Rival #8 Mercedes-Benz SL 500: Blacklist Rival #11 Mercedes-Benz SLR McLaren: Blacklist Rival #3 Mitsubishi Eclipse: Blacklist Rival #14 Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution VIII: Blacklist Rival #11 Mustang GT: Blacklist Rival #12 Pontiac GTO: Blacklist Rival #10 Porsche 911 Carrera S: Blacklist Rival #7 Porsche 911 Turbo S: Blacklist Rival #5 Porsche Carrera GT: Blacklist Rival #3 Porsche Cayman S: Blacklist Rival #10 Renault Clio V6: Blacklist Rival #13 Subaru Impreza WRX STi: Blacklist Rival #9 Toyota Supra: Blacklist Rival #13 Vauxhall Monaro VXR: Blacklist Rival #10. Accomplish the indicated achievement to get the corresponding number of Gamerscore points: Defeat Clarence Callahan "Razor" (350 points): Defeat Blacklist Boss 1 Defeat Eugene James "Earl" (25 points): Defeat Blacklist Boss 9 Defeat Hector Domingo "Ming" (25 points): Defeat Blacklist Boss 6 Defeat Ho Seun "Sonny" (10 points): Defeat Blacklist Boss 15 Defeat Isabel Diaz "Izzy" (10 points): Defeat Blacklist Boss 12 Defeat Jade Barrett "Jewels" (25 points): Defeat Blacklist Boss 8 Defeat Joe Vega "JV" (85 points): Defeat Blacklist Boss 4 Defeat Karl Smit "Baron" (25 points): Defeat Blacklist Boss 10 Defeat Kira "Kaze" Nakazato (25 points): Defeat Blacklist Boss 7 Defeat Lou Park "Big Lou" (25 points): Defeat Blacklist Boss 11 Defeat Ronald McCrea "Ronnie" (100 points): Defeat Blacklist Boss 3 Defeat Toru Sato "Bull" (200 points): Defeat Blacklist Boss 2 Defeat Victor Vasquez "Vic" (10 points): Defeat Blacklist Boss 13 Defeat Vince Kilic "Taz" (10 points): Defeat Blacklist Boss 14 Defeat Wes Allen "Webster" (75 points): Defeat Blacklist Boss 5. Need for Speed Most Wanted [2005] Publisher: Electronic Arts. The new speedster in EA's successful series combines the tuner customization of Need for Speed Underground with an expanded take on the police chases of the Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit series. The game will feature a Rap Sheet option that works hand in hand with a player's street reputation as they move up from the "Black List" to the A-List. Users will also be able to go head-to-head with their opponents while simultaneously trying to avoid more than six different police cars at once through a dynamically changing open-ended world. Get your car peaked for outrunning the cops by customizing your muscle cars, supercars, tuners, and sports cars.

Need for speed most wanted 2005 xbox one

At the "Press Start" screen, press Up(2), Down(2), Left, Right, Up, Down to unlock a special marker for the Junkman Engine part in the back room of the One Stop Shop in Career mode. Note: This code can only be enabled once per career. Burger King Challenge. At the "Press Start" screen, press Up, Down, Up, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right. If you entered the code correctly, a message will appear stating that you have unlocked a "Special Challenge Event" will appear. At the main menu, select the "Challenge Series" option. Scroll all the way to the bottom and choose #59, the Burger King Challenge. Successfully complete the challenge to be able to use all Junkman parts on cars you have in "My Cars". Note: Before applying Junkman parts, press A in the performance parts place to get them as high as they can go, then apply Junkman to each part. By doing this, it gives better stat raises. Castrol Syntec Ford GT. At the "Press Start" screen, press Left, Right, Left, Right, Up, Down, Up, Down to unlock the Castrol Syntec Ford GT. At the "Press Start" screen, press L, R(3), Right, Left, Right, Down to unlock the Porsche Cayman. Have a saved game file from Need For Speed: Underground 2 on your memory card or hard drive to get an extra $10,000 in Career mode after the prologue. Find an easy race such as a drag or something short that you can win quickly. Win the race and get the money. Go back to the safe house and start the race again. Win the race to get the same amount of money again. Repeat this process as much as desired. This is quite useful when you need that extra bit of power to defeat a Blacklist Rival, but don't have the money for a better car or parts. Defeat one of the opponents on the blacklist. You will get two marks to use on several different things. Do not use them on the Uniques early in the game. Instead, use them on the middle or the left "Random" choices. They should usually come out to either a large cash bonus or the opponent's pink slip. Before you can do anything, you must win the Burger King Challenge. Once you win it, you will unlock all unique parts (also called Junkman parts). Get any car and put all the parts on it except performance. Once you have your car the way you desire, go to the performance shop. Max out your car, then put the Junkman parts on. Max out your car again. Then put on the Junkman parts again. Your car should be fully upgraded now. Get some cops to chase you, then go to the bus stop. Get on top of the buses and make sure that the front of the car is at the edge of the last bus so that the cops can see you and do not lose you. Keep looking behind you, because the cops will sometimes find a way on top of the buses. When they do get on the buses, just reverse as soon as you see them coming and push them off. Only one cop car will come on top of the bus. Do this for as long as desired. When you want to lose them, just reverse, park in the middle of the buses, and wait until your Cool Down bar fills. The cops will also drive crazy and crash into themselves, giving you extra bounty and bring up your rap sheet rankings on police vehicles immobilized and police vehicles involved. Getting the most money when selling your car. When you sell a car, you will only get half of its list value; however, there is a trick that works well for Pinkslips that you have won and no longer want. Take your car to the shop, then go to the parts area. Go into the body kit, spoiler, hood, rims, and roof air areas and set everything to stock. When you check out, you will see anywhere from $1,000 to $18,000, depending on what Pinkslip car you are stripping. Do not try this with performance parts. The shop will charge you money for downgrading. Once you have stripped your car of all accessories, leave and go to your safe house. Sell the car, and you will have made a lot of money on the side. Do this every time you intend to sell any car. Get a perfect launch on your tachometer when launching from the start line to get a boost. When the needle turns blue drop the clutch and hold on. Nitrous and grip. Hitting nitrous torques the chassis back, giving the rear tires immensely more weight under the new acceleration. The end effect is that you will go straight. If your tail is sliding out or you are about to spin out of control, hit your nitrous to get straighten out. This is a great trick in combination with Speedbreaker. With the correct timing, you can take most corners at any speed. It is critical when you get past Blacklist Member #6 to use your nitrous wisely and strategically. Instead of just holding Nitrous in desperation to get ahead, press and release it when the tachometer is about to shift to the next gear. Upon the next gear shift, continue pressing Nitrous until the next upcoming gear shift. This is a great way to cut time off your race. Avoid and remove strikes. After getting busted and taking a strike, turn off the system the next time you get pulled over. Resume the game and those strikes will be removed. Avoiding impound strikes. If you get busted, during the scene when the cops are wrestling you to the ground, disconnect the controller then reconnect it and you will be at the pause screen. Then, jump to safe house to not get an impound strike. Go to the bus terminal with any Heat Level. Normally you would go left or right to take the jump or drive up the middle to take the shortcut. Instead of using the ramps to jump, stop at the apex of the ramp, then turn and drive in the middle of the walkway. Stop there and wait. The cops will not come up the ramp after you if you are in the middle of the walkway. No matter what the Heat Level, the cops will not get you and they will eventually drive away. When completing a race, if the police radio in the car you are driving and you do not want to run from them, press Down and choose another race. Alternately, you may also jump to your safe house (must be done before you are seen or the pursuit begins). If not, you must drive to it yourself in Cool Down mode. To jump to the safe house, pause the game and press Right until seen. Additionally, upon reaching level 4 (Most Wanted) there will be a lot of police chasing you. At this level, cops are excellent at boxing you in. If you cannot move forward, use reverse for a couple of seconds to get away from the block; spin your car around and get out of there. The best way to escape the police is to evade long enough to get into Cool Down mode, then find a hiding spot. By sticking to the cities you will find lots of Cool Down spots to sit and hide your car until the heat is off. This is also a good way to avoid helicopters which appear if your reach level 4 on your map. Another good method is to run into the triangles on your map, which mark places where you can ram into shops and other roadside items to disable the cops. Highways are good places to get blockades and strike strips which are challenges for milestones. Additionally, never respawn your car in a pursuit, as the police will always catch you. An easy way to get away from cops at high wanted levels is to find the baseball field. Look on the map for a small triangle towards the top left. Use highways in a circle around the field to achieve your missions. Once you have gained enough bounty, city damage, roadblocks, etc., drive through an entrance to the baseball field, hitting the pursuit breaker on the way in. Make sure that you slow down some before hitting the breaker so that it does not send you through the other side of the field. Once you make it in the field, stay there and wait out the Cool Down period. The cops should be off of you and will not be able to find you. This works almost all the time to get rid of the cops. Just driving through random blockers rarely works when you are at wanted levels 4 and 5. The various levels of police action are as follows: Heat Level 1: Marked patrol cars and cruisers. They mostly chase and try to run you off the road. If you have a quick car, they are not hard to get away from. Heat Level 2: Unmarked patrol cars and cruisers, roadblocks. The police mainly try to ram you off the road and setup roadblocks. Avoid roadblocks by doing an emergency brake lock U-turn or go through them. You can get through by ramming the cars on either end of the roadblock or by going through a weak point like the sawhorse or a gap between the cars. Use Speedbreaker to see the weak point in the roadblocks and use nitrous to ram straight through. Some road blocks will not extend all the way across the road -- you can go through where they have not placed a car. Heat Level 3: Marked GTO (Monaro) police cars, marked 4WDs (Rhinos), rolling road blocks, roadblocks. These are quicker and you need to use objects to knock down in front of them to disable them. Lead the chase with these vehicles through the cities to use knock down points (for example, the giant donut sign, etc.) to disable the vehicles and end the chase. Then, find somewhere to hide when you hit Cool Down mode. "Rhinos" will ram you from the front. Listen for the call over the police radio. You can usually see these coming on your map or on the road ahead. Depending on which car you have, you can get away with ramming them head on. Otherwise, just use Speedbreaker again to change lanes before they ram you. Heat Level 4: Unmarked GTO (Monaro) police cars, helicopters, spike strips. The unmarked GTOs (Monaros) usually chase in packs and are very hard to avoid. They will try to box you in by surrounding the car from the front and back and slamming the brakes to take away any room you have to escape. Avoid this by staying ahead and using the same tactics used in level 3. For the helicopters, use tunnels and underground parking lots to escape from them. When they spot you, they can radio the police to your location. Spike strips are set up usually on main roads and highways. You can see them on the map when you see only one vehicle over to left of the road not driving (i.e., pulled over). Aim for the police car and use nitrous to ram it and get away. If you hit the spike strip you will get caught. Heat Level 5: You will not reach this level until you are at Blacklist #3. When you reach this level, all the best and toughest police come out. The helicopters get more aggressive, there are more spikes, and more belts are called in on you. You must also deal with "cross" cop Corvettes. Cross and his team will apprehend you at all cost. Like in level 4, the unmarked GTO cars will surround and box you in and hit the brakes. Corvettes will also try to use rolling road blocks. If you reach level 5, make sure you are in your fastest vehicle. You will need the nitrous. You start Campaign mode only being able to achieve Heat levels 1 and 2 (City Police). By defeating certain Blacklist Rivals, you can then achieve the higher Heat levels: Heat level 3 (State Police): Defeat the Blacklist Rival #13. Heat level 4 (Undercover State Troopers): Defeat the Blacklist Rival #9. Heat level 5 (Federal Authorities): Defeat the Blacklist Rival #5. Heat level 6 (Cross' Street Racin' Unit): Defeat the Blacklist Rival #1 (final level only). After you beat the Rockport's Most Wanted level, Heat level 5 will then consist of both the Federal Authorities and Cross' Street Racin' Unit. When approaching a corner at a high speed, quickly assess whether or not you can get through it cleanly as fast as possible and without touching the inside or outside barriers. If you start drifting (or worse, careening out of control) toward a barrier, turn on your Speedbreaker in order to regain control via increased handling and traction. During this period of slowed time, straighten out your car and put it back into an ideal racing line. Once you are straight and driving in the correct direction, quickly turn off Speedbreaker and hit the Nitrous hard to rip out of the remainder of the corner. Better car performance. After upgrading your car with engines, suspension, brakes, etc., pause the game and go to "Performance Tuning". For better handling for the Lamborghini, Porsche, Corvette, and Viper, set the "Height" of you car to "-1". If you need more gripping power either take the "Height" to "-2" or set the "Aerodynamics" to "+1". If you go overboard with the performance tuning options (anything past "+3" or "-3"), the car will actually handle worse. The best start car to use until you get the Eclipse is the Cobalt SS. When you win blacklist races, try for the three "?" markers. You can get cash or the pink slip car. If you get their car, go to the safe house and sell it. You can get good money by doing this, and get unique upgrades after you start getting into the visuals (after you switch from the Cobalt). After you defeat Ming and get get his Lamborghini, it should make progressing further in the game easier. When you get his Lamborghini, go to the tuner shop and add in any upgrades needed for performance. After beating Blacklist #8, you will have a choice to buy the Lotus Elise. At this point you should have enough money to buy it. If not, you may want sell to get enough money. Once you have the money, buy that car. It is great at road handling, and is very fast once you have maxed out its performance. Note: The stock top speed and handling do not look high at first. Car upgrade test. If you are unsure which car is the best to use when upgraded, you can upgrade all the cars that are unlocked for free in the main menu. Go to "My Cars", select a car that is available, and upgrade it with the parts that are available. By doing this, you will not waste all your money in Career mode. If you win the Pinkslips to a Blacklist car, you may want to use the Blacklist car as your own and make the necessary upgrades to performance, as most of the upgrades will have been already made by the Blacklist owner. You usually do not need to spend too much money to increase the performance, handling, etc. Sometimes these cars will have upgrades that have not been unlocked yet, but most of these are usually visual. Only do this if the vehicle you have won has better attributes than the one you are currently driving in its standard mode. You can check this out in the car shop. It is a good idea to keep about three to five nice quick cars in your safehouse. Blacklist milestones are things you need to do to rack up your bounty so you can challenge the next person on the Blacklist. Check these out so you know what you need to do to increase your points. Once the milestones are completed, you must work on increasing the points. The best way to do this is to cause as much major damage as possible by taking out police cars, traffic, and crashing through shops (for example, the donut shop and other places you will notice in the later levels). Try to rack up as much bounty and escape before your status has reached level 4. If your status is already level 4, then choose a different car for awhile until the status goes down before returning to your preferred car. Once your status hits level 4, it is harder to get into Cool Down mode to find somewhere to hide. Avoid getting caught, as you will lose the bounty you have racked up during the chase. Defeat the indicated Blacklist Rival to win the corresponding car: Aston Martin DB9: Blacklist Rival #7 Audi A3 3.2 Quattro: Blacklist Rival #15 Audi A4 3.2 FSI Quattro: Blacklist Rival #14 Audi TT 3.2 Quattro: Blacklist Rival #15 BMW GTR (Race version): Blacklist Rival #1 Cadillac CTS: Blacklist Rival #12 Corvette C6: Blacklist Rival #5 Corvette C6.R: Complete 100% of the game Dodge Viper SRT 10: Blacklist Rival #6 Ford GT: Blacklist Rival #4 Lamborghini Gallardo: Blacklist Rival #6 Lamborghini Murcielago: Blacklist Rival #4 Lotus Elise: Blacklist Rival #8 Mazda RX-7: Blacklist Rival #9 Mazda RX-8: Blacklist Rival #12 Mercedes-Benz CLK 500: Blacklist Rival #8 Mercedes-Benz SL 500: Blacklist Rival #11 Mercedes-Benz SLR McLaren: Blacklist Rival #3 Mitsubishi Eclipse: Blacklist Rival #14 Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution VIII: Blacklist Rival #11 Mustang GT: Blacklist Rival #12 Pontiac GTO: Blacklist Rival #10 Porsche 911 Carrera S: Blacklist Rival #7 Porsche 911 Turbo S: Blacklist Rival #5 Porsche Carrera GT: Blacklist Rival #3 Porsche Cayman S: Blacklist Rival #10 Renault Clio V6: Blacklist Rival #13 Subaru Impreza WRX STi: Blacklist Rival #9 Toyota Supra: Blacklist Rival #13 Vauxhall Monaro VXR: Blacklist Rival #10. Need for Speed: Most Wanted. Where to buy. Need for Speed: Most Wanted. Need for Speed: Most Wanted Cheats For Xbox. 10,000 Extra Career Mode Dollars. To do this, simply have a Need For Speed Underground 2 save file on your Hard drive and when you go to select your first car, you will get a message saying that you have been given more money to help you along your way. Contributed by: WildFireXXI. A Little Extra Money. If you should get the pink slip to your defeated black list rival, take his/her car to the shop. From there you can return all parts (except performance and visual) to stock. The shop will give you the money back for those body parts. The car sells for the same amount, reguardless of whats on it or not. Contributed by: Chappell_J. Perfect Launch. Watch your tachometer when at the starting line. Get your needle in the blue right when the race starts to get a perfect launch and gain some time against your opponents. Contributed by: King_Brandon. Unlockable Cars. Defeat the blacklist boss to get the car. To unlock a new area to Race. Just beat the fallowing Blacklist Racers to Unlock new areas. Contributed by: eagletalon22. At the title screen, enter the code. You should get a confirmation. Contributed by: postvoid, TwinSnake44. Walkthroughs & FAQs. Need for Speed: Most Wanted Cheats For PlayStation 2. Unlockable Cars. Contributed by: s2000_rsx_lover. Extra Money. If you start a new career with a memory card with Need for Speed Underground 2 file on it you get extra money when starting out. Contributed by: vudumonkey25. Easy Money when You Sell a Car. Before you sell a car, go to a One-Stop Shop and reset all the exterior body parts (body kit, wheels, spoiler, hood, etc.) to stock. You will get a trade-in credit for the old custom parts and it will not lower the car's value when you sell it in the Safe House. Contributed by: z50r_bandit. Skip police chase after a maximum possibility police encounter race. When you race any race that has maximum potential for police encounter, a police chase will ensue sometime during the race. After the race you will need to get away from them so that the win and money won will stay. To completely skip this sometimes tedious process after a race, wait until you see the "auto-save" icon at the top of the screen disappear. Once it has disappeared (completed auto-save), hit reset and reload your profile. The race will show complete along with the money credits in your bank account. Contributed by: _Your_Daddy_. Change Race Options. When doing race events in career mode, there is a way to change the amount of traffic, catch-up on/off, and number of laps. For example, there is a race in "Race events" in the blacklist menu. It is a sprint type race, and the track is "Seagate & Camden". Go back to the main menu, and select quick race. Select custom race, and do a sprint on "Seagate & Camden". Set the options you want (i.e. No traffic, etc). Do the race. Go back into career mode and do that same race in the blacklist menu. Those options you selected in quick race mode will apply here. You can have no traffic, and turn off catch-up. It also means if you have a 4-lap circuit race in career mode, you can do this cheat and only have to do 1 lap. Perfect Launch. Watch your tachometer when at the starting line. Get your needle in the blue right when the race starts to get a perfect launch and gain some time against your opponents. Contributed by: King_Brandon. To Unlock New areas to Race. Beat These Blacklist Racers to get newer areas to drive. Contributed by: eagletalon22. How To Unlock The Different Heat Levels. You will start campaign mode only being able to only. achieve Heat levels 1 and 2 (City Police). By defeating certain. Blacklist Rivals, you can then achieve the higher Heat Levels. Contributed by: Sofa_Kingdom123. Press the codes where you "Press Start" when the game is turned on. Contributed by: Nfsguy01, Nfs_guy911kirit, rhc_blabla. Walkthroughs & FAQs. Need for Speed: Most Wanted Cheats For GameCube. More Money. If you have a Need for Speed Underground 2 file on your memory card you'll get an extra $10,000. Contributed by: gamecubemaster777. Unlockable Cars. Contributed by: Oedipus Complex. Easy Money when You Sell a Car. Before you sell a car, go to a One-Stop Shop and reset all the exterior body parts (body kit, wheels, spoiler, hood, etc.) to stock. You will get a trade-in credit for the old custom parts and it will not lower the car's value when you sell it in the Safe House. To Unlock New areas to Race. To Unlock New areas to Race. Beat These Blacklist Racers to get newer areas to drive. Contributed by: eagletalon22. How To Unlock The Different Heat Levels. How To Unlock The Different Heat Levels. You will sart with 1 & 2 but after awhile higher heat will come as you get better and farther in. Better attacks to take your car out will occur. Contributed by: eagletalon22. Unlockables. At the "Press Start" screen enter the following: Walkthroughs & FAQs. Need for Speed: Most Wanted Cheats For PSP. Unlocking unique vinyls. If you want these unique vinyls you have to do the following. Car Unlocks. To unlock the following cars, defeat the following bosses. Super Composite Unlockables. To unlock the following Super Composite parts, complete the following Bonus. Part Challenges. (M3 GTR 1 and M3 GTR 2 are not on this chart because. M3 GTR 1 has no unlckable spoilers or hoods and M3 GTR 2 has no upgrades) Walkthroughs & FAQs. Need for Speed: Most Wanted Cheats For PC. Start off with $40,000. If you have Need for Speed: Underground 2 installed on your computer and you begin a New Career, you will start off with $40,000. Contributed by: JackTruong. When you're going to sell a car, always take it to the tune up shop and sell all the parts first. The selling price of the car is the same either way. Contributed by: moving0target. Car Unlockables. Easy upgrades. Before you can do anything, you must win the Burger King Challenge. When you win it, you will unlock all unique parts (also called Junkman parts). Get any car and put all the parts except performance. Once you have your car the way you desire, go to the performance shop. Max out your car. Then, put the Junkman parts on. Max out your car again. Then put on the Junkman parts again. Your car should be fully upgraded. Perfect Launch. Watch your tachometer when at the starting line. Get your needle in the blue right when the race starts to get a perfect launch and gain some time against your opponents. Contributed by: King_Brandon. Unlockable Bonus Cars. Unlock cars from the bonus section by completing the following tasks. You can only race with these cars in Quick Race mode. To choose cars from the bonus section, scroll up when you're choosing a car to race with. Enter one of the following codes at the "click to continue" screen to activate the corresponding cheat function. Contributed by: dwain2442, iamgudu2005, kman121, maz2005. Walkthroughs & FAQs. Need for Speed: Most Wanted Cheats For Xbox 360. Perfect Launch. Watch your tachometer when at the starting line. Get your needle in the blue right when the race starts to get a perfect launch and gain some time against your opponents. Easy Money when You Sell a Car. Before you sell a car, go to a One-Stop Shop and reset all the exterior body parts (body kit, wheels, spoiler, hood, etc.) to stock. You will get a trade-in credit for the old custom parts and it will not lower the car's value when you sell it in the Safe House. Contributed by: King_Brandon. Burger King Challenge: Have car parts your way. Press UP, DOWN, UP, DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT, LEFT, RIGHT at the "Press Start" screen. "Special Challenge Event" should then appear on the screen. Next go to the main menu, then choose "Challenge Series". Head all the down till you get to number 69, the BURGER KING CHALLENGE. Complete the challenge and you will be able to use all junkman parts on cars you have under " My Cars". Before you apply the special parts for performance, press "A" to get them as high as possible. Doing this gives your car better stats. Contributed by: SandStormDaze. Unlockable Cars. Contributed by: Oedipus Complex, NdMSnIpEz. At the title screen, enter the code. You should get a confirmation. Contributed by: Gunblade Specialist, Llamaman2. Achievements. Play a Single-Player career mode and accomplish a certain task to unlock these achievements for Gamerscore points. Walkthroughs & FAQs. Need for Speed: Most Wanted Cheats For DS. Unlockable BMW M3. When you beat Razor in chapter 15 you will unlock the BMW M3. Contributed by: kylecliffe. Porsche Carrera. Beat the 14th boss to unlock his car, which is the Porsche Carrera. You will need to buy it from the shop. Contributed by: kylecliffe. Need for Speed: Most Wanted Cheats For Game Boy Advance. Unlockable Cars. Beat certain racers from the Blacklist to unlock the cars which you can buy from the Safehouse. Need for Speed Most Wanted 2005. Need for Speed Most Wanted 2005. The Need for Speed Most Wanted 2005 or NFS mw is one of the racing games nowadays, wherein you can simply download it 100 percent of its full version for free, working no survey and any charges. Also, you can download the God-of-War game that’s nice installment as well. Need for Speed Most Wanted 2005 game has also so many great and advance features. System Requirements. OS: Windows 2000/XP/7 CPU: 1.4GHz Processor RAM: 256 MB HDD: 3 GB VGA: 64 MB Video Card Sound: DirectX compatible Sound Card DX: DirectX 9.0c 8X CD-ROM Drive Keyboard and Mouse. Screenshots. How to Install? Extract the file using winrar. (Download Winrar) Open “Need For Speed Most Wanted” folder, double click on “NfsMw” and extract it. After extracting complete, double click on “Nfsmw” to setup registry. Then double click on “Speed” icon to play the game. Done! How to Download? If your don’t know how to Download this game, just Click Here! Need for Speed: Most Wanted Game Free Download. Contact us for Downloading Link. We will send you to your Inbox. Game Size: 360 MB Only. Need for Speed Most Wanted 2005. Recommended Games: Need for Speed Most Wanted 2005 This game also known as: NFS: MW, Most Wanted, Highly Compressed, Rip, […] Need for Speed Underground 2 Need for Speed Underground 2 PC, full version game, free download, game […] Total Overdose Also Known as: Total Overdose (Video Game), TOD Game PC Highly […] Need for Speed: Underground Need for Speed Underground 1 Free Download Also Known as: NFS: U, NFS […] Need for Speed Most Wanted 2012 Also Known as: NFS: Most Wanted - A Criterion Game (Video Game), NFS: […] GTA: Vice City Starman MOD This Game Also Known as: Grand Theft Auto Vice City Starman MOD, Rip, […] Share this post. 17 thoughts on “ Need for Speed Most Wanted 2005 ” If You Don’t Know How to Download Need for Speed Most Wanted 2005 “Click Here” If You Don’t Know How to Install Need for Speed Most Wanted 2005 “Click Here“ Need for Speed: Most Wanted (2005) - game update version - v.1.3 - Download. Game update (patch) to Need for Speed: Most Wanted (2005) , a(n) racing game, v.1.3, added on Wednesday, December 07, 2005. file type Game update. file size 12.2 MB. last update Wednesday, December 07, 2005. downloads (7 days) 334. EA GAMES(tm) presents. Need for Speed(tm) Most Wanted PC Patch 1.3 README. * Fixed problem with user not being returned to the offline main menu when losing their connection. * Users are no longer returned to the offline main menu after a LAN race. * Fixed host hanging in an empty game room after exiting a race. * Users are now able to find LAN races created through Quick Race. * Fixed issue where the game will softlock and lose focus when clicking on 'Continue' in the [create new account] screen when information is entered but not confirmed in one of the first four fields. * Corrected number of laps in Knockout race event in Blacklist 15. * Fixed problem where users are disconnected from LAN after finishing a race. * Fixed issue with backround disappearing when mouse clicking the 'Statistics' button during the Hurry Up timer. * Fixed a crash in the Foreign Registration Alert screen if the user clicks the back button. * Fixed a crash when backing out and re-entering the Rap Sheet using the mouse. * Clicking the back button during the Rap Sheet intro now returns the user to the Main Menu. * Fixed issue with the interior of the car sometimes disappearing during gameplay. * Fixed performance parts not showing up unless profile loaded. needforspeed. 693 пользователя находятся здесь. МОДЕРАТОРЫ. V2Blast V2Blast knightfader 0KnightFire0 titleproblems titleproblems ConverseFox ConverseFox 1clkgtramg MERCEDES-BENZCLK jasondempsey [JD_DA_BADGER] о команде модераторов » Welcome to Reddit, the front page of the internet. and subscribe to one of thousands of communities. Это архивированный пост. Вы не можете голосовать или комментировать. Want to add to the discussion? помощь правила сайта центр поддержки вики реддикет mod guidelines связаться с нами. приложенияи инструменты Reddit for iPhone Reddit for Android mobile website кнопки. Использование данного сайта означает, что вы принимаете пользовательского соглашения и Политика конфиденциальности. © 2018 reddit инкорпорейтед. Все права защищены. REDDIT and the ALIEN Logo are registered trademarks of reddit inc. π Rendered by PID 130183 on app-171 at 2018-02-01 19:08:38.510084+00:00 running e9dfd81 country code: RU. Need for Speed Most Wanted (2005 video game) Full PC Game. Game Information. Screenshots. Need for Speed Most Wanted (2005 video game) for PC Screenshots. Need for Speed Most Wanted (2005 video game) Full PC Game Overview. Need for Speed Most Wanted (2005 video game) Download Free Full Game (commonly abbreviated to as NFS: MW or just Most Wanted) is a racing video game developed by EA Black Box and published by Electronic Arts. It is the ninth installment in the Need for Speed series. The game features street racing-oriented game play, with certain customization options from the Need for Speed: Underground series. The game is succeeded by Need for Speed: Carbon, which serves as a sequel to Most Wanted. Most Wanted has been released for Nintendo DS, Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 2, Xbox, GameCube, Game Boy Advance and is the first Need for Speed game released for the seventh generation console, the Xbox 360, as one of the system's launch titles. Another version of Most Wanted, titled Need for Speed: Most Wanted: 5–1–0 has been released for the PlayStation Portable. In May 2012, the PlayStation 2 version was released on the online virtual market, PlayStation Store, for the PlayStation 3. On June 1, 2012, a reboot of the game, also called Need for Speed: Most Wanted, was announced by the British developing team Criterion Games and was released on October 30, 2012. Need for Speed: Most Wanted received positive reviews and was a commercial success; it sold 16 million copies worldwide, making it the best-selling title in the series. Need for Speed Most Wanted (2005 video game) Free Download. Most Wanted is like other Need for Speed games, where the player selects one car and races against a time limit or other racers to reach a destination. Police chases have once again been integrated into certain racing sessions, in which the police employ vehicles and tactics to stop the player's car and arrest the player, like Need for Speed III: Hot Pursuit, Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit 2, and Need for Speed: Carbon. As players take control of faster cars and increasingly rely on nitrous oxide speed boosts, the oxide meter now refills automatically for the first time since its introduction in Underground, and driving sequences become fast-paced and intense similar to the Burnout series. Three distinct regions are offered in the city of Rockport, along with cycling weather. Racing events take place between sunrise and sunset, unlike in the Underground where the events took place at night. A Grand Theft Auto-like Free Roam mode is provided as in Need for Speed: Underground 2, but is still limited to Career mode, as well as pursuit-based events in other modes. Need for Speed Most Wanted (2005 video game) Free Download PC Game. Brand promotion from Underground 2 still continues strongly, with Old Spice and the presence of Burger King restaurants, Castrol oil, Axe Unlimited and Edge shaving gel. The Cingular logo is still visible in the game's wireless communication system. Performance, body and visual parts that can be bought in the game are also from real life companies. However, Best Buy stores did not return from Underground 2. The game provides players with three game modes. The Quick Race mode allows the player to select a car and an event and immediately start racing. The available cars and events are unlocked as the player progresses through the storyline in the Career mode. Achieving goals by winning races and performing a number of actions, dubbed «Milestones», during police pursuits, as well as a minimum Bounty are needed to advance in the storyline and race against any of the mode's 15 Blacklist racers. In the Xbox 360 version, the player is awarded with achievements each time a Blacklist opponent is defeated. Career mode introduces a new feature – the ability to win a Blacklist opponent's car («pink slip»), bonus functions, extra cash or car parts and decors, after defeating the opponent in question. These come in the form of six markers – the rival's pink slip (which is concealed as a bonus marker), two bonus function markers, and three custom backroom parts markers of which there is a body part, visual upgrade, and performance marker («Junkman Marker») that the player can select – of which the player can choose only two. New cars and parts are also unlocked as the player progresses through Career mode by beating Blacklist racers. Need for Speed Most Wanted (2005 video game) for PC. In addition to the Quick Race and Career modes, there is also a «Challenge Series» mode involving 69 progressively difficult challenges where players are required to successfully complete Tollbooth races and pursuit challenges, such as tagging a number of police cars. The pre-tuned cars used in each Challenge is fixed, ranging from mostly Career cars with poor handling to traffic vehicles such as a dump truck or police cars. Additional bonus cars may be unlocked as the player progresses through Challenge mode. In terms of actual variations of races, Most Wanted inherits several racing modes prevalent in its Underground predecessors. The game's four existing modes: Circuit races, point-to-point Sprint races, lap knockout races and Drag races, remain largely unchanged since the first iteration of Underground, while Drifting, Street X, Underground Racing League tournaments and Outrun racing are removed. Meanwhile, Most Wanted sees the introduction of two new racing variations, which places emphasis on speed. The first mode is known as «Tollbooth,» where a player races alone to designated checkpoints along a point-to-point route before time runs out; the more time a player has as they reach a toll booth, the more time they have to arrive at the next one. The second mode, dubbed «Speedtrap», sees racers competing with each other to get the highest accumulated speed record at multiple traffic cameras. At a speed trap/traffic camera, players accelerate their car to aim for the highest possible speed. Accumulated speed is reduced over a period of time after an opponent crosses the finish line first. Need for Speed Most Wanted (2005 video game) Download Torrent. Need for Speed Most Wanted (2005 video game) Free Download PC Game. Click on below button to start Need for Speed Most Wanted (2005 video game) Download Free PC Game . It is a Full Version PC Game. Just download torrent and start playing it.

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